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When decisions on what the rest of us are supposed to do

for a project come from "the top down" it would be helpful if

they could provide reasons and data to back up their
reasoning. Sometimes higher level leadership has us do
things or make changes because "they just think it's a good
idea" without any other reasoning and it makes it hard for us
to get behind - and it's hard to drop all of our other projects
to help when we don't really understand why we're doing
14 something a certain way.
I feel like there is still a problem with salary compression for
15 faculty that have been employed at CFCC for 15+ years.
Evaluations should be used to shows an employees ability to
do their job, as well as to point out any negatives or positives
that an employee may have. It tends to be used as a
personal attack to employees that disagree with an individual
or is not a personal favorite. I have seen a supervisor do an
evaluation as honest as possible and the employee went to
an higher up, and the higher up redid the employee's
evaluation and submitted it to HR. I'm amazed at when an
16 employee gets all 5's on an evaluation.
Hire or consult with a Compensation Analyst to ensure
wages are equitable with the fair market value for job
17 competencies and education.
We need more people, concerned with educating students
and teaching them a trade and less people concerned with
18 numbers and con ed.
19 More flexibility with working from home.
Both Self Service and Blackboard Ultra platforms should
have been fully investigated before being required. Both
platforms should, in the very least, be able to do what the
older platforms could do. As faculty, I find myself not wanting
to invest as much of myself as I used to because both new
platforms make my duties much more difficult. I would
20 strongly consider another climate survey that focuses on
both of those platforms so that administration can be made
fully aware that their decision was hasty and hindering. I find
it highly suspicious that there was only positive feedback
provided from faculty that piloted Ultra, because everyone
I've spoken to finds it worse than previous Blackboard. If the
results of a survey show over 50% unfavorable view of Ultra,
the college should strongly consider reverting back to the
previous Blackboard platform or at least offer either as an
21 N/A
Include faculty & staff in major college decisions. Piloting
Blackboard Ultra has been difficult as the program is not fully
functional. This has created many obstacles for faculty and
students. Suddenly switching to self-service for reporting
attendance and grades over christmas break without
adequate training for faculty created much frustration.
Faculty were scrambling to learn the new system. It is
important to provide adequate training so FTE gets reported
accurately. Decisions that affect faculty should be made with
faculty input. The faculty workload and job description were
changed over summer break from 18-24 hours to 25 total
hours. Stop pro-rating instructional contracts for full-time
faculty. Allow their additional hours to be office hours instead
of docking their pay. Most faculty are taking on additional
courses to make ends meet. Decisions that affect staff
should be made with staff input. Employee salaries should
be competitive with other community colleges. It is incredibly
difficult to hire faculty without competitive salaries. I have
had numerous amazing candidates turn down the offer to
22 work at CFCC purely because of the salary.
23 Evaluation process for superiors by inferiors
There has been so much negative press regarding CFCC, I
am embarrassed to tell people where I work. Staff salaries
24 need to be addressed, as they are not comparable to other
colleges, universities, or other outside opportunities. I
appreciate the raises we've received, but we need to do
more. PT faculty should get credit for years of service
towards their salary. A confidential method to submit
suggestions so that they could be addressed, perhaps in a
newsletter would be helpful.
I think CFCC is a wonderful place to work. Some ideas: bring
back employee of the month. Keep up chats with the
president. Invest in health/wellness activities for employees;
and eventually a space for that. EWD needs a centralized
reception person who can act as a liaison between the rest
of the college and their division. Host some fun events for
employees: a food truck rodeo; employee appreciation show
25 at the WC (maybe a talent show). Keep up the good work!
Part time employees should be paid an hour a week extra for
planning time / grading papers, etc. We rely on them and
they should be paid for the extra time they put in and is
26 required of the job.
Employee meetings with supervisors should be conducted
privately. Flexibility to remote work as needed would be
27 beneficial to morale if suitable in specific areas.
28 Clear communication of expectations.
29 N/A
It would be nice if non sold out tickets at the Wilson Center
were offered to staff/faculty to attend free. Increase pay
among faculty/staff. I have heard that some colleges are
able to pay staff for 40 hours a week when they work 36
hours during the summer. For some staff/faculty the extra
perks are important. For me they would be nice, but not
expected. With or without them I love my position at the
30 College.
31 N/A
Continue to support instructors with good solid policies and
32 procedures when there are student or parent grievances.
Please get some input from instructors about what
technology and software they really need for their
classrooms. The smart podiums are expensive but I would
love to keep them around and available for those who really
use them. They do not need to be in every classroom but
they are needed for good quality recorded lectures for online
classes in some disciplines. I sometimes struggle to find a
nice quiet room with a working smart podium to record my
I think you everyone should be evaluated and given a raise
by their performance do give everyone straight off the board
33 raises
Decisions and policy changes that help the college transfer
or general AAS/AA program does NOT always help the CTE
side. There have been MANY changes that hurt students in
some programs and have caused enrollment to drop.
Blanket changes and policies are hurting the CTE programs.
We need to treat the CTE programs differently than the
transfer or general AAS program. One size does NOT fit all.
If the upper administration wants to make changes, perhaps
these changes should be vetted differently to make sue they
will not cause poor student outcomes in the process. I am
fairly certain that ANY faculty in the CTE side would love the
34 opportunity to speak with the admin about the concerns.`
1) Please send staff/faculty other than upper management to
power breakfasts, community events, etc. occasionally. 2)
Have senior management "appear" around college more
frequently (I know there's not a lot of time). Let people
35 see/talk to them more casually.
Consistent step raises/COLA to keep up with inflation;
advertised internal promotion availabilities; outreach to
36 students to increase involvement on campus
Like the job and the people I work with. The inadequate pay,
37 and the "Do More With Less" attitude from "Leadership" is
discouraging. The sense that certain people are preferred
and treated differently is pervasive.
Increase salaries to be consistent with other
colleges/universities. Offer the option to telework when
38 possible.
Clearer communication between senior administration and
faculty and staff. More flexible work opportunities for CFCC
39 staff that has families.
I would try to contribute to this, however, I do not feel like it
would warrant any positive change to CFCC to provide any
40 feedback.
41 =
Suggestions are generally pointless because upper
management clearly does not want to hear what anyone
42 below them has to say.
I would like to have the opportunity to not only do more but
43 to earn more.
I love working here. The biggest struggle is that so many
departments just need more people to do all the important
work that we want to do. Everyone is doing their best, but I
do feel like everyone is doing more than they can, which
44 could lead to burnout.
45 No comments.
46 Pay is a concern for most employees.
47 Salary evaluations for employee retention
48 I am thankful for the opportunity to work for CFCC.
CFCC is lacking with keeping up the salary with other
colleges and industry, therefore there is a lot of turnover.
Standards for college appear to have declined over the
49 years and public reputation has been hurt.
Create an atmosphere that is transparent and allows people
to use the skills they have instead of being scared to do
something for fear of being replaced, or worse, being let go
50 and never replaced. Actually get a full staff, instead of cutting
departments down to the bare bones. Put students above
profits. < ---That is the big one this institution is really
lacking. The student experience is not what it once was, as it
lacks engagement with materials, classmates, etc.
More accountability for how administrators interact with staff;
speaking respectfully to them, appreciating the hard work
they put in and considering them as a part of the team, not
51 just someone there to run their errands/do their bidding.
Salary speaks volumes! But if administration can't change
that, then give the employees other benefits. For instance,
flexible working hours, allow remote work for positions that
are able, pay for Internet access or phone plans, laptops for
those working remotely. Free Gym memberships. Campus
facilities, like a gym with showers, shady outside spots near
every building. Create an environment so that employees
want to stay even when the pay low. Announce new
employees and when employees are leaving, as well as org
chart changes and not just in the college council meeting
notes; org chart changes affect nearly every person on
campus. So many people are leaving CFCC for UNCW and
other employers due to pay, no yearly contract, other
benefits that were listed above. More leave can be gifted, for
instance during the holiday break, rather than force people to
use their own. These are just a few things that can help
52 make an employee think they are wanted/needed.
I think providing more opportunities for teachers and staff to
feel appreciated for what they do is essential. Whether it be
free parking for events at the Wilson Center/Live Oak Amp.
or a chance to watch fireworks with friends and family from
53 the parking deck rooftops, some perks go a LONG WAY!
I think overall CFCC is a great place to work but
unfortunately I happen to work in a department that plays
favorites, hires people based on their ability to "fit in" (true
54 quote), has a very negative attitude where gossip and
complaining of other people and departments is a constant
daily stressor for me that has ultimately caused me to isolate
myself/disengage socially and I've learned not to disagree or
voice opinions because I could easily "not have my contract
renewed" for a simple difference in opinion or perceived
mistake. I've seen several people land themselves on the
"sh*t list" for minor issues that should have been handled
with better professionalism and communication rather than
talking about them behind their back and just doing
everything they can to find a way to get that person out.
Unfortunately, I don't know how these types of issues can be
addressed and resolved...the behaviors have not changed
even with professional development training. I also feel that I
do not have adequate support from my supervisor, I did not
have experience in this area before being promoted to this
position and she was well aware of that. I had general
experience within our department but not any specifically in
regards to what I work on now, I have a bachelor's degree in
this field, not the experience. I need support to gain
knowledge and learn how to do my job and become better at
it but I feel I'm expected to figure it all out on my own. When
help is requested (for usually just a small part of a project)
that I either don't have the access for or knowledge of how to
complete, it takes a long time before a response is given, I
mean lately it's weeks and we work on the same hallway. I
feel constant pressure like it is on me if something isn't
completed timely enough but if I can't get the support I need,
should it be on me? I think she has taken on too much at
once, it has trickled down and now I don't have the support
needed to be as successful as I could have been and she is
also too overwhelmed to give that support. Unfortunately I
don't have suggestions for improvements in this area either
because she is too busy to attend the professional
development trainings. But those are my main concerns,
hopefully voicing my thoughts here does not backfire and
just maybe it could bring about some positive change.
55 Evaluations on supervisor
I do not feel valued as an employee outside of my
department. I feel as though we are seen as replaceable.
56 The climate was not like this when I began in 2014.
Decisions should not be made based on length of
tenure/employment, too often the needs of the College or the
Students is superseded based on the perceived entitlement
of employees. The college should get back to decisions
being made that are best for the college as a whole not
using already limited resources to move offices, furniture, etc
so that faculty/staff can "have a window" etc. Consolidate
services for students into one building, ie. Student Services,
Enrollment Center, Nixon Center, Counseling, Veterans
Center, IT Student Helpdesk, so that students don't have to
leave Union Station to utilize those services. The college
needs to increase the base salary for positions to be
competitive with other employers within the region. There
are several departments that have been and are currently
understaffed to effectively serve the needs of the college.
This also includes benefits for younger employees that are
family planning, the lack of time for Maternity/Paternity leave
57 is a deterrence for employees within that age group.
Cost of living raises/raise salaries to COL for this area for
faculty/staff that are not meeting the median COL here in
NHC; Stronger communication from IT department; Email
etiquette training for all faculty/staff; Conflict management
training for Supervisors; More professional development
opportunities for staff (not just faculty); Transparency on
hiring process by actually posting positions whether internal
or external; There are endless EdToGo trainings offered
through the EWD department that CFCC staff/faculty do not
58 utilize that can be very helpful!
Staffing levels for most departments have been cut back
over the past few years. My department specifically has
LESS THAN HALF the staff we had 10 years ago. We are
able to complete basic tasks, but it causes us to be more
reactive than proactive in assisting students. I worry that our
students are underserved and will not be a good reflection of
the college when they either join the workforce or transfer to
59 a 4-year school.
More communication directly with those associated with the
information that needs to be heard. A lot of telephone being
60 played, in that information is give through third parties.
north campus has worst lighting ever seen at night!
professional development is great if you work downtown all
the not volunteer faculty to spend hours of their
own time to attend professional development and not offer a
61 stipend when other area colleges do.
When there is a problem with a program the people
responsible for that program should be talked to and not
gone around so that decisions are made knowing all the
62 details.
Morale has never been lower, and I have been here over 15
years. COVID will be blamed for this, but the truth is that
COVID just helped illuminate how bad it is. Faculty have
never felt more underappreciated, neglected, alienated, and
exhausted. This is due to a myriad of issues, but here's a
few: data driven decisions, based on very little input from
actual teachers; mandatory teaching loads that are too high
to allow quality teaching; woefully lower salaries for part-time
faculty (less than half of a part time salary at UNCW);
reactive policies that always feel last minute and forced (re:
COVID mask policies/quarantine rules, override salary limits,
etc.); massive, continuous media stories that illuminate just
how bad higher administration (president and trustees)
63 handle any issues; and the list goes on... The college was
once a place that valued students and their faculty; a place
that put education first. Now, 10 percent of my day is spent
teaching and preparing to teach because I am forced to deal
with policy changes/edicts from administration that wastes
time that could be spent creating and maintaining a
challenging, exciting classroom. Fixes: 1. Stop Mandatory
use of BB Ultra. If faculty want to use it, then great, but some
online classes are excellent on the "old" BB and student
outcomes/feedback was far better. I have first hand
experience with THE EXACT SAME CLASS on Ultra and
"old" Blackboard. Students are doing far worse in the "Ultra"
class because the software is difficult and not intuitive. We
are causing students to fail because we "saved" money
BETA testing bad software. This is inexcusable. If higher ups
ask faculty, they will tell them this, but they don't. They just
make moving classes to the new software mandatory. 2.
Change chairs every THREE years max. 3. Send/hire more
lobbyists to Raleigh to get SACS faculty more salaries that
are closer to University minimums (if our student's education
is transferable to state schools then our teachers should be
paid the same as state schools). No excuse for the
discrepancy in pay for the same classes. Faculty at CFCC
are all just waiting for an opening at UNCW to quit their job
here for more pay there...that's not a good model for faculty
retention. 3. Shorter Term limits for trustees. 4. A president
that has minimum credentials in his/her field and experience
in education. Also, a president who attends college
functions. 5. Fix college overload policy. It doesn't actually
save the college money, it just alienates full time faculty and
students get less options for classes.
-4-5% annual raise :-) -CFCC swag for employees (umbrella,
raincoat, fleece) -This may sound crazy but regulating the
temperature at the North Campus as it is always FREEZING
64 regardless of whether it is summer or winter.
65 Our salaries don't match inflation.
I would like to see the opportunity to do professional
development training in the field of my profession. There are
very few opportunities for me to expand my knowledge and
66 skillset in my particular field.
Communication at the department level across departments
could use improvement and might be better with Monthly
meetings of all department members instead of just
supervisors. Departmental training plans seem non-existent -
instead an actual job/position training manual could improve
67 the integration of new members.
Department chairs are required to have teaching experience.
I strongly feel that deans and division leaders should also
68 have teaching experience.
69 Reevaluation of salaries.
I am proud to call this my home. The only recommendation I
would make so far is that when making keys for new
employees--instead of dumping them in an envelope with no
idea of what doors they go to---why not be organized and
professional--title each one (the keymaker knows!!); give a
CFCC key ring....make it a nice welcome for a new
70 employee! Instead of a gigantic task!
Flexibility to allow for remote work. It makes me feel as if
CFCC is behind the times with its rigidity. At the very least,
allow director discretion so that it can vary by department,
but one whole rule to apply to the entire college doesn't
make much sense and isn't in students' favor. Also won't
71 lead to retention of great employees.
I came to the college excited to work here. But I've found the
faculty unhappy, stressed out, and undervalued. The
administration treats the faculty as though we are trying to
get away with something. I spend 60 hours a week at least
working on my classes, teaching students, grading, and
responding to students needs. Yet it seems that
72 administrators think I'm trying to shirk my responsibilities and
get away with something and so they have to monitor me
like a child. I am a good instructor, I care about being a good
instructor and I value my job. I understand that there are
individuals that aren't good instructors and that are taking
advantage of the system. They should be fired! It shouldn't
be the case that faculty are policed because some people
are bad teachers! I don't understand it and I don't think there
needs to be a hostile relationship between faculty and
administration and yet it seems like there is a very hostile
relationship. It is disappointing. I know my supervisor
recognizes that I do my job well and is great to me, but
above that level it is stressful and unnerving what I hear from
the college administration and the way that I feel the leaders
of the college neither value nor appreciate what we are
doing. It seems like they care only about the bottom line (i.e.
money) and not about the quality of instruction or the college
atmosphere. I understand that the bottom line must matter,
but it needn't be at the expense of the happiness of the
faculty. As far as I can tell, all the faculty are unhappy with
the way they are treated by those that run the college.
Have seen many improvements over the last few years and
very proud of what CFCC is accomplishing for our students
73 and the community.
I think CFCC needs to be fun again. Things like shutting
down the streets and allowing everyone to see CFCC knows
how to let loose. Moral boots are needed desperately, and
simple things can bring that back! Work with the bookstore
on doing spirit days or fun things for our staff/students. We
need more campus culture and I think that starts with making
everyone feel comfortable in the CFCC family no matter
74 what the role you play.
Programs and students have been disproportionately hit by
Covid. Cutting and moving to Con Ed will have unforeseen
impacts which adversely hurts students, employers and
75 community. Real vision is needed not just for short term.
Students and programs are not one size fits all. When we
cut, we eliminate opportunity. When we move to Con Ed we
make instruction less attractive for the best. Is this who we
want to be? Which employers are hurting? Are we ready to
train for tomorrow? Will we be? How does cutting now put us
in place to attract employers to our area? Are we performing
defensible analysis? Or are we slashing and burning?
Running a finely tuned machine is wise. Holding together
with duct tape and eroding wire is cheap and we will pay the
price in the long run. Vision looks at the long game. Training
law enforcement today has grave consequences. Why are
we going cheap? The long game is quality education and
training for our region. The vision is the leader is in our state
and the Southeast. We can be that. Lets not squander it for
nickels and dimes. We want to attract the best and brightest.
Students, employers, staff, faculty. We are doing the
opposite to do this.
77 Some areas need to be kept more clean
need to do everything possible to bring back more students
78 to campus. ramp down emphasis on online classes.
Work towards all departments communicating and working
with each other. We are here for the student and not a
79 specific department. Little things can go a long way!
It would be nice to feel some job security and not feeling like
we are all going to lose our jobs every year. No one will feel
comfortable giving suggestions if they think they will lose
80 their job.
I would love to have a coffee shop on the North Campus
again. It was great to have a neutral, comfortable place to
81 meet with students or colleagues and have coffee.
82 I see lots of wasted money and bad prioritization of funds.
Some areas in the college seem to be understaffed. I feel
that is an issue. I also think the college is not up on the
payscale. You can go to UNCW and do the same job for
more money. However, CFCC has a great environment and I
am happy to be here and happy to do my job. I have a great
83 supervisor that always has time for me.
I truly enjoy working at CFCC, and feel that the other staff
members and supervisors place importance on a good
84 company culture, and making this a good place to work..
It seems like pay increases and promotions happen alot up
on the 5th floor not with any of the staff/faculty. More
emphasis should be on academics and the students, not on
# of students registered. It would be nice to be
acknowledged for all of the hard work we do. The president
never goes around the college and gives a "good job, I
appreciate all your hard work" to the employees. I don't
believe he is in tune to how overworked some departments
85 are.
86 n/a
87 N/A
Programs should all be viewed equally for student success,
88 not by how much money they bring to the college.
89 No suggestions
90 No opportunity for financial growth.
CFCC should really focus on being a reflection of the
community from which it serves. Students of color have
expressed feeling uncomfortable and not welcome in
different spaces because of the lack of minority staff and
91 faculty here. Representation matters!
Turnover seems a bit high for student services positions; and
I've noticed certain positions have been vacant for quite
some time (ex: Asst Registrar, Counselor, Nixon Leaders). I
wonder why that is, or what could be done to improve job
92 postings, or opportunities. I also tend to hear from students
that some instructors have the goal of helping their students
be successful by any means possible. Others, tend to be
"colder," or "less understanding." While I cannot validate
these claims based on information shared in an emotional
state, I do recognize a theme that I felt would be important to
CFCC is a great place to work. Communication is key and
needs to continue to be consistent and transparent to avoid
general speculation or rumor mill. I believe in CFCC and look
93 forward to growing as a professional for years to come.
94 Add back admin asst to departments.
CFCC is an awesome place to work and our President is
incredible! There are some miserable people that still work
here that try to cause issues. They need to go somewhere
they can be happy. CFCC has improved drastically over Jim
Morton's leadership! I stand behind him 100 percent and
have never felt more secure in my job or more proud of the
95 accomplishments that we are making.
This school desperately needs new administration at the top.
Deans and Chairs do a great job, yet the morale of faculty is
96 terrible. Everyone I know is considering leaving.
97 Clearer guidelines on how salaries are calculated
98 Performance reviews should be conducted 2 times a year
Integrate academic orientation as a formal part of
onboarding to familiarize new faculty/staff with processes
and procedures critical to system, college, department, and
99 course function
Because we can't provide salaries comparable to industry,
we could offer our "summer hours" schedule year-round.
Another option would be to work four 8 hours days and 4
hours on Friday; i.e.36 hour work week is the schedule for
100 FT staff.
101 None come to mind.
Communication. Ongoing problem from top down. Too many
new software/computer programs/new programs that directly
impact faculty all at once. Everyone works in their silo and
faculty is directly impacted. Example: new attendance
system, new BB system, that still has so many quirks and
kinks that the students hate it, performance review system,
then no, we won't do a new performance review, SPOL
changed how many times, plus we are still burdened with
accessibility for documents and uploads to BB. There are so
many things all at once faculty cannot catch a breath to
catch up with themselves before more is piled on. Do you
realize in the midst of all of this is lecture prep, clinical
grading, labs and other teaching responsibilities and you
want us to to put students first? Faculty are burdened with
this new student entering our classroom without study skills
and preparation for note taking, late for class, unable to
navigate the system you put in place with universal
navigation design and they still can't find anything. Slow
down. Look at what you are implementing and who it is
directly impacts. Faculty need some time to catch up. We
are just coming out of the pandemic where we did a great
job this school. We are doing all we can for you. We are
102 allowing the students grace. Show us some.
When I started work at CFCC it was more friendly I wish it
103 could come back, starting at the top.
It feels like those who work harder and are better workers
often get more work. Offer incentives and rewards to boost
morale and encourage a strong work ethic. Provide
opportunities to advance and use the data that we collect to
make positive changes. Be student driven. Thank you for the
104 chance to provide feedback.
Little things go a long way (jeans on Fridays, flexible work
hours as long as there is office coverage, teleworking one
day per week, employee of the month, close on Fridays in
105 the summer but offer later service Monday-Thursday). Even
if the college is unable to make big changes with salaries
due to funding constraints, there are small things that would
help morale.
106 1. Onsite dining choices.
107 n/a
None, CFCC is an amazing place to work and I am blessed
108 to be a part of the CFCC family.
Give each employee a thorough examination prior to
*scaring them with their job*. Make sure things are truly as
you think beforehand. I am saying this because it's
happening without that consideration when there clearly is a
misunderstanding and its causing an employee to feel the
school has a hostile working environment. It made them feel
as though these types of workers are not valued at this
school which I find difficulty in trying to convince them
otherwise. Also I believe when an issue comes up, they
should talk directly to the people involved and that that
person should be the only ones that deal with
109 consequences, not a whole department.
There needs to be some way to enhance faculty morale and
trust. Somehow that has been lost in some people I know at
the college, though they are in the minority. I feel that the
faculty association is doing a stellar job of serving in the
communication role. Continue meetings with the president
and more potential of an open-door policy with the president
110 would be great.
111 N/A
Promoting more of a sense of community with the faculty by
providing more opportunities for them to come together and
112 share ideas.
-We need better communication. How come faculty never
gets to know decisions? UNCW communicates decision with
their faculty a month in advance. At CFCC, faculty receives a
113 text saying that the mask mandate ends immediately. -we
are not allowed to review our leaders. In other schools such
as other community colleges in North Carolina, usually,
administrators are evaluated by their faculty. -the salaries at
CFCC are very low -Faculty have to teach 6 classes
whereas in other community colleges in North Carolina,
faculty only have to teach 4 classes. CFCC is always about
quantity, never quality. Why can't we do like other
community colleges?
Continue to analyze and improve CFCC. Our reputation
114 depends on it.
Need to be open to suggestions of improvement by new
employees. Employees who have been here for a long
period of time are not welcoming to new employees. Great
115 fear of change here.
Communication and collaboration on the chair to dean level
is open, valuable, and engaging; beyond that, other levels
116 feel hollow to intimidating and messages are delayed.
117 It has been a pleasure working at CFCC so far.
Better orientation of new students to ensure awareness of all
118 resources available, and of their individual responsibilities.
119 none at this time
CFCC needs a new president to take the college into the
future. The negative publicity caused by our current
120 president and the CFCC Board are holding the college back.
I enjoy my role at CFCC. The Health and Human Services
division is solid. Expectations, changes, and important
information is consistently related in a manner that is
efficient. In situations outside of our division, I have not
always experienced this level of consistency with
121 communication.
Create avenues for departments to work together collectively
122 for the betterment of programs.
123 More frequent pay raises for faculty.
Stop micromanaging faculty and staff. That discourages
productivity and you lose the respect of the people you
supervise. Stop telling people everything is "cause for
dismissal" including attending the funerals of their loved
ones. Treating the people you supervise with compassion
would be a great start! Hire someone as HR Director who
has experience, our HR department is a mess and is ripe for
a lawsuit Use hiring committees for important positions, like
upper management and faculty, and not for janitorial staff
Stop promoting people internally without hiring committees
LISTEN to the recommendations of hiring committees Put
people on hiring committees who understand and have
experience with the positions they're hiring for, instead of
random members of staff Stop giving diversity lip service and
hire a diversity officer Support the college transfer programs,
which bring in the majority of the college's income, instead of
obsessively focusing on vocational technical programs. Hire
a college leader who understand what's going on here and
124 understands the basics of effective leadership.
Communication is key. I feel that we are being informed by
Mr. Morton in his newsletters but there is still room for
125 improvement throughout the college.
performance based raises, bridge the financial gap between
executives and faculty. Let program directors and instructors
be involved in all decisions made affecting their program and
126 its future.
127 More dialogue.
128 I love working here!
Improvement in retention in the HR department is needed in
order to ensure smooth functioning. High rate of turn over at
all staff levels is concerning and problematic, especially
129 when new systems are implemented during every turn over.
130 #ERROR!
Giving more time to complete required tasks (saying this is
due by 3pm tomorrow is not enough time). Also, informing
employees/faculty of meetings in which we can participate at
least a day ahead (saying we have a meeting at 2pm today if
you want to join us to find out more about this new
technology doesn't really give us preparation to be involved).
131 Thank you.
CFCC is probably the healthiest work environment I've
experienced—I have a great team. However - I don't get
feedback about opportunities for growth even though I feel I
132 am a valuable team member.
Provide a more reasonable vending machine experience for
our students, who at night may have no other options. Label
133 prices, keep stocked.
134 good place to work
Performance Evaluations: I answered "disagree" to this
question because in the past, upper level administrators
have told supervisors they are not permitted to rate all
employees at a high level. (I have witnessed this in
meetings, so it is not hearsay.) In fact, when an employee
receives high marks on any category, supervisors are
required to "justify" this rating with extra documentation. I am
sure this extra step discourages supervisors from giving high
ratings to employees. All full-time CFCC employees have
undergone an elaborate interview and vetting process to be
here. Everyone I know at CFCC works hard and cares about
the students. I love my position and CFCC, and I personally
am not unhappy with my own performance evaluations.
However, some faculty and staff have received lower marks,
and I have observed them to be disheartened and at times
devastated. Of course, this leads to lower morale and most
likely poorer performance. My philosophy of the performance
evaluation process would be to use it as a tool for
135 encouragement, not punishment. The philosophy that "not all
employees are superior" leads to lower morale. In many
ways, it becomes a self-fulfilled prophecy, as low employee
morale leads to poorer performance. I would love to see
more programs designed to help faculty and staff be
successful. I believe we could have a reward system for
employees who are successful in certain areas. Positive
reinforcement is much more useful than negative
reinforcement. I am confident it would improve morale here.
(I know we have a new staff in HR, so I am hopeful that we
will have a new way of approaching the performance review
process. I am also hopeful that our HR department will
function as a resource for employees just as much as the
employees are a resource for the college. In the past, it has
not felt that way at all.) Thank you for asking for our
opinions. I am grateful to work at this college. I have heard a
few faculty say that they are worried about responding to this
survey, as it could be traced back to them. I would love to
see the morale improve. To me, any open discussion of
ideas is the only way we can all improve, so I appreciate this
136 There seems to be little care for the staff.
137 Transparency
138 none
Honored to work at this institution. It has been a incredible,
professional experience where I have grown a great deal.
139 Thank you to the leadership of CFCC and President Morton!
140 n/a
I feel the college needs more structure with office and
141 classroom placement.
142 Nothing
**Administrators should find ways to reduce or assist with
the workloads that are being placed on many instructors.
Some programs have over 50+ students enrolled vs other
143 programs may have 15 or less total students for the year.
That should be recognized. **Allow the instructors to teach
and focus on teaching instead of constantly having to
complete often meaningless and time consuming tasks
outside of their normal working hours. (Example: Teaching
Academy, the majority of the instructors feel that this was a
waste of time especially for the disciplines they teach.)
**Professional development hours should be related to the
discipline the instructor actually teaches in, costs for the
PDH's should be covered by the college if they are within
reason. **Too much time is being spent collecting "diversity
data" vs. the real world needs of the college, students, and
instructors. **The president could spend more time getting to
know the instructors and their concerns versus relying on
information from a department chair, VP, or a dean who
rarely if ever teaches a class or comes in contact with
students. **Aviso deadlines should be set by the instructors.
**Blackboard should be optional for some programs as it
offers little benefit. **Instructors are evaluated on a constant
basis(4 times per year by either the students or admin). Why
are there never any evaluations on how the chairs, deans,
and VP 's are performing and how they are working with and
supporting the faculty? The college should find that data
collection important as well.
Pay your employees based on what other employees in the
city/state are paid (consider position titles). The general
feeling here is that the staff are easy to replace so they
should just keep their heads down and be quiet. Certain
departments are respected and valued while others are not
even considered. The educational requirements for the
president should be more than the requirements of an entry-
144 level staff person.
145 Salary fairness
146 N/A
147 I have no suggestions.
148 I enjoy my job and working at CFCC.
149 I think we are doing well.
150 No suggestions.
I wish professional development classes were conducted on
off hours as well. I instruct six hours per day five days a
151 week and it seems all available courses are offered mid day
Better communication from the top down at the college
would be appreciated as would more inclusiveness in terms
of being appreciated for what our department contributes -
students who enroll in curriculum and postsecondary
152 programs at CFCC.
I think the overall Leadership is great. With gas prices and
cost of living going up, I think it would be great to reconsider
153 teleworking one day a week.
154 None
Payment evaluation, we are losing too many good
employees to other businesses who are able to provide the
income for rising needs and no need to apply for a second
place of income. This is will cause burn out and discontent
155 with those still here at a rapid rate.
156 n/a
Offering a work from home option for employees who are
home with a sick child or are in quarantine but still able to
157 perform their job.
158 Growth, Should be for everyone not some.
159 ...
The BOT and President and Upper-Administration are
nontransparent and have created a culture of fear and
disrepair amongst the Faculty. There is continuous over-
reach and micromanagement in regards to instruction and
extra duties for Faculty Members. There was little to no
support in during the pandemic from Administration, and
they never seemed to realize that teaching during this time
160 was physically and emotionally burdensome. Policies were
unclear and usually late to be addressed. It seems like the
rules and policies of this college are decided by a very select
group of people, behind closed doors, with no input from the
people it effects. All the while, Faculty has been given more
work to do with mandatory professional development,
BlackBoard Ultra, and Adviso. There is also a large
discrepancy between Faculty and Administration pay. The
pay scale for Faculty Members is very low, and needs to be
further addressed.
161 nothing to add
I think that performance evaluations should be reviewed
between employees and supervisors rather than being
distributed and asked to sign acknowledging receipt. I put a
lot of time into my self-assessment, so I think that at least
taking some time to review it together would make it feel
162 more important.
163 ..
I feel that CFCC is an outstanding working and learning
164 environment. I am thrilled to be associated with this college!
165 Our department works great together. Keep it up.
166 Time for team building within the department would be nice.
167 A new dental clinic/lab would be appreciated
A stronger culture of teaching and education is needed.
Instructors being rewarded in more ways for exceptional
168 teaching would go a long way to boost morale.
169 N/A
CFCC should bring back the continuing education classes
170 for community interests.
There was a question earlier about making decisions based
on data, and I agreed that this occurs at CFCC. The problem
is that data is not the entire story, especially when working
with dynamic courses and dynamic students in a dynamic
world. CFCC could improve upon its culture of rewarding
171 and encouraging instructors to provide academic rigor and
for the students to rise to the rigor. It seems that the culture
is moving more toward checking off boxes and getting out of
school. I feel secure in my job, but I hear a lot of buzz
around from people who don't. Daily hearing these fears
start to creep into my thought process and make me wonder.
CFCC could improve upon communication with faculty and
staff about expectations, reasons for potential removal and
encouragement about how to maintain job security.
The people I work with are a great group of people and are
hard working; however we are in dire need of help in student
services and positions are not being filled when employees
172 leave. I do feel there has been some discrimination.
We need administrators who have education backgrounds
rather than business backgrounds. College administrators
should have classroom experience in order to understand
the needs and challenges faced by faculty in the classroom.
Our president and board members are never seen walking
the halls of the college to see what is happening in the
classrooms and speaking to instructors directly. Decisions
are made by administrators without taking into consideration
how they will impact the workload of instructors. Annual
raises are small, IF we get one at all which gives us little
incentive to work harder other than through our own volition
and pride. Since instructors are on a yearly contract, it
makes it impossible to speak freely about our jobs. The
president has offered "talks" but I do not feel comfortable
speaking or going to them because of possible retaliation for
173 opinions expressed.
Comprehensive Faculty/Student Diversity training and
programs to support campus wide culturally informed
174 practices.
Employees and staff should be treated equally, this includes
evaluating salaries. Higher-ups need to attend trainings for
175 management on how to be a good leader/supervisor.
Employees and Faculty need to be HEARD and
RECOGNIZED for what they do for the college. There are
not incentives for employees or faculty. Moral is at an all
time low because of this. Also all job postings should be
posted and employees/faculty shouldn't be "slid" into
positions. Summer hours all year long would be great!
176 No additional comments to provide at this time.
Security personnel at the front desk in Union Station after
177 5:30.
Improve communication from administration to faculty and
178 staff of any future plans or strategies.
179 I don't have suggestions at this time.
Allow instructors more leeway to do what is best for their
180 students.
181 None
182 No comment.
I would say communication skills could be improved. I had
no idea we were switching over to self service for
attendance/grading until I tried to submit attendance on the
FDOC. Later on that morning we got the email stating that
183 we would not use WebAdvisor anymore.
Teleworking should count as on campus time if we are
184 available to our students and coworkers during that time.
We need to come up with a better system for PLO's. The
amount of work program directors have to do is worth more
than $74 a month. I spend many hours each month working
on PD projects. I feel our work is not being compensated.
Instructors spend time outside of work at home, grading,
answering emails and so on, I think some of that should
185 count for campus time.
A few questions regarding morale and overall climate of the
college would have been a needed edition. I do not feel like
this survey provides enough valid questions to gather much
186 useful data.
187 Leadership
More emphasis on academic programs, not just practical
188 and trade career paths.
President Morton and his team have done an outstanding
job leading the college through an unprecedented period of
disruption caused by the pandemic, and a period of low
189 enrollment prior to that.
CFCC is a great place to work at. I understand there has
been a ton of change, however with change comes growth.
There are obviously things that can get better, but you can
say that about any workplace. I truly believe that as COVID
passes and the staff/faculty see the fruits from past changes
will help. Personally I would love to see Mr. Morton more
around campus. I am very confident in my job and our
relationship however I feel like others would benefit greatly
just getting to know him on a personal level a bit. He is a
great dude and people need to see that side of him. I pray
this feedback serves our campus community in a positive
light and we can continue to change young people's lives for
190 the better.
I have a good working relationship with my supervisor. There
is one improvement that I would like to see. I would like
some sense of the President's vision. Simply growing
enrollment is not a sufficient vision. Many of us are willing to
follow (and to lead our areas) if we only knew where Mr.
191 Morton wants us to go.
To improve CFCC, focus should return to education goals.
Administration should nicer and respect the loyalty and
accumulated institutional knowledge of long time employees.
Connections between administration and faculty/staff should
192 be made. All of this would be helpful to students.
Human Resources needs to have a better understanding of
193 faculty positions.
194 n/a
195 No comment. I will save my breath.
There is a disconnect between the upper administration and
the full and part time faculty. The mission of the college is
often lost: provide high quality, dynamic, innovative,
educational, cultural, training and workforce development
opportunities to individuals, businesses, and industries.
Hiring the necessary amount of high quality full-time faculty,
and paying livable wages to part-time faculty, always falls
short on the list of priorities for the school, thus we struggle
to meet our mission of "high quality." It often feels like the
upper administration has a different mission for the college
than the true educators. And that is most unfortunate, as we
have a real opportunity with the college to make substantial
changes in the lives of those seeking an education in the
196 community.
Faculty and staff should make more of an effort to connect
with employers and school system. This will establish
rapport and partnerships. It will help facilitate employment for
197 our students.
I don't feel longevity is valued here any longer. Other than
the pay bonus there is no recognition for that. Our pay in
general is not competitive, we have not even received a cost
of living increase in a very long time. 1% here and there is
not enough to keep up with the rising costs of living in new
hanover county. It is very discouraging when higher level
staff and administrators find ways to give themselves raises
(title changes, etc) but when regular employees have title
198 changes they don't receive raises.
The upper administration is inefficiently micromanaging the
school. Presidential approvals should not be needed for all
hiring contracts both faculty and staff, secondary
employment and all outside media contact (just a few
examples that require presidential approval). Since
199 President Morton has been implementing his changes and
reorganizing the college it has actually gotten harder to get
things done and the bureaucracy has gotten worse. One
person can not effectively manage that many things.
Employees who have proven their worth need to be
TRUSTED to do their jobs effectively without micro
management. Since President Morton has begun to micro
manage Marketing and Community Relations the school
does NOTHING to promote the College Transfer programs
that make up 62% of enrolled students at CFCC as of fall
2021. Marketing and Public Relations is entirely too focused
on celebrating Career /Technical programs while ignoring
the accomplishments of the University Transfer faculty,
students & staff. This hurts moral and creates a divide
between University Transfer and the Career/Technical
portions of the college. Several promotions have also been
implemented by the president in recent years and the
perception is that loyalty and friendship to President Morton
is being rewarded over actual performance, qualifications
and ability. This has resulted in many people in Vice
President and Director positions who are underqualified bad
managers. This negatively impacts morale. Someone has to
check the power of the current administration or this school
will lose what little trust and respect the community has left
for it. When you underpay your faculty and staff you need to
care more about the morale of everyone, your employees
need to love and believe in the place that they work. I no
longer love or believe in the place that I work. People at
CFCC feel that their jobs are at risk, people are not
comfortable at their place of employment and they are afraid
to share their honest thoughts, people here fear retribution
from above.
I have been here many years and the morale is as low as I
have ever seen it. Also the confidence in our
administration/the board and specifically President Morton
200 has never been lower. I was rooting for Pres Morton when
he got the position even though it was clearly a corrupt
process. I understand that there have been problems on the
business side that he is trying to tackle but every solution
seems to be at the faculty's expense, asking us to do more
for less while he makes 200,000+ dollars a year. I am not
certain what the exact salary is although I know it is public
record and it is unreasonable to many of us especially given
his lack of knowledge, experience and leadership. I do think
we the faculty do good work for our community and I have
always been proud to be a part of working at CFCC but the
scandal that the board and he have brought onto CFCC is
an embarrassment and not worthy of the good we do. After 3
years I can say from my perspective he still seems
unqualified for the position and this is after several
interactions and meetings with him. I do think he is earnestly
trying in his position. But sadly he really doesn't act like the
leader the school needs. In these meetings Pres. Morton
typically mentions how much trouble the college was in and
how hard he is working to save it. Overall it is clear he has
never been a teacher, worked in education, or even studied
education. How do you think we are supposed to feel when
the board votes to give him a raise to make 200,000+ dollars
a year and many of us barely make 50,000 and our wages
have not even kept up with cost of living increases for over a
decade. How is this justified? Couldn't be more troubled by
the switch to ULTRA this is clearly a step backwards for
online teaching and is another example of poor decision
making by the higher ups.
201 Don't have any
Per #8, the college does make data-driven decisions but
they are not always what's best for CFCC or its employees.
The data only delivers a part of what's necessary for some
decisions. Per #12, info is communicated clearly. Lots of info
is disseminated via email, etc. but most of it is public
202 relations info. Very little of the info has to do with
transparency and explanations for internal workings. Much of
the policy decision-making is made at the top and not
explained or even well-communicated. So new policy
decisions appear to be without precedent or in reaction to
perceived employee errors. Per #9, there are very few
growth opportunities in the school because the hierarchy is
narrow and rigid. Since top-level administration apparently
must concern itself with mid-level administrative decisions
and initiatives, the overall impression is that a narrow
hierarchy allows for more top-level control of both employees
and resources. Per #18, my job is important to the success
of CFCC and our students. On the one hand I believe in the
work I do for and with my students and my colleagues. On
the other hand, I do not believe that the work I do is
understood or appreciated by upper administration. Per #26,
fair performance evaluations. Those evaluations need to be
reassessed 1) to specifically address the goals and priorities
of our profession and 2) in light of the revised responsibilities
of temporary chairs who will eventually rotate back into
Salary not pacing inflation is a problem. It also seems that
203 performance has no bearing on compensation.
204 Choose not to comment.
I see a few major areas that need improvement at CFCC.
Communication: Communications from the administration
concerning administrative matters are infrequent, not terribly
informative, and sometimes contain errors. Frequently,
employees find out about new policies and changes in
policies through word-of-mouth without knowing anything
about the reasoning behind the new policy. This leads to
speculation and suspicion. This situation is not good for
morale. Transparency: This issue is related to the
communication issue. The reasons for decisions are not
transparent, and it is clear that nearly all substantial
205 decisions are being made at the very top of the organization.
Employees and supervisors do not feel empowered. They
don't have the information they need to understand
situations, and they frequently aren't allowed to make final
decisions. For instance, there is no need for the president of
the college to be making the final decision about requests for
overload contracts above the new limit. Surely, the
respective deans and VP's are capable of making those final
decisions. Respect: Many employees do not feel respected
by CFCC because they don't have the full information they
need and they are not being allowed to make decisions. In
other words, they do not feel that they are being treated like
the professionals that they are. Morale: The above problems
are eroding morale. This is not good for the employees, not
good for the institution, and, eventually, not good for the
students. Suggestion: Improve frequency, clarity, and
accuracy of administrative communications. Let employees
know where the college is headed and why. Empower
supervisors by allowing them to make more final decisions.
Empower employees by increasing the use of committees to
gather input, debate issues, and make recommendations.
Currently, the committee system at CFCC seems moribund.
Even if the recommendations are not always followed or not
completely followed, going through this process will address
some of the issues from above, especially the issue of
Please take the time to get to know new programs and
understand their profession. All professions work differently
206 and need to be understood with an open mind.
Cape Fear Community College is a large institution with a
critical mission – educating those in our service area to
excel in the workforce and to transfer to universities,
prepared to succeed. We do that very well. I'd argue we are
one of the best community colleges in the state. Are there
problems? Sure. Every functioning organization large or
207 small will experience problems from time to time. Are the
problems insurmountable? Absolutely not. We can benefit
from more honest and open communication. We can be
more transparent in our communication that is coming down
from the top and rising up from the bottom. We can educate
and encourage each other. We can benefit from a board that
is more diverse in qualification and background that more
closely aligns with higher education. We can recognize that
educational institutions are uniquely different than
businesses, that the public sector must be managed
differently than the private sector. But a lot of what I hear is
reaction to change. We've had a lot of leadership change
over the years, mainly because those leaders were not
prepared for the task at hand. Some rose through the ranks
too quickly, missing a lot of critical knowledge essential to a
holistic understanding of college management. Some
leaders were the result of poor vetting. Some leaders had
narrowly focused personal agendas. Some leaders were at
the mercy of the board. CFCC is in a good spot right now
with solid leadership. We are fiscally responsible, enrollment
numbers are great, and our faculty and staff are stellar. A lot
of the change we've been experiencing in recent years feels
tough sometimes because of mismanagement in the past
and the learning curve for some current leaders, but that's
normal. We've had to correct some practices, create new
policies, standardize certain procedures, educate one
another, inspect and set the bar for instructional practices,
particularly with online instruction which was critical during
the pandemic. What a lot of folks are experiencing is fatigue,
but that fatigue is the result of a lot of collective hard work to
get CFCC where it needs to be to excel in its mission and
ensure that it can move into the future in a sustainable way
and be a leader in our system. We are well on our way to
doing just that. I'm not sure what is to be gained by reporters
or employees that seek to undermine the progress we're
making without highlighting the successes we're having. It
makes our community question the integrity of the college
and causes speculation within. The value of that is lost on
me. We can always do better and become a stronger
institution. We are and we will continue to do so. We live in a
politically divisive time and that permeates every aspect of
our society. The one thing that we can't afford to be divisive
about is the delivery of top-quality instruction and training for
our community, and as I stated before, we do that very well.
We can't function effectively if our focus is on real or
perceived negativity. Despite who our leaders are now and
who our leaders will be in the future, we must stand firm with
our eyes focused on our purpose and give our best to that
end. I urge everyone at this college to rekindle the joy and
purpose that originally brought you here. I was given my first
teaching gig at CFCC many years ago and I remember what
it felt like to be given the opportunity of a lifetime. I'm a first-
generation college student who grew up in a poor family. I
never thought I'd end up in education. I've worked some not-
so-flattering jobs, mostly manual labor in my younger years.
The decision to pursue education was not a light decision for
me. It meant financial burden and uncertainty. A lot of our
students are in that same position, but it was college faculty
and staff who saw my potential and made me believe in
myself. They also gave me a lot of grace. We must continue
to do that for our students and for one another. I had and still
have imposter syndrome, believing that higher education
and the career paths that may come as a result of hard work
in that arena were just not created for me. Now I'm here.
Sometimes I still don't believe it. Sometimes I take it for
granted, but when I recognize that in myself, I mentally align
myself again to the reasons I pursued higher education in
the first place and why I'm here promoting it for others, IT
CHANGES LIVES! Let's be life-changers for the good. Let's
highlight the positives of what CFCC provides daily for our
community and realize we are the changemakers for so
many. An attitude of gratitude goes a long way and a
measure of grace will never be wasted.
Implement a cash award program as a yearly bonus for
208 outstanding employees.
*Transparency *Better communication from the Executive
level *Use search committee to hire college president
*Rebuild trust in Executive level staff and Board of Trustee
209 members *Actually care about the faculty and staff of CFCC
There seems to be a lot of employees who are unhappy and
who have a lot to complain about. Not sure where this is
coming from, but hopefully this survey helps clear some of
210 that up
newly hired so difficult to answer. has been very welcoming
211 at this point!
For the past several years, CFCC has indicated it would
complete a compensation salary analysis. Because of the
frequent change in employees who would be responsible for
spearheading the project, I feel like it has been forgotten
about over and over again. I love my job here at CFCC but
have been seriously exploring work opportunities outside of
CFCC. We recently received a 2% raise, while the president
212 received a 10% raise.
213 Listen to and Support the faculty
214 I love working at CFCC!!
Need more staff & better pay in Student Services to help
with very heavy volume of work, need a career trajectory
215 with opportunity for advancement.
Employees could be provided a clear statement on the
resources available to them and a "how to" guide. I would
like to see more interactive events for staff and faculty. I
would love to feel a sense of a "team" environment vs
segregation by departments. Continue to fight for better
216 salaries across the board.
I think one of the biggest hurdles we deal with currently is
retention of good employees. I feel like the main issue with
that is pay. It is difficult to keep people here that are trained
and knowledgeable when they can make considerably more
money at a different employer. UNCW has hired many of our
good people the past two years and I feel like the main
reason was money. I love working here, it's a great place,
and CFCC has treated me well over the years. Pay just
seems to be an ongoing topic and issue with our employees.
It would be great to see students stick around on campus
more and be involved in the happenings here at the school.
We are taking some steps to help with this for example the A
Bldg student space. That is going to be a great spot for
them. I think we need to keep that thought at the front of our
minds, continually trying to keep students involved on
campus. I think we have done a great job through Covid and
217 I look forward to the coming year!
I believe the evaluation of faculty and staff is consistent;
however, a new, more concise tool is really needed for
218 faculty evaluations.
219 n/a
Still encourage in person classes if pandemic were to turn
worse again, do not revert to online. Faculty should have
more accountability to be present during working hours if full
time. More staff faculty combined, or separate events to
show employee appreciation. Do not revert to masks again,
220 if people want to wear them fine. No to mandatory.
Communication. Things take to long to filter down to
employees. Pay rates need to increase for faculty in sought
221 after and highly paid fields outside of academic
222 N/A
Some of the questions I answered neutral on I didn't have
enough knowledge about the question to state an answer.
223 Like the use of funds, I really don't know. I feel like the entire
vibe of the college has changed in the last 10 years, this is
not necessarily a bad thing. I realize things change and
evolve over the years. I feel secure in my job, but I feel some
employees lack a feeling of job security or lack a feeling of
appreciation and I wish that wasn't the case. I don't really
have any real solutions to this fix, but maybe CFCC needs to
get back to feeling more like a family and community working
environment because I feel like that is somewhat lost. Thank
Transparency is key. There are positive changes happening
campus wide - but without open and transparent
communicate it is perceived in a negative light. President
Morton - I truly believe you have good intentions for the
college. But you HAVE to trust that we the faculty/staff if the
college also have good intentions. Trust us to do our job.
Empower us to do our job. We did not get to higher
education by accident. We are intelligent and passionate
224 about what we do.

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