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Jenny Babes Ogama

Kahlil Lingahan

John Lloyd Tan

Jessa Mae Rivadulla

Hanna Jessa Banta

Mea Nicole Aguilar

Elizabeth Cabilen

Danny Calcaben

Research Adviser



Mindset is the person's collection of thoughts and beliefs that shapes through habits.
The thought and habits affects how you think, what you feel, and what you do. Your mindset
impacts how you make sense of the world, and how you make sense of you. This includes how
people think about their intelligence, capabilities, and talents.

Dweek (2006) classified mindset into two types; the fixed mindset and the growth
mindset in a fixed mindset. People believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent
are simply fixed traits, while in a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities
can be developed through dedication and hard work— brains and talent are just starting point.

A person who believed that their intelligence was something that they could develop or
increase also held many other positive attitudes. Believing that their ability could be increased,
they valued learning as a goal, even when it involved hard work or initial errors. This philosophy
will activate that will to keep learning, rather than to give up when faced with failures or
challenges (Dweek, et. al)

Besides their enthusiasm, the student's flexibility to task can also be affected since the
willingness of the students to learn is interconnected to their perspective about failures and
challenges. The students with growth mindset that were placed outside their comfort zones
tend to think of the unfamiliar tasks a challenge, while students with fixed mindset ran away
from the tasks because they feel that their intelligence is limited in that field, and they ear the
chance of failure present in the task. This means that a person who believes that their
intelligence can be improved, more capabilities and talents will arise from themselves.

On the other hand, Fundamental of Accounting and Business Management introduce

basic accounting principles, accounting concepts, and accounting terminology. This subject
teaches the rules of credit and debit which allow performances in accounting to be done
successfully. It deserves as the foundation of knowledge of every ABM students.

This subject is considered as one of difficult subject in strand Accountancy and Business
Management in Senior High School. Even before the start of classes, the researchers have heard
other ABM students to state how challenging can the subject be.

Recently, the teacher in Fundamentals of Accounting and Business Management had

observed that most of students in ABM have difficulties in understanding the lessons in their
subject. Thus, the researchers came up with the study about how does mindset affect the
interests and academic performances of the students in that subject to show how important it
is to develop the kind of mindset a student possess.

Statement of the Problem

This study will answer how the mindset of the students tend to affect their academic
performance on the subject. Specifically, this study answers the following questions :

1. What are the mindset of Grade 11 ABM students in GMTMSAT?

2. What is the academic performance of the ABM students in Fundamentals of Accounting

and Business Management with:

a) Growth Mindset?

b) Fixed Mindset?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the mindset of Grade 11 ABM students and
their academic performance in Fundamentals of Accounting and Business Management?

4. How does the common mindset affect the performance of Grade 11 ABM students in
Fundamentals of Accounting and Business Management?

Ho: There is no significant relationship between the mindset of Grade 11 ABM students
and their academic performance in Fundamentals of Accounting and Business Management.

Conceptual Framework

Mindset is believed to have a huge contribution to success. The kind of mindset that a
person possess will define their perspective about learning, and that viewpoint will affect how
person will react towards a problem, or a challenges alongside.

A person who had a fixed mindset will think of a problem as a threat to their
intelligence, and instead of challenging the mind to find a solution, they will find an escape
away from that condition. At this situation, if the students keep a fixed mindset, difficult task
will not help them to empower their capabilities, instead, these will only cause them failure in
which they believe as a revelation of limitations.

When the self perceives that she/he has a limited set of skills, talents, and intelligence, it
traps the mind into a reality that what they can do now will not develop new ones through
efforts and hard work. This perception limits the function of the person. It sets a line that
bounds the extent of knowledge that the brain can process.

Meanwhile, person with growth mindset have the opposite perspective about their
intelligence vandalism capabilities. These people believe that "they could grow brains'' and
increase their intellectual abilities. They have a high self-efficacy. Thus challenges means new
knowledge for them. So instead of leaving the problem, they exert effort to excel on that
particular subject as well. For them, effort is the key to success, and that innate abilities can still
be developed or other skills can be learned after a series of hard work.(Dweek) 2006 Views in
Basic Accounting

Student's views on basic accounting and analytical skills of students can be biased from
the popular culture. Popular culture promotes the view that the students analytical skills is an
innate gift for Math geniuses. An example of this can be the belief of some teachers that the
person that can excel in mathematics are those who only have innate analytical abilities.
Through thus belief, they tend to unconsciously discourage the students to learn when they
give praise only to those who gained high score on the quizzes and exams.

When the students are reinforced with praises that promotes fixed mindset, their
academic performance tends to be stuck at the point where it is today. The researchers thought
that this thinking may be related to the number of ABM students that have a fixed number
mindset. According to a Fundamentals of Basic Accounting and Business Management teachers,
the student who seem to have understanding the subject is of large number.This can be
problematic for the academic because the lessons in college is expected to be more difficult
than the lessons taught in Senior High School. Having a growth mindset is clearly important
because it affects the academic performance of the students. The students must have fun and
exciting challenges and focus on the student's improvement throughout the task in-depth
learning increases learning and understanding at a deeper for students.This will develop the
brain of students because it forms new connection of neurons that activates a fresh skill for the
body of function. When this happen, the student will not harbor stress when faced failures,
they are expected to learn how to not delve with the outcome but on the process and the
knowledge their acquired within that process. (Dweek, 2019)

Therefore, this way, a student will think of learning as an essential factor that affects
who they become in the future. The negative perspective about challenges will be eradicated
within the mind of the students, and instead of stress, happiness will be observed on the
students in every difficulties they face, not just in school, but as well as their personal problems.

Conceptual Paradigm
Diagram 1.0. The relationship between Mindset, Students' responses to Challenges and Failures, and Enthusiasm of
the Students in Fundamentals of Accounting and Business Management

The diagram states that the mindset of a student can be related to his/her way of
thinking towards learning Fundamentals of Accounting. It can be perceived that the mindset of
the students can affect the learning of students in different areas; a. their enthusiasm in
studying, b. their responses towards failures and challenges, and c. their academic

Significance of the Study

Conducting a research study about the relationship of the mindset and the academic
performance of grade 11 ABM students in Fundamentals of Accounting and Business
Management would benefit the teachers in Fundamentals of Accounting and Business
Management. The academic will be able to generate new teaching methods that encourage self
development. This may help the schools to develop more students that have growth mindset.
This study can be a helping tool for the students as well. The knowledge about how
intelligence can be developed will motivate the students to exert more efforts in learning new
discoveries outside their comfort zones. It is ought to affect the students by helping them
develop a new perspective about challenges and failures that they may face along the way.

The parents of the G11 ABM students will benefit from this study because they can
understand how to motivate their children to pursue knowledge despite the challenges ahead
of them. They can develop the way they see the level of intellect that their children have, and
instead of being disappointed to the academic performance of their child, they will find a way
to help the students find motivation to continue to develop their abilities.

Scope and Limitation

This study aims to deepen the knowledge of how the mindset of student affect the
performance of Grade 11 ABM students in Fundamentals of Accounting and Business
Management in Godofredo M. Tan Memorial School of Arts and Trades.

The researcher will categorize the Grade 11 ABM students based on their mindsets,
Group A will be consisted of students with growth mindset, and Group B will be consists of
students with fixed mindset. The categorization will be completed by conducting a survey that
aims to know what kind of mindset the students posses.

The researchers will then get the Academic Performance of the students in Group A and
Group B. The general average of the students in Fundamentals of Accounting and Business
Management will be compared and analysed to find if there is a significant relationship
between the mindset of the students and their academic performance in Fundamentals of
Accounting and Business Management.

Definition of Terms

Mindset- it is persons collection of thoughts and beliefs that shapes through habits.

Academic Performance- this is a numerical representation of the performance level of a

students in his/her respective subjects in school. In this study the academic performance of the
students is represented by their general average in Fundamentals of Accounting and Business

Fixed Mindset- it is a type of mindset that describes the intellect of a person to be fixed. It
means that when a person has a fixed mindset, they believe that the skills they have now will
be the only ones they have.

Growth Mindset- it is a type of mindset that describe the intellect of a person to attain
development when exerted an effort or hard work.

Intellect- it is the ability of a person to think in a logical way.

Fundamentals of Accounting and Business Management- This is specialization subject for ABM
students. This subject will teach the basic principles in accounting and business management
which will become the foundation of the knowledge that they need in college.



Related Literature

Well being has many facets. One theory of wellbeing - (Seligman 2012) identified five
key elements which underpin people's happiness and life satisfaction. These are positive
emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning and accomplishment, or permanently for short.
Psychologist have since built on this, adding a plus-healthy behaviour- which also contribute to

To improve wellbeing, people must first believe that they can make a change
Psychologists have found that the beliefs we hold about our abilities and potentials are
predictive of future outcomes, including wellbeing. (Maps, 2016)

It is said that, "People with growth mindsets believe that their basic qualities are
malleable and can be cultivated through effort and learning." (Dweck 2006)
It is the kind of mindset in which we see that we have the capacity to change. We may,
for instance, believe that wellbeing can be achieved through increased effort and skill
development. This way, a person develop a higher level of will being.

The response of Grade 11 ABM students to the difficult task in Fundamentals Of

Accounting and Business Management can be affected by positive emotion, engagement,
relationships, meaning and accomplishment. These five elements shape the wellbeing of the
students as they study. The way these elements move within their lives affect their thoughts,
motivation and preferences. This means that how the students react to the subject or lesson is
mainly caused by the series of events from their environment, relationships, and
accomplishments and how the students took the experiences including the challenges and

Students learn best when their wellbeing is optimized, and they develop a strong sense
of wellbeing when they experience succes in learning. Wellbeing is both central to learning and
an outcome of learning. It is multidimensional and characterized by feeling well and functioning
well. (Learning and Wellbeing Framework)

The wellbeing of a student is not only about the process in acquiring knowledge, in fact,
the motivation of the students to enthusiastically pursue wisdom is quite affected by sense of
intelligence they receive when they accomplished the tasks. The strong sense of wellbeing
enable the body to function well. The optimization of the student`s welfare is generated by the
achievements of the students in the activities. This is usually showed through praises from
teacher, and praises affect the development of mindset of the students which also contributes
in making a higher level of wellbeing.

Praise is an opportunity to show a child why you think s/he succeeded. And getting
praised for ability tells children that what's valued is a fixed trait or talent. You either have it or
you don't. It highlights the fact that children are being judged or evaluated. This can make
children feel helpless if they feel like they're being judged on the basis of something they have
"no control over" . Process praise("You worked hard and did a good job drawing!") send the
message that adults value the effort or process. When students succeed, these types of praise
teach students different reasons for their success. (Master 2015)

It only shows that talent learning can also be affected by the environment. The
performance of the students is affected by how they see the training ground. For example, if a
teacher continually praise the abilities of the student, she may develop a perspective that the
main goal to succeed in school is to complete with other students. This kind of praises can make
them be afraid of trying the things outside their comfort zones because they feel that they will
not look smart. This condition eradicate the essence of going to school, which is, to learn new
things, develop new ideas and talents in the area where they are lacking.

In the interview of Carol Dweck, she said that, "In the 1990's the self-esteem movement
took over the world. We were told to tell everyone how fabulous, brilliant, talented, special
they were all the time. This was going to motivate them and boost their achievement. Instead,
as you said, it was a complete disaster. It led to the acceptance of the mediocrity. It didn't
challenged people to fulfill their potential. Our research showed telling people their smart
actually backfires. It makes them afraid of challenges. It make them fold in the face of
obstacles, because they're worried, 'Oh, does this not look smart?' The whole currency is built
around smart." (Google, 2015)

Dweek explained in these interview that when the motivation In school were the praises
that promote the idea of their abilities to be fixed, the students did not welcome other
challenges that may unmasked their defficiencies. They do not want other people to know that
they do not excel enough in that subject so they avoid facing these kind of challenges. This lead
to the study of mindset. Carol Dweek classified the mindset into two kinds; fixed mindset and
growth mindset.

In a fixed mindset students believe their basics ability, their intelligence, their talents,
are just fixed traits. They have a certain amount and that's that, and then their goal becomes to
look smart all the time and never look dumb. In a growth mindset students understand that
their talents and abilities can be developed through effort, good teaching and persistence. They
don't necessarily think every one's the same or anyone could be Einstein, but they believe
everyone can get smarter if they work at it. (Dweek 2006)

The type of mindset affects the performance of the students in school. For example, in
Fundamentals of Accounting and Business Management, the students must have the passion to
learn the lessons because most of it require analysation and reading. If the students have a
fixed mindset, and believe that they do not pass the required level of understanding, they may
simply turn away from the challenge and focus on other things during discussion. This situation
affecs the students performance and their enthusiasm to learn.

It is important to develop growth mindset in school so that more students will

enthusiastically welcome challenges. The brain activity intensifies when faced with difficult
activities. The brain creates another connection between neurons for the new abilities that a
person study. The continual learning improves the well being of person. The more discoveries
they have, the more worthy they life become.

Socrates himself admits that he is ignorant, and yet he became the wisest of all men
through this self knowledge. Like an empty cup, Socrates is often to receive the waters of
knowledge wherever he may find them. (Socrates)

Even the philosopher believes ignorance is the chance for the person to learn something
new. It is a passage towards a higher level of understanding about the subject. For example, if a
student faced challenges when solving a problem in Fundamentals of Accounting and Business
Management, the teachers could help by phrasing the effort of the students in trying, then
explaining the right way to do the tasks. It is important for the teachers to know how to
motivate the student correctly, that way, the students will be inspired in engaging themselves
to learn new things for themselves.

Related Studies

Alpay and Ireson (2006) sited in (devers) found that changing mindset is key in
increasing students performance and fulfilment. The researchers also found that students with
a growth mindset saw the advantages of group work. Students with growth mindset were more
likely to report a higher ability than fixed mindset. (Jones et Al., 2009)

Devers conducted a study to further proved the positive interrelation between mindset
in the academic performance of the students. Allyson conducted an experiment wherein she
classified the students according to what mindset they have. The researcher gave a pretest in
physics to have a comparison between the students performanc before and after the lecture.
She provided a lecture about how a person can improve their intelligence through hard work
and effort. The reseacher hope that the students with fixed mindset would develop the growth
mindset after the lecture, and would see that a person can develop his or her intelligence if
they continously welcome challenges. She tested if there is significant change in the
performance of the students in physics by giving the students a post test. The score from the
pretest and post test were compared and analzed. (Devers)

The correlation was moderately strong between the academic growth and change
mindset for the high school participants. This mean that students who had a stronger growth
mindset not only showed higher academic performance, but also their scores increased the
most. This shows that the high school students grew and progressed in learning electricity and
magnetism. This shows that the performance of the students is highly affected by how they
take challenges. The enthusiasm of the students to learn is affected by their beliefs about
his/her abilities. If a person still pursue knowledge despite the experience of failure on the start
of the lesson, it is a good thing because the students will master the lessons by continously
trying to learn how the topic in that particular subject. This can be related to Malcom Gladwell's
in famous rule which is to work at something for 10,000 hours to master it.

One of Gladwell's prevailing rules is that it takes 10,00 hours takes to master something.
At 40 hours a week, these 10,000 hours translate roughly into 5 years of work - or in other
words, 40 hours per week, every week, for 5 years.

One of the cases he used to drive this point in his book is Bill Gates. Gates was born into
a wealthy family, went to one of the few colleges that offered coding programs, and (better yet)
was able to code for free. Because of this advantages, by the time he was in college, he had hit
the 10,000 hours mark. Microsoft was then the by-product of his mastery of programming.

The discovery of Gladwell in his book outliers unleashed the possibility of improvement
through different factors including effort and time to master the profession you chose. For
example, for a student in BS accountancy, s/he must put enough time and effort to practice and
study the different principles in accounting and business management in order to master
everything about the subjects. According to Malcom's study, 10000 hours of practice would
make a person master their profession.

Moreover the mindset can also be related to the self-efficacy of the student.

The self-efficacy in the academic realm is the belief and confidence that one has in
regard to his or her capacity to accomplish meaningful learning tasks and produce the desired
results (Brook and Lynn, 2008).perseverance refers to the tendency to pursue long-term goals
with sustained effort and hard work. It has been shown to predict achievement in academic and
vacation allowance domains. (Ducworth, Quin, & Seligman2009).

Executive function describes student's ability to control their cognitive process including
planning, organizing, reasoning, and working memory. Students with strong executive function
abilities are able to control the many different processes that lead to successful reading
comprehension. Measures of executive function are highly correlated to measures of growth
mindset, self-efficacy, and reading achievement. (Miller & Al.. 2014)

Students who have an easier time learning to read tend to use meta cognitive
awareness as they are reading to think about what they are doing and to adjust the strategies
they use accordingly. Some meta cognitive strategies that Foster reading growth includes:
setting goals while reading ; regulating progress; and employing mastery - oriented strategies in
order to reach comprehension goals (Molded &, Dweek, 2006; Pressly & After Erbach 1995).
These strategies assist struggling students in realising that their reading abilities are fluid - not
fixed. It encourages them to persist in the face of difficulty and avoid becoming convinced that
they are ''bad'' readers.
In this study, Dweek and other psychologist discovered that the difficulties of the
students in learning can be override by facing the challenges and being inspired in finding
solutions to the problem. The researchers gave an example about the bad readers and the
strategies given by the teachers to fulfill the potentials of the students. The teachers must
employ the importance of mastery and not the level of intelligence. It is significant to introduce
how a person can develop and achieve their goals if exerted enough effort over time.

Our mindset is the fundamental driving force behind what we do and why we do it.
Mindset influence our motivations and permeates every walk of life., fromacademics to
athletes, to artistry to employment, to personal relationships (Calouri 2014)

What we thinks becomes who we are and what we do. It is the foundation of our
personalities and dreams. Our thoughts drive us towards succes or failure itself. Thus, it is
important to develop a kind of mindset that make us think that we are capable of change, or
the circumstances can change if we keep trying.

Gladwell notes this is what Robert Merton has called ''The Mathew Effect''. From
Mathew 25:29 ''for unto everyone hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance. But from
him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.'' This means we shower the
successful with more opportunitiesas they climb the ladder while the decks of cards less odds
for others. Their succes is something sociologists have coined as ''accumalate advantages '',
successful and unsuccessful. (Calouri 2014)

Dweek also addresses that how labels and stereotype can be harmful, particularly
during two of the most formative stages of lives. The transition from junior to high school and
from high school to college. There is fundamental difference, however, between how fixed and
growth mindsets respond to the change that happen during these critical times. Dr. Dweek cites
''low effort syndrome'' as culprit, where fixed mindset view adolescence as a test, stop trying,
and believe that ''a loser forever ". They don't want to be measured by tests and other gauges
by peers and adults. Therefore:
It's no wonder that many adolescents mobilize, not for learning, but to protect their
egos. And one of the main ways they do this is by not trying... The low-effort syndrome is often
seen as a way that adolescents asset their independence from adults. But it is also a way that
students with the fixed mindset protect themselves.

However, when people are in growth mindset, the stereotype doesn't disrupt their
performance. The growth mindset takes the teeth out of the stereotype and makes people
better able to fight back. They don't believe in permanent inferiority. And if they are behind
well, then they'll work harder and try to catch up.... The growth mindset also makes people able
to take what they can and what they need even from a threatening situation.

Fixed and growth mindset also affect our perspectives. Even worse is when labels and
stereotypes affect the perspective volume teachers. Dr. Dweek summarise the dangers of their
incorporation in the classroom.classroom.

Teachers with a fixed mindset create an atmosphere of judging. These teachers look at
student's beginning performance and decide who's smart and who's dumb. Then they give up
on the ''dumb" ones.

These teachers don't believe in improvement, so they don't try to create it.. "as a
teacher I have no influence on students intellectual ability." This is how stereotypes work.
Stereotypes tell teachers which groups are bright and which groups are not. So teachers with
fixed mindset know which students to give up on before they've even met them.

These kind of circumstances put more opportunities for the successful, and leaving the
other students behind. The labels and stereotypes limit the number of students who are given
with the opportunities to experience high quality of education. The teacher must develop
growth mindset so that they can be objective when creating their strategies in teaching.


This chapter presents the procedures and methods on the conduct of the study. It
includes the research design, research locale, research population and sample, research
instrument, data gathering procedures, and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

The survey research design was used to gather data such as the student's beliefs about their
level ideas intelligence, their perspective about the challenging lessons, and how they look at
their scores in written exams and worksheets in Fundamentals of Accounting and Business
Management. These information were used to classify the students into two groups, Group A
(growth mindset group), and Group B (fixed mindset group).

The descriptive-comparative method was used in finding the significant difference

between the academic performance of the Grade 11 ABM students with growth mindset and
fixed mindset in Fundamentals of Accountancy and Business Management.

The said methods were utilized in order to arrive at the conclusion of the study.

Research Locale

The locale of the study was in Godofredo M. Tan Memorial School of Arts and Trades. It
is located in Barangay Pagkakaisa, San Narciso Quezon. This was considered as one of the public
high schools in the Division of Quezon.

GMTMSAT offers two (2) tracks in Senior High School which include Academic Track and
Technical Vocational. Under the Academic Track are Accountancy and Business Management
(ABM), and Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMMS). Tech Voc track covers the Food and
Beverage Strand, Home Economics (HE), and Information Communication Technology (ICT).

Accountancy, Business and Management has four (4) sections. This strand under the
Academic Track has specialized subjects related to Accountancy and Business Management
such as Fundamentals, Organization and Management.

During the first of teaching Fundamentals of Accounting and Business Management until
now, the teacher noticed that there is a recognizable increase of students who encounter
difficulties in this subject. Since the objective in implementing the ABM strand is to produce a
more eligible and competitive generation of Filipino entrepreneurs, it is necessary to address
the development of their performance in the said subject.

The researchers looked for some factors that can affect the performance of the students
and one of this is the mindset of the students. To further test the theory, the researchers
conducted a survey in a selected sample from one section of Grade 11 ABM students.

Research Population and Sample

The respondents of the study are Grade 11 ABM students during the school year 2018-
2019. There are 22 respondents in this section, these samples were grouped into Group A ang
Group B in a ratio of 1:1. Thus, there were 11 respondents in A Groups, 11 respondents in
Group B.

Research Instrument

The researcher used a psychological questionnaire named The Mindset Assessment. This
is a quick diagnostic tool drawn from research-validated measures for people age 12 and over
to use to assess their mindsets. The questionnaire contains eight (8) questions in the Liket
response type of question. These questions would provide the information about the behavior
of the students towards learning. Each question will be used to compare the beliefs of the
growth and fixed mindset groups and to determine its relationship to the academic
performance of the respondents on the said subject.

After answering the survey, the respondents were classified into two groups before the
average rating of the students in Fundamentals of Accounting, Business and Management were
collected. The researchers used bar graphs to present the difference between the number of
students in the two groups who achieved a high average rating in the said subject. More so, the
result of the survey will be used to determine if the positive belief of one self to the level of
intelligence they have was enough to give them perseverance and drive to achieve a high grade
in Fundamentals of Accounting, Business Management.


Name (Optional) : Grade and Section:

Please spare a few minutes of your valuable time to answer this simple Questionnaire.
1. No matter how much intelligence you have, you can always change it a good deal.

o Disagree A Lot
o Disagree
o Disagree A Little
o Agree A Little
o Agree

o Agree A Lot

2. You can learn new things, but you cannot really changed your basic level of intelligence.

o Disagree A Lot
o Disagree
o Disagree A Little
o Agree A Little

o Agree

o Agree A Lot

3. I like my work best when it makes me think hard.

o Disagree A Lot
o Disagree
o Disagree A Little
o Agree A Little
o Agree
o Agree A Lot

4. I like my work best when I can do it really well without too much trouble.

o Disagree A Lot
o Disagree
o Disagree A Little
o Agree A Little
o Agree
o Agree A Lot

5. I like work that I'll learn from even if I make a lot of mistakes.

o Disagree A Lot
o Disagree
o Disagree A Little
o Agree A Little
o Agree
o Agree A Lot

6. I like my work best when I can do it perfectly without any mistakes.

o Disagree A Lot
o Disagree
o Disagree A Little
o Agree A Little
o Agree
o Agree A Lot

7. When something is hard, itjust makes me want to work more on it, not less.

o Disagree A Lot
o Disagree
o Disagree A Little
o Agree A Little
o Agree
o Agree A Lot
8. To tell the truth, when I work hard, it makes me feel as though I'm not very smart.

o Disagree A Lot
o Disagree
o Disagree A Little
o Agree A Little
o Agree
o Agree A Lot

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