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According to what I have seen in the UGAT Visayas Forum, the Sama Bajau define themselves as

"flexible". It can be proven true because their current situation is already acculturated to mainstream
cultures. As they started to live in Cebu, they still practiced and preserved their cultural practices like
language and rituals for healing and marriage while adapting to the Cebuano urban culture. Over the
years, they have learned to adapt to the language used in Cebu, which is "Bisaya". As some Bajau are
married to Cebuanos, they are now fluent in speaking such a language. In terms of formal basic
education, they adapt and learn to access the services or assistance provided by different government
and non-government organizations, so they are now able to attend school. Moreover, they believe in
their ancestral spirits, "ambah," which helps them in times of sickness. However, as they interacted
more with Cebuano neighbors and other government agencies, they adapted to accessing health
services at the center or the city hospital. In terms of livelihood, before their only main source of income
was fishing, but today they are now able to work on construction sites or even engage in vending towels,
among others. Lastly, they are more exposed to city life and they are able to adapt to using electronic
gadgets and other technologies that make their lives easier.

The Ata were given land by Silliman University for them "na maka uma sila". They were also given many
"pangabuhian" projects like the seeds from DA and the organic "nga abuno para sa ilang mga tanom ug
pang tubig" provided by the Agricultural Seeds and Water System. Moreover, they were given a
"pantawid programa" through which they enjoyed scholarships to attend school, especially in colleges
supported by different agencies, especially the NCIP. The possible advantages that the Ata group will
experience are full access to government services, engagement in more government or non-government
programs or projects, and being given more opportunities in regards to livelihood programs. On the
other hand, the disadvantages that they may experience are that they may lose ground in the
preservation of their practices and the possibility that their culture will be filtered. 

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