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Non-Fiction Book Report

Explain what this information book is

Title: The difficult path for women to about:
develop a career in stem At the moment that the world is
experiencing the rise of innovation and
Author: Diana Vargas Hernández technology, the advance in customs should
also be observed, eliminating gender
prejudices, mostly against women, their

5 interesting facts 1
capacities and qualities, avoiding limiting
all the contributions that they can provide.

Learned from this boor:

Remember to write facts in your Own words!

Social prejudices limit the academic,
professional, work and personal Chose an explanation from the text and illustrate
development of women.


In the XXI century there is still a deep
rooted in the work of "should" perform a this is an A problem
woman. academic trip arises since girls
with the careers from a young
of science, age do not see a
technology, woman as
3. engineering and someone very
Limiting women with respect to their
abilities prevents a great contribution to mathematics bright and focus
STEM. them more on
artistic themes

Women who manage to enter into
activities classified for men only are usually
judged very cruelly. Opinion
I quite liked the way the
subject was approached
It is evident that even in the professional

field, more specifically, STEM continues
with outdated and obsolete customs.

Book Report
Write down an opinión
Title: The globalization and the new on the topic of this
global order book

Explain what this information book is

Author: Leonardo Mejía Martínez
Young people will never know what it was
like to sit at the telephone table to wait
because a call could come in at any time

5 interesting facts 1

Learned from this boor:

Remember to write facts in your Own words!

Globalization studies are not topics of
interest to young people because they Chose an explanation from the text and ilustrate
were born with globalization.

The new global order

Young people are not interested in the
world of the advance of globalization  shows the importance of the
because they live it in real time. economy

 Millennials don't understand

the absence of technological
3. advancement
The value of advances is more present in
those who lacked the benefits of

Globalization allows, in real time, to have
financial, marketing, civil, and political
information available. Opinion
it was a short but very
5. specific article
The scopes of the information should be

used for the benefit of research, innovation
and the economy.

Book Report
Write down an opinion
on the topic of this
Title: Who is the agricultural engineer?

Author: Jose Raul Bolañoz Barrera

5 interesting facts 1

Learned from this boor:

Remember to write facts in your Own words!

Agronomists must be integral beings taking Diagram
into account all the aspects that they must
Chose an explanation from the text and ilustrate
study and in which they must apply their
Agricultural engineer

Agronomists must have alliances and
affinity with other professionals in order to  a good agronomist must
integrate and apply their knowledge. have diverse skills
 must be a hardworking
 must have the ability to pass
3. on their knowledge
The agronomists' commitment is 24 hours
and 7 days a week.
tivated in
ting this Opinion
whole world.

It is a topic that I love

5. and I find the topic quite
It is necessaryinteresting
to take advantage of the
incentives of the entrepreneurship funds to
apply them in the field and make the field's
usefulness grow and be more recognized. Write down an opinión
on the topic of this

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