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Name: Dean Collien C.

Duavis Grade & Section: 10 – Einstein

Science 10
M3 – W3 – Q3
Activity 4
Positive Negative
- Uterine contractions during childbirth. - Blood sugar control. When blood
The hormone oxytocin, made by the glucose levels are high, insulin
endocrine system, stimulates the decreases them; when blood glucose
contraction of the uterus. This produces levels are low, glucagon raises them.
pain sensed by the nervous system.
Instead of lowering the oxytocin and - Thermoregulation. When the body's
causing the pain to subside, more temperature changes, mechanisms are
oxytocin is produced until the induced to restore it to normal levels.
contractions are powerful enough to
produce childbirth. - Osmoregulation .Osmoregulation
refers to the control of the
- During fruit ripening, ethylene is concentration of various liquids within
released, which continues the ripening the body, to maintain homeostasis.
process of fruits. This occurs via the skin, and in very
concentrated urine. In addition, high
- During the menstrual cycle, the salt levels in the blood are removed via
estrogen hormone stimulates the active transport by the chloride
release of other hormones that secretory cells in the gills. The correct
contribute to ovulation. salt concentration is thus maintained.

Activity 5

1. Which structures in the central nervous system have role in the body’s voluntary
movement? Discuss each part.

- The cerebrum is the highest part of the brain, and it contains both the cerebral cortex
(which is visible on the surface of the brain) and different internal components. The
cerebrum is in charge of conscious feeling and voluntary movement, as well as higher-
level tasks such as thinking, learning, and emotion.
- The somatic nervous system is responsible for initiating and directing your body's actions.
The system is in charge of practically all voluntary muscle actions as well as the
processing of sensory information received from external stimuli such as hearing, touch,
and sight.

2. If a person sustained damage to their brain stem, what could be the possible
consequences to their body?

- A brain stem damage can induce dizziness or loss of motor function, and in severe
situations, it can result in paralysis, coma, or death. Treatment can be prohibitively
expensive, and many victims are unable to work as a result of a brain stem damage. The
effects of a brain-stem injury vary widely. Some individuals may develop mild symptoms
or conditions that go away with treatment and time. Other individuals can experience
catastrophic effects because of a brain-stem injury. Some of the potential effects of an
injury to the brainstem include, but are not necessarily limited to: Loss or interruption of
bodily functions, Altered heart rate, Loss of sensation or smell, breathing problems,
Decreases in motor function, Coma, Loss of consciousness, Problems swallowing, hearing
loss, Lack of coordination or problems with balance, Dizziness, vomiting, and/or nausea,
Insomnia, Abnormal sleep patterns, Paralysis, Blurred vision, Slurred speech.

3. Think back on an emergency experience situation you once experienced. Which

division of the nervous system was triggered during that scenario? How were your
body responses affected by this nervous system?

- When my mom asked me to buy something at the sari-sari store and I encountered a stray
dog. The stray dog was near me and when he detected my presence he started to chase and
as an immediate response I run fast back tour house praying that the dog won’t catch up
with me and bite me. The situation triggered my sympathetic nervous system, this
response is the body’s reaction to danger and was designed to help you survive stressful
and life-threating situations. It is your body’s natural fight or flight response.
4. Trace how a nerve impulse is passed along a neuron.

- The impulse triggers a release of chemicals that allow the impulse to travel through the
synapse the space between the axon of one neuron, then to the cell body and to the
dendrites of the next. An impulse travel along the neuron pathways as electrical charges
move across each neural cell membrane. Nerve impulse that a nerve impulse travels
through a neuron is from the dendrites then to the cell body then to the axon. Hence,
Dendrite → cell body → axon is the pathway that a nerve impulse travels through a
- So, the correct trace is 'Dendrite → cell body → axon'.

5. Positive feedback mechanism are beneficial, but they need to be controlled. Discuss
a scenario where if positive feedback was allowed to continue, the body might get

- If a person breathes air with a high carbon dioxide level, a positive feedback loop
permitted to continue and injured the body. The amount of oxygen in blood decreases
while the concentration of carbon-dioxide in blood increases. This is sensed by carbon
dioxide receptors, which cause the breathing rate to increase. So the person breathes
faster, taking in more carbon dioxide, which stimulates the receptors even more, so they
breathe faster and faster which ultimately results in death.

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