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The History of Bicycles

People started building bicycles in the 1800s, since then, bicycles have grown more and
more popular. Today, more than one billion people around the world ride bicycles. The design of
bicycles has changed over time. However, one thing stays the same: two wheels. The first
bicycles were very sample and day by day we saw lots of changes in bicycles.
First bicycles were made of two wheels and both wheels were in the same size and it
has no pedals. Then, a little improvement in the bicycles and it has found pedal also and again
the two wheels in the same size. And in 1850, a new version of bicycle comes to play. The front
wheel was so big and the back wheel was small and a pedal in the front wheel. By big front
wheel it can move faster. And the modern bicycles that we are using in these days comes to
play and it is still modern up to now. It becomes so popular, because it was safe. It has two
wheels in the same size and a they created a mechanism that used a chain to turn the rear
wheel. With this final change the modern bicycle was born. To sum up, subsequent
improvements, such as brakes, rubber tires, and lights, were added to make bicycles more
comfortable to ride.
Segway Into the Future
Segway and bicycles both are designed to carry one rider. Just the difference between
and Segway is this that in Segway rider stands but in bicycle not, Segway has no brake, no
pedals, no gears and no steering mechanism.
Segway is an electronical device that we can control it by our body. For example, if we
move our body a little forward the Segway goes forward and if the rider wants to brake, he can
bring back his body. If the rider wants to move left and right, he moves his body that side. To
sum up, in the side the weight is more than other side it goes that side.
Unlike the Segway, working with Bicycles are different. If we want to go forward, we
have to pedal and if we want to move right, we turn the two branched to the side that we want. If
we want to stop, we hold breaks.
If we compare bicycles with Segway. Bicycle is one rider and Segway also. Segway
uses battery power and bicycle pedals. The top speed of bicycle is 30mph but Segway
12.4mph. Bicycle can move unlimited ranges but Segway 24 miles per every battery charge.
Bicycle is used in outdoor but Segway in outdoor and indoor. Segway easy to learn but bicycle
not. Cycling is exercise but Segway is not.
The Battle Against Malaria
Malaria is a serious health problem and it kills lots of people. It happens I tropical and
subtropical parts of the world most of the time. If a female mosquito bites a human, the
mosquito dies and leaves malaria parasite to the human’s skin and if a mosquito bites a sick
person of malaria, the parasites go to mosquito’s body. This is called malaria cycle.
Signs of malaria are fever, chills, sweating, intense headache, and muscle pains. We
have to respond very quick to this otherwise we will lose the person who has malaria. There are
some ways to control malaria. First, kill mosquitoes. Second, take medicine each month. Third,
sleep under the bed nets. Fourth, spray wet areas … The two effective medicine for preventing
malaria are quinine and artemisinin.
Searching for New Medicines
By passing the time, we are facing new diseases that cannot be cured by the medicines
that we have. That is why lots of companies are looking for new medicines to help doctors to
cure both new and common diseases.
The first cure for malaria found by a teacher who goes to Peru to teach other people. the
cure comes from bark of cinchona tree and it his ability to cure people. Another cure for malaria
found by scientists in China that were digging up ancient cities. They named that cure
artemisinin and it was found on a plant called wormwood. And now they are mixture it with other
drugs to cure malaria.
Scientists are searching for new medicines in the rainforests of the world and hundreds
of companies are searching for drugs on rainforests and test them if it cures people. The bad
news is this that they are cutting down the rainforest trees and selling them. By this, scientist
things that if the rainforest disappears lot of animals and insects also disappears and there will
be no cure for new diseases.
They Know What You Want
In this passage it is talking about that the seller knows that what the buyer wants. And
we talk about marketing. Marketing is a company’s plan for selling a product and marketing plan
is administrating by a market director.
Before producing a product, these steps are important:
1. Product name
2. How to advertise it
3. How to price it
4. How to package it
5. Hot to convince customers to buy it

For an example a company wants to produce a product for babies. First of all, the
marketer’s thing about what a mother wants to their babies. Exactly, healthy things. Then
according to this information, they are choosing a name for it and a good slogan. Then they are
advertising it for making people to try it and buy it.
What’s in a Name?
A product name is very important and it must have some characteristics for having a
good sell in the world. A product name should:
1. Be easy to remember: If it has an easy name, everyone remembers and will buy it.
2. Be easy to pronounce: If the customer cannot pronounce it, they will not buy it.
3. Be unique: If it doesn’t have a unique name, the customer can do a fault and buy
something else.
4. Hint at what the product is for: It means that if it a medical product it should name like
a medical product not like foods.
5. Include positive words or word parts: it means that some words are good words that
are inviting other people. its product name should sound like another descriptive
word that has a positive meaning.
6. Contain effect letters: Some words are called as a feminine and some of them are
masculine and … we have to take care of this.
7. Translate well into other languages: Take care of this, because if it has a bad
meaning in another language customers of other countries may not but it.
8. Have no negative associations: Should be named carefully? For example, we should
not name a car elephant. Because they are strong, huge, slow, and eat a lot. We
have to take care of these things.
Who Are You?
Groups: To describe it easily, group is a group of people. Such as, group of family, group
of friends and …
Titles: Title are those things that differentiate one person from another person. Each
person is an integral part of many groups, so they can have many titles. A man might be
engineer, a husband, a father, a son, a brother and …
Addressing Others: Everyone in everyplace have a different title. For example, in home
one person calls you Mohammad and at workplace calls you Mr. Fakhri …
Job Titles: In job, people also have titles to be differentiated. For example, chairman,
recipients and …
Leaders’ Titles: The leaders of a group of people always have a title. For example,
president, team have captain and …
Inherited Titles: These titles are used with our name for making someone big. For
example, King Mohammad, Princess Niloofar.
Military Titles: Title are very important in military also. It comes from up to down, such
as, marshal or general, and it ends with the lowest rank of soldier.
Symbolic Clothing
Symbolic clothing means that every cloth has a meaning and every one of them has a
different meaning, such as umbrellas shows the power and if it is bigger, it shows more power.
In different places they are wearing different clothes and they have different meanings.
In university they are wearing long, black robes. And many universities have their own clothing
styles. In civil courts of law judges are wearing long robes, usually black, that cover their
ordinary clothing. And they are known from their symbolic clothing. In wedding the bride is
wearing a long, white dress. And a white veil on her head and carrying it for bouquet of flowers.
In some places people are wearing uniforms. The uniforms show a formal place most.
For example, a police officer’s ad fire fighter wear uniforms. The purpose of wearing a uniform is
to being differentiate from other people. uniform is one way to easily identify workers. It is
identifying very easily by wearing uniforms and by wearing uniform we give other people
What Is Success?
Success is about reaching for something-and getting it. It is about having something that
you didn’t have before. It’s about attaining something that is valued by others. And for being a
successful person we have to do these things.
1. Clear goal
2. Ambition
3. Dynamic personality
4. Persistence
5. Successful parents
6. Middle class
Success begins with a clear goal and clear goal need ambitions. Ambition is one of the
most important things that makes people to work hard and not to give up. In the way of
success people can fall down many times but they shouldn’t give up and this needs
persistence. One of the requirements of success is also a successful parent. If we have
a successful parent, we will be successful also by hard working. And our ambitions are
related to our level of economy, it means that a rich person son has a different ambition
from a poor person. People with dynamic personality are those people who are not
waiting for happening of something, they are making it to happen. For being successful
you have to have a dynamic personality.
I Love Me
This story talks about a person who loves himself. He was a Greece boy and saw
him face in a mirror and he thinks that he is so handsome. For this kind of people, we call that
they have narcissistic personality. These kinds of people think that they are very important and
they want other to obey their commands. For example, in a restaurant they are setting very fast
and expect a better table, a special salad or a sharper knife. At all the want attention from
everyone, such as their family, friends, colleagues and even strangers. To sum up, these people
have these characteristics:
1. The think of themselves as being very important or very special
2. They often try to exploit others
3. They expect other people to give them constant attention
4. They demand attention from everyone
5. They can demonstrate great charm
6. They like to talk about themselves
7. They often detonate the conversations with stories about their exploits.
8. They tend to exaggerate their talents and personal attainments
Solving a Crime with Science: A True Story
It was around to 7:30 in the evening. Millionaire Eduard Arellano and his wife Susan
were late, they had ticket for theater, so they were preparing to go. They set the security alarm
and locked the door. They sped away with their car, in this time a man watched them. When
they gone, he removed a key and used it to unlock the door. He turned off the security alarm.
He knows they would be gone for hours. He pushed open well panel and span hidden safe. He
took the all neckless, earrings and speaking rings, as soon they arrived there. Susan forgotten
the tickets. she wants to return home. When she comes, she was surprised to find key and the
alarm system turned off. Someone has been there, she conceded. I’m calling the police, after a
few minutes, Police arrived. Before that, he opened a window and climbed down to a flat roof,
he jumped to the grass and ran off. Police detective searched the house, they fined just the
jewelry missed. The detective was puzzled, to find valuables. The detective asked many
questions form Eduard and his wife. They wanted to know the specific time they have returned
home. They trash bin the defective found a grass-stained shirt with a button missing. Finally,
Police fined the valuable Mr. Arellano has told him, how to do it. And they could both make
money with Eduard in the crime.
Forensic Science
Sherlock Holmes, is a detective. He was searching for footprints, broken glass, hair-
anything that might help him to identify the person who committed the crime.
ME – these people are searching for marks that might related to the crime.
CSI – Take hundreds of photography from the crime sites and then they are searching
for fingerprints by dropping a special kind of powder.
Every contact leaves a trace. It means that every person that do a crime, they are
putting a clue after themselves. It can be a piece of fabric, sand, grass and …
The collected evidence is then sent to a forensic laboratory. There, forensic scientists
will analyze to determine how and when the murder occurred, where it occurred, and who
committed it. Sometimes the evidence even shows why this happened: the motive for the
Fingerprints are the most common things that we can find in the place that the crime
occurred. DNA is another thing that helps to find the person who did the crime. They are also
using camera security tapes and check for voices, because voices are also unique.
The Fast-Food Revolution
Murices and Richard made a lot of money with their restaurant, but they were tired of
searching for replacements. There waitresses were quitting always. There were tired to broken
glasses, dishes and …
By this they made another king of restaurant and it serves just hamburgers,
cheeseburgers, French fries, and drinks. And they were using paper wrappers so they will avoid
from broking dishes and they don’t have to buy dishes anymore. They were just serving the
foods that don’t need for dishes like knife, spoons or fork. Every worker has a special job, such
as a person just prepare burgers. It has lower cost and more earning. By this work, another
person excited and work together with them and open 250 branches of fast food.
Day by day tech of serving fast food is growing. Another important factor that led to the
enormous growth of the fast-food industry was automobile. Automobile was dependable,
affordable and easy to drive. By automobile the area of fast food got a long range. The food
service of McDonald was widely copied in new restaurants, some failed and some succeeded.
But the best way not giving up.
The Autism Puzzle
Autism is a little-understood brain disorder. It is characterized by poor social and
communication skills and repetitive behaviors.

 Autistic kids are not capable of imagining something that is not real
 The odd hand-flapping behavior is common in kids with autism.
 Sensitivity to loud or harsh sounds is common in autism
 Has language skill been poorly developed and he doesn’t speak in full
 Doesn’t understand how to behave appropriately in social situations, and prefer
to be alone
 Some autistic children do well at school subjects
 Very bright, but not mature
 Has poor speaking and listening skills
 Autistic children can relax when they are sleeping
 Autistic kids are pre mainly males
 Most have good physical skills
Saving the Oceans
70% of the earth is made of oceans and it is good source of food for people. and some
people thinks that ocean are an infinite resource. But overfishing is one of the biggest problems
now. Fish are being taken out of the oceans faster than the remaining fish can reproduce.
Research shows that 90% of big fished are taken out of the ocean and less of them remains. At
all 30% of fishes are destroyed.
Oceans are one of the biggest sources of food for human kinds. More than billions of
people are eating fishes because of its proteins and begin good for health. But we have to take
care, because if the fished disappear from the ocean, it also disappears from the dinner plates.
People have a big impact on the ocean. They shouldn’t make the water polluted, so we
can safely fishes. For example, we should not drop our bottles or anything else in the water.
There are some ways that we can save the fishes. Firstly, limiting, so fishermen
shouldn’t catch anymore. Don’t drop chemical things into the ocean and …
Exploring the Deep Ocean
Alvin can dive to ocean in the depts of 20000 feet and take photographs and can
discover things that never seen before. It is using for researching about under ocean things.
Alvin is no a man. it is a deep-sea submersible that can carry three people. It is built in 1964 and
it reinstructed many times. It weights 37400 pounds and is 23 feet 4 inches long. It is battery
power and electronical system. Alvin allows researchers to conduct underwater biological,
chemical, and geological studies. it has a thinking system Infront of it and camera for catching
photographs. Alvin also helps us to discover amazing things. One day scientists were in Alvin
and saw a strange thing like chimneys and discharging clouds of black smoke into the
surrounding water. There are lots of strange sea creatures.
When the first vent was discovered, hundreds of other vents have been located in ocean
around the world. In 2008, a cluster of five vents was discovered in the Atlantic Ocean between
Greenland and Norway. And scientist is trying to discover more vents.
Giving Nature a Hand
We visit lots of problem with our most important things in the past and now. Such as not
seeing clearly, cannot hear well and … By improving of technology now we can treat it and they
also using systems in the past to hear or see something. But now the problem solved
completely. In the past, if a person cannot see very well. They were using glasses. First, there
were just a near sight and then by improvement we can also have far sight glasses. By 18 th
century, we can have both power of near sight and long sight in one glass.
If a person cannot hear well, in the past they were using something like tube and put on
the person who cannot hear well and they can hear. In the technology century, now we can use
small wireless thing in the back of our ears and can control volume everything of that.
If a person doesn’t have teeth, they cannot eat and speak clearly. They were using
unnatural teeth and now we can sew teeth and problem is solved.
Bionic People
Bionic people are those people, that some parts of their bodies are a machine and a part
human. this passage talks about story of two bionic people.
In 2001, Jesse Sullivan was 54 years old and working as a lineman for an electrical
power and he made an error and contacted with a live wire on the ground that gave him a
7,200-volt hock o electricity. By this work hi arm was destroyed. After that, Jesse got a set of
artificial arms and after a few days he understand how to work with it and learned quickly and
did well. And then he did a surgery that he can control it by his mind.
In 2004, Claudia Mitchell became the second person who uses an artificial arm. That
year the 24-year-old woman lost her left arm in a motorcycle accident. He was very worried
about his arms and when he learned about Jesse Sullivan and his bionic arm. The article gave
her the incentive to try to get her own bionic arm. She said to herself,” I have got to have one of

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