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Listening Activity

Mary Nell B. Azura


a. Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth.
b. You will not realize the power and beauty of your youth until they faded.
c. Don’t worry about the future or worry that know that worrying is as affective as
trying to solve algebra by chewing a bubble gum
d. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried
e. Don’t be reckless with other people’s heart. Don’t put up with other people who
are reckless with yours.
f. Don’t waste your time on jealousy, sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re
g. The race is long and in the end, it’s only with yourself.
h. Remember compliments you receive.
i. Forget the insults.
j. Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements.
k. Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what to do with your life.
l. Be kind to knees, you’ll miss them when they’re gone.
m. Whatever you do, don’t congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either.
n. Your body is the greatest instrument you’ll ever own.
o. Don’t read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.
p. Get to know your parents, you’ll never know when they’ll be gone for good.
q. Be nice to your siblings, they are your best link to your past and most likely to
stick with you in the future.
r. Understand that friends come and go.
s. As the older you get, the more you need to know the people you knew when you
were young.
t. Respect your elders.
u. Don’t expect anyone else to support you.
v. Everybody’s free to feel good.

2. Clearly, the clip’s main goal was to impart great advice to its listeners on how to live a
happy life especially to the young listeners like me. I felt like I still have so much to learn.
Well, I know that I do have so much to learn but this piece made me realize it more. This
made me see the most complex truths of life that I never knew before until I listened to
the clip. I felt like from this day onwards, I will be able to avoid frustrations in life because
this work of art gave me tips on how to live a happy and healthy life.

3. Everyone who knows me really well knows how much I love listening especially if the
topic interests me and Sunscreen really awaken my eagerness to listen and pay
attention to every words. To evaluate myself, I can say that listening to that masterpiece
was a success. Although I cannot say that it went smoothly because there were a lot of
barriers but I still figured it out. Some of my strong areas was that I was able to
understand the message behind it. I learned a lot and I realized that I am still young and
still have a lot to learn. I was very focused. While I was also listening, I can’t help but
imagine what will be my future would look like if I will be able to follow the advice being
conveyed by the clip. It was like my eyes were opened to the complex reality of life. And
I loved it. I loved how this clip have widened my knowledge about the real-life situation.
However, having the strength means I also have my weakness because I am not
perfect. Some of my weak sides was I wasn’t able to block out any distraction. I
encountered environmental barriers. There were noises everywhere and I can’t do
anything about it. I just put earphones on. Although I was still able to hear some noises
but I just kept my attention to what I was watching and listening. While I was also
listening, I have to pause the video and process first the message because honestly my
mind loads first sometimes before I get to understand the message. But so far, I think
that was the only weakness I had while listening to Sunscreen. To conclude, I
understood the meaning or the lesson trying to impart by the video and therefore it was a

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