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Yirmiyahu - Jeremiah - Chapter 5


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1 Stroll in the streets of Jerusalem, and see now and ‫א ֽׁש ֹוְט ֞ט ּו ְּב חּו֣צ ֹות ְי ֽר ּוָׁש ִַ֗ל ם ּוְר אּו־ָ֚נא‬
know, and seek in its squares, whether you will find a
‫ּוְד עּ֙ו ּוַב ְק ׁ֣ש ּו ִב ְר ֽח ֹובֹוֶ֔ת יָה ִא ם־ִּת ְמ ְצ ֣א ּו‬
man, whether there is one who performs justice, who  
seeks faith, and I will forgive her. ‫ִ֔א יׁש ִא ם־ֵ֛יׁש ֹעֶׂ֥ש ה ִמ ְׁש ָּ֖פ ט ְמ ַב ֵּ֣ק ׁש ֱא מּוָ֑נה‬
:‫ְו ֶא ְס ַ֖לח ָֽל ּה‬

2 And if they say, "As the Lord lives," they, ‫ב ְו ִ֥א ם ַח י־ְי ָ֖וֹהה ֹיאֵ֑מ רּו ָל ֵ֥כ ן ַל ֶּׁ֖ש ֶק ר‬
nevertheless, will swear falsely.
:‫ִי ָּׁש ֵֽב עּו‬

3 O Lord, are not Your eyes upon faith? You smote ‫ג ְי ָ֗וֹהה ֵע יֶנ יָ֘ך ֲה ֣ל ֹוא ֶֽל ֱא מּוָנ ֒ה ִה ִּ֚כ יָת ה‬
them but they felt no pain, You consumed them, [but]
‫ֹאָת ֙ם ְו ֹלא־ָ֔ח לּו ִּכ ִּל יָ֕ת ם ֵֽמ ֲא ֖נ ּו ַ֣ק ַח ת מּוָ֑ס ר‬
they refused to receive correction. They have made  

their faces harder than a rock, they have refused to :‫ִח ְּז ֚ק ּו ְפ ֵנ יֶה ֙ם ִמ ֶּ֔ס ַל ע ֵֽמ ֲא ֖נ ּו ָל ֽׁש ּוב‬

4 And I said, "But they are poor, they have become ‫ד ַֽו ֲא ִ֣ני ָא ַ֔מ ְר ִּת י ַא ְך־ַּד ִּ֖ל ים ֵ֑ה ם ֽנ ֹוֲא ֕ל ּו ִּ֣כ י‬
foolish, for they did not know the way of the Lord, the  
:‫ֹ֚ל א ָֽיְד עּ֙ו ֶּ֣ד ֶר ְך ְי ָ֔וֹהה ִמ ְׁש ַּ֖פ ט ֱא ֹֽל ֵה יֶֽה ם‬
judgment of their God.

5 I will go to the great ones and speak with them, for ‫ה ֵֽא ְל ָכ ה־ִּ֚לי ֶא ל־ַה ְּג ֹדִל י֙ם ַֽו ֲא ַד ְּב ָ֣ר ה אֹוָ֔ת ם‬
they know the way of the Lord, the judgment of their
  ‫יֶ֑ה ם‬ ‫ִּ֣כ י ֵ֗ה ָּמ ה ָֽיְד עּ֙ו ֶּ֣ד ֶר ְך ְי ָ֔וֹהה ִמ ְׁש ַּ֖פ ט ֱא ֹֽל ֵה‬
God: but they together broke the yoke, burst the
bands. :‫ַ֣א ְך ֵ֚ה ָּמ ה ַי ְח ָּד ֙ו ָׁ֣ש ְב רּו ֹ֔ע ל ִנ ְּת ֖ק ּו ֽמ ֹוֵס ֽר ֹות‬ 1/5
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6 Therefore, a lion from the forest smote them, a wolf ‫ו ַע ל־ֵּכ ֩ן ִה ָּ֨כ ם ַא ְר ֵ֜י ה ִמ ַּ֗י ַע ר ְזֵ֚א ב ֲע ָר בֹו֙ת‬
of the deserts spoils them, a leopard hastens upon
‫ְי ָׁש ְד ֵ֔ד ם ָנֵ֚מ ר ֹׁשֵק ֙ד ַע ל־ָ֣ע ֵר יֶ֔ה ם ָּכ ל־ַה ּיֹוֵ֥צ א‬
their cities, anyone who comes out of them shall be
torn to pieces, for their transgressions are many, their ‫ֵמ ֵ֖ה ָּנ ה ִי ָּט ֵ֑ר ף ִּ֚כ י ַר ּבּ֙ו ִּפ ְׁש ֵע יֶ֔ה ם ָֽע ְצ ֖מ ּו‬
backslidings are increased. :‫ְמ ֻׁש ֽב ֹוֵת יֶֽה ם‬

7 Shall I forgive you for this? Your children have ‫ָ֔ל ְך‬ )‫(כתיב ֶא ְס ַל וח־‬ ‫ז ֵ֚א י ָל ֹזא֙ת ֶא ְס ַל ח־‬
forsaken Me, and they swore by no-gods. Here I sated
  ‫ָּב ַ֣נִי ְך ֲע ָז ֔ב ּוִנ י ַו ִּי ָּֽׁש ְב ֖ע ּו ְּב ֹ֣ל א ֱא ֹלִ֑ה ים ָֽו ַא ְׂש ִּ֚ב ַע‬
them and they committed adultery, and they banded
together in the house of a harlot. :‫אֹוָת ֙ם ַו ִּי ְנ ָ֔א פּו ּוֵ֥ב ית זֹוָ֖נה ִי ְת ּגֹוָֽד דּו‬

8 Like armed stallions, they would arise early; they ‫ַמ ְׁש ִּ֣כ ים‬ )‫(כתיב ְמ ֻו ָּז ִ֖נים‬ ‫ח סּוִ֥ס ים ְמ ֻי ָּז ִ֖נים‬
would neigh, each one over his friend's wife.  
:‫ָה ֑י ּו ִ֛א יׁש ֶא ל־ֵ֥א ֶׁש ת ֵר ֵ֖ע הּו ִי ְצ ָֽה לּו‬

9 Shall I not punish for these things? says the Lord, or ‫ט ַֽה ַע ל־ֵ֥א ֶּל ה ֽל ֹוא־ֶא ְפ ֹ֖ק ד ְנ ֻא ם־ְי ָ֑וֹהה ְו ִא ֙ם‬
for a nation such as this shall My soul not wreak  
:‫ְּב ֣ג ֹוי ֲא ֶׁש ר־ָּכ ֶ֔ז ה ֹ֥ל א ִת ְת ַנ ֵּ֖ק ם ַנ ְפ ִֽׁש י‬

10 Ascend upon its rows and destroy, but make no ‫י ֲע ֚ל ּו ְב ָֽׁש רֹוֶ֙ת יָ֙ה ְו ַׁש ֵ֔ח תּו ְו ָכ ָ֖לה ַֽא ל־ַּֽת ֲע ׂ֑ש ּו‬
complete end; remove its roots, for they are not the  
:‫ָה ִ֙ס ירּ֙ו ְנ ִ֣ט יׁשֹוֶ֔ת יָה ִּ֛כ י ֥ל ֹוא ַֽל יָ֖וֹהה ֵֽה ָּמ ה‬

11 For the house of Israel and the house of Judah ‫יא ִּכ ֩י ָב ֨ג ֹוד ָּֽב ְג ֜ד ּו ִּ֗ב י ֵּ֧ב ית ִי ְׂש ָר ֵ֛א ל ּוֵ֥ב ית‬
have dealt treacherously with Me, says the Lord.  
:‫ְי הּוָ֖ד ה ְנ ֻא ם־ְי ָֽוֹה ה‬

12 They denied the Lord and said, "It is not He, and no ‫יב ִּֽכ ֲח ׁשּ֙ו ַּֽב יָ֔וֹהה ַו ֹּֽי אְמ ֖ר ּו לֹוא־֑ה ּוא‬
evil will befall us, neither will we see sword or famine.
  ‫ְו ֹֽל א־ָת ֚ב ֹוא ָע ֵ֙ל ינּ֙ו ָר ָ֔ע ה ְו ֶ֥ח ֶר ב ְו ָר ָ֖ע ב ֥ל ֹוא‬
:‫ִנ ְר ֶֽא ה‬

13 And the prophets shall become wind, for there is no ‫יג ְו ַה ְּנ ִב יִא י֙ם ִֽיְה ֣י ּו ְל ֔ר ּוַח ְו ַה ִּד ֵּ֖ב ר ֵ֣א ין ָּב ֶ֑ה ם‬
speech in them." So shall be done to them.  
:‫ֹּ֥כ ה ֵֽיָע ֶׂ֖ש ה ָל ֶֽה ם‬

14 Therefore, so says the Lord God of Hosts, because   ‫יד ָל ֵ֗כ ן ֹּֽכ ה־ָא ַ֚מ ר ְי ָוֹה ֙ה ֱא ֹלֵ֣ה י ְצ ָב ֔א ֹות ַי ַע ן‬
you have spoken this word. Behold I put My words into
‫ַּד ֶּב ְר ֶ֔כ ם ֶא ת־ַה ָּד ָ֖ב ר ַה ֶּ֑זה ִה ְנ ִ֣ני ֹנֵת ֩ן ְּד ָב ַ֨ר י‬ 2/5
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your mouth as fire, and this people [shall be wood] and :‫ְּב ִ֜פ יָך ְל ֵ֗א ׁש ְו ָה ָ֥ע ם ַה ֶּ֛זה ֵע ִ֖צ ים ַֽו ֲא ָכ ָֽל ַת ם‬
it shall consume them.

15 Behold I bring upon you a nation from afar, O ‫טו ִה ְנ ִ֣ני ֵמ ִב י֩א ֲע ֵל יֶ֨כ ם ּ֧ג ֹוי ִמ ֶּמ ְר ָ֛ח ק ֵּ֥ב ית‬
house of Israel, says the Lord; it is a mighty nation, it is
‫| ֵא יָ֣ת ן ֗ה ּוא ּ֚גֹוי‬ ‫ִי ְׂש ָר ֵ֖א ל ְנ ֻא ם־ְי ָ֑וֹהה ּ֣ג ֹוי‬
an ancient nation, a nation whose language you will  
not know, and you will not understand what he will ‫ֵֽמ עֹוָל ֙ם ֔ה ּוא ּגֹוי ֹֽל א־ֵת ַ֣ד ע ְל ֹׁש֔נ ֹו ְו ֹ֥ל א‬
speak. :‫ִת ְׁש ַ֖מ ע ַמ ה־ְי ַד ֵּֽב ר‬

16 His quiver is like an open grave, all of them are :‫טז ַא ְׁש ָּפ ֖ת ֹו ְּכֶ֣ק ֶב ר ָּפ ֑ת ּוַח ֻּכ ָּ֖לם ִּג ּבֹוִֽר ים‬
mighty men.

17 And he will devour your harvest and your bread; ‫יז ְו ָא ַ֨כ ל ְק ִֽצ יְר ָ֜ך ְו ַל ְח ֶ֗מ ָך ֹֽי אְכ לּ֙ו ָּב ֶ֣ניָך‬
they will devour your sons and your daughters; he will
‫ּוְב נֹוֶ֔ת יָך ֹיאַ֚כ ל ֹֽצ אְנ ָ֙ך ּוְב ָק ֶ֔ר ָך ֹיאַ֥כ ל ַּג ְפ ְנ ָ֖ך‬
devour your flocks and your cattle; he will devour your  
vines and your fig trees; he will impoverish your ‫ּוְת ֵֽא ָנ ֶ֑ת ָך ְי ֹרֵׁ֞ש ׁש ָע ֵ֣ר י ִמ ְב ָצ ֶ֗ר יָך ֲא ֶׁ֥ש ר ַא ָּ֛ת ה‬
fortified cities upon which you rely, with the sword. :‫ֹּבֵ֥ט ַח ָּב ֵ֖ה ָּנ ה ֶּב ָֽח ֶר ב‬

18 And also in those days, says the Lord, I will not ‫יח ְו ַ֛גם ַּב ָּי ִ֥מ ים ָה ֵ֖ה ָּמ ה ְנ ֻא ם־ְי ָ֑וֹהה‬
make an end to you.
:‫ֹֽל א־ֶא ֱע ֶׂ֥ש ה ִא ְּת ֶ֖כם ָּכ ָֽל ה‬

19 And it will be that you will say, "For what reason ‫יט ְו ָה ָי ֙ה ִּ֣כ י ֹתאְמ ֔ר ּו ַּ֣ת ַח ת ֶ֗מ ה ָע ָׂ֨ש ה ְי ָ֧וֹהה‬
has the Lord our God done all these to us?" you shall
‫ֱא ֹלֵ֛ה ינּו ָ֖ל נּו ֶא ת־ָּכ ל־ֵ֑א ֶּל ה ְו ָא ַמ ְר ָּ֣ת ֲא ֵל יֶ֗ה ם‬
say to them: As you have forsaken Me and worshipped
foreign gods in your land, so shall you serve strangers   ‫ַּֽכ ֲא ֶׁ֨ש ר ֲע ַז ְב ֶּ֚ת ם אֹוִת ֙י ַו ַּֽת ַע ְב ֞ד ּו ֱא ֹלֵ֚ה י ֵנ ָכ ֙ר‬
in a land not yours. ‫ְּב ַא ְר ְצ ֶ֔כ ם ֵּכ ן ַּת ַע ְב ֣ד ּו ָז ִ֔ר ים ְּב ֶ֖א ֶר ץ ֹ֥ל א‬
:‫ָל ֶֽכ ם‬

20 Tell this in the house of Jacob and make it heard in ‫כ ַה ִּ֥גידּו ֹ֖ז את ְּב ֵ֣בית ַֽיֲע ֹ֑ק ב ְו ַה ְׁש ִמ י֥ע ּוָה‬
Judah, saying:  
:‫ִֽב יהּוָ֖ד ה ֵל אֹֽמ ר‬

21 Hearken to this, foolish people without  

‫כא ִׁש ְמ עּו־ָ֣נא ֹ֔ז את ַ֥ע ם ָס ָ֖כל ְו ֵ֣א ין ֵ֑לב‬
understanding; they have eyes yet they see not, they
‫ֵע יַ֚נִי ם ָל ֶה ֙ם ְו ֹ֣ל א ִי ְר ֔א ּו ָא ְז ַ֥נִי ם ָל ֶ֖ה ם ְו ֹ֥ל א‬
have ears yet they hear not.
:‫ִי ְׁש ָֽמ עּו‬ 3/5
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22 Will you not fear Me? says the Lord, or, do you not ‫כב ַֽה אֹוִ֨ת י ֹֽל א־ִת יָ֜ר אּו ְנ ֻא ם־ְי ָ֗וֹהה ִ֚א ם‬
quake from before Me, for I made sand a boundary for
‫ִמ ָּפ ַנ ֙י ֹ֣ל א ָת ִ֔ח ילּו ֲא ֶׁש ר־ַׂ֚ש ְמ ִּת י חֹו֙ל ְּג ֣ב ּול‬
the sea, an everlasting ordinance, which it cannot  
pass, and [its waves] toss themselves, yet they cannot ‫ַל ָּ֔י ם ָח ק־עֹוָ֖לם ְו ֹ֣ל א ַֽיַע ְב ֶ֑ר ְנ הּו ַו ִּֽיְת ָּֽגֲע ׁשּ֙ו‬
prevail; and its waves roar, but they do not pass it. :‫ְו ֹ֣ל א יּוָ֔כ לּו ְו ָה ֥מ ּו ַג ָּ֖ל יו ְו ֹ֥ל א ַֽיַע ְב ֻֽר ְנ הּו‬

23 And this people had a revolting and rebellious ‫כג ְו ָל ָ֚ע ם ַה ֶּז ֙ה ָה ָ֔י ה ֵ֖לב סֹוֵ֣ר ר ּומֹוֶ֑ר ה ָ֖ס רּו‬
heart; they turned away and they were gone.
:‫ַו ֵּי ֵֽלכּו‬

24 And they did not say in their heart, "Let us now fear ‫כד ְו לֹוא־ָֽא ְמ ֣ר ּו ִב ְל ָב ָ֗ב ם ִ֚ניָר א ָנ ֙א‬
the Lord our God, Who gives rain, the early rain and
‫(כתיב‬ ‫ֶא ת־ְי ָ֣וֹהה ֱא ֹלֵ֔ה ינּו ַה ֹּנֵ֥ת ן ֶּ֛גֶׁש ם יֹוֶ֥ר ה‬
the latter rain in its time, the weeks of the laws of  
harvest He keeps for us." ‫ּוַמ ְל ֖ק ֹוׁש ְּב ִע ּ֑ת ֹו ְׁש ֻב ֹ֛ע ת ֻח ּ֥ק ֹות ָק ִ֖צ יר‬ )‫וֹיֶ֥ר ה‬

:‫ִי ְׁש ָמ ר־ָֽל נּו‬

25 Your iniquities have brought these about, and your ‫כה ֲע ֹ‍וֽנ ֹוֵת יֶ֖כם ִה ּטּו־ֵ֑א ֶּל ה ְו ַח ֹּ֣ט אוֵת יֶ֔כ ם‬
sins have withheld the good from you.
:‫ָֽמ ְנ ֥ע ּו ַה ּ֖ט ֹוב ִמ ֶּֽכ ם‬

26 For wicked men are found in My people; they lie in ‫כו ִּֽכ י־ִנ ְמ ְצ ֥א ּו ְב ַע ִּ֖מ י ְר ָׁש ִ֑ע ים ָי ׁשּו֙ר ְּכ ַׁ֣ש ְך‬
wait as a trap bites; they station an ambush, they catch  
:‫ְי קּוִׁ֔ש ים ִה ִּ֥צ יבּו ַמ ְׁש ִ֖ח ית ֲא ָנ ִׁ֥ש ים ִי ְל ֹּֽכ דּו‬

27 As a cage is full, so are their houses full of deceit; ‫כז ִּכ ְכ לּו֙ב ָ֣מ ֵל א ֔ע ֹוף ֵּ֥כ ן ָּב ֵּת יֶ֖ה ם ְמ ֵל ִ֣א ים‬
therefore, they have become great and they have  
:‫ִמ ְר ָ֑מ ה ַע ל־ֵּ֥כ ן ָּֽגְד ֖ל ּו ַֽוַּֽיֲע ִֽׁש ירּו‬
become rich.

28 They have become fat, they have become thick; ‫כח ָֽׁש ְמ ֣נ ּו ָֽע ְׁש ֗ת ּו ַּג ם ָֽע ְב ֣ר ּו ִד ְב ֵר י־ָ֔ר ע ִּ֣ד ין‬
also they transgress in deeds of wickedness; they did
  ‫ֹֽל א־ָ֔ד נּו ִּ֥ד ין ָי ֖ת ֹום ְו ַי ְצ ִ֑ל יחּו ּוִמ ְׁש ַּ֥פ ט‬
not plead the cause of an orphan that they prosper,
and the judgment of the poor they did not judge. :‫ֶא ְב יֹוִ֖נים ֹ֥ל א ָׁש ָֽפ טּו‬

29 Shall I not punish for these? says the Lord, or for ‫כט ַֽה ַע ל־ֵ֥א ֶּל ה ֹֽל א־ֶא ְפ ֹ֖ק ד ְנ ֻא ם־ְי ָ֑וֹהה ִא ם‬
such a nation shall My soul not take vengeance?
:‫ְּב ֣ג ֹוי ֲא ֶׁש ר־ָּכ ֶ֔ז ה ֹ֥ל א ִת ְת ַנ ֵּ֖ק ם ַנ ְפ ִֽׁש י‬

30 An appalling and horrible thing has come about in  

:‫ל ַׁש ָּמ ֙ה ְו ַׁ֣ש ֲע רּוָ֔ר ה ִֽנ ְה ְי ָ֖ת ה ָּב ָֽא ֶר ץ‬ 4/5
6/4/22, 9:40 AM Yirmiyahu - Jeremiah - Chapter 5 - Tanakh Online - Torah - Bible

the land.

31 The prophets have prophesied falsely, and the ‫לא ַה ְּנ ִב ִ֞א ים ִנ ְּב ֣א ּו־ַב ֶּׁ֗ש ֶק ר ְו ַה ֹּֽכ ֲה ִנ י֙ם ִי ְר ּ֣ד ּו‬
priests govern after them, and My people love to have
  ‫ַע ל־ְי ֵד יֶ֔ה ם ְו ַע ִּ֖מ י ָֽ֣א ֲה בּו ֵ֑כן ּוַֽמ ה־ַּֽת ֲע ׂ֖ש ּו‬
it so. Now what shall you do in the end thereof?
:‫ְל ַֽא ֲח ִר יָֽת ּה‬
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