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A study of Importance of English Language Proficiency in Hospitality Industry and the Role of
Hospitality Educators in Enhancing the Same Amongst The Students

Arati Prabhu, Prachi Wani 2015

According to Arati Prabhu, Prachi Wani 2015 the goal of the research is to collect primary data. Via
means of surveys it clarifies the discrepancy. Between English standards as they are now and what they
want to be in the future proficiency. It also emphasizes the three individuals' attempts. In order to
handle the problem, it is necessary to bring together a number of essential players. Despite the
industry's and teachers' best efforts, It is well acknowledged among faculty and students that
collaborative efforts are required. Be forced to confront the issue collectively and from a position of
strength from every angle Innovative teaching is urgently required. Learning new skills and promoting
sound development are two of the most important things you can do to dedication and initiative.

2. The Mastery of and Strategies for Understanding the Idiomatic Expressions Applied by the Students
of Hospitality and Tourism MA &Kurniawan Apgriyanto 11 NOV. 2019

According to MA & Kuriniawan Aprianto (2019) the students of Hospitality and Tourism have a "Low"
mastery of idiomatic expressions, that there is no idiomatic expressions teaching, that they are
unfamiliar with strategies for understanding idiomatic expressions, that the priority English skills are
Speaking, Listening, Writing, and Reading, and that the primary Functional English skills are General
Conversations, Providing Services, Giving Information, Offering Help, and Asking for Cooperation. As a
result, the quality of English language instruction in Hospitality and Tourism programs should be

3. English Language Proficiency of Tour Guides at a Historical Attraction

Suppachai Chanwanakul, Ph.D. (2021)

According to Suppachai Chanwanakul, Ph.D. (2021) The goal of this study is to determine the English
language competency of tour guides at a historical destination so that a strategy for improving their
English language skills may be developed.

4. Undergraduate students’ perceptions of the importance of English in the tourism and hospitality

James Bury & Tatsuya Oka (2017)

According to James Bury & Tatsuya Oka (2017) Educators frequently promote English as advantageous
to future employability, but students' assessments of English's usefulness in the tourism and hospitality
industries are frequently ignored. It's critical to investigate students' perspectives since getting a deeper
understanding could lead to more positive attitudes toward both English and the industry.
5. English Language Proficiency in the Hospitality Industry of Western Ukraine: Pedagogical Challenges
and Promises

Poznanskyy, R., & Davis, D. (2021). English Language Proficiency in the Hospitality Industry of Western
Ukraine: Pedagogical Challenges and Promises. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala,
13(1Sup1), 370-383.

According to Poznanskyy, R., & Davis, D. (2021)The English proficiency levels of hospitality workers in
the Ivano-Frankivsk region of Western Ukraine are measured in this study. It also contrasts the levels of
English competence among hospitality workers in resort areas, big cities, and small towns. The authors
claim that the region's hospitality industry is underperforming due to workers' inadequate English
language abilities.

6. Students’ Perceptions on the Application of Standardized English Language Proficiency Test as

Graduation Requirement in Tourism Higher Education in Indonesia (A Case Study at Trisakti School
of Tourism)

Nurti Rahayu (2019) DOI:

The purpose of this study is to describe students' perceptions on such policies and how they effect
their learning. It is decided to do a descriptive qualitative study.

7. English language competence for tourism sector in supporting socio-economic development in

Merauke: A Survey Study

L A Prihandoko1, Y Tembang2, D N Marpaung3 and F Rahman

Citation L A Prihandoko et al 2019 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 343 012170

According to L A Prihandoko1, Y Tembang2, D N Marpaung3 and F Rahman (2019) the study,

writing skills are the most important (M = 3.27). The primary goal of using English is to deliver
information and services (M = 3.55). On the other hand, the general opinion of the difficulties
encountered in the use of English language abilities is positive (M = 2.32). The goal of this study
is to give a broad overview of English language skills utilized in the tourism industry to aid social
and economic growth.

8. The Impact of English Language Proficiency to Tourist Attraction Recommendations: Case of

Cultural Tourism in Thailand
Thitivesa, D. ., & Siraphatthada, Y. . (2020).

According to Thitivesa, D. ., & Siraphatthada, Y. . (2020). the impact of English language

competency, as well as other criteria, on visitor attraction. As a result, the goal of this research is
to look into the influence of English proficiency in tourist attraction.
9. Stepping Up the English Speaking Proficiency of Hospitality Students through Video Blogs (Vlogs)
Siska Amelia Maldin, Syailendra Reza, and Irwansyah Rezeki Batam Tourism Polytechnic (BTP)
Batam, Indonesia (2017)

According to Siska Amelia Maldin, Syailendra Reza, and Irwansyah Rezek The concept of Vlog in
the classroom is considered as one of the task-based language education concepts to aid
students in their English practice. Outside of the classroom, they can work on difficult-to-learn
speaking skills on their own. As a result, the paper's goal is to demonstrate how Vlog, a hybrid of
video and blog, is utilized in EFL classrooms to improve students' language skills. Public speaking
and communication are two talents that are important to have.

10. The ability to speak English of the local tour guides for promoting tourism at the Aceh Tsunami

Sofyan Abdul Gani, Cut Intan Damayanti(2018)

According to Sofyan Abdul Gani, Cut Intan Damayanti (2018) the issues with conveying concepts
verbally, bad collocations (i.e. improper or inappropriate word choices), poor pronunciation, and a
lack of confidence when speaking English are all challenges with speaking EFL. The findings of this
study are intended to be beneficial input for English Education institution management in enhancing
instructional systems, as well as for tour guides in continuing to learn and build their communication
abilities, particularly their oral English communication skills.

11. Implementing a Cultural Model to Increase English-Language Proficiency at an International College

 Janice Lee Scarinci, Ed Howell (2018)

According to  Janice Lee Scarinci, Ed Howell (2018) In order for students in global rising
economies to be successful, they must be able to communicate in English, and our findings can
be applied to learning other languages within the same cultural model. Motivation: Because
English is today the international business language, the findings of our study can be applied to
higher education around the world.

Nurti Rahayu ( Apr 8, 2020)

According to Nurti Rahayu ( Apr 8, 2020) A good communication skill is essential for
understanding the needs of tourists, which may lead to their contentment. Using a descriptive
qualitative method, this study intends to elucidate students' perceptions (N=275) of the value of
communication skills (speaking, reading, listening, and writing) in the English language among
hospitality students.
Furrakh Abbas1* , Abdul Majid Khan Rana2 , Irfan Bashir3 , Azhar Munir Bhatti (2021)

According to Furrakh Abbas1* , Abdul Majid Khan Rana2 , Irfan Bashir3 , Azhar Munir Bhatti (2021)
English has become the most widely spoken language in today's globalized globe, economies. The ability
to communicate effectively in English is seen as a key aspect in increasing job chances (Sultana, 2016),
allowing the general public to utilize and interact over the internet, communicate with foreigners, and
learn more as well as go to different countries As a result, it is a source of broadening their horizons in
their future lives and offering them joy. A sense of empowerment in their life English aptitude and
competency will surely improve employability by enhancing communication skills. essential abilities for
obtaining, maintaining, and excelling in a career.

14. Teaching and Learning English for Tourism After the Covid-19 Pandemic in Universities and
Solution Proposals
Tran Thi Kim Tuyen (2021.)

According to Tran Thi Kim Tuyen (2021.) The impacts of the Covid-19 epidemic on teaching English
for tourism on occupational training for tourism human resources training are examined in this issue
using teaching methods such as survey listing, analysis, description, and synthesis. Since then, the
author has proposed solutions for teaching and studying English for tourism at universities affected
by the Covid-19 pandemic, with the goal of improving students' learning results and gradually
building conceptions on the quality of English language education for tourism majors.

15. English For Specific Purposes: English Language Needs in Hospitality and Travel Industry

Dinovia Fannil Kher, Yati Aisya Rani & Azhar Jaafar Ramli (2021)

According to Dinovia Fannil Kher, Yati Aisya Rani & Azhar Jaafar Ramli (2021) the research, the
most needed language skills in the hospitality and travel industry are speaking (35%) and listening
(33%). These abilities are primarily required to greet customers (who are dominantly non-native
speakers of English). Furthermore, employees in both companies are frequently required to serve
customers whose English is rudimentary.

16. Efficiency of Hotel Management. Training of Specialists in Hotel Industry Field

Ushakov, R.N. et al. (2020). DOI:10.14505/jemt.v11.2(42).17

According to Ushakov, R.N. et al. (2020). A lack of practice throughout the entire course of study in
the It is impossible to adequately prepare graduates for competition on the labor market in the field
of "Hotel industry," making it impossible to adequately prepare graduates for competition on the
labor market in
the service sector of hotels Another issue is the scarcity of language instruction in specialized higher
education institutions. in training hospitality business professionals, undermining the entire
education system aimed at communication with customers guests from abroad The authors
examine the issues confronting Russian higher education in terms of professional training in their
article. for the hotel industry Because of these issues, the company's competitiveness on the
European and global markets suffers.Services for education.


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