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Dùng would rather để diễn tả ý thích cái này hơn cái kia.
1. Cùng chủ ngữ:
- Diễn tả mong muốn ở hiện tại, tương lai:
S + would rather +(not) + V(bare)

I would rather (not) eat out tonight.
I would rather marry him than stay alone
Would you rather eat tomatoes?
- Diễn tả sự tiếc nuối về một việc đã xảy ra:
S + would rather (not) + have + VpIII

I would rather have spent the money on a holiday (the money wasn’t spent on a holiday)
I would rather have seen it at the cinema than on DVD. (I saw the film on DVD)
2. Khác chủ ngữ:
- Diễn tả mong muốn ai làm việc gì ở hiện tại:
S1+ would rather (not) + S2 + Ved

I would rather she cleaned the house
I would rather they did something about it instead of just talking about it.
- Diễn tả mong muốn, tiếc nuối, hoặc giả định về một điều gì đó trong quá khứ:
S1 + would rather (not) + S2 + had + VpIII

She would rather all her friends had gone to her house last night.
3. Than/or:
Để thể hiện sự ưu tiên, yêu thích một việc gì đó hơn một việc khác, ta có thể sử
dụng would rather than và would rather or. 

Would you rather study or watch TV?
I would rather eat that candy than drink apple juice.
She would rather have eaten a banana than a bar of chocolate.

Thường than được dùng trong câu khẳng định và phủ định, or được dùng trong câu hỏi.
Nếu người hỏi đã chắc chắn có một preference của người được hỏi, dùng than trong câu
hỏi như một lời xác định.

Would you rather kiss him than breakup with him?

4. Would Sooner, Would just as soon

- Hai cụm trên có thể dùng thay thế cho Would rather trong một số trường hợp với nghĩa
tương đương:
I don’t really want to go back to France again this year. I’d sooner go to Spain.
Thanks for the invitation, but, if you don’t mind, we’d just as soon stay at home and
watch it all on TV.
Dùng prefer để nói về thích cái này hơn cái kia, thường kết hợp với giới từ to
1. Đi với danh từ:
S + prefer + N/Ving to N/Ving

I prefer tea to coffee.
We prefer going by ferry to flying.
2. Đi với động từ

S + prefer+ (not) + to V/Ving

She’s not keen on coffee. She prefers to drink tea. (or She prefers drinking tea to coffee.
3. Would prefer:
- Dùng would prefer theo sau bởi to V hoặc danh từ để diễn tả mong ước trong hiện
tại/tương lai:

S + would prefer + to V/N

I’d prefer to go by myself.
Would you prefer a quieter restaurant?
She’d prefer not to drive at night.
- Trong câu hàm ý so sánh, khi nói thích cái này hơn cái kia, có thể giới thiệu đối tượng
thứ 2 sau rather than, theo sau bởi V nguyên thể

S + would prefer + to V/N + rather than + V(bare)

I’d prefer to go skiing this year rather than go on a beach holiday.
-Khi nói về sự ưa thích ai đó làm gì hơn:

S + would prefer + O + to V
S + would prefer it if + S + Ved

They’d prefer us to come later. (or They’d prefer it if we came later.)
Would you prefer me to drive? (or Would you prefer it if I drove?)
III, Phân biệt would rather và prefer:
-Đều mang nghĩa chung là thích cái gì hơn cái gì, tuy nhiên, prefer chỉ tính lâu dài, chung
chung, would rather mang nghĩa tạm thời, cụ thể.
-Khác nhau trên góc độ ngữ pháp:
S + would rather + V (bare)…. than…

S + prefer + V(ing)…. to…


He’d rather walk than drive = He prefers walking to driving. 

IV, Bài tập:

1 Điền to, or, than vào vị trí hợp lý:

1. Do you prefer coffee … tea?

2. I think I’d prefer … drive to California.
3. Would you rather go to the club … go to the beach? (asking for a choice)
4. He’d rather work all day … go to the beach! (make a specific choice)
5. My friend prefers Japanese food … American food.

2 Điền vào chỗ trống

1. I would rather (stay) _________ home tonight

2. Mr. Timmy would rather (stay) _________  home last night
3. We would rather (drink) _________ tea than coffee
4. The photographer would rather that we (stand) _________ closer together than we
are standing
5. Camila would rather (cook) _________ for her family
6. She would rather you (not arrive) _________ yesterday
7. Jim would rather his friends (sleep) _________ than worked last night
8. Sam would rather Jill (be) _________ here with her tomorrow
9. I would rather my brother (not fail) _________ the driving test yesterday
10. I would rather that you (invite) _________ her to your party last Sunday.

3. Chọn would rather/prefer:

1.She …………………. eat a salad than a hamburger.

2.They ……………….. dogs. They don’t like cats.

3.I …………………. stay home today.

4.We ………………….. watching basketball.

5.Usually people ……………………. warm weather.

4. Điền:

1. I………………… the blue shirt.

2. Why do you…………………..going out with Tom?
3. I…………………..have the meeting at 6 pm.
4. Normally, we…………………..going to the beach.
5. I………………… the football game.

5. Viết lại câu:

1. I would like you to go home now.

2. I would prefer to go in December rather than in May.

3. I prefer starting early rather than leaving everything to the last minute.

4. I prefer to walk rather than drive.

5. I want you to stay in a hostel rather than in a hotel.

6. I would like you to find a job.

7. He would face the enemy rather than surrender.

8. They would like to build a new house instead of repairing the old one.

9. We would like you to go bed now.

10. We would like you to do the work yourself.

Đáp án

1. to
2. to
3. or
4. than
5. to


1. stay
2. had stayed
3. drink
4. stood
5. cook
6. hadn’t arrived
7. had slept
8. be
9. hadn’t failed
10. had invited

Đáp án

1. would rather
2. prefer
3. would rather
4. prefer
5. prefer


1. would rather
2. prefer
3. would rather
4. prefer
5. would rather


1. I would rather you went home now.

2. I would rather go in December than in May.
3. I would rather start early than leave everything to the last minute.
4. I would rather walk than drive.
5. I would rather you stayed in a hostel than in a hotel.
6. I would rather you found a job.
7. He would rather face the enemy than surrender.
8. They would rather build a new house than repair the old one.
9. We would rather you went to bed now.
10. We would rather you did the work yourself.

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