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1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Many people
nowadays spend too much money on their pets (dogs, cats, or other
animals), although there are better uses for this money. 20220529/20220430

此题原题重复一个月前 2022 年 4 月 30 日的题目,再次提醒每次重视考情回顾。

优先关注 2022 年的题目,从后往前准备。




 父母/学校是否应该同意让孩子/学生在家或者宿舍养宠物
 父母让孩子养宠物是否是培养其责任感的最佳方法
 养宠物对于孩子的利弊

关键词: too much money on their pets,many people, although…better uses for this money


1.although 引导的“现象类”。



而言,这类情况可能比较少见且特殊,其实不太容易推广到 many people 的情况下,讨论


2. 此题在 too much 上面不同人会有不同的理解。



① 外越来越多的年轻人推迟建立自己的家庭,而是选择养宠物,这推动了宠物的消费疯狂增长。


More young people are delaying starting their own families and are opting to have pets instead. So not only do
millennials have pets, their empty-nester parents are also replacing the grandkids with “granddogs.”
② 我们将宠物人性化。


Over the last decade, we have truly humanized our pets. We are no longer satisfied to reward them in 'pet
terms' with something like a tennis ball. Instead, we reward them in human terms, with expensive diamond-
studded leashes or something, in a way that we think is rewarding. It makes us feel better even though they'd
probably rather have the tennis ball.

③ 新冠病毒的流行提升了宠物的地位,这也刺激了与其相关的支出。


People who are required to work from home see pet ownership as their emotional support, as the
companionship of a small pet fills the inner void caused by their lack of social interaction.

④ 在一定程度上反映了主人的价值观。


It’s not for the animal, it’s for the owner. It’s part showing off, like some parents dress their toddler children in
the most expensive designer clothes. It’s part projection. The owner loves pricey, showy things, so the pet must
love the same things. Really the dog wants to drink out of the toilet and the cat is rooting through the garbage


① 对于多数年轻学生而言,学校的生活占据了他们绝大部份的精力。

For most young students, school life takes up the majority of their energy. They are often busy
with classwork and after-school activities. In this case, many students at school never have
chance to own pets. Even students who have pets at home tend to be able to rationalize the time
and money they spend on their pets, and it is rare to hear of anyone giving up important exams or
lowering their quality of life in order to buy canned food for their pets.
② 对于工作的成年人而言,多数情况下他们能平衡好用于各项花销的比例。


Some adults keep pets even if they have to work in the office during the day but these people
usually know very well how to do personal finance management so they may keep pest, but it
does not mean that they tend to waste money on things that are not worthy or services that they
cannot afford, or appear to go to extremes like starving themselves to buy their pets good food
and toys.

③ 对于爱养宠物的老年人而言,他们的确更愿意给宠物花钱,但这并不意味着超过其能力范围。。


Aged people seem to be more fond of pets probably because they are more likely to feel lonely
after their retirement and they treat pets as their companions or even a member of the family, so
from their perspective, spending money that they can afford to spend on pets is just like treating
their families well.
非外教版本范文 sample


Increasingly more people like to spoil their pets; animals now rule the world more than ever.
Many people see their pets as part of their families and take care of their pets even more than
they take care of themselves. Therefore, I agree that many people are inclined to spend excessive
money on their pets—even though there may be other ways to spend it.

First, the COVID-19 pandemic has spurred a surge in pet-related spending. Many companies
have taken to telecommuting from home to reduce the potential for cross-contamination due to
the outbreak. As a result, pet-adoption rates have soared, and families are spending more time at
home with their pets. People who are required to work from home see pet ownership as their
emotional support, as the companionship of a small pet fills the inner void caused by their lack of
social interaction. Visual statistics back up this scenario. The American Pet Products Association
estimates that Americans will spend a record $99 billion on pet supplies this year, from food to
veterinary care, which is more than the combined Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the world's
39 poorest countries.

Furthermore, many young people are postponing having children and are choosing instead to
have pets, which is driving the growth of pet-related spending. Our dogs and cats have always
made us feel good about ourselves and played a role in our lives; in a sense, pets are our new
children—or even companions. They are happy, cuddly friends that do not care when you vent
about a bad day at work, as long as you pet them and fill their bowl with food. People get a lot of
emotional feedback from their relationships with their pets, which other relationships can hardly
match. As a result, millennials are putting off having kids—or even opting out completely in
favor of pets—and their empty-nesting parents are finding themselves without grandkids and
instead finding contentment and delight with a dog. Therefore, people are not skimping on
spending money on their pets; people love to spoil the ones they love—especially when they can
get emotional feedback from them.

Finally, spending excessive amounts of money on pets is in part a reflection of modern values. It
is like some parents who dress their toddlers in the most expensive designer clothes. This is part
of the projection. Owners like expensive, showy things; therefore, their pets must have the same
things. Many people are no longer satisfied enough with rewarding them in "pet terms" (e.g.,
with something like a tennis ball). Instead, they reward them in "human terms" (e.g., with
expensive, diamond-studded leashes). It makes them feel better—even though their pets would
probably rather have the tennis ball.

In summary, pets can largely compensate for the loneliness caused by the COVID-19 pandemic;
they bring unparalleled emotional feedback to their owners, and people's spending on pet-related
expenses reflects their values to some extent. Therefore, I agree that many people spend too
much money on their pets—despite having other ways to spend it.
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People should
take time to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are very
different from what they do at work. 20220521




 人们在空闲时间 free time 提升哪种能力更重要

--develop skills that can enhance the full-time job
--skills that can improve creativity and express ourselves

 Students should be required to study art and music in addition to math, language, science, and
 艺术类相关课程是否应该作为必修课。
 技术类易于找工作/高薪的专业比艺术类(个人兴趣)更好
 应该 focus on 一种兴趣课程还是多种多样音乐/美术/体育等等都涉及


关键词: relax, very different from what they do at work


“与工作有关兴趣”的好处 123,不一定需要进行两者的对比。当然语言驾驭能力好的进




① 与工作无关更容易放松。


If it is an activity or hobby similar to work, you may inadvertently associate it with the work content and cannot
② 获得一些额外体验与技能。


Although not related to the content of the work, these activities can be an excellent way to nurture the spirit and
even broaden the horizons as well as skills outside the scope of work, rather than limiting yourself to a specific area.

③ 从其他领域获得灵感。


Exposure to interests or activities that are different from work during relaxation time may stimulate your creativity.
For some people, it may be related to art or music. Others may find inspiration in nature, such as walking in a shady
park or sitting on the beach. These activities often have nothing to do with what they do, but it is instead beneficial
to help people think outside the box and get some extra motivation.
① 与工作有关的活动更有利于职业发展。


For example, teachers choose to spend their free time speaking and reciting to relax themselves and to improve their
verbal skills, which not only serves as an outlet for their emotions but also helps them to express themselves during
② 这样的活动可能能帮助我们未来工作起来更轻松更得心应手,减小日常工作压力。


Suppose you are part of a company's promotion department and spend your free time engaging in a hobby that
involves playing or collaborating with others. In that case, you will obviously benefit from this because you will
become more and more skilled at making connections with others as you interact with a wide variety of people, and
this is the basis on which business opportunities are built.

③ 可能会遇到相关行业的人,扩展自己的人脉。


Participating in activities that overlap with your work is more likely to meet a group of people with the same
professional background as you. Such networking may provide valuable opportunities for your career development.
非外教版本范文 sample


We often engage in personal interests or sporting activities in our free time to relax and unwind.
Some people are more accustomed to work-related activities to supplement their professional
progress, but in my opinion, engaging in hobbies and activities that have nothing to do with work
can help us escape from the hassles of work and gain new perspectives and inspiration.

Interests or activities that are very different from work are often more conducive to relaxation
than those that are associated with your job. It is because those activities do not overlap with the
work that you can better divorce yourself from work-related matters, forgetting that there are
many complex tasks waiting to be handled and instead just enjoying the pleasure of the hobby
itself. For example, when programmers go to play basketball with their friends after work, they
can not only stretch and exercise their muscles that are stiff because of being sedentary but also
release the stress caused by program bugs when they score a goal. On the contrary, if they
choose to read some programming-related books as a pastime, it is likely that they will
inadvertently associate with the content of the work at hand during the reading process. In this
case, those stresses from work may persist and cannot be released.

Exposure to interests or activities that are more different from your work during relaxation time
may rekindle your passion, stimulate your creativity, and even help you gain inspiration from
some unconventional perspectives. Even people who do what they love and are good at
sometimes find themselves in long periods of lull. As one study at the University of Washington
put it, people who like chocolate will get tired of eating it after a while if it's the only thing they
have to eat day in and day out. The same is true for anything in life, including work-related
matters you initially loved and felt excited about but that now feel routine and humdrum.
Engaging your brain in your free time through some non-work-related interests will make your
life exciting and fresh again. For some people, it may be related to art or music. Others may find
inspiration in nature, such as walking in a shady park or sitting on the beach. These activities
often have nothing to do with what they do, but that's also why they are good for helping people
think outside the box and get some new motivation.

In summary, hobbies and activities that do not overlap with work are a better way to pass the
time, given that they help us unplug from work and thus relax more thoroughly, as well as
provide us with new perspectives and inspiration.
3. An elementary school wants to increase the time on educating students
technology (such as computers), which means that students will have less
time for the study of music and art. Do you think it's a good idea and why?


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Younger school children (ages five to ten) should be required to study art and music in
addition to math, language, science, and history.


低龄学童(5 至 10 岁)除了学习数学、语言、科学和历史之外,还应该要求学习艺术和



 Younger school children (aged 5-10) should be required to study art and music in addition to
math, language, science, and history.
 艺术类课程是否应该作为必修课。
 技术类易于找工作/高薪的专业比艺术类(个人兴趣)更好
 兴趣班的利弊
 应该 focus on 一种兴趣课程还是多种多样音乐/美术/体育等等都涉及

关键词: educating students technology (such as computers) ,elementary school ,less time
for the study of music and art


1.对比论述 more time/less time,不要无脑选择论述其中一方的好处 123。比如讨论音乐课

的好处 123,这在很大程度上有跑题的风险。该题目讨论的是增加学习技术类课程的时间

如果是针对第二个版本的题目,也就是低龄学童(5 至 10 岁)除了学习数学、语言、科

2.题目限定:elementary school,内容要围绕所小学生这一年龄段展开,否则,就容易有


可能会更容易展开,尤其是对于 5-10 岁这一年龄段的小学生而言。

① 现在的小学生已经有足够的时间来接触技术。

就 2019 年的一份调查显示,5 至 11 岁的孩子平均每天花近 5 个小时查看智能手机、平板电脑、游戏机和电视上的屏


Screen time consists of wide-ranging content, although social media - Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok especially -
takes up a significantly large share of young people's time online. In 2019, Common Sense Media found that 5- to
11-year olds spend an average of almost five hours a day looking at screens on smartphones, tablets, gaming
consoles, and TVs. The consequences of excessive screen may be further magnified if schools increase their
exposure to technology even more.
② 通过学习艺术类课程的机会可以有效培养孩子的专注力,这在一定程度上缓解了学生沉迷屏幕的情况。


As you persevere through painting or singing or learning a part in a play, focus is imperative. And certainly focus is
vital for studying and learning in class as well as doing a job later in life.

③ 在 5-10 岁这一大脑仍在发育的阶段,学生接受艺术教育是其对外在世界形成认知的重要一部分,因此不应该减少


At the age of 5-10, when the brain is still developing, a student's arts education is important to the formation of their
perception of the external world. Elementary education is more than just learning to read, write and recite
multiplication tables; it should also help children understand the bigger picture.

④ 花时间学习艺术对儿童的学习成绩有好处。


According to Cultural Alliance research, children who engage in the arts thrive at school. Indeed, arts education
contributes to raising attainment in math and literacy. For example, studying a work of art involves children
describing what they see, expressing how it makes them feel, and discussing what the artist’s motivation might have
been. In producing their own art, they consider numeracy concepts like angles, scale and perspective.

Music, meanwhile, involves literacy skills like listening, describing and questioning, and concepts related to math
such as identifying patterns, structures and timing.
非外教版本范文 sample


More and more schools are trying to reduce the amount of time students spend in music and art
classes to make way for other, more mainstream subjects. However, in my opinion, given the
many opportunities children already have to learn major subjects, such as technology and math,
and the many benefits the arts can provide to students at the elementary level, schools should not
take away time from art classes.

First, today's elementary school students already have more than enough time to be exposed to
and learn new technologies. Especially during the COVID pandemic, students' daily time on the
screen is increasing dramatically. It is also rare to meet children who are at a loss with computers
because they do not know how to operate electronics or lack knowledge of technology, which
means that a majority of primary school students do not lack access and opportunities to learn
about technology. In fact, just in 2020, Common Sense Media found that 5- to 11-year olds
spend an average of almost five hours a day looking at screens on smartphones, tablets, gaming
consoles, and TVs. The consequences of the excessive screentime may be further magnified if
schools increase their exposure to technology even more.

Furthermore, for younger, less self-controlled elementary school students, taking music and art
classes is an excellent opportunity to develop focus. Many elementary school teachers responded
in a survey that "My students are just automatically drawn to screens. It is worrisome because we
really don't know what the long-term impact is going to be." Many do not have the tools to
prevent the potential downsides of too much screen time. Art education, however, is the
medicine that can save children from screens and distractions. As you persevere through painting
or singing or learning a part in a play, the focus is imperative; otherwise, you will not be able to
complete a piece of work to your satisfaction. This focus is also essential both for learning in the
classroom and for doing work later in life.

Lastly, participation in structured art courses can help many children do better in school.
According to Cultural Alliance research, arts education contributes to raising attainment in math
and literacy. For example, studying a work of art involves children describing what they see,
expressing how it makes them feel, and discussing what the artist's motivation might have been.
In producing their own art, they consider numeracy concepts like angles, scale, and perspective.
Music, meanwhile, involves literacy skills like listening, describing and questioning, and
concepts related to math, such as identifying patterns, structures, and timing. We should,
therefore, not underestimate the value of arts education at the primary level, allowing it to be
increasingly pushed out of elementary education in order to make way for a greater focus on core
subjects such as literacy and numeracy.

All in all, considering that elementary school students nowadays already have many
opportunities and sources to learn technology while often not having enough exposure to the arts,
and that the arts can improve children's academic performance and develop their concentration,
we should not squeeze out arts education to make way for other subjects.
4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Many people
nowadays spend too much money on their pets (dogs, cats, or other
animals), although there are better uses for this money. 20220430




 父母/学校是否应该同意让孩子/学生在家或者宿舍养宠物
 父母让孩子养宠物是否是培养其责任感的最佳方法
 养宠物对于孩子的利弊

关键词: too much money on their pets,many people, although…better uses for this money


1.although 引导的“现象类”。



而言,这类情况可能比较少见且特殊,其实不太容易推广到 many people 的情况下,讨论


2. 此题在 too much 上面不同人会有不同的理解。



① 外越来越多的年轻人推迟建立自己的家庭,而是选择养宠物,这推动了宠物的消费疯狂增长。


More young people are delaying starting their own families and are opting to have pets instead. So not only do
millennials have pets, their empty-nester parents are also replacing the grandkids with “granddogs.”
② 我们将宠物人性化。


Over the last decade, we have truly humanized our pets. We are no longer satisfied to reward them in 'pet
terms' with something like a tennis ball. Instead, we reward them in human terms, with expensive diamond-
studded leashes or something, in a way that we think is rewarding. It makes us feel better even though they'd
probably rather have the tennis ball.

③ 新冠病毒的流行提升了宠物的地位,这也刺激了与其相关的支出。


People who are required to work from home see pet ownership as their emotional support, as the
companionship of a small pet fills the inner void caused by their lack of social interaction.

④ 在一定程度上反映了主人的价值观。


It’s not for the animal, it’s for the owner. It’s part showing off, like some parents dress their toddler children in
the most expensive designer clothes. It’s part projection. The owner loves pricey, showy things, so the pet must
love the same things. Really the dog wants to drink out of the toilet and the cat is rooting through the garbage


④ 对于多数年轻学生而言,学校的生活占据了他们绝大部份的精力。

For most young students, school life takes up the majority of their energy. They are often busy
with classwork and after-school activities. In this case, many students at school never have
chance to own pets. Even students who have pets at home tend to be able to rationalize the time
and money they spend on their pets, and it is rare to hear of anyone giving up important exams or
lowering their quality of life in order to buy canned food for their pets.
⑤ 对于工作的成年人而言,多数情况下他们能平衡好用于各项花销的比例。


Some adults keep pets even if they have to work in the office during the day but these people
usually know very well how to do personal finance management so they may keep pest, but it
does not mean that they tend to waste money on things that are not worthy or services that they
cannot afford, or appear to go to extremes like starving themselves to buy their pets good food
and toys.

⑥ 对于爱养宠物的老年人而言,他们的确更愿意给宠物花钱,但这并不意味着超过其能力范围。。


Aged people seem to be more fond of pets probably because they are more likely to feel lonely
after their retirement and they treat pets as their companions or even a member of the family, so
from their perspective, spending money that they can afford to spend on pets is just like treating
their families well.
非外教版本范文 sample


Increasingly more people like to spoil their pets; animals now rule the world more than ever.
Many people see their pets as part of their families and take care of their pets even more than
they take care of themselves. Therefore, I agree that many people are inclined to spend excessive
money on their pets—even though there may be other ways to spend it.

First, the COVID-19 pandemic has spurred a surge in pet-related spending. Many companies
have taken to telecommuting from home to reduce the potential for cross-contamination due to
the outbreak. As a result, pet-adoption rates have soared, and families are spending more time at
home with their pets. People who are required to work from home see pet ownership as their
emotional support, as the companionship of a small pet fills the inner void caused by their lack of
social interaction. Visual statistics back up this scenario. The American Pet Products Association
estimates that Americans will spend a record $99 billion on pet supplies this year, from food to
veterinary care, which is more than the combined Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the world's
39 poorest countries.

Furthermore, many young people are postponing having children and are choosing instead to
have pets, which is driving the growth of pet-related spending. Our dogs and cats have always
made us feel good about ourselves and played a role in our lives; in a sense, pets are our new
children—or even companions. They are happy, cuddly friends that do not care when you vent
about a bad day at work, as long as you pet them and fill their bowl with food. People get a lot of
emotional feedback from their relationships with their pets, which other relationships can hardly
match. As a result, millennials are putting off having kids—or even opting out completely in
favor of pets—and their empty-nesting parents are finding themselves without grandkids and
instead finding contentment and delight with a dog. Therefore, people are not skimping on
spending money on their pets; people love to spoil the ones they love—especially when they can
get emotional feedback from them.

Finally, spending excessive amounts of money on pets is in part a reflection of modern values. It
is like some parents who dress their toddlers in the most expensive designer clothes. This is part
of the projection. Owners like expensive, showy things; therefore, their pets must have the same
things. Many people are no longer satisfied enough with rewarding them in "pet terms" (e.g.,
with something like a tennis ball). Instead, they reward them in "human terms" (e.g., with
expensive, diamond-studded leashes). It makes them feel better—even though their pets would
probably rather have the tennis ball.

In summary, pets can largely compensate for the loneliness caused by the COVID-19 pandemic;
they bring unparalleled emotional feedback to their owners, and people's spending on pet-related
expenses reflects their values to some extent. Therefore, I agree that many people spend too
much money on their pets—despite having other ways to spend it.
5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and
television shows made in foreign countries are usually more interesting and
popular than those made in our home countries. 20220423




 与我们现实生活贴近的电影/书比如自传往往更受欢迎
 能教会我们生活中道理的电影才值得观看

关键词: more interesting and popular, made in foreign countries or home countries


1.对比论述 more interesting and popular,不要无脑选择论述其中一方的好处 123。最好的


这个题目其实只要紧扣两者在 interesting and popular 方面的比较而其实不太容易跑题。但



Movies and television shows made in foreign countries are more interesting.

① 外国电影往往因为其内容新颖而更为有意思。。


Movies are a product of culture, so foreign films tend to be unique to their place of origin. As a
result, some people find that international films are often more creative, imaginative, and sexy.
The plots also tend to be less familiar and thus more interesting.

② 观看外国电影和电视节目在一定程度上允许你环游世界,因此更吸引人。


With so many uncertainties about changing COVID-policies and border restrictions, travel
during the pandemic has been complicated. Watching foreign flicks allows you to visit other
countries from your home, learning about their landscapes, art, architecture, monuments, foods,
fashion, language, customs, and culture.

③ 观看外国电影和电视节目是一种很好的学习语言的机会。


To most of them studying or working in a foreign country is part of the plan or at least a
possibility so they may take watching these movies and shows as an opportunity to have a taste
of foreign languages.
Movies and television shows made in our home countries are usually more
interesti ng and popular.

⑦ 受到文化差异的影响,外国电影和电视节目的笑点我们无法了解。

One of the things we often encounter when watching foreign sitcoms is that the characters on the
show laugh out loud, yet we sit in front of the TV with a confused look on our faces. This is
often due to the fact that the show contains a lot of slang and jokes that can only be understood in
the context of their lives. This gap in understanding caused by cultural differences reduces the
fun of many foreign programs, which rarely happens in programs made from our own countries.
⑧ 语言的壁垒降低了外国电影或是电视节目的吸引力。


Many people are unfamiliar with another country's language, which means they must watch
programs with subtitles in their native language or even listen to dubs converted to their native
language - which may detract from the presentation of the original movie or TV show. Much of
the dialogue that is translated and converted may be of poor quality, or the conversion process
may compromise the naturalness and emotion of the original dialogue, making the program less

⑨ 本国的节目在很多特定时间有着无法替代的吸引力。


For many people with busy schedules, watching movies or TV shows often falls on holidays and
festivals. Native movies tend to cater well to the needs of local people at these specific times. For
example, movies during the National Day period are often released with national pride. In
addition to being interesting and catering to a particular atmosphere, these shows are more
popular because they represent a culture and custom unique to the country.
非外教版本范文 sample


Many times, we tend to have preconceived notions about foreign films. We worry that reading
subtitles will be tedious and tiring. We fret about not understanding the context, setting, or
message of the film itself. However, I find foreign films more interesting than domestic ones
because foreign productions tend to be fresher and facilitate a better understanding of the world,
as well as allowing viewers to learn a new language.

Foreign films and television programs are often more interesting because of their novel subject
matter. Movies are a product of culture, so foreign films tend to be unique to their place of
origin. As a result, many people find that international films are often more creative and bring
more freshness and sex appeal than their domestic counterparts. The plots of foreign films also
tend to be less familiar to us—unlike many domestic movies, which tend to be immediately
predictable, thus losing suspense. This sense of freshness from foreign productions often makes
them more attractive to viewers, which is why they are more likely to capture the audience's

Watching foreign movies and TV shows is more appealing, as it allows the audience to travel
around the world to an extent. With so many uncertainties about changing COVID-19 policies
and border restrictions, traveling during the COVID-19 pandemic has been complicated.
Watching foreign flicks allows viewers to visit other countries from their homes and learn about
their landscapes, art, foods, customs, culture, and more. In my own experience, watching the 30+
episodes of the "Inspector Montalbano" series allowed me to take a deep dive into Sicily, a
destination I have yet to visit.

Watching foreign movies and TV shows is a popular way to learn a language. For many young
people today, going to a foreign country to study, work, or travel is part of their plans—or at
least, it is a possibility. So, they may watch these films and shows as an opportunity to take a
taste of foreign languages and cultures. Depending on the viewer's language proficiency, they
may choose to listen to the original voices of the actors or read the foreign dialogue in subtitles.
This is often much more interesting, and it makes it easier to keep the language learner's
attention rather than relying on books or learning in school.

In summary, foreign movies and TV shows are more interesting than domestic ones because of
their novelty, and the possibility of taking us around the world and even teaching us a new
6. Teachers of young children at a primary school are considering making one
major change to better support the educational and social development of
their students (aged 6-10), which one of the following changes do you think
is the most important for the teachers to make and why? 20220409

-Encouraging students to ask questions in class more frequently than they do


-Having students work together in pairs or small groups more frequently than
they do now

-Meeting with each student's parents more frequently than they do now


幼儿教师正在考虑做出一项重大改变,以更好地支持学生( 6-10 岁)的教育和社会发展,





-老师如何做来减少孩子作弊现象:1.让家长监视 2.加大惩罚力度 3. 增加作弊难度

关 键 词 : most important, students (aged 6-10), better support the educational and social


1.年级限定:students (aged 6-10),内容要扣住这一年龄段的孩子。即论证三种方法针对



2.三个选项选其中之最: 遇到这类题型,很多考生只讨论其中一个选项,比如第三个选项
的好处 123,这是不合理的,甚至可以算较明显的跑题。请务必时刻谨记:三个选项都要
提到+进行对比,所谓对比讨论也绝不是那种结尾一句话“显然 B 没有 A 好”随意带过的
对比。逻辑清晰的对比讨论往往是拿到 27+以上的关键!!!

3 选一选最高级的题目怎样解,通常采取两种思路:

A+BC-:A 特有的优势+B 和 C 自身的劣势


A>B + A>C:A 比 B 好 + A 比 C 好从而证明 A 最好



 Encouraging students to ask questions in class more frequently:




Encouraging students to ask questions cannot guarantee that every student will become more
engaged in class, for there always will be introverted ones who prefer not to be the person that
talks first to start a conversation.

 Having students work together in pairs or small groups:



If students work in pairs or small groups often enough, then they will be familiar with each other,
and that means even introverted ones can participate actively so that they can have better
academic development. Also, since they work with others more frequently, their social skills will
be improved at the same time.





 Meeting with each student's parents more frequently:



非外教版本范文 sample


Teachers in elementary schools often want to do whatever they can to help their students achieve
better educational and social development, whether this is by encouraging students to speak up
more, asking them to work in small groups, or communicating more frequently with their
parents. From my perspective, given the low feasibility of involving all students in classroom
participation and having frequent meetings with parents, allowing students to work in pairs or
small groups is the most crucial approach to equitable education for all.

First, it may be unrealistic to enhance students' development by encouraging them to ask more
questions. Asking the teacher questions in front of the class can be intimidating—especially for
shy students, who may feel uncomfortable and stressed about doing so. Additionally, it is
unlikely that giving all children the opportunity to voice their opinions and receive an individual
response from the teacher would be feasible in the limited time available within each class. In
such cases—even if the teacher encourages students to ask questions more often during the
lesson—it is still hard to ensure that every student is engaged and thus contributing to their own

Furthermore, for many teachers, contact with parents is often accompanied by a sense of dread
and is not easy to achieve. Some parents refute any criticism of their child; some parents do not
know how to offer help to their child—and even worse, some parents never show up. More
frequent contact is not as effective for parents who are rushed to make time during the workday
or who feel that the teacher does not understand their child. Furthermore, many parents of
students in this age group are on the rise in their careers, and it may not be practical in the long
run for them to take frequent time off work to come to school and communicate with teachers.

Given the limited feasibility of the two options above, frequent, cooperative learning in small
groups is the most important and viable change that a teacher can make. It will ensure that each
student has an opportunity to participate in the coursework discussion. Even introverted students
can join paired learning in a relatively stress-free manner because by being exposed to more
frequent contact, children will become familiar with each other, thus leading to a more relaxed
atmosphere when interacting with their peers. In this situation—even if students are confused
about something that the teacher has just taught them—they can easily bring it up in a group
discussion without feeling embarrassed. This sense of engagement will go a long way to promote
students' educational and social development.

In summary, given the unlikelihood of all students actively speaking in class and the teacher
meeting with their parents on a regular basis, involving students in more group work is the most
effective way to support their educational and social development.
7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Getting advice
from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice
from friends your same age. 20220403/20210424

这道题重复的是 2021 年 4 月 24 日线下原题,同时在很多次线下以及家考中也多次出现过




 Major 的选择(人生的重大抉择)是否需要考虑家长/学长的意见还是完全自己做
 Advice from old 有没有用
 年龄大的人再去冒险/出国旅游/创业要比年轻时候更好
 你是喜欢独自完成工作还是喜欢和他人一起工作
 想要提高自身演讲水平你是自己看录音还是邀请其他听众寻求建议
 In order to solve the problem at present or in the future, we should understand the past
 All university students should be required to take history courses no matter what their
field of study is.

关键词: more valuable, getting advice, older than you or same age

1.对比论述 more valuable,不要无脑选择论述其中一方的好处 123。最好的方式是采取每

(另外,要么选择 A 要么选择 B,不要给自己挖坑去证明什么 A=B 或是 A 和 B 都重要,

2.题目限定:getting advice,内容要围绕所寻求建议的价值,否则,就容易有跑题的嫌疑。

3. 题目有些 抽 象 , 毕竟 寻求建议 范围太 大了。最好不要 全文 都在一 直重复 getting


比如“getting advice”可以是:

请教有关生活中的技术流问题: 电脑突然 break down; 不知道如何使用学校图书


请教学习或工作问题: 如何提高演讲水平/写 academic paper; 不知道如何选择



Peer advice makes more sense


① 同龄人的建议可能更富有创新性。


The advice of our peers is often more innovative than the traditional ideas of our oldest friends.
Many of the suggestions of old friends come from their past experiences, which may lead to
conservative thinking stereotypes to a certain extent, thus limiting innovation and breakthroughs.
The advice of peers is more likely to break the bonds of convention, thus giving us some creative

② 同龄人的建议可能更符合我们的情况.


The advice of an older friend may have been applicable in his day, but may be outdated in
today's perspective. On the contrary, the advice of peers is often more in line with current
aesthetic and fashion trends.

③ 年长的朋友可能无法跟上技术进步的步伐。


Older friends may not be able to keep up with the pace of technological advances. They are far
less adept than our peers in the use of many high-tech products, such as electronic devices or
apps. If I need help using these gadgets, the advice of friends around my age is often more
reliable than that of my older friends.
Advice from older friends is more valuable

⑩ 年长的朋友与我们往往没有竞争关系,因此更可能提供有用的建议


An inexperienced novice seeking advice from friends of the same age may often end up with them being
just as confused as you are and failing to provide valuable information. Seeking advice from experienced
veteran friends is likely to be a different story. Their vast experience can easily point out your specific
problems and give you the corresponding advice. Because of the age gap, you are often not in competition,
and therefore they are also more likely to be willing to give you valuable, practical tips that can help you
make rapid progress.
⑪ 他们的智慧和经验可以帮助你避开许多问题


Seeking advice from seniors who may have encountered similar problems and know how to solve them will
avoid making the same mistakes as they did.

⑫ 他们更可能会给你不一样的想法以带来新的启迪。


The advice of our peers is often based on the present, without realizing that we may not think the same way
later in life. The advice of older people, on the other hand, can often provide us with a different perspective;
after all, they have been through many of life's ups and downs and will have a more mature mindset.
非外教版本范文 sample


Many of our friends and colleagues are from the same generation as we are. Therefore, it seems natural that we may
turn to them for advice when we encounter problems while studying, working, or participating in various social
activities. However, if you have older friends that you respect, their advice is often more valuable than that of your
peers because they may be more willing to share their experiences without reservation and are more likely to offer a
different perspective.

First, older friends are often not in competition with us and are therefore more likely to offer helpful advice in a
relatively unreserved manner. For example, if you were an inexperienced sales trainee, then it may not be a good
option to ask friends of your own age work-related questions if they are also trainees; after all, you are in
competition for the few full-time positions available. The competition between you can make it difficult to share
information without reservation. Additionally, they are probably as new to the industry as you are, and thus may
often feel as lost as you do, which makes it even more difficult for them to provide valuable information. In such
cases, seeking advice from older, more experienced friends can be a different story, not only because their vast
experience can easily point out specific problems and advise accordingly but because there is often no competition
between friends with a large age gap, so they are also more likely to give valuable, practical advice that can help you
progress quickly.

Furthermore, advice from older people can often provide us with a different perspective. Most of us have a tough
time imagining a tomorrow that is terribly different from today, and we find it particularly difficult to imagine that
we will ever think, want, or feel different things than we do now. As a result, the advice of our peers is often based
on the present, without realizing that we may not think the same way in the future. On the other hand, the advice of
an older friend can help you avoid this mental trap and provide a different, enlightening perspective. Because after
experiencing life's ups and downs (e.g., suffering a job loss, seeing a spouse diagnosed with a medical condition,
and experiencing tough financial times) and still making it to the other side, they often have a completely different
mindset than younger people and will not get stuck in the moment and worry about all sorts of "what-ifs" as easily
as many of our peers do.

In conclusion, given that older friends are less likely to have a competitive relationship with us and that their
differing perspectives also come with a more mature mindset, their advice is often more valuable than that of our
8. During big events, such as weddings or graduations, some people choose
to record many videos and take numerous pictures on their smartphones,
while others decide to record few or no videos and take few or no
pictures. Which choice or decision do you prefer? 20220326/20211013




 旅行中/平常生活中/活动中(特殊庆典)是否喜欢记录

 去博物馆如果允许的话是否会拍照

 有些人喜欢在旅行/生活中记录他们的经历--例如,通过写日记、写日志或拍照。

 喜欢拍下很多照片/video,看见什么都先记录再说还是就只针对特定的一些景点/

这些题目都在一定程度上同源,观点与例子存在一定程度的相互借鉴。 积累素材时请务

关键词: big events, record many videos/pictures, record few or no videos/pictures


1. 题目限定: big events

义的场合,比如婚礼,毕业典礼,xx 纪念日,大型圣诞/新年晚会等。能算得上大事件
的往往有两个特征,一个是举办频率低,一个是场面比较隆重(参与人数多 /富有仪式

2. 二选一选项


两 个 选 项 : 大 量 记 录 VS 只 记 录 少 量 或 是 不 记 录 ( 这 一 选 项 包 括 少 量 记 录 , 需 额 外 注
意) 。

不 要根 据自 己的 理解 擅自 更改 或是 夸 张其 中任 意选 项 ,讨 论“ 不留 任何 记录 造成 的弊

题 原 则 上 针 对 一 个 选 项 展 开 好 处 123 是 合 理 的 , 采 用 对 比 的 讨 论 往 往 会 更 容 易 拿 高 分

Record many videos and take lots of photos

 重大活动中的大量记录可以在最大程度上保留整个过程


Major events are often unique and distinctive, but they have one major drawback: they usually
do not remain intact in your memory long enough. Your extensive records will be a witness to
your important event almost from start to finish, preserving as many great memories for you as

 大量录制视频和拍摄照片将与他人分享你的重要事件变得更为容易。



By capturing these moments in large numbers, whether through photos or video, you share a part
of you with the world. Others can see how you see the world around them.

Photos or videos make your special event scalable. Even when your event is over, video keeps all
the information provided alive and continues to provide value to interested audiences.

 大量的照片和视频将记录下对你有意义的里程碑。


Whether it is a graduation or a wedding, or a large-scale ceremony that you were solely

responsible for planning, capturing as many of these memorable moments as possible can help
you remember how hard work and dedication went into achieving a certain stage of perfection.
Record few or no videos and take few or no pictures

 权如果我专注于拍照片或是视频来记录我的活动,我可能很难真正享受到活动本身


If I focus on taking photos or videos to document my important events, it can be difficult for me
to truly appreciate the activity itself, as the process of documenting tends to distract me and ruin
my immersive experience.

 参加活动的疲劳感使我很难在拍照和拍摄视频的过程中分散注意力


For example, if I am attending a graduation ceremony, I may need to get up early to get dressed,
look my best for the ceremony, and be involved in every step of the process. I may not have the
extra energy to take a lot of photos and videos in this situation.

 额外的后续整理和编辑工作


If I took a lot of photos and videos to document, I would need additional follow-up organizing
and editing to filter out what I am satisfied with, which would be a time-consuming undertaking,
so I'd rather skip the recording process.
非外教版本范文 sample


Recording our beautiful moments with photos or videos has become an essential part of many
people's lives—especially on big days. Photos, videos, and other kinds of media often provide us
with a personal record that cannot be replaced. Considering that these records will preserve the
whole process, make it easier for us to share our joy with others, and remind us of the special
significance of these milestone events, I prefer to take as many photos and videos as possible on
these big days.

First, lots of videos and photos will leave you with a complete record of the day. Big events are
often unique and distinctive, but they have one major drawback—they usually do not stick in
your memory for very long. You may remember one part of the event, or a hiccup that occurred
when things did not go to plan, but other than that, you may have little memory of the details.
For example, at a wedding celebration, you may feel happy, but at the end of the night, you are
so exhausted that much of what your friends and family said to you will probably be forgotten.
However, this is not the case when you record the event a lot. Your extensive recordings will be
a witness to such an important event from start to finish, thereby preserving as many good
memories as possible.

Furthermore, recording numerous videos or taking lots of photos will make it much easier to
share your important events with others. If some of your close friends or relatives cannot be there
for your special event due to time constraints or geographical restrictions, then lots of videos and
photos will help you share your joy with those who may be miles away! Your big event will be
more complete and permanent because of these recordings. All you will have to do is send them
a link to a video or an email full of photos, and they can watch your big event at any time for
many years to come. In this sense, many records of big events extend the number of people who
can share this joy with you. Even when your event is over, the videos and photos will keep all
the memories alive and continue to provide value to you and your loved ones for years to come.

Taking plenty of photos or videos will capture the milestones that are meaningful to you.
Whether it is a graduation, a wedding, or a large ceremony that you were solely responsible for
planning, capturing as many of these memorable moments as possible will help you remember
the hard work and dedication that went into achieving this milestone. Those milestones may
include what has brought you success and changed your life. Hold onto these keepsakes for as
long as you think is appropriate. When you have time to reflect, you can review them. It is
essential to look back on them both when things are going well for you and when they are not so
that you can remember what is most valuable to you even in the most challenging times and
remind yourself that as long as you persevere, things will turn around.

In summary, I favor taking a lot of photos and videos on these special days to keep a complete
memory of the event, share it with others anytime and anywhere, and remind yourself of the
special meanings behind big events for years to come.
9. You may choose between two professors who will be teaching a course
that you must take at your university. If the following statements are the
only information available to you about the differences between the two
professors, which professor would. you choose? Why? 20220312

-One professor was voted most popular in a survey of students about their

-One professor has just been given an award for outstanding research.



简而言之就是受欢迎的教授 VS 有名望/niubility 教授(科研大牛/业界翘楚)。
个人不建议采取鱼和熊掌兼得的态度来讨论此题目,当然语言驾驭能力 diao 的另说。

你选择哪个,就老老实实的选择 A or B,不要给自己添麻烦,去讨论受欢迎的教授也可
能很牛,或者很 diao 的大牛教授也不一定就不受欢迎。


 你是否同意,一个老师很难做到既受欢迎又有很强专业度。

 选择熟悉的教授还是没上过课的陌生教授

 选择小班教学的教授还是大班教学的教授
 选择给分高的老师/课程,还是难度大的老师/课程

这些题目都在一定程度上同源,观点与例子存在一定程度的相互借鉴。 积累素材时请务

关键词: choose one to teach a course, popular professor or with outstanding research


1. 题目限定: university level , teach a course



如果选择 popular 的教授就将重点放在讲课风格 /交流无障碍,为人处事和蔼 /作业量适


如果选择大牛教授就将重点放在更多的科研资源 /经费/课题/业界影响力,更有挑战更
容易出 paper,有利于今后的发展比如在这门课上表现出色与老师互动愉快将能拿到含

2. 二选一选项

两个选项都可以,或是鱼与熊掌我都要,既要学术大牛也要 popular。

两个选项:受欢迎的教授 VS 科研大牛教授。

不要根据自己的理解擅自更改或是 夸张其中任意选项,比如受欢迎的教授专业度不足会


此观点更是不可取 。科研大牛老师难道没三观么。。。而且都大学生成年人了,还没有

题原则上针对一个选项展开好处 123 并不算跑题,不过还是更建议采用对比的讨论,会

One professor was voted most popular in a survey of students about their teachers

 人格魅力


Popular instructors tend to have a more charismatic personality than professors who are
committed to research, and are able to establish strong connections and communication with
students of diverse personalities, thus gaining their approval.

 有效的教学风格


Being good at research does not mean being good at teaching. The popular one is probably
popular because they are good at conveying information at a level the students can understand it.

 热情


Professors who are more popular with students tend to be more passionate about students and
lecturing than research professors who excel in research. Unlike research, lecturing requires
more focus on the recipients of knowledge - the students - explaining and elaborating on
concepts that may seem "simple" to the professor, and determining where and how to provide
help to students who have difficulty following them. Instructors with high performance in
student evaluations tend to care more about their students' feelings and remain enthusiastic about
teaching material that seems "easy" to themselves, and therefore are more likely to engage their
students in learning.

 有更多时间备课


A successful instructor needs to have enough time to prepare for class, and a popular professor in
this regard may have more time to prepare than an outstanding professor in research.
One professor has just been given an award for outstanding research

 权威性


The results of student surveys may not be as authoritative as research excellence awards. The
professor who is named 'most popular' in many student surveys may simply be very genteel or
entertaining, or an easy grader - meaning that the results do not necessarily indicate the high
quality of the course.

 更多的资源/课题/业界网络


Choosing a class with professors of research excellence is a great opportunity to make a

connection with them. If you are interested in their research direction, or have the intention of
going further into scientific research, then choosing a course with such a reputable teacher will
be more beneficial than just a professor who is popular with students.

 更多的锻炼机会


Professors with a strong research background tend to have a deeper and more comprehensive
understanding of the subject. This may come with a wider range of content to teach and tougher
grading that makes their courses seem a little harder, but it is also an excellent exercise for
非外教版本范文 sample


The importance of a course instructor cannot be overstated. From my perspective, considering

the authority of the evaluations, the resources of the research project, and the depth of the lecture
content, a professor with outstanding research is more attractive than a popular professor who
wins in student evaluations.

First, the results of student surveys may not be as authoritative as research-excellence awards.
The professor who is named "Most Popular" in many student surveys may simply be very
genteel, entertaining, or an easy grader—meaning that the results do not necessarily indicate the
high quality of the course. However, in most cases, professors who receive research awards have
undergone multiple evaluations, and their professionalism is widely recognized within the
industry. Having the opportunity to study with such an industry-leading professor is an
inspiration and a valuable experience for students.

Furthermore, choosing a class taught by professors of research excellence is a great opportunity

to make a connection with them. If you are interested in their research direction or intend to take
their scientific research further, then choosing a course with such a reputable teacher will be
more beneficial than just a professor who is popular with students. Research professors usually
have their own niche or field carved out. In addition to the award-winning projects that they have
completed, they often have other solid research projects at their disposal. Their large industry
networks and contacts with peer reviewers and editors make the steady publication of decent
papers a possibility. Familiarize yourself and connect with them by enrolling in their course;
show them your interests and abilities, and your research career may well start. Even if you may
choose another supervisor or a different field later, a letter of recommendation from such a
prestigious professor will be your doorstop.

Finally, professors with a strong research background tend to have a deeper and more
comprehensive understanding of the subject. This may come with a wider range of content to
teach and tougher grading, which may make their courses seem a little harder, but it is also an
excellent exercise for students. These professors are often not as concerned with evaluations as
the more popular professors, and they won't necessarily want to win popularity contests, but they
often have a better idea of what students need to know to be successful in more advanced classes.
Students may look back and say, "I hated those classes at the time, but in retrospect, I did learn a
lot from my professors."

In summary, given the more authoritative assessment process, broader resources and networks,
and richer lecture content, I prefer professors who win research awards over professors who are
popular in student evaluations.
10.Job sharing opens more opportunities to people who have other
responsibilities, such as taking care of their children or studying, and who
need flexible working hours. Do you agree or disagree that job sharing is
good for workers? Why? Use specific reasons and examples to support
your answer 20210929/20220306

此题原题重复 2021 年 9 月 29 日原题






这道题看到 job sharing,很多考生第一反应是将其与团队合作相关联,这两个确实存在一定的






关键词: job sharing, good for workers


1. 题目限定: job sharing


Job sharing 不等于 group work,一定要把这两个概念区分开。无脑套用团队合作的


2. 对象限定: good for workers

这个限定非常重要! 很多考生作答时,包括很多机构 /国内老师提供的范文都忽略了这


题目要求讨论的是 job sharing 是否有利于 工作者,也就是兼职者,并不是站在公司 /

雇主的视角上展开讨论。因此很多以雇主视角讨论的观点都是跑题的。比如,人才吸引 ,
更多的员工多样性,更多的竞争从而提高员工水平 /留住有价值的员工,为客户提供不

3. 是否同意/二选一选项


Two employees sharing one role is a great solution for employees seeking better work-life

 Increased Flexibility & Better Work-Life Balance


Job sharing offers the ability to split employees’ time so as to dedicate more of it towards the activities
that bring their joy. It is a savvy way to keep your career on track, even as you reduce your hours. It’s a
win-win should you wish to get the best of both Work and Life worlds.

 Better Physical & Mental Health

自然,有了更好的工作与生活的平衡和更多的灵活性,就有能力和时间来更好地照顾自己。此外 ,

Naturally with a better work-life balance and more flexibility comes the ability and time to take better
care of oneself. Job sharing has also shown to lower stress levels as responsibilities are shared.

 More Learning & Growth Opportunities

与另一个人分担工作,使你有难得的机会向同伴学习,以及教授和分享自己的知识,甚至是指导 。

Sharing a job with another person gives you the rare opportunity to learn from a peer as well as teach and
share your own knowledge, or even mentor. On the other hand, the extra time you gain can also be used
to study so as to continue to learn and grow as an individual.

 You Can Focus on Your Area of Expertise


When you are paired up with someone, so too are your skillsets. Job sharing is a brilliant way for you to
excel in areas that you are good in, while the other person covers other duties. Therefore, there is an
opportunity to divide tasks according to individual skills and interests and leverage each person’s
Cons of job sharing

 You’ll Earn Less Income and Benefits


One of the biggest setbacks of a job share is that you’ll be earning less than you would in a full-time role.
If you need a full-time salary to stay on top of your finances, a job-sharing role may not be the best
choice. Additionally, as a job-sharer, you might not be eligible for the same benefits as other full-time
employees. It could also be the case that you aren’t entitled to any benefits at all.

 You Could Be Incompatible with Your Partner


For a job share to work, there needs to be effective communication on both ends. However, if your work
habits and work style are incompatible with your peer, this could lead to organizational chaos. Indeed,
two different approaches will cause a lot of confusion and will deter your collaboration with the other

Incompatibility can then lead to information getting lost, misinformation and poor communication.
Depending on the functions of the role, it could also hinder its performance and affect any counterparts
associated with it.

 Your Abilities Might Not Match


A possible issue that could arise from job sharing is an ability mismatch. Sometimes, having a reliable
partner that will get their part of the job done is more important than identical working styles. Indeed,
incompetence on your partner’s part could result in an unfair workload for you and ineffective task
management. Not only that, but it could also hinder your work performance and your progression within
your role and the company.

 Your Partner Could Change


One of the riskiest aspects of job sharing is the possibility of one of the two partners leaving the position.
Not only will a new person have to be recruited, hired and trained, but you will also have to lift more
weight until your new partner is found.

Finding someone who is equally compatible with you and who can maintain the same schedule as the
previous person is perhaps the biggest challenge. It often means that some compromises will have to be
made on both parts.
非外教版本范文 sample


Over the years, job sharing as an unconventional strategy has become increasingly popular among those
who want to have a more flexible work schedule that accommodates their personal needs. Considering
that such an approach would result in a better work-life balance, less work stress, and more opportunities
for individual learning and growth, I believe that a job-sharing arrangement would be an ideal option for

First, one of the biggest perks of job sharing is having the ideal work-life balance that many of us dream
about. Having a flexible work schedule offers the opportunity to split employees’ time; therefore, more of
it can be dedicated to the activities that bring them joy. Whether it is to volunteer for causes they care for,
take up leisure activities such as sports and hobbies, start a side hustle or spend more time with family
and loved ones, job sharing gives workers the chance to work and have a career whilst also pursuing other
interests. In this case, job sharing is a savvy way to keep employees’ careers on track—even as they
reduce their hours. It is a win-win to get the best of both worlds.

Furthermore, job sharing has also been shown to lower stress levels because responsibilities are shared.
With many people currently not taking sick leave, personal days, or family leave for fear of being seen as
“weak”—and, as such, less “valuable”—job sharing helps ascertain that there will always be someone
available with the desired skillset. There will always be someone to cover for you whenever you need to
take time off. If you are on sick leave or taking paid time off, then your partner will get the job done and
ensure that nothing critical is missed during your absence. This also means that both the employees can
make the proper time to take care of themselves or those under their care without having to worry about
their workload piling up. Additionally, the employer can rest easily, knowing that the work will still get

Finally, sharing a job with another person gives employees the rare opportunity to learn from a peer, as
well as improve themselves. Under a Twins Model—very much like usual group work or inter-team
collaboration—two different brains, perspectives, and experiences are joined as one to solve problems.
They will each have the opportunity to learn new skills from their partner and develop in other areas.
While each of them will share duties and tasks, they can still learn from each other and expand their
knowledge in the field. On the other hand, the extra time that workers gain can also be used to study so
that they can continue to learn and grow as individuals. If they have ever dreamed of going back to school
or attending university for the first time to study a new subject, changing careers, or just bettering their
existing skillset within the industry, then job sharing could be the golden solution for them to do so, while
still earning money.

In conclusion, I agree that two people sharing one role would benefit employees, as job sharing provides
more flexible work arrangements, less stress, and more opportunities for personal growth.
11.A university wants to improve the quality of life for students who reside
in a dormitory on campus. Which ONE of the following things do you
think the university should spend money on for this purpose, and why?

-Providing a room for quiet study

-Building an exercise room so that students can improve their physical well-

-Providing space for entertainment (for example, a place where students

could watch films together)

简而言之就是,改善学生的宿舍生活,是提供一个安静的自习室 or 健身房 or 娱乐空间


 提高学校的电子设备(科技)or social activities 的空间

 小区的 budget 是建造一个公共图书馆还是一个供人们健身的 garden


健身房可以作为学生放松锻炼的好机会,而娱乐空间是一个供学生 social 或是放松的好


好处 123。

对于此题而言,最好的展开方法是 A+BC-,也就是讨论 A 选项的优势+B 选项以及 C 选项的


 Quiet Place To Study


学校来说,宿舍里的安静区域将非常方便学生在任何时候应对论文的 due 或准备即将到来的考试。


除了可能距离较远的图书馆或是教学楼以外还有很多可以安静学习的地方,比如 café/lab room 等等供学生


 Exercise Room To Keep Fit


健身房将有利于学生在学习重压下保持身体健康,尤其是学校的 Gym 或者 health center 可能有其特定的开

放时间,与学生的 schedule 可能会有所冲突,在这个时候如果宿舍里有一个专门健身的健身空间对于较晚



如果只是建立一个简易的健身房的话,学生可能还是会选择到学校 Gym 或是 health center 这些专业锻炼场


 Providing Space For Entertainment




非外教版本范文 sample


With the increasing emphasis on the quality of students' campus life, various well-equipped
university dormitories are springing up. When it comes to how schools should further improve
their accommodations, I personally believe that a quiet place to study in a dormitory is the most
appropriate option than a gym that has a relatively limited role in improving students‘ life-quality
or an entertainment space that may affect others.

Given its convenience and students' familiarity with it, a quiet corner built in the dorms can be a
great place to study. It is also easy to have all your study materials at hand. You would not have
to worry about realizing that you forgot some vital material upon arriving at the library, nor
would you have to spend a lot of time and energy shuttling between the library and your dorm
room every day. This would be especially true on days of inclement weather. For many schools,
the dormitory area is entirely separate from the library or academic building blocks and often
quite distant from each other. In case of heavy rain or snow, a quiet zone in the dormitory will be
very convenient for students to finish their papers or prepare for exams.

The benefits of having a gym in a residence hall may not be as obvious in terms of the
percentage of student time it takes up. It is hard to deny that physical activity is only a small part
of a student's life compared to studying. Often times, students may not have a lot of free time for
physical activity, but instead are occupied with papers that are due or exams that are coming up.
For those students who exercise occasionally or do not have much time to exercise for various
reasons, they may tend to buy some equipment such as yoga mats and dumbbells used in their
room for a short workout rather than choosing to go to the dormitory gym. As for those students
who have professional fitness needs, they usually will not be satisfied with a relatively small
space and limited choice of equipment in the residential area, but will choose to go to the school
gym or health center to workout in these professional exercise places. As such, building a gym in
a dormitory may have limited improvement on the students' life-quality.

Providing a room for recreation and relaxation in the dormitory does offer a social space for the
students in the dorm building, but this may come at the cost of disturbing the peacefulness of
other students. Soundproofing in residence hall buildings is often a concern. Creating such a
recreational space is likely to disrupt the lives of many surrounding residents on the same floor.
Imagine the sound effects or cheering when students are watching a scary movie or hosting a
social gathering in the entertainment space - the noise will inevitably penetrate the walls and be
transmitted to the students living in the dorms near the entertainment room, which will probably
affect their rest or preparation for exams. Therefore, the creation of entertainment spaces in
dormitories may even disturb some students' life if they enjoy quiet.

In summary, providing a quiet place to study in the dormitory is the optimal choice for
improving the dormitory and the quality of student life than a gym with limited use and a
recreational space that may interfere with others' rest.
12.Some people believe that young students (aged 5 to 10) should not be
asked to focus on their lessons at school for more than an hour at a time;
after one hour spent focusing on a lesson, the teacher should let the
students rest or play games before they start focusing on their lesson
again. Other people believe that young students should be trained to
focus on their lessons for longer periods of time, and that one break in the
middle of the school day is sufficient. Which view do you agree with,
and why? 20220219


对于 5-10 岁的学生而言在专注于课程的一个小时后,老师应该让学生休息或玩游戏还


这道题目的论述可以与一些 教育类,比如学生上课/作业时长/休息时间等其他题目内容


 5-8 岁学生而言的作业量是否应该控制在 30 分钟以内

 老师是否有必要给 5-12 岁的学生每天都安排课后作业

 如果改为每周 4 天上学每天时长增加 90 分钟的上学日程是否合理

 对于 5-12 岁的孩子教学引入电子设备 /科技手段是否可取(如果选择认可的角度,


这类问题的论述与这个题目都有一定的共通点,论述观点 /例子可以通用,请注意素材/

就这道题目而言,强烈建议采取“ 让学生上课一小时后休息 ”这一态度进行展开,毕竟只

让学生中午休息一次的做法别说对于 5-10 岁的学生,即便对于成年人来说也很难做到。


关键词: young students (aged 5 to 10) , after one hour spent focusing on a lesson, the
teacher should let the students rest or play games, should be trained to focus on their
lessons for longer periods of time, and that one break in the middle of the school day is


1. 题目限定: young students (aged 5 to 10)

这个短语中包含了讨论对象年龄上的限定,所有讨论需围绕这一年龄段的年轻学生展开 。
该设定对于此题非常重要,也就是说如果你的讨论内容 /例子有涉及高中生大学生则并
不适用于该题目,有跑题嫌疑 。


2. 二选一选项



不要根据自己的理解擅自更改其中任意选项或者自行发挥,说 1 小时休息一次太频繁了
但是只中午休息一次又太少了,不建议在托福写作中采取这样的态度展开,重点是拿分 ,

Schools should not require younger students (ages 5 to 10) to attend an intensive
class for more than one hour; they should take a break or play a game before they
re-engage in the class again.

① 年轻的儿童在生理上无法长时间地专注于一件事,他们的注意力很容易被转移


Children, especially at a very young age, are physically unable to focus on one
thing for too long, and their attention could be easily diverted. If they are forced to
take courses that last for longer hours, they may stop listening and get off-task,
even though they are still sitting at their desk. Naturally, such a long period of time
before the middle break contrary to their nature, will lead to a decrease in learning
efficiency and will also reduce their interest in learning and even create boredom,
which is certainly not the scenario teachers and parents expect to see.

② 长久的课堂时间也意味着用眼过度和久坐的问题,可能会影响孩子的健康


Attending over one hour of courses means excessive use of the eyes and possibly
spending hours in a sedentary position, which could harm the children’s health in
the long run by possibly causing short eyesight and physical illness.

③ 对于 5 至 10 岁年龄段的年轻学生来说,放松和娱乐是与外界联系的好机会,不应该只充斥着课程内容。


For young students in the 5 to 10 age group, relaxation and recreation are great
opportunities to connect them with the outside world and should not be filled only
with course content. For example, little ones working together on a paint-and-guess
puzzle game not only improves their pictorial expression skills, but also enhances
their relationship with each other through constant interaction. Physical exercise is
another way to satisfy children's active nature - it promotes cardiorespiratory and
skeletal development, releases extra energy and relieves tension and stress from

④ 对于老师而言,长久的上课时间也将是一种挑战。
长时间的集中注意力不仅对 5 至 10 岁的儿童来说是困难的,甚至对成年人也是如此。

Long periods of concentration can be difficult not only for children between the
ages of 5 and 10, but even for adults. Imagine dealing with a group of young,
unmanageable children who require the teacher's constant attention and guidance
throughout the morning to ensure that each student is participating in the lesson and
absorbing knowledge, not to mention the constant need to maintain order in the
classroom and resolve potential conflicts and disputes among the kids. Such a heavy
workload is also a challenge for the teachers, who need some respite to adjust
themselves for the rest of the teaching day.

Why Regular Student Breaks Are Essential to Learning

1. Improve Attentiveness

The longer the lesson goes, the harder it is for a student to remain on task.
According to a 2014 study published on Science Direct, longer instruction times
lead to fewer students paying attention. Researchers found that “on-task behavior
declined as instructional duration increased from 30 to 60 minutes.”

When students get a short break or an opportunity to go to recess, their brains get a
much-needed rest. When they come back, their attention span resets and they’re
ready to learn again.

2. Boost Learning Productivity

Students who need a break tend to stop listening and get off-task. And those non-
attentive students have an impact beyond their own learning productivity. If they
exhibit distracting behavior, then they can make it difficult for other children to
understand the concepts presented in the lesson.

Frequent breaks reduce the potential for disruptive behavior. Since students have
the opportunity to burn off energy during a break, they are less likely to be
distracted and disruptive when it’s time to learn.

3. Reduce Student Stress

Students can get overwhelmed when they’re expected to spend the entire morning
focused on classroom instruction. They have little time to enjoy play, think
creatively, or reset their brains. This combination can lead to stress, which has
short- and long-term impacts on their health and learning capabilities.

Once they have regularly scheduled breaks, they can take that time to de-stress and
relax before it’s time to focus on learning again.

4. Foster Social Skills

It’s difficult to develop social skills if children don’t have time to be kids. Many
schools have breaks at lunchtime and recess, which may be combined into one
period. They may not have time to interact during that block, along with everything
else they need to get done before they head back to class, so they won’t be able to
develop social learning. Getting time for proper breaks may improve kids’ social

5. Help Memory

It can take some time to digest new information and actually retain it for future use.
If students don’t have that opportunity to file this information in their brains, then
memory retention can suffer. A short break makes it possible to optimize memory,
according to researchers at New York University who published a study on “These results demonstrate the importance of post-experience
resting brain correlations for memory for recent experiences,” the researchers
非外教版本范文 sample


文 )

Some schools are considering reducing the frequency of recess in order to develop students'
concentration and improve their test scores, and many elementary school children are
therefore sitting in the same classroom all morning. However, from my perspective, regular
breaks throughout the school day—from short brain breaks to the break of recess—are not
simply downtime for students. Such breaks increase those students as well as teachers‘
productivity and provide kids with opportunities to develop creativity and social skills.

To start with, children, especially at a very young age, are struggle with focusing on one thing
for too long, and their attention could be easily diverted. If they are forced to take courses
that last for longer hours, they may stop listening and get off-task, even though they are still
sitting at their desk. In this case, such a long learning period before noon contrary to their
nature will lead to a decrease in learning efficiency and will also reduce their interest in
learning and even create boredom, which is certainly not the scenario teachers and parents
expect to see. According to a study published on Science Direct, when students get regular
short breaks or opportunities to go to longer recess after their 30 to 60 minutes instruction
times, their brains will get a much-needed rest. When they come back, their attention span
resets and they will be ready to learn again.

Furthermore, long periods of concentration can be difficult not only for children between the
ages of 5 and 10, but even for adults. Imagine a teacher dealing with a group of young,
unmanageable children who require the teacher's constant attention and guidance throughout
the morning to ensure that each student is participating in the lesson and absorbing
knowledge, not to mention the constant need to maintain order in the classroom and resolve
potential conflicts and disputes among the kids. Such a heavy workload is also a challenge for
those instructors, who need some respite to adjust themselves for the rest of the teaching day.

Last but not least, more frequent and regular breaks—such as recess or playtime—provide
opportunities for children to learn important life skills. Research shows that when children
play together, they learn how to take turns, resolve conflicts, and solve problems. They also
learn how to manage their own emotions and behavior—fundamental skills for life.
Unstructured playtime provides an opportunity for imaginary and creative play and allows
children to practice divergent thinking. They benefit from the freedom to explore new ideas
without fear of failure or the stress of grades, and regular exposure to new experiences can
also increase their cognitive flexibility, preparing them for academic challenges. So limiting
recess may be a mistake, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics: The regular recess
is a “crucial and necessary component of a child’s development,” and sacrificing it for more
academics is more likely to be counterproductive.

In summary, considering the productivity of young students ages 5-10 and their teachers, as
well as the benefits of more socialization and play opportunities for young kids, an hourly
recess is more reasonable than just one break at noon.
13.Some people believe that friendships become stronger when friends
enjoy good times together. Others believe that friendships become
stronger when friends talk about their problems with each other and
support each other. Which of these two approaches do you feel is most
useful in helping make a friendship stronger? Use specific reasons and
examples to support your answer. 2021114/20211204/20220122

这道题目在 2021 年 12 月 4 号以及 11 月 14 日场刚刚考完,在近期家考中也出现过,2019 年 5 月线下考试也


再次强调 2022+2021 年范文库的重要性!至今为止已重复 2021 年题目 19 场,下半年题目重复 14 场。

解析后图片版本的范文非外教撰写,是由国内写作 30 分的老师撰写的,附在后面供各位参考。







 两个人财富不同可以做朋友么
 交新朋友的能力重要还是维系老朋友重要
 朋友之间需要保持永远诚实么

关键词 : more useful, strengthen the friendship, having a good time together, solving your
friend's problem with him or her

1.对比选择型题目 more useful ,两个选项对比选择,‘having a good time together’还

是‘solving your friend's problem’。这个题目是不可以采取单边论述其中一个选项的好处


2.题目限定:strengthen the friendship



link back to 加深友谊。否则有跑题嫌疑。

3.题目选项:solving your friend's problem

聆听,陪伴,出谋划策等等都属于该范畴内,而不是非要提供行之有效的 practical
advice 才算。

关于此题而言,个人推荐选择后一选项“solving your friend's problem”来增进友谊


Confronting friends with their problems together will help deepen friendships.

① 对彼此专注。


② 倾听。


③ 帮助头脑风暴的过程将深化你们彼此的沟通。

The process of sharing fun together will deepen friendships.
① 轻松且愉快


② 给对方空间。

非外教版本范文 sample(国内写作 30 分老师撰写)

Close friendships do not just happen. Many of us struggle to develop quality connections. Some
friendships are based on having a good time together, and others are based on helping each other
solve problems. I think the latter is more effective because it prompts paying more attention to
each other and provides more opportunities for listening and further communication.

First, the process of helping a friend solve a problem involves staying focused on each other,
which serves to strengthen the friendship. Unlike dealing with a friend's suffering, having a good
time together keeps your attention on the fun itself more than on your friend. However, when
you help a friend solve a problem, you concentrate on your friend's situation until they feel
better. This kind of attention will help your friend feel genuinely cared for and understood,
which in turn may boost mutual bonding.

Furthermore, a warm listening process is essential to strengthening a friendship, and this is the
main method used when helping a friend solve a problem. Often, there are plenty of companions
who can laugh together, but very few friends are ready to listen to each other. Ask your friend
what is wrong, and then listen carefully to the answer. Let them vent their fears, frustrations, and
other important feelings; maintain eye contact; show that you are interested in what they have to
say, and offer suggestions when asked. This kind of companionship is more likely to deepen the
relationship by making your friend trust you and depend on you more than if you were just
having a good time and laughing together.

Finally, the process of helping your friend brainstorm solutions will facilitate mutual
communication and further exploration of possible approaches to the problem. You can take a
quiet moment with your friend away from the hustle and bustle of the crowd and help them
brainstorm a specific issue. You can work together to develop some feasible ideas, examine their
pros and cons, and exchange opinions with each other. Such intimate communication will make
your friends feel supported and respected, thus deepening your friendship.

In summary, helping your friend solve problems and providing support is beneficial to deepen
the friendship, as you will pay more attention to each other, listen deeper, and communicate
better than you would if you were just having a good time and laughing together.
14.Parents usually give children suggestions on what class to take in
university. For example, some parents would persuade their children to
take medical courses even if their children are interested in music
courses. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? College
students should be completely free to choose whatever courses they like
without any influence or suggestions from parents. 20220119



Parents today spend too much time trying to help determine the futures of their children; children
should be allowed to make their own choices.(2021.11.21 下午场 / 2021.3.10)


Many students starting university must choose a major (main field of study at university), and
parents of these students often give them advice about which major to choose. Some parents tell
students to choose the major that most interests the students. Other parents tell students that it is
best to choose a major that will lead to a job with a high salary, even if that major may not be the
one that most interests the students. 20210421









关键词: College students, completely free to choose whatever courses, without any influence
or suggestions from parents

1.态度选择型题目:Do you agree,同意或者不同意两个选项二选一。

这个题目是可以采取单边论述其中一个选项的好处的,不一定需要对比讨论,当然对比讨论也是 ok 的。

强烈建议不要选择强行讨论 partially agree,除非语言驾驭能力很强,按照不同情况讨论的非常有


2. 特殊型绝对词 限定 : completely free to choose whatever courses , without any

influence or suggestions from parents

特殊情况比如 “教育对于国家发展的作用是否最为重要” ,或者就像此题, 对于大学生选课/选择专
业是否应该考虑家长的意见 。此类特殊绝对词型题目可以采取同意的态度,也可以采取不同意 ,两个


首先讨论对象是 college students ,讨论的内容是针对 大学课程选课 。






就这点而言,即便选择了不那么合适的课程,对于大学生来说换专业 /方向也相对自由,很多美

国大学的前两年都是可以 undeclared major,等到上过一些课程后确定是自己喜欢的再决定专


如果你的讨论涉及所谓“完全由家长来决定人生 /家长强制干预将会给学生带来弊端比如影响亲子关






Parents should never interfere with college students' course selection process

① 时代在变化,父母的意见恐怕难以与时俱进。

Complex and hard to understand job descriptions now baffle and confuse parents. The job market is not
what they used to know, and “safe” jobs such as those in engineering or accounting have also suffered
structural changes.

样,"安全 "的工作,如工程或会计方面的工作,也遭遇了结构性变化。在此情况下,父母曾经的“经

② 对于大学生而言,其对于自己的兴趣与未来往往有了足够的认知。

I'm afraid that parents are no longer the most knowledgeable beings for children of this age - children get
to know themselves better. They often know their interests and abilities, their subjects and areas of
interest better than anyone else, and are equipped to make their own decisions about career paths. In
contrast, parents may base much of their advice and desires on their own passions. They may habitually
place their unfulfilled dreams on their children. Yet, when these aspirations run counter to the child's
interests, the child's college life can be a dull and difficult academic one.


③ 大学时代往往是让孩子完全独立的理想时期

Cutting the cord is a necessary step in the parent-child relationship, and the college years are
often the ideal time to allow children to become fully independent. Children need to learn to
make their own choices and take responsibility for them when faced with a complicated course
composition, rather than relying on their parents for comfort and help as they used to do when
things went wrong as a child. Giving students an absolute say in how they choose their courses,
including their majors, although sometimes using their power to make bad decisions, teaches
them important lessons when they reflect on their choices. It is also a necessary growth
experience for the college students themselves.

It is necessary for parents to be properly involved in their child's college course selection process.

① 父母往往是你的大学账单支付者,在这种情况下,他们有权力发表看法。

Passion or Paycheck

It is difficult to reconcile your drive to study and hopefully work in the field of your passion and the
acknowledgment that you need to attain financial security and self-sufficiency. Financially depending on
your parents can be a burden on them and make you feel restricted. A compromise must, therefore, be


② 父母可能不该是孩子生活的被动旁观者。

The Give-and-Take

The parents may not be passive spectators to the child’s life, or in any case, they shouldn’t be. The ideal
scenario is that choosing a college major/courses will be the result of an open and honest discussion.
Parents and kids have different world views, ideas, passions, and values simply due to their age
difference. This needs to be acknowledged on both ends, without one forcing his on the other.

College is perhaps the most beautiful and important period in a person’s life in terms of future prospects.
While high up on your cloud of idealism and youthful energy, don’t forget to listen to your nagging yet
practical parents. Take their every piece of advice into careful consideration because in the end, you’re
their most costly and beloved investment.


③ 家长更成熟且更有经验

Maturity and Experience

Children may sometimes land up in taking wrong decisions about their career. Even if parents do not make
their career choice, they can at least guide their kids to take a good decision. Parents are the burning candle in
the life of a student. Parents are much more experienced than the children. They have seen the world better
than their children and thus, their decision would be better and correct.
非外教版本范文 sample(国内写作 30 分老师撰写)

Without question, all parents want the best in life for their children. Once you become a parent,
you no longer live life for yourself, but for your child as well. It is therefore easy for a parent to
slip into the impression that, no matter the subject, he or she knows best for their child. And it is
not entirely wrong—up until maturity, the parent does know better. However, the situation will
not remain the same once the child grows up. From my standpoint, parents should not be
involved in selecting their children's college courses or major - because children of this age often
have enough knowledge to take responsibility for themselves, and parental involvement may run
counter to their positive intentions.

First of all, parents may be no longer the most knowledgeable beings for children of such
college-age - children get to know themselves better. They often know their interests and
abilities, their subjects and areas of interest better than anyone else, and are equipped to make
their own decisions about career paths. Besides, universities often have course advisors to
counsel students on their course selection and major pathways - they are often more professional
and objective than the students' parents. In contrast, parents may base much of their advice and
desires on their own passions. They may habitually place their unfulfilled dreams on their
children. Yet, when these aspirations run counter to the child's interests, the child's college life
can be a dull and difficult academic one.

Furthermore, times are changing, and it may be difficult for parents to keep up with the times in
terms of their opinions. In the early stages of life, parents do know what is best for you, despite
the convincing crying you often dish out. However, that may no longer be true. The job market
has undergone essential changes in terms of job requirements and workforce structure. Complex
and hard to understand job descriptions now baffle and confuse parents. The job market is not
what they used to know, and “safe” jobs such as those in engineering or accounting have also
suffered structural changes. As such, can one trust the parents, rooted in their conceptions of
defunct economic realities, to make the right choice in terms of college courses and major?

Last but not least, cutting the cord is a necessary step in the parent-child relationship, and the
college years are often the ideal time to allow children to become fully independent. Children
need to learn to make their own choices and take responsibility for them when faced with a
complicated course composition, rather than relying on their parents for comfort and help as they
used to do when things went wrong as a child. Giving students an absolute say in how they
choose their courses, including their majors, although sometimes using their power to make bad
decisions, teaches them important lessons when they reflect on their choices. It is also a
necessary growth experience for the college students themselves.

In conclusion, parents should not be involved in choosing courses for college students,
considering the children's knowledge of themselves, the fact that the parent's ideas may not be as
up-to-date, and the children's need for independence.
15.At one high school, more of its students than ever before have been
caught cheating on their homework assignments; for example, many
students have asked other students to provide them with answers for
assignments. The school is considering making a change to help decrease
the number of students who cheat on homework. Which ONE of the
following actions do you think will be most effective, and why?
20220108 Morning

-Asking parents to monitor their children as they do their homework and

confirm that their children have not cheated

-Increasing the penalty (punishment) for cheating

-Asking teachers to create homework assignments that will make it more

difficult for students to cheat









-教师应该以多次作业/考试作为评分标准还是以期中期末 final 这种方式作为一门课程的考核方式。

-多次作业/quiz 的利弊 or 只靠 final/大作业的利弊

关 键 词 : most effective, high school, help decrease the number of students who cheat on


1.年级限定:high school students,内容要扣住这一年龄段的孩子。即论证三种方法针对



2.三个选项选其中之最: 遇到这类题型,很多考生只讨论其中一个选项,比如第三个选项
的好处 123,这是不合理的,甚至可以算较明显的跑题。请务必时刻谨记:三个选项都要
提到+进行对比,所谓对比讨论也绝不是那种结尾一句话“显然 B 没有 A 好”随意带过的
对比。逻辑清晰的对比讨论往往是拿到 27+以上的关键!!!

所以究竟 3 选一选最高级的题目怎样解,以下是外教的思路供各位参考:



Asking parents to monitor their children:




Increasing the penalty (punishment) for cheating:





Asking teachers to create homework assignments that will make it more difficult
for students to cheat:





Sample 1:

Cheating on homework is nothing new for most high school students, especially as technology
and the Internet often mean more opportunities to cheat, making this a growing concern for
schools and parents who may not be able to monitor what students are doing all the time. In my
opinion, requiring teachers to change the content of homework to reduce the number of students
who cheat on homework would be more effective than parental monitoring or increased

First, parental monitoring may not always be possible. Parents often have jobs and other
commitments of their own, and it may not be realistic to have them monitor every assignment
their child completes. Not to mention that high school students usually have a lot of homework,
which means that supervising the entire process can take hours. The practice of having parents
keep an eye on their children all night is stressful for both children and parents and may not be
sustainable. Instead, the option of asking teachers to change the content of assignments to reduce
cheating is more feasible. For example, teachers could use some open-ended questions and ask
students to discuss them. Such tasks without uniform answers would make it significantly more
difficult for students to copy each other, thus reducing cheating.

Second, increasing the punishment for cheating may not be very effective or even
counterproductive for high school students who are in the rebellious stage of adolescence.
Children of this age tend to have their own ideas, and the more they are forced to suppress what
they are not allowed to do, the more interested they may be in doing it, and even find it more
challenging, with a greater sense of accomplishment if they succeed. In this case, I'm afraid that
the practice of increasing punishment will be less effective, especially now that technology and
the Internet are advanced, and the popularity of distance learning may make it increasingly
difficult for teachers to detect cheating behavior. Even if the punishment is increased, it is
difficult to catch students plagiarizing in their assignments on the spot, which also weakens the
deterrent effect of the punishment. In contrast, teachers can make changes to the assignment
itself that are effective for all students. For example, the teacher could enter different numbers or
ask various questions on the same topic in the project so that students' plagiarism would be
significantly less meaningful, and they might not bother to cheat.

In conclusion, given the limited time available to parents and the effectiveness and drawbacks of
increasing cheating penalties, it would be more effective to require teachers to make changes to
the content of assignments to reduce cheating.

Cheating on homework is nothing new for most high school students, especially since the rapid advances
in technology and the Internet often mean more cheating opportunities. Schools and parents are
increasingly concerned about this issue and thinking about possible ways to respond because they may
not be able to monitor what students are doing all the time. In my opinion, asking teachers to change
homework content to reduce the number of students who cheat on homework would be more effective
than parental monitoring or increased punishment.

First, it would be more feasible for teachers to change the content of assignments, considering that the
strategy should be effective over time. Parents often have their own jobs and other commitments, and it
may not be realistic to have them monitor every assignment their child completes. Not to mention, high
school students often have a heavy homework load, which means supervising the entire process can take
hours. The practice of having parents keep an eye on their children all night is stressful for both children
and parents and is not a long-term solution. If teachers can modify the content of homework assignments
to reduce the likelihood of cheating, this can be feasible in both the short and long term. For example,
teachers could use open-ended questions in their assignments and ask students to discuss the topic. Such
tasks without uniform answers would make it more difficult for students to copy each other, thus reducing

Second, for high school students who are in the rebellious stage of adolescence, increasing the
punishment for cheating may not be very effective or even counterproductive. Children of this age tend to
have their own ideas, and the more they are forced to suppress what they are not allowed to do, the more
interested they may be in doing it, and even find it more challenging, and if they succeed, the greater the
sense of accomplishment. In this case, I'm afraid that the practice of increasing penalties will be much less
effective, especially now that technology and the Internet are advanced, and the popularity of distance
learning may make it increasingly difficult for teachers to detect cheating. Even if the punishment is
increased, it is difficult to catch students plagiarizing in their assignments on the spot, which also
weakens the deterrent effect of the sentence. In contrast, teachers can modify and extend the projects to
varying degrees, which will be effective and not overkill. For example, teachers could enter different
numbers into the question or ask different questions about the same topic so that it would be much less
meaningful for students to plagiarize, and they might just give up cheating.

Moreover, the teacher can also encourage students to discuss and collaborate together by making the
assignment more challenging, which will also reduce cheating. When several students are working on
complex homework problems that involve multiple processes such as organizing data, analyzing data, and
presenting results, it is clear that one person cannot do the whole job, let alone copy one person's answer.
In this case, plagiarism will be less attractive, and students may be more inclined to make their own
contribution to solving the common puzzle to get a good score without the problem of cheating.

In conclusion, given the limited time available to parents and the effectiveness and drawbacks of
increasing cheating penalties, it would be more effective to require teachers to make changes to the
content of assignments to reduce cheating.
16.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most
important goal of education is to teach people how to educate themselves.

这道题目重复 2019.5.4 题目。


难 度 适 中 , 根 据 托 福 口 语 写 作 答 题 黄 金 原 则 , 一 旦 有 绝 对 性 描 述 , 例 如 the most
important/best/only 等等一般采取否定态度会更容易展开,因为你很难证明其“最”。

当然,如果你的语言功底足够,这道题其实采取“同意”态度也 ok,重点围绕人生漫漫



这类问题的论述与该题目都有一定的共通点,论述观点 /例子可以通用,请注意素材/观点
关键词: most important, goal of education, teach people how to educate themselves

1.特殊绝对词型 the most important,通常情况下,含有绝对词型题目建议无脑选择不同意。

因为很难证明该方法是“最重要”的,哪怕你能论述其很多的好处 12345,在逻辑上也不



2.题目限定:goal of education,这个限定对于此题来说需要额外关注。





Disagree:The goal and meaning of education should not be monolithic and static; it is often
considered on an age-specific basis. For this reason, I am afraid it is hard to say that self-
education is the most important purpose of education.

① 对于对于学前儿童,小学以及初中生而言,最重要的教育目的是学习道德标准和基本自然科学


For preschool, elementary, and junior high school students, the most critical educational objectives are the
acquisition of moral standards and basic knowledge of natural sciences.

For students at this stage, the majority of them are not mentally mature and lack the fundamental ability to
regulate their own behavior. If they are vigorously trained to learn on their own under such
circumstances, I am afraid that it will have the counterproductive effect of leading them astray. Therefore,
they need to be taught by experienced adults who are good at teaching and moral guidance and learn how
to be ethical citizens while acquiring knowledge.

② 随着孩子们年龄的增长,教育的目的逐渐演变为为他们找到体面的工作或更高级的学


As children get older, the purpose of education evolves to prepare them for decent jobs or more
advanced academic pursuits such as a master's or doctoral degree. Students at this stage
gradually find their own interests, but in the face of fierce competition in the job market and the
complexity of research directions, they often need schooling to help them accordingly. Acquiring
the ability to educate themselves is not a top priority in terms of the students' immediate needs.
Agree: The most important goal of education is to teach people how to educate themselves.

① 为什么自我教育是教学过程非常重要的一部分:因为学会自我教育将让你成为终身学习者。

Although there are millions of great educational institutions around the world with successful
numbers and students, there is still an important component of education most schools do not
emphasize and teach students. That component is self-education. All students receive a formal
education which means students are taught by trained instructors, using curriculums,
assignments, and standardized tests. But once a student is out in the real world there are not
tutors, teachers, peers, and or professors to help or teach them. They will have to self-educate

在学校中最为常见的传统教育往往由训练有素的教员教导,使用课程、作业和标准化测试。但是 ,

② 教会人们进行自我教育将培养他们成为更有效率的学习者

There are many ways for students to learn different subjects better or more in-depth and in other
aspects of life. For example, if a student does not like science but finds a comic book that is
based on science fiction, that student may learn a few things about science that they may be
learning better than the curriculum set in place for that class. Although it may just be a comic
book, the student is still educating themselves because everything contains knowledge.


③ 让学生积极参与自我教育过程,将鼓励他们在学习过程中的独立性。

The major task of modern education is to actively involve students in self-education process and
encourage their independence in the learning process.

A successful learner in the modern society should be able to integrate knowledge from different
sources, educate, and self-educate throughout their life to be competitive in an increasingly
globalized labor market. With the digital age at its peak, a multitude of learning platforms, and
limitless educational resources, students should understand that their education is in their hands.
With all the knowledge at the touch of a student’s fingertips, students need to learn to educate
themselves as opposed to waiting on instructors or sticking to curricula.

非外教版本范文 sample


The importance of education in today’s society cannot be overemphasized. While some argue that the core task of
education is preparing students for their future jobs and lives, others believe that its ultimate goal is enabling students
to educate themselves. From my perspective, education’s purpose varies from person to person and depends on their
age and the type of education they are receiving.

The most important educational objective for elementary and middle school students is learning moral standards and
basic natural science knowledge. The majority of students at this stage are not yet mentally mature and lack the
fundamental ability to regulate their own behavior; if they are vigorously trained to learn on their own under such
circumstances, I am afraid that it will have the opposite effect, leading them astray. Therefore, they need to be taught
by experienced adults who are good at teaching and have strong moral guidance, learning how to be ethical citizens
while acquiring basic common sense. This approach is why the United Nations praises China’s compulsory education
as one of the best in the world, since the entire system is designed to not only promote the pursuit of basic knowledge
but also to equip children with higher moral standards. It follows that the focus of education at this stage may not be
on developing students’ abilities to educate themselves.

As children grow older, the purpose of education evolves to prepare them for decent jobs or more advanced academic
pursuits such as a master’s or doctoral degree. Students at this stage gradually find their own interests, but, with the
fierce competition in the job market and the complexity of research directions, they often benefit from guidance. For
this reason, institutions of higher education offer career design programs and career counseling departments to
increase students’ employment rates. For students who intend to pursue further education, colleges and universities
also give them access to academic seminars and renowned professors who can provide one-on-one support.
Unfortunately, developing the ability to educate themselves is still not a top priority for students at this level in terms
of their immediate needs.

To some extent, it is true that students should learn how to educate themselves, as it helps them become more
independent in their future workplaces or in the academic field. It is worth noting, however, that those capable of self-
education are likely to become overwhelmed by the flood of information and feel aimless due to the ever-changing
nature of the Internet and innovative technologies. In this case, an efficient education system should focus on
different goals appropriate for students of different ages.

In conclusion, the most crucial goal of education does not lie in people’s self-education. Instead, it should enable
young children to distinguish right from wrong and acquire basic knowledge; educational institutions should provide
college students with career planning and more specialized equipment for academic research and scientific studies to
meet their research needs.

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