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 Inflorescence : Usually Raceme or Solitary axillary, Ex: Lathyrus aphaca.

 Flower : Bracteate, bracteolate, Pedicellate, bisexual, Zygomorphic, Pentamerous, Perigynous.

 Calyx : 5, Gamosepalous, Valvate or imbricate aestivation, odd sepal anterior.
 Corolla : 5, Polypetalous, Descending imbricate or vexillary aestivation in which the posterior large
bilobed petal called vexillum or standard overlaps the two smaller lateral petals named wings or alae.
The latter overlaps the two small anterior petals which are fused lightly by the upper anterior margins called
keel or carina. This type of coralla is also called Papilionaceous corolla.
Exception : Petals absent in Lespedeza.
 Androecium : 10 stamens, Diadelphous in which filaments of 9 stamens are fused while one stamen is
free, Anther dithecous, Dorsifixed, Introse, Inserted.
Exception :
(i) 9 Monoadelphous stamens are found in Arachis hypogea and Delbergia sisso.
(ii) 10 free or polyandrous stamens present in Sophora.
(iii) 10 monoadelphous stamens present in Crotolaria and Pongamia.
 Gynoecium : Monocarpellary, Unilocular, Marginal Placentation, style one.
 Fruit : Legume or pod which is single, dry, dehiscent fruit.
Exception : Lomentum in Arachis and Desmodium.
 Seed : Non-endospermic.
 Pollination : Entomophilly but self pollination occurs in Pisum sativum.
 Floral formula : Br.
 Economic importance : Many plants belonging to the family are sources of pulses (gram, arhar, sem,
moong, soyabean; edible oil (soyabean, groundnut); dye (indigofera); fibres (sunhemp); fodder (Sesbania,
Trifolium), ornamentals (lupin, sweet pea); medicine (muliathi).

1. Polyadelphous stamens are found in
(A) Cotton (B) Sunflower (C) Grain (D) Lemon
2. Roots are used in vegetative propagation in
(A) Potato (B) Sweet Potato (C) Ginger (D) Onion.
3. Pneumatophores are useful in
(A) Respiration (B) Transpiration (C) Guttation (D) Protein synthesis.
4. Stilt roots occur in
(A) Groundnut / Helianthus (B) Rice
(C) Sugarcane / Maize (D) Wheat
5. A plant with photosynthetic roots is
(A) Trapa (B) Dahlia (C) Momordica (D) Mirabilis
6. Velamen absorbs moisture from
(A) Air (B) Root (C) Leaves (D) Mineral salts.
7. Which is not a rhizome?
(A) Colocasia (B) Lotus (C) Ginger (D) Turmeric
8. Phylloclade is found in
(A) Chrysanthemum (B) Asparagus (C) Ruscus (D) Opuntia
9. Corm is modified
(A) Root (B) Stem (C) Leaf (D) Bud
10. The "Eyes" of the potato tuber are
(A) root buds (B) flower buds (C) shoot buds (D) axillary buds
11. Phyllode is present in :
(A) Asparagus (B) Euphorbia (C) Australian Acacia (D) Opuntia
12. Hypanthodium inflorescence is found in
(A) Coriander (B) Sunflower (C) Cauliflower (D) Fig

13. Edible part of Cauliflower is
(A) Cotyledons (B) Mesocarp (C) Endocarp (D) Inflorescence
14. Edible part in th fruit of Litchi is
(A) Mesocarp (B) Aril (C) Fleshy thalamus (D) Cotyledons
15. Banana is
(A) Cremocarp (B) Parthenocarpic berry
(C) Drupe (D) Capsule
16. Edible part in the fruit of Hesperidium is
(A) Endocarp (B) Mesocarp (C) Juicy hairs (D) Pericarp
17. An albuminous germination is
(A) Castor (B) Bean (C) Gram (D) Sunflower
18. Germination of seed within fruit is
(A) Ovipary (B) Vivipary (C) Hypogeal (D) Epigeal
19. Which of the following pair is correctly matched.
S.No. Na me of fruit Type of fruit Edible part
A Coconut Drupe Liquid endosperm
B Groundnut Lomentum Endocarp.
C Apple. Pseudocarp or pome Mesocarp
D Pomegranate Amphisarca Juicy testa of seeds

20. In unilocular ovary with a single ovule the placentation is

(A) Basal (B) Free Central (C) Axile (D) Marginal
21. Flower are Zygomorphic in :
(A) Mustard (B) Gulmohur (C) Tomato (D) Datura
22. The ovary is half inferior in flowers of
(A) Peach (B) Cucumber (C) Cotton (D) Guava
23. Replum is the characteristic feature of the
(A) Asteraceae (B) Brassicaceae (C) Malvaceae (D) Liliaceae


1. Plant roots are usually devoid of chlorophyll and cannot perform photosynthesis. However, three are exceptions.
Which of the following plant root can perform photosynthesis [KVPY SB_2012]
(A) Arabidopsis (B) Tinospora (C) Rice (D) Hibiscus
2. In orange and lemon, the edible part of the fruit is [KVPY SB_2013]
(A) placenta (B) thalamus
(C) hairs of the ovary wall (D) succulent Mesocap

1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (A)
6. (A) 7. (A) 8. (D) 9. (B) 10. (D)

11. (C) 12. (D) 13. (D) 14. (B) 15. (B)

16. (C) 17. (A) 18. (B) 19. (A) 20. (A)

21. (B) 22. (A) 23. (B)


1. (B) 2. (C)


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