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H Graphs of Functions and

CHAPTER W Graphical Solution

.aF ,RWIS$ll
A.-rF $oTEs

1. Graphs of Power Function s ! = ex"

(a)n=3,0>0,)'=(f,x' n-3,a{0,-}'=rrJ'

(b) n=2,a) 0,),- a-t) n =2.a 10,)'= o-t-

(c) n= l,e) 0,y - ax n=1,a10,y=ax

alt,\i,', i-i{ a W
(d)l=0,u)0.r'-rr /I=0,a10,\'=e

(e) ru --1,a)0,-u=; n=-1,a10,y= 1


(0 n=-2,a)0,y- + n=-2,a10,y= +

) Graph of J - ka'rwhere s> 0

ft>0,,r-=ka' k<0,!=ka'
3. Gradient of a Curve
The gradient of a curve at a point can be obtained by drarvin-q a tangent to the curve at that point and finding
the sradient of the tangent.

4. Distance-time graphs
The gradient of a distance-time graph gives the instantaneous speed of the object.


(x,, )'r) speed = 0

gradient- )': -'vt

(xr xz-Xt
'r'/t = sPeed

t Time

5. Speed-time graphs
The gradient of a speed-time graph gives the instantaneous acceleration of the object.

acceleration = 0


) 6. Average speed =
Total distance travelled
Total time taken


1. Thc table belolv sholvs some values of ,rand the corresponding values of _y, rvhere-r.'= x'+2.
a I I a
x -3 -L -t 0 I 2 J

v -6 29

(a) Copy and complete the table.

(b) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent I unit. draw a horizontal x-ax'is for -3 {r{ a

Using a scale of 2 cm to represent 5 units, draw a vertical y-axis for -30 {t'{ 30.
Draw the graph of .i' - xt + 2.
(c) Use your graph to find
(i) the value of -1,
1-1l.n I = I .5, (ii) the value of x rvhen )'= 16.

2. The table below shorvs some values of x and the corresponding values of ,v, where -'r'

x 1 -3
-l I 2 J aA

v _L a a 4 -8 8 b 2.1 C

(a) Find the values of o. b and c.

(b) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent I unit, draw a horizontal axis fbr --4 {r{4.
Using a scale of I cm to represent I unit, draw a vertical axis for -8 < v<8.
(c) Use your graph to find
(i) the value of -y
when x - I.4, (ii) the value of x when r, = -5.7.

3. The table below shows some values of x and the corresponding values of y.where _v = -x'
.) a
x -3 -L -1 0 I 2 -)

v 27 0 -l
(a) Copy and complete the table.
(b) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent unit, drar,v a horizontal x-axis for -3 { -r{ 3.
Using a scale of 2 cm to represent units, draw a vertical y-axis for -30 { r' { 30.
Drarv the graph of r' - -rt.
(c) Use your graph to find
(i) the value of l rvhen ,t = -1.7. (ii) the value of r rvhen r' = -l ?.
4. Thetablebeloivshorvssomevaluesof"randthecorrespondingvaluesofr'.rvherer'= -:.,r*0.
x --1 -3 -2 -l II L -)

v r.25 1.61 Q 5 -5 ,< h -1 .25

(a) Find the value of a and of b.

(b) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent 1 unit on both axes, clrarv the graph of -r'= -l for -4 { r { 4.

(c) Use your graph to find

(i) the value of y rvhen x - -2.2, (ii) the value of -r rvhen r'= -3.5.

5. The variables -r and y are connected by the equatiofl 1, - 1x ,.rt 0, and some corresponding values are given
in the follorvins table.

X 4 -3 _L 1
-l -t I
I 2 -) +A

I v 0.25 a I 4 16 l6 4 I b 0.25

(a) Find the value of a and of b.

(b) LJsingascale of 2cmtorepresent l unitonthe,r-axisand I cmtorepresent I unitonthe_,r'-axis.draw
the graph of t'- { foI. -4 < .r { 4..r # 0.

(c) Use your graph to find

(i) the value of y when x = -l .3.
(ii) the values of x when v = 14.

6. (a) Copy and complete the following table for y - 5'.

x -l -0.5 0 0.5 I 1.5 2 2.5
0.2 I 114
v 5

^ (b) Usingascaleof 4cmtorepresent l unit,drawahorizontalx-axisfor-l <x< 2.5.

I Using a scale of 2cmto represent5 units,draw a verticaly-axisfor0 < y < 60.
(c) Use your graph to find
(i) the value of y whenx= 0.8, (ii) the value of x when,y = 18.

7. (a) Given that 1' - 1.2'', copy and complete the table of values belorv.

x 0 I 2 -.) +A 5 6 l 8

v 1.00 r.20 1.44 r.73 2.99 4.30

(b) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent I unit on the ,r-axis and 4 cm to represent I unit on the r'-axis. drarv
the graph of-y - 1.2' for6 < r< 8.
(c) Use your graph to find,',,
(i) thc value of l, rvhetr x = 1.2, (ii) the value of ,r rvhelr r'= 3.3.

{'il,'\.!)l'i:f{ i
8. (a) Given thar 'r'= f
:)'. copy and complete the table of values below.

x 0 2
J 4 ) 6 -
v 1.00 I .-50 2.25 3.31 7.59 t] .09

(b) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent I unit on the,r-axis and 1 cm to represent I unit on the -\'-axis, drarv

rhe graph of ]'- (i)'".0 < ,r < 7.

(c) Use your graph to find

(i) the value of ,'l' when r = 6.4,' (ii) the value of x when y = 3.

9. A cyclist set out at 08 00 for a destination 30 km ar,vay. He cycled at a constant speed of 20 km/h until 09 00.
He then rested for half an hour before completing his journey at a constant speed of 1 -5 km/h.
(i) Draw the distance-time graph to represent the journey.
(ii) Hence, find the time at which the cyclist reached his destination, giving your answer correct to the nearest

10. The figure shows the distance-time graph of a delivery van.

Distance ftm)

Time (h)

(i) the duration by r,vhich the delivery van was stationary,
(ii) the average speed of the delivery van for the first 2 hours of the journey,
(iii) the average speed of the delivery van for the whole journey.
11. The graPh shor'vs the speed-tirne graph of a car.

Speed (m/s)


0 123456
Time (s)

(i) Find the acceleration of the car in the last 2 seconds.

(ii) Given that the total distance travelled is 54 m, find the ave.rage speed of the car for the whole journeY'



Time (s)

(i) State what the gradient of AB represents.

(ii) Find the speed of the car when / = 10.
(iii) Given that the total distance travelled is 680 m, find the average speed of the car for the whole journey.

13. The following is an incomplete table of values for the graph ofy- 5+6x-x3.

x.'.' -3 -2 -l 0 I 2 J

v 14 5 4
(a) Copy and comPlete the table.
(b) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent I unit on the x-axis and 1 cm to represent 1 unit on the y-axis, draw

the graph of v = 5 + 6x - x' for -3 < x < 3.

(c) Use your graph to find
(i) the value of 1' rvhen q = -l .4,
(ii) the values of .r rvhen )' = 10.

{-'11,,\l) l'LR 5
14. Using a suitable scale, drarv the graph of .r'-,r'- (r-rt + l3-r- 3 for0 < -r < 5.
Use your graph to hnd
(i) the value of r.'r.vhen x =2.3,
(ii) the value of ,r r.vhen y = 15.

15. The variables r and ,v are connected by the equatiort J' = 2 + - . Copy and complete the following table of
valuesforr'- z*! _r

x 4 a ./\
-l _,I I a
J 4
a a a)
v 1.15 0 4 2.5 L.J) 2.25

(a) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent I unit on the -r-axis and 4 cm to represent I unit on the -y-axis. drarv

-x- Z *
the graph of), L for 1{ x { 4,.r + 0.
(b) Use your graph to find
(i) the value of 1' rvhen x = -) .5,
(ii) the value of x when ! = 3 .2.

16. Using a scale of 2 cm to represent I unit on the both axes. draw the graph of )' - 1-F- forl<r<5.
Use your graph to find
(i) the value of _y when -r = 1.6,
(ii) the value of x rvhen l'= 4.5.

17. Using a scale of 2 cm to represent I unit on the both axes, draw the graph of y = x- 1 for I < r{ 5.
Use your graph to find
(i) the value of y when x = 2.6,
(ii) the value of x when ! = -2.2.

18. Usingascaleof 4cmtorepresent l unitonther-axis and2 cmtorepresent l unitonthe-y-axis,drawthe

graph ofy - 3'- I for -2{ x { 2.
Use your graph to find
(i) the value of y when r = 0.8,
(ii) the value of x when ), = 6.

19. Using a scale of 1 cm to represent 1 unit on the -r-axis and 4 cm to represent I unit on the y-axis. drar.v the
graphofJ,- l+2-r-l forl {.t <5.
Use your graph to find
(i) thc value of ,v rvhen r = 3.5,
(ii) the valuc of -r rvhen r' = -l .

W, l i ,\-1,1 ljl-). i
20. Using a scale of 4 cm to represent I r-rnit on thc -r-axis and I cnr to represent 2 units on the -r'-zixis, drarv the
graph of .r' - ]/- -rt * 2' for -l { -r s 2.

Use your graph to finc1

(i) the value of _r' rvhen,r = 0.8,
(ii) the value of -r when r'= -2.

21. The sketch represents the graph of l'- frn', rvhere a ) 0.

il (i) Write down the value of k.

(ii) Sketch the graph of .v - ka'+ I on the same diagram.

22. Using a scale of to represent I unit on thex-axis and I cm to represent I unit on the,r'-axis, draw the
graph of ,.r, - 3' - 1 for -2 { r { 2.5..r *0.

Use your graph to find

(i) the value of -r'when,r = -1.6,
(ii) the values of -r rvhen t'= 2.

23. Copy and complete the follorving table of values of y - !L rfl - r) .

x 0 I 2 J 3.5 A
5 6 1

v 0 3 5 6 6 3 0

(a) I unit on both

t x(l -;r) for0<.r<7.

) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent axes, drarv the.graph of y -

(b) By drawing a tangent, find the gradient of the curve at the point x - 2.5.
24. The table belolv shorvs some values of -r and the corresponding values of y, r.vhere y - 19 - 4r - -Jxr.

x 1 --:)
-2 -l 0 2 -J A

v -13 4 l5 p 19 t2 -t q 45
(a) Find the value of p and of q.
(b) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent I uniton the-r-axis and2cm to represent l0 units on the,t'-axis,drarv
the graph of -I,= 19 4.t j 3-tr for --4 { r { 4.
(c) By drarving ri tangent, fipd the gradient of the curve at the point r = -1.5.
(d) The gradient of the curve at tl-re point (h, k) is zero.
(i) DrAu, thc tangent to the curve at the point (h. k).
(ii) Find tlie value of ft and of l.
25. The table belou,shorvs somc values of x and the corresponding values of r'. where )'= -L

x A a _) -1.5
I .-5 2 3 +

- -J -l

v 0.9 1.6 rt) q l4 t4 s 1.6 0.9

(a) Find the values of p, q, r and s.

(b) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent 1 unit on the x-axis and I cm to represent I unit on the v-axis, drarv
the graph of r'= for --4 < x { 4.
(c) Write dor,vn the equation of the line of symmetry of the curve.
(d) By drarving a tangent, find the gradient of the curve at the point x = 2.

26. Aparticle moves alon-q a straight line from A to B so that, / seconds after leaving A. its speed, v m/s, is given
by v = 2r- - l3t + 22.The table below shows some values of r and thd corresponding values of v.

1(s) 0 I 1.5 2 2.5

4 )
v (rn/s) 22 11 1 4 a 2 b

(a) Find the value of a and of b.

(b) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent 1 second on the horizontal axis and I cm to represent I m/s on the
vertical axis, draw the graph of v = 2rt - l3t + 22for 0 < / < 5.
(c) Use your graph to estimate
(i) the value of r when the speed is 15 m/s,
(ii; the time when the acceleration is zero,
(iii) the gradient at t = 4.5 and explain what this value represents,
(iv) the time interval when the speed is less than 5 m/s.

27 . The area,.),cm2, of a rectangle with a length of x cm is given by r- = 20r - 1.5xr. The table belorv shows some

values of ,r and the corresponding values of y.

.;: 0 2 A
.+ 6 8 10 I2
v 0 34 rn 66 q r 74

(a) Find the values of p, q and r.

(b) Using a scale of I cm to represent 1 unit on the x-axis and I cm to represent 5 units on the y-axis, draw
the graph of y - 20x- 1.5r2 for0 < x < 12.
(c) From your graph, find
(i) the largest possible area of the rectangle and the value of x when this occurs,
(ii) the range of values of r for which the area of the rectangle is greater than 50 cmr.
28. Acompany selling souvenir mLlgs makes a profit of 'v'thousand dollars f'rom,r thousand mr-rgs ordered. The
relationship may be expressed as J'= 5-r -.\'t - 3. The follou,ing table gives some corresponding values of
-r and r'.

x 0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5

_) 3.5 4

v -3 4.15 l)

-) q -t 2.25 r
(a) Find the values of p, q and r.
(b) Using a scale of 4 cm to represent I unit on the r-axis and2 cm to represent I unit on the ),-axis, dra'uv
the graph of ,1,' - 5x -.rt - 3 tor 0 < r' < 4.
(c) Use your graph to fino
(i) the number of mugs the company has to sell to obtain the maximum profit,
(ii) the minimum number of mugs the company has to sell to cover the operating cost,
(iii) the range of values of ;r fbr which the company rvill make a profit of at leasr $2500.

The table belorv shows Michael's heart rate for the first 6 minutes while he was at the gymnasium.
Time (minutes) 0 2 -1
5 6
Heart rate (beats per'minute) 12 80 96 tT4 t22 t33 140

(a) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent I

minute on the horizontal axis and I cm to represent l0 beats
per minute on the vertical axis, plot the points given in the table and join them rvith a smooth curve.
(b) Use your graph to find
(i) the approximate time taken for the heart rate to reach 100 beats per minute,
(ii) the range of heart rate in the lasr 1.5 minutes.

30. Vishal and Ethan start movin-e torvards each other at the same time. The initial distance betrveen them is
40 km.
(a) Given that Vishal is cycling at a constant speed of 18 km/h and Ethan is walking at a constant speed of
8 km/h, drarv a distance-time graph to illustrate this information.
I_ Use your graph to find
f (i) how long it rvill take for them to pass each other, .

(ii) the times when they rvill be 12 km apart.

31. A train started from station P and travelled to station Q, which is 7 km from P. The table belorv shorvs the
time, in minutes, since the train left P and the correspondin-e distance, in km, from P.

Time (minutes) I ^L J 4 5 6 1

Distance (km) 0.2 0.9 2.0 4.1 5.3 6.4 6.1

(a) Using a scale of I cm to represent I n-rinute on the horizontal axis and I cm to represent I km on the
vertical axis, plot the poidts ,9iven in the table and join them 'uvith a smooth curve.
(b) Use your graph to cstimqte thc time taken to travel the first 3.5 km of the journey.
(c) By drar.ving a tangent. find thc approxinrate speed of the train 5 minutes after it lefi station P.

i.'ilA,'}ll:lti W
32. At 0g 00, Amirah lefi her house to meet Huixian, who stays 30 km away. Amirah travelled at a uniform speed
journey at a
of l6 km/h for an hour. She then stopped at a cafeteria for half an hour before continuing her
ttniform sPeed of l0 km/h'
At 0g 00. Huixian set off frorn her home along the satne path to meet Amirah and travelled at a uniforrn specd
(a) Dra"v the distance-time graph to illustrate the information. /-

(b) Use Your graPh to find

(i) the time r,vhen Amirah and Huixian met,
(ii) the distance from Huixian's home'uvhen they met.

33. The diagram shows the speed-time graph of a car. The car travelled with an acceleration of I .5 m/sr to reach
a speed of 30 m/s in the first / seconds.
V (m/s)

Time (s)

(i) Find the value of r.

(ii) Given that the distance travelled is given by the area under the speed-time graph, find the average speed
during the whole journey.

34. The diagram shows the speed-time graph of a bullet train it approaches a station. It decelerates uniformly

from 70 m/s to 2l m/s in 21 seconds.It then decelerates uniformly at 0.5 m/sr until it comes to a stop at time
/ seconds.

Time (s)

(i) the deceleration during the first 2l seconds,
(ii) the value of r.
35. The diagram shorvs the speed-time graph of a particle rvhich accelerates for 8 seconds. Its speed. r, m/s, cluring
this time is given bv r'= 5 + 2t. rvhere r is the time in seconds.


(i) the initial speed of the particle,
(ii) the speed of the particle when / = 8,
(iii) the acceleration of the particle,

I (iv) the average speed of the particle if the total distance travelled in the first 8 seconds is 104 m.

36. In the countryside, the speed limit of all vehicles is 30 m/s. A car is speeding at 30 m/s and passes a stationary
traffic police car. The police car immediately gives chase, accelerating uniformly to reach a speed of 40 m/s
and continues at this speed until it overtakes the car.

Speed (m/s)



) 15 30
Time (s)
(i) Calculate the acceleration of the police car.
(ii) Find the time taken for the police car to reach the same speed as the car.
(iii) Given that the police car takes 30 seconds to catch up r,vith the car and that the distance travelled is given
by the area under the speed-time graph, find the distance travelled by the police car before it overtakes
the car.

{'ll'\l'l irll ;w
37. The diagram shorvs the speed-time graph of a particle during a period of l4 seconds.


o 2-.Time. r (s) ro 14

(i) Given that the distance travelled in the first 14 seconds is 350 m, calculate the average speed of the particle.
(ii) Find the acceleration of the particle from t - 2 to / = 10.

(iii) Find the speed of the particle after I I seconds

(iv) Find the deceleration of the particle in thc last 4 seconds.

38. The step-function graph shows the prices of different sizes of cakes sold at Sweet Cafd.
Price ($)


Mass (kg)

(a) Copy and complete the table below.

Mass (kg) I 2.8 4 5.5
Price ($)
Tea Break Caf6 offers the follor.ving price rates for the same cakes: $36 for the first 3 kg and $ l0 for each
subsequcnt kg.
(b) Given that Khairul n,ishes to buy a cake r,vith a ntass of -5 kg for a birthday pai-ty, insert the graph
cor-r'csponding to the rates offered by Tea Break Caf6.
(c) Use your graph to determine rvirich cafb offers a lorver price for a cake rvith a rnass of -t kg and {ind the
difference in the prices.
t i i,,iI t'i .ld .:
39. The table below shows the prices of diffbrent sizes of ptzzas sold at House of Przza.

Diameter of apizza{d cm) Price ($)

0<d<15 8

15 < d<20 l4
20<d<25 l8
25 <d< 30 25
30<d<40 45

(a) Using a suitable scale, draw the step-function graph to represent the information given in the table.
(b) Write down the price of a przza of diameter 25 cm.
Przza Place offers the following price rates: $22 for a pizza of diameter in the ran-qe 0 <d< 22 and $8 for
each subsequent 5 cm increase in the diameter.
(c) Insert the graph corresponding to the rates offered by Piia Place.
(d) Use your -eraph to determine which pizza shop offers a lorver price for a pizza of diameter 32 cm and

, find the difference in the prices.

40. Using a scale of 4 cm to represent I unit on the r-axis and I cm to represent 2 units on the v-axis, drarv the
graphof-y-3'- I for-2{x{ 2.5,x+0.
(a) Use your graph to find
(i) the value of when ;r = I .8,
(ii) the values of x when j = 6.
(b) On the same axes, draw the straight line j = -4.t for -2 < x < 2.5.

(i) Write down the coordinates of the points at rvhich the line | = 4xmeets the curve ! = 3' - Ix
(ii) Hence, state the solutions of the equation 3' - 9 = Jv.

41. The table belou,shorvs the speed of carA over a period of 12 seconds, afier which it travelled at a constant
speecl of 20 mis.
Time (s) 0 4 6 8 r0 l2
Speed (m/s) 0 _)./ 9.6 13?
^''- Irs-)
|'"'- 16.4 ,20

(a) Usipg a scale of I cm to represent I second on the horizontal axis and I cm to represent 2 mls on the
vertical axis, drarv the speed-time graph of car A for a period of l5 seconds.
Car B rvas moving at a speed of 28 m/s rvhen car A started its motion. Car B then travelled at a speed of
28 m/s tor 2 seconds before decelerating at a constant rate of 3 m/sr.
(b) On the same axes, drar,v the speed-time graph of car .8.
(c) Use your graPh to find
(i) the time rvhen both cars were movin-e at the same speed,
(ii) the distance moved by car.B in the first 2 seconds,
(iii) the acceleration of car A at time r = 8 by drawing a tangent.

42. In a computer simulation, a toy train on a train track slorvs to a stop on entering a station P as shown in

thespeed-timegraph.Afterabrief stopof 60seconds,itstartstomoveoff withanaccelerationof l{ nr/s'

for 30 seconds and continues its journey rvith this speed until it reaches station O r seconds later.

Speed (m/s)





Time (s)
30 60 90 120 150 180

(i) Find the deceleration of the train when it enters station P.

(ii) Given that the distance travelled by the train from station P to station Q is 760 m, find the value of it.

il ''".?'tt,.it. a
43. The diagram shou's l8r
the speed-time graph of a tour bus. The equations of OA. AB and BC are
r'= 18 o"a
ff* { = l respectively.

Speed, r'(m/s)

Time, r (s)

l Find
(i) the coordinates of A, B and C,
(ii) the length of time for which the bus is moving at constant speed
(iii) the distance travelled by the bus at constant speed,
(iv) the deceleration of the bus.

44. The population of a country is increasing at a rate of 2.37o each year. The population, P million, is believed
to be modelled by the equation P - 4.5(3uut"), where r is the number of years after 1990.
(a) Copy and complete the table for P = 4.5(3u0"').

t 0 r0 20 30 40 50 60
Year 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
P (in millions) 4.5 5.8 9.6 20.5

(b) Using a scale of 1 cm to represent 5 years on the x-axis and I cm to represent I million people on the
I (c)
y-axis, draw the graph of P against /.
From your graph, find
(i) the population in the year 2045,
(ii) the value of r when the population reaches l0 million.

,:l"i',,i.,i ,W
45. The figure shows six containers, each ivith a height of ft cm. The containers are initially empty. It takes t
seconds tcr fill each container rvith r.vater at a constant rate.

On separate diagrams, sketch the graph of the depth of the water against time for each of the six containers.

46. Given that J' = 3x + -x + 2 ,copy and complete the following table of values.

Give your answers correct to I decimal place where necessary.

.:':: J( 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.5 I 1.2 r.5 2

v t2.3 7.6 6 1.2

(a) Using a scale of 8 cm to represent 1 unit on the x-axis and I cm to represent I unit on the y-axis, draw

'x 3r*1 +2 for0.1 < x{2.

(b) Use your graph to find the solutions to the equation Z, + L= 5 in the range0.l < x { 2.
(c) By drawing a tangent, find the gradient of the curve ar (0.4,5.7).
(d) (i) On the same axes, draw the line with gradient -1 that passes through the point with coordinates (2,5).
(ii) Write down the equation of this line.
(iii) Write dorvn the coordinates of the points where the line intersects the curve.

47. An object starts from rest and it travels in a straight line.

The distance it travels, S kilometres, is directly proportional to the cube of the travelling time, r hours.
(a) Sketch a distance-time graph for the object.
In the first 4 hours, tire object travels 128 km.
(b) Find the equation cf S in terms of r.

(c) Calculate the time taken ro rravel f SZ *4 tm.

48. The fbllorving table gives the values of .r and-l connected by the equation J'- f,.rt -.r''
x 2 -) 3.-5 + 4.5 5 6

v 5 l)
27 30.6 q 30.4 0

(a) Find the values of p, q and r.

(b) Usingascaleof 2cmtorepresentlunitonthe.r-axisand2cmtorepresent5unitsonther'-axis.drarv
the graph of r,= 6,rt -rt for I <,r < 6.
(c) Use your graph to find the gradient of the curve at the point x - 4.2.
(d) On the same axes, draw the.straight line J =x for I < x < 6.
(i) Write down the coordinates of the point at rvhich the line ! = x meets the curve y = 6x2 - xr.
(ii) Hence, state the solution of the equation 6x2 -,r't = in the interval 1 < x < 6.
49. Write down a possible equation for each of the graphs belorv.
Choose from the equations provided in the box.

I .)=ir.-5x+6 _v=3-
'l-' )=x'+3
2 )
) = l0' v-=x'-5x-6
"r= 7

(a) (b)


50. The diagram shor.vs a speed-time graph of a car.

Time (s)

(a) Given that the total distance travelled in the 35 seconds is 450 m, find
(i) the acceleration of the car during the first 15 seconds,
(ii) the deceleration of the car during the last 10 seconds,
(iii) the average speed for the whole journey.
(b) Sketch the distance-time graph for the journey.

51. A ball is projected upwards from ground level to a maximum point. The path of the ball can be modelled by
the equation /z = l8r - 5rr, where /z metres is the height of the ball above the ground at time / seconds.
(a) Copy and complete the following table for h = l8t - 5rt.

t (s) 0 0.5 I 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 A


/z (m) 0 l3 l6 13.7 5 9 1.15

(b) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent I second on the horizontal axis and I cm to represent ? rnetres on the
vertical axis. drarv the graph of h= 18r-5rt for0 < r < 4.
(c) From your graph, find
(i) the maximum height reached by the ball,
(ii) the time taken for the ball to reach its maximum height,
(iii) the vertical height of the ball at 1.2 s,
(iv) the time taken for the ball to hit the ground.
(d) Find the gradient of the curve at (2.3, 14.95) by drawing a tangent.
State the units of vour answer.

q) The diagram shows the graph of y ka' , a > 0.

/ r\
The pointr 10, 5 | and (4,648) lie on the graph.
\ /-/
Find the values of k and a.

t't j:\?"1' a
53. The speed-time graph of a motorcyclist is showtr below.

Speed (km/h)






0800 0900 1000 1100 1200

Time (h)
(i) State rvhat the gradient of AB rcpresents.
(ii) How long did the motorcyclist travel with constant speed?
(iii) Find the acceleration of the motorcyclist in the first hour.
' (iv) Find the deceleration of the motorcyclist in the last hour.
(v) Calculate the total distance travelled from 08 00 to 12 00.
(vi) The maximum speed of the motorcyclist is 100 km/h.
Chanse 100 km/h to m/s.

54. The follorving table gives correspondin-s values of ,r and ,r' rvhich are connected by the equation -]' - r + ll - -5.
x I
1.5 2 1 A
T 5 6 1 8
v 8 p J 2 2 q J 3.1 4.5

(a) Calculate the value of p and of q.

(b) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent I unit on both axes. draw the graph of y - r + ''x - 5 for I < -r < 8.
(c) By drawing a tangent, find the approximate gradient of the curve at the point x = 6.
(d) On the same axes, draw the straight line -v = 6 -,r for 0 < -r < 6.

(i) Write dorvn the coordinates of the points at which the line )' = 6 - x meets the curve
) 1) '
(ii) Hence, state the solutions of the equation 2x + -: - 11= 0,
(e) Use your graph to find the coordinates of the minimum point of y -x+ - 5. in the ranse 0 < -r: < 8.

55. Rui Feng left his house at 09 00, ran for half an hour at an average speed of 8 km/h. He then rested for
20 minutes before continuing his journey by rvalking at 5 km/h for t hour to reach his destinatiou.
(i) Drarv the distance-time graph to represent the journey.
(ii) Hence, find the time rvhen Rui Feng reached his destination.
(iii) Write dorvn the distance betr.veen his house and his destination.
(iv) Drarv the speed-time graph for the ivhole of Rui Feng's journey.
56. Thetablebelorvshor.vssomevaluesof-randtheconespondin-tvaluesof.v.rvhere-\=2,r'-9.r.fbr-3<-t<3.
x -J -2 -l 0 2 3

v -21 n 1 0 - q 21

(a) Calculate the value of p and of q. !'

(b) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent I unit on the l-axis and 1 cm to represent 5 units on the r'-axis, draw'
the graph of l'- 2.r'- 9-r for -3 < .r < 3
(c) Use your graph to find
(i) the value of when x = -1.8,.
(ii) the value of ,r when ) = -19.
(d) Use your graph to find three solutions of 2r3 - 9.r = 5.
(e) By drawing a tangent, find the gradient of the curve at the point (-l .4,7ll2).
(0 (i) Onthesameaxes,drarvthe line)--lOx+ 10for0 <r<3.
(ii) Write down the x-coordinate of the point where this line intersects the curve.
(iii) This value of x is a solution of the equationrt +Arr * *"+ B = 0.

Find the value of A and the value of B.

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