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Haithem E Taha hetaha@uci.


Summary of Lecture 5

CG Limits and Trim

1. Example Problem 2.3 in Nelson [1], pp. 65: The largest trim moments occur when an airplane
is in the landing configuration ((i) wing flaps and (ii) landing gear deployed) and (iii) the
center of gravity is at its most forward location. Assume the pitching moment curve for the
landing configuration for the general aviation airplane, analyzed before, is as follows:

CMCG = −0.2 − 2.01α(rad)

Estimate the size of the elevator to trim the airplane at the landing angle of attack of 10◦ .
Assume that the elevator angle is constrained to +20◦ and −25◦ .
Answer: Recall from lecture 3 that CMCG = −0.061 − 1.02α(rad) and the values of ηt = 0.9,
St = 43f t2 , VH = 0.66 and CLαt = 3.65 /rad for the General Aviation airplane. Then,
CMCG (α = 10◦ ) = −0.55. Thus,

0.55 = CMδe CG δ ⇒ CMδe CG = −0.022/deg = −ηt VH CLαt τe → τe = 0.582

Using Fig. 2.21, pp. 64 in Nelson’s [1], we obtain Se

St = 0.4 → Se = 17.2f t2 .

2. CG Limits: NP and most forward CG location, which is given by

xN P xCG CM0L |Landing + CMδe δemax − ve

− |mostforward =
c c CLmax


xN P xCG CM0 |Landing + CMδe δemax − ve CM0 |Landing + CMδe δemax − ve

− |mostforward = =
c c CLα αmax CLmax − CL0 − CLδe δemax − ve

3. Problem 2.4 in Nelson [1], pp. 86: The CM versus α curve for a large jet transport can be
seen in Fig. 1. Use the figure and the following information to answer the following questions:

CL = 0.03 + 0.08α(deg), and − 15◦ ≤ δe ≤ 20◦

- Estimate the stick fixed neutral point.
- Estimate the elevator control power.
- Find the forward center of gravity limit.

Haithem E Taha


a (deg)

Figure 1:

−0.3−(−0.12) xN P
Answer: CMα = 15−0 = −0.012/deg → dCM
dCL = −0.15 → = 0.4 .
CMδe = 10−5 = −0.03/deg .
Forward cg limit: trimming at the maximum CL or α with the maximum elevator deflection
(in negative)

0 = 0.17 + CMα |mostforward (15◦ ) − 0.03(−15) → CMα |mostforward = −0.041/deg

∴ |mostforward = −0.517 → |mostforward = −0.117
dCL c

4. Problem 2.6 in Nelson [1], pp. 87: An airplane has the following pitching moment character-
istics at the center of gravity position:
= 0.3, CM0L = 0.05, = −0.1, and CMδe = −0.01/deg
c dCL
If the airplane is loaded so that the center of gravity position moves to xCG
c = 0.1, can the
airplane be trimmed during landing where CL = 1.0? Assuming that CM0L and CMδe are
unaffected by the center of gravity travel and that δemax = ±20◦ .
xN P
Answer: = 0.4 . Most forward cg location: trimming at the maximum CL with the
maximum elevator deflection (in negative)

0 = 0.05 + |mostforward (1.0) − 0.01(−20) → |mostforward = −0.25

Haithem E Taha

∴ |mostforward = 0.15 > 0.1 → No.

5. Reading for next lecture: Sec. 2.6, Sec. 2.7, and Sec 2.8 in Nelson [1].


[1] R. C. Nelson. Flight Stability and Automatic Control. McGraw-Hill, 1989.

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