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EDUC 201 (Research Methods with Intellectual Rights)
Date: March 12, 2022

Discussion Questions or Activities

1. Identify a topic that could be the focus of a research study, and write
two or three different research questions that could be addressed on
this topic. Discuss whether quantitative or qualitative methods would
provide the best evidence to answer each research question.

- Traditional Education vs Practical Education

Research Questions:

1. What types of methods/strategies lead to a better outcome for

more condition-specific learning needs in the modern society?
2. How can these methods/strategies differ from one another
through its outcomes?
3. What are the underlying factors need to be considered to
attained desirable better educational methods/strategies?

2. For the topic you select for your research proposal, locate at least two
of the following types of articles: review of literature, opinion article,
how-to or experiential report, empirical research study. Compare the
articles you found with several other students in the class. Discuss the
features that can be used to identify each type of article.
The articles I located which have a correlation with my topic found in
the internet is that I considered as secondary source because it only second-
hand information and observation from other researchers. It is a journal articles
that state some additional notions and describes, interprets, or synthesizes
primary sources.

3. Describe the sources and strategies that you have found most useful in
researching your topic. Discuss how you revised your original research
question based on what you have learned, and identify any further
information that you feel is needed to complete your review of
The sources and strategies that I have found most useful in
researching my topic was the content of every article, it was very explaining and
given lots of examples and results. It helps me more in revising and finalizing my
research topic in terms of relevance to the society and practical to my stand.
Further information that I needed to complete was about to find more primary
resources that can help me more in creating meaningful and applicable notions
related to my research topic.

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