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Cooperative Learning 10-item Quiz

A Questionnaire & Key Answer

by Group 3
EED 119 B2 (TF, 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM) BEED Sci Mat – 3rd Year
Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology

I. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer.

1. This focus on pupils' operational learning makes them goal oriented.

a. Cooperative learning

b. Motivational theories

c. Cognitive theories

d. Developmental theories

2. The basic assumption of this theory is that interaction among children in certain tasks
increases their mastery of critical concepts.

a. Cooperative learning

b. Motivational theories

c. Cognitive theories

d. Developmental theories

3. A situation wherein each member contributes to the group to attain success.

a. Individual accountability or Independent Goal

b. Face to face Interaction

c. Individual accountability or Group goal

d. Face to face or actual interaction

Cooperative Learning 10-item Quiz
A Questionnaire & Key Answer
by Group 3
EED 119 B2 (TF, 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM) BEED Sci Mat – 3rd Year
Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology

4. It is defined as the distance between the actual development level as determined by

independent problem-solving.

a. Zone of proximal development

b. Zone of proxemal develop

c. Positive development

d. Developmental Zone

5. It is sometimes known as socio-drama because it is a dramatization of a situation.

a. Movie marathon

b. Role playing

c. Variety show

d. Group discussion

6. It helps to stimulate the learning process of active interaction of the pupils.

a. Movie marathon

b. Role playing

c. Variety show

d. Group discussion

7. Simulation helps learners to be involved in the real-world view that makes them understand
complicated vital issues and social processes.

a. True

b. False
Cooperative Learning 10-item Quiz
A Questionnaire & Key Answer
by Group 3
EED 119 B2 (TF, 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM) BEED Sci Mat – 3rd Year
Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology

8. There are two or more resource persons or speakers discussing their opinions, points of view
and comments about the issue.

a. Debate

b. Group discussion

c. The panel

d. Forum

9. What does STAD stand for?

a. Student Team-Achievement Division

b. Student Team-Association Development

c. Student Team-Achievement Development

d. Student Team-Association Division

10. It is a method of group learning technique that requires each pupil in a group to accomplish
part of a larger assignment.

a. Learning Together

b. Jigsaw

c. Positive interdependence

d. Face to face interaction

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