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Nama : Nabhan Fadhlullah

NIM : 12020121140159

Kelas : A

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

11 years ago, on October 26, 2010, when i was in elementary school. Mount Merapi entered the
alert status and started its eruption. The eruption was accompanied by the release of hot clouds as high
as 1.5 meters. The hot clouds point to Kaliadem, Kepuharjo. This eruption also ejected volcanic material
as high as approximately 1.5 km.

Since 20 September 2010, the status of Mount Merapi has been raised from normal to alert by the
Yogyakarta BPPTK. About a month later or October 21 to be exact, the status changed from alert to alert.
At that time, the residents had to be prepared to be taken to the refugee camps.

After that, on October 28 and 29 2010, Merapi was still spitting hot clouds although its activity was
slightly reduced. However, the silence of Mount Merapi can mean two possibilities, namely that it is
gathering energy or its magma has decreased before being a bigger eruption. As a result of the eruption
of Mount Merapi in October 2010, 353 people were reported to have died, including Mbak Maridjan.

At that time I was still in elementary school, while in the middle of class volcanic ash suddenly rained
and we were all confused because the location of the school was far from Mount Merapi, so we all
bought masks together to avoid breathing in volcanic ash, because the ash rain didn't stop in the end.
school is closed for a few days and even when I'm at home I can't leave the house because the ash rain is
still going on

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