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111 年暑假行李放置規劃

2022 Luggage placement measure for residents during summer

研究生 Graduate students
齋舍 清齋
Dorm Dormitory Tsing

地點 清齋 D 棟地下室
Location B1 of building D

時間 放入時間:定在 5 月 23 日到 6 月 30 日;
Time 取回時間:定在 9 月 1 日到 9 月 19 日。
Placing date: May 23 to June 30
Collecting date: September 1 to September 19

說明 1. 暑期置物放入時間為 5/23 到 6/30,地點為清齋 D 棟地下室一樓

2. 僅提供存放空間,不負責保管,因此請謹慎考慮存放物品,有遺失、
3. 私人物品未獲物主同意,不得拿取,違者以竊盜罪論。
4. 請將欲堆放的行李包裝好,清楚標示自己的姓名、學號。
5. 領取時間為下學期住宿開始日(9/1)到開學後一周(9/19)截止,超過時
6. 僅供清齋齋民放置,若非清齋齋民放置,將依照學生宿舍規則處理。

1. The offering time is from 5/23 ~ 6/30 and the area opened is B1 of building
2. Note that the dorm WILL NOT take responsibility for custody.
3. Personal belongings that are not belong to yours should not be taken.
Violators will be charged with the crime of theft.
4. If you intend to keep something in that area during the period, please pack
your stuff well and leave a note of your name and student ID number on it.
5. The collecting time is from 9/1 ~ 9/19. If you don’t collect it before
deadline, we will deal with it according to the “Dorm Rules for NTHU”.
6. The plan is for the resident of Dorm Tsing only, if there’re something not
belong to the resident of Dorm Tsing, we will deal with it according to the
“Dorm Rules for NTHU”.

不開放暑期行李放置:明齋、平齋 Dormitory Ming. Ping

研究生 Graduate students
齋舍 學齋
Dorm Dormitory Shiue

地點 1. B 棟信箱室右內室(左側為二手回收區,若放錯物品不見請自行負責)
Location 2. C 棟信箱室左內室(右側為簡易廚房,若放錯一律丟棄,請大家注意)
3. D 棟信箱室左內室

1. Mailbox area at Block B Right hand side compartment (Do not put your
items in Left hand side compartment. Right-hand compartment is second-
hand item area, where people can pick up whatever second-hand items they
2. Mailbox area at Block C Left hand side compartment (Do not put your
items in Right hand side compartment. All items placed in right-hand
compartment will be discarded. )
3. Mailbox area at Block D Left hand side compartment

時間 放入時間:5 月 20 日(五)開始
Time 取回時間:9 月 16 日(五)之前
Starting date: May 20
Collecting date: BEFORE September 16

說明 1. 暑期置物時間從5/20(五)到9/16(五),9/16以前需自行取回自己
Description 的物品,在9/16後齋團隊有權將在置物區內的物品清除。
2. 請務必注意將自己的物品放置在上述的置物區。齋團隊有權將在不在
3. 置物區內無監視系統,請勿放置貴重物品與電器。齋團隊與住宿組不
4. 請將物品包裝成箱。每人最多限放3箱物品,大型物品如床鋪或行李
5. 每箱物品上,請確實標註好「姓名」、「學號」、「聯絡電話」。

1. The storage area is available from 6/15 (Wed) to 9/15 (Wed). Please take
back your own stuff before 9/15. Dorm staffs will dispose of all stuffs left in
the storage area after 9/15.
2. Be sure to put your items in the storage area mentioned above. All items not
placed in the storage area will also be discarded.
3. Kindly remind that there is NO CCTV inside the storerooms, do not place
any valuable items and electrical appliance in the storage area. Dorm staffs
and Division of Student Housing are not responsible for any lost.
4. All items should be packed in boxes. You can place up to 3 boxes in the
storage area.
5. Please label “your name, student ID number & contact number” on each
研究生 Graduate students
齋舍 儒齋
Dorm Dormitory Ru

地點 儒齋 A、B 棟信箱間
Location Mail receiving area at Block A&B

時間 放入時間:5 月 20 日以後
Time 取回時間:9 月 24 日以前
Starting time:2022/05/20
Time for collection: Before 2022/09/24

說明 1. 為維護整潔,9月24日以前需取回自己的物品,逾期的話齋幹部將有權清
2. 信箱間內無監視系統,因此無法限制放置期間內人員進出。齋團隊並
3. 置物不需事先登記,也無優先順序。
4. 一人限放4個箱子,大型物品如床鋪或行李箱等等相當於一箱。
5. 每件箱子或是物品上,請確實標註好「姓名」、「學號」、「聯絡電
6. 僅開放目前儒齋齋民放置,若有發現不符身分者,物品將會被清理

1. The summer vacation storing period is starting from 5/20 to 9/24. Please
take back your own stuff before 9/24, otherwise dorm admin has the right
to disposal those stuff.
2. Kindly remind that there is no CCTV inside the storerooms, please consider
twice in storing your stuff since the admin of dorms will not take any
responsibility in taking care the stuff and not responsible for any loss or
damage to your belongings.
3. There is no any priority and no need to register for storing.
4. Only 4 boxes allowed per person.
5. Please label your name, student ID number and contact number on each
6. The residents who live in Dorm Ru, otherwise dorm admin has the right to
disposal those stuff.
111 年暑假行李放置規劃
2022 Luggage placement measure for residents during summer
國際學生 International students
齋舍 鴻齋
Dorm Dormitory Hung

地點 鴻齋 1 樓右側交誼廳的部分空間(做標示區)
Location Area of the Right common room on the 1st Floor

時間 放入時間: 5/23 起開放。

Time 取回時間:9/8 前取回,逾期將視同垃圾處理。
Placing date: May 23
Collecting date: September 8, if not belongings will be thrown away

說明 放置行李後,大門不會上鎖,以免給需要使用本公共區域的人帶來不
Description 便,並且只標明區域,以免放錯地方。請您自擔風險,齋團隊、住宿

After luggage is placed, the common area door won’t be locked to avoid
inconvenience to those who need to use the common area during summer
and only the area will be marked to avoid misplacement. Please put your
belonging at your own risk, the student housing division, dormitory service
center, and the dorm administration staffs will not be accountable for any
lost belongings. Therefore, please make sure the location is suitable for you
before leaving your belonging and do not place any valuable in the area as
we do not guarantee its safety.
Each resident is only allowed to put 2 pieces of luggage or nicely packed
box, with their name and contact written clearly to avoid other mistaken
your belongings. Those who can’t fulfil the conditions are not allowed to
place their luggage.
111 年暑假行李放置規劃
2022 Luggage placement measure for residents during summer
大學生 Undergraduate students
齋舍 義齋
Dorm Dormitory Yi

地點 義齋 3 樓齋 K 與 義齋 4 樓齋 K
Location 3F study room and 4F study room of building Yi

時間 放入時間:即日起至 6/25(中午十二點)
Time 取回時間:9/16 (五) 20:00 前取回。
Placing date: Start from now to 6/25 12:00 noon.
Collecting date: end at 9/16 20:00。

說明 1. 宿舍只提供空間讓齋民方便,不負任何保管、賠償責任,請齋民謹慎
Description 考慮。
2. 請要置物的齋民將自己的東西包裝好、放置好,並於外觀清楚標註學
3. 齋長有權整理齋K空間。

1. Note that the we WILL NOT take responsibility for custody.

2. If you intend to keep something in that area during the period, please pack
your stuff well and leave a note of your name and student ID number on it
3. Dormitory Administrator has the right to arrange the study room.
大學生 Undergraduate students
齋舍 禮齋
Dorm Dormitory Li

地點 禮齋 三、四樓齋 K
Location Study Room on the third and fourth floors

時間 放入時間:即日起至 6 月 25 日(中午 12 點之前);

Time 取回時間:定在 9 月 5 日(早上十點)~ 19 日(下午 5 點之前)。
Placing date: From now on to 6/25(midday)
Collecting date: 2022/9/5(10AM) – 9/19(5PM)

說明 1. 暑期置物時間即日起至9/19;置物地點統一在禮齋三四樓齋K。
2. 僅提供空間讓齋民方便,不負保管、賠償的責任,請齋民謹慎考慮。
3. 放置在齋K的物品請同學一包一包裝好,並且一個人的物品以不超過3
4. 6/25中午12點即會將齋K的門鎖上,暑假期間不得再進入齋K,直到
5. 到了9/19下午五點後齋長和副齋長會將還放在齋K的物品清除。
6. 注意:宿舍關閉的時間在6/25中午12點。

1. The placing date is from now on to 9/19, and the location is in the study
room on the third and fourth floors.
2. Note that we WILL NOT take responsibility for custody.
3. Please pack your personal belongings well and no more than 3 bags for one
person. Label your name, student ID number, and contact number on each
bag. (Refrigerator rules apply accordingly.) If you do not follow these rules,
Dormitory Administrator has the right to prohibit you from placing items
here and to remove them.
4. The door of the study room will be locked at noon on 6/25, and students
will not be allowed to enter here during the summer vacation until 9/5.
5. Note that I will remove the items that are still left in the study room after
9/19 at 5 P.M.
6. NOTICE: The dormitory will be closed on 6/25 at noon.
大學生 Undergraduate students
齋舍 仁齋
Dorm Dormitory Jen

地點 仁齋 大小齋 K、會議室
Location Both self-study room、Meeting room

時間 放入時間: 6/18(六)~ 6/21(二)

Time 取回時間: 9/5(一)~ 9/19(五)
Placing date: June 18 ~ June 21 22:00-22:00
Collecting date: September 5 and September 19

說明 一、 表單填寫:
Description 1. 小冰箱寄放(每間宿舍一個人填即可)
2. 行李寄放
二、 小冰箱寄放:
1. 請需寄放小冰箱的齋民完成「除霜」後在冰箱上標住「下學年
2. 由於會議室的空間有限,若到時會議室放滿的話,會將冰箱移
至大小齋 K。
三、 行李寄放:
1. 開放名額:50 人(若登記超過 50 人則會以抽籤的方式於齋版
2. 請注意寄放行李的時間,晚上 10:00 過後,齋團隊會將大小齋
K 鎖起來,盡量避免有物品遺失的情況發生。
3. 行李寄放以日用品、書等小型物品為主,床墊、棉被、枕頭等
大型物品請自行帶回 不提供寄放服務。
四、 注意事項:
1. 不論是小冰箱還是行李,宿舍僅提供寄放的服務,從開始寄放
2. 有部分齋民詢問提前退宿的問題,仁齋提前退宿也會退回住宿
3. 貼心小提醒:本學期最後退宿時間 6/25(六),大家請務必在這
大學生 Undergraduate students
齋舍 實齋
Dorm Dormitory Shyr

地點 實齋 齋 K
Location Dormitory Shyr Study room

時間 放入時間:5 月 21 日至 24 日
Time 取回時間:9 月 1 日和 11 日
Placing date : 5/21 to 5/24.
Collecting date : 9/1 to 9/11.

說明 表單連結:
Description 此表單僅為申請,齋團隊將於 5/20 (五)晚上 19:00 公告申請分

1. 提供借放冰箱和個人雜物,恕不負任何保管責任
2. 冰箱上必須貼上紙條並且清楚標示學號、姓名、房號、聯絡電
3. 一個房間僅擁有一格齋 K 位置可放置物品(含桌面、椅子、桌面
4. 該房「每一位」放置行李的齋民,皆需回傳放置後的「影片或照
5. 若未回傳至信箱視同違規,齋團隊將公告齋版並將雜物放置在失
6. 暑假期間將不會提供任何開鎖服務,請妥善確認放入物品在暑期
7. 冰箱請先進行除霜擦乾後再放。
8. 未依齋團隊規定之取回時間取回的冰箱及個人雜物,齋團隊有權
9. 如不同意以上事項,請勿申請借放

大學生 Undergraduate students
齋舍 信齋
Dorm Dormitory Shinn

地點 信齋 A 棟交誼廳
Location Social halls on the first floor in Building A

時間 放入時間:6/18-6/20(中午 12 點止)
Time 取回時間:9/12-9/13
Placing date: June 18 and June 20 ( before 12:00 noon)
Collecting date: September 12 and September 13

說明 1. 暑期置物時間從 六月 到 九月;置物地點統一在信齋A棟交誼廳。
2. 宿舍只提供空間讓齋民方便,不過不負保管的責任,請齋民謹慎考
3. 同學如需放置行李,一律規定為兩件箱子或者行李箱,包裝好並且寫

1. The offering time is from June to September.

2. Note that we WILL NOT take responsibility for custody.
3. Each resident is allowed to put 2 pieces for luggage or nicely packed
box, with their name and contact written clear. Those who can’t fulfil the
conditions and not allowed to place their luggage.
大學生 Undergraduate students
齋舍 碩齋
Dorm Dormitory Shuo

地點 碩齋地下一樓齋 K
Location Dormitory Shuo B1 Study room

時間 放入日期:即日起至 6/19(11:30 止)
Time 領取日期:9/10、9/11、9/12
Placing date: Start now to 6/19(11:30)
Collecting date: 9/10、9/11、9/12

說明 1. 此區域僅供111學年度上學期欲搬入碩齋且未申請暑宿之齋民使用。
2. 一人僅限一格齋K位置,且須將物品裝箱打包,請勿散落於走道或是
3. 須於行李貼便利貼,標註姓名,床位及連絡電話。
4. 齋K僅供寄放行李,請勿放置貴重物品,住宿組及齋幹部不負保管責
5. 若未於指定時間領取,則依照清華大學學生宿舍規則第九條處理。
6. 碩齋地下室較為潮濕,易受潮物品請勿寄放。

1. This place is only for resident of dormitory Shuo of next semester and who
doesn’t apply for summer accommodation.
2. Baggage must be packed in a box or case, do not place your baggage or
items on the aisle or any place which will block other people.
3. Please leave your personal information including name, room number and
phone number beside your baggage.
4. Do not leave any valuable items here, division of student housing and
resident assistant are not responsible for damage and loss of baggage.
5. If baggage is not removed left after 9/12, it will be handled by NTHU
student housing rule Art. 9
6. It is humid in the basement so don’t put items tend to damped.
大學生 Undergraduate students
齋舍 文齋
Dorm Dormitory Wen

地點 文齋 K 書中心
Location Study room in the first floor.

時間 放入時間:即日起至 6 月 25 日;
Time 取回時間:定在 9 月 12 日和 13 日。
Placing date: From now on to 6/25
Collecting date: 9/12 and 9/13

說明 僅開放本學年(110 學年)及下學年(111 學年)皆為文齋住宿生放置。

行李放入後,需等到 9 月初取回時才可領取,本處僅提供行李暫放,不
Only for the residents who live in Dormitory Wen this semester and next
semester. (semester 110)
After luggage is stored, you could only take it back in September. Taking
your belongings during the summer holiday during the summer holiday is
strictly prohibited. Please put at your own risk, housing department will
take no responsibility for lost belongings and won’t compensate your lost
either. After September, the room would not be the place to put your
luggage and the door will be opened.
Each resident is allowed to put 2 pieces for luggage or nicely packed box,
with their name and contact written clear. Those who can’t fulfil the
conditions and not allowed to place their luggage.
大學生 Undergraduate students
齋舍 雅齋
Dorm Dormitory Ya

地點 雅齋一樓及地下一樓交誼廳
Location Saloon on the first floor and basement of the dormitory Ya

時間 放入時間: 即日起~6 月 25 日;
Time 取回時間: 9 月 1 日~9 月 10 日。
Placing date: From now to June 25
Collecting date: September 1 to September 10

說明 1. 對象: 本學年(110學年)及下學年(111學年)雅齋齋民。
2. 暑期置物時間從即日起到 6 月 25 日,地點在雅齋一樓及地下一樓
3. 宿舍僅提供空間讓齋民方便暑期寄放物品,不負任何保管責任,遺失
或 損壞亦不負任何賠償責任,請欲置放之齋民謹慎考慮。
4. 請要置物的齋民將自己的東西包好裝箱、放置整齊,並標註學號姓名
及聯絡 方式,每人限放置兩箱,不符合條件者將拒絕放置行李。
5. 放入時間結束將關閉交誼廳並上鎖,期間內不開放拿取任何東西。開

1. Object: Residents of Dormitory Ya.

2. The offering time is from now to June 25; the area opened is in the saloon
on the first floor and basement of Dormitory Ya.
3. Note that the dorm WILL NOT take responsibility for custody, loss, and
4. If you intend to keep something in that area during the period, please pack
your stuff well and mark your name, student ID number, and contact
information on it. Each person is limited to two boxes. Those who can’t
fulfil the conditions will be refused to place luggage.
5. The area will be closed and locked in the offering time. During the
period, it will not be open to take anything. Once the offering time is up,
it will no longer be locked. Please consider whether to place it.

新齋 Dormitory Hsin
誠齋 Dormitory Cheng
華齋 Dormitory Hua
靜齋 Dormitory Jing
慧齋 Dormitory Huei
111 年暑假行李放置規劃
2022 Luggage placement measure for residents during summer
南大校區 Nan-Da Campus
齋舍 崇善樓 & 迎曦軒
Dorm Dormitory Chung-Shan & Ying-Hsi

地點 崇善樓二樓/三樓/四樓交誼廳、五樓齋 K 中心
Location Lounges of 2~4F and 5F Studying Room of building Chung-Shan
時間 放入時間:即日起至退宿前三天;期末最後退宿前一天才會上鎖。
Time 取回時間:定在 9 月 11 日到 15 日。
Placing date: From NOW to June 26, we will lock these places in June 26.
Collecting date: From September 11 to September 15
說明 1. 暑期置物時間從即日起到 9/15;置物地點統一在崇善樓二~四樓交誼
Description 廳、五樓齋K中心。
2. 宿舍只提供空間讓齋民方便,不負保管責任,請齋民謹慎考慮。
3. 請要置物的齋民將自己的東西包裝好、放置好,並標註學號姓名。
4. 行李放入後將上鎖,需等到9月11日時才可領取,本處僅提供行李暫
5. 箱子的尺寸限制為:長寬高加總180cm以內。
6. 因疫情緣故,提前放置行李,考量齋民放置行李時間不一,直到6/25
7. 其他細節規定、標籤檔案,齋長另行通知,請密切留意訊息。

1. The offering time is from NOW to 9/15and the area opened is Lounges of
2~4F and 5F Studying room of building Chung-Shan.
2. Note that the dorm WILL NOT take responsibility for custody.
3. If you intend to keep something in that area during the period, please pack
your stuff well and leave a note of your name and student ID number on it.
4. After luggage is stored, the door will be locked until September 11. Taking
your belongings during the summer holiday during the summer holiday is
strictly prohibited. Please put at your own risk, housing department will
take no responsibility for lost belongings. After September, the door will be
opened. So please make sure the locker is suitable for you before you store
your belongings.
Each resident is allowed to put 2 pieces for luggage or packed box, with
their name and contact written clear. Those who can not fulfil the
conditions and not allowed to place their luggage.
5. The size of luggage or box can not be more than 180cms.
6. If you need to exit school dormitory earlier than schedule time because of
the COVID-19. We will NOT take responsibility for Custody and
Compensation due to there are some students need to use these public
7. All the details of the rules will be sent to each students lives in
dormitory, please notices your emails frequently.
南大校區 Nan-Da Campus
齋舍 樹德樓 (男生)
Dorm Dormitory Shu-Te (male)
地點 樹德五樓交誼廳
Location social halls on the 5th floor
時間 放入時間:第一波 5/21-5/27 中午 12 點,第二波 6/18-6/25 中午 12
Time 點。
取回時間:9/12~9/15 晚上 7 點前。
Placing dates:phase one:5/21-27 12:00,phase two:6/18-6/25 12:00.
Collecting date: From September 12 to September 15 19:00.

說明 1. 請將自己的行李放入五樓交誼廳,並掃描QR code 並填寫表單。

2. 寄放行李之身分資格:具110學年住宿資格之學生。
3. 寄放行李件數:每位一般生住宿生只可寄放至多三件行李(兩雜項+1
4. 寄放行李標示:請要置物的齋民將自己的東西包裝好、放置好,並在
5. 宿舍只提供空間讓齋民方便,暑宿寄放之行李均不受保管責任,若有
6. 暑期結束開放領取行李時間為:09月12日(寄放行李如需代領需要提

1. Retrieving dates:9/12(There should be sufficient certifications for those

who want others to deposit/retrieve their luggage for them. Eg:
conversation records, mail records, etc.)
2. Please complete all your retrieval by 9/14 19:00. After that, all the items
will be considered as lost items.
3. Qualification: For those who are qualified for staying at the dormitory
during the 110 school year.
4. Descriptions:
A. Each ordinary student can have 3 luggage deposited (including one
luggage of bedding sets), each foreign student can have 4 luggage
deposited (including one luggage of bedding sets). The size of the
luggage can only be at most 10cm*30cm*60cm.
B. Please mark your luggage clearly so it is distinguishable from the
others. (Including your name, major and student ID)
C. You CAN NOT retrieve your luggage even if you are staying at the
dorm during summer vacation.
D. STAFF don’t have the responsibility to look after your luggage, we
won’t take any responsibility for any damage that was done to your
items, so please think twice about your decision.
南大校區 Nan-Da Campus
齋舍 樹德樓 (女生)
Dorm Dormitory Shu-Te (female)
地點 樹德一樓齋 K、樹德樓男二樓交誼廳
時間 放入時間:即日起至 6/25 12:00 止會將門上鎖。
Time 取回時間:9/1 即開門開放領回至 9/15(期間將不上鎖)。

說明 1. 暑期置物時間即日起至 9 月 15 日。
2. 每位住宿生只可寄放至多三件行李(2 件封裝完整之箱子+1 床組)。
3. 單一箱子之大小(長*寬*高)不得超過 180 公分,須完整封箱避免破
損, 並在箱子四邊側 面務必寫上清晰易識別的個人資訊(學號、姓
名、下學期 所居住齋舍)。若不符合規格者,齋幹部有權拒絕該寄放
4. 需填寫行李放置證明,並妥善保管,在領取行李時出示。
5. 除公告時間外,其餘時間不開放行李寄放與領取。放入時間結束將關
閉交誼廳並上鎖,期間內不開放拿取任何東西。開放取 回時間一到將
6. 宿舍僅提供空間讓齋民方便暑期寄放物品,不負任何保管責任,遺失
7. 請同學在最後領取時間: 9 月 15 日前 一定要完成領取,且若仍有
8. 若有疑問齋民可洽齋長——鄭挹汎

1. The officially offering time will be 5/19 until 9/15 and the places for
luggage placement will be Lounges of 2 nd floor & 1 st fioor for Shu Te
2. Each person can store maximum three pieces of belongings ( 2 full-
packed boxes + 1 bed set ) .
3. The size of a single box (length*width*height) must not exceed 180 cm,
and the box must be completely sealed to avoid damage, write down
personal information clearly (student number, name, and name of the
dorm) on the four sides of the box. Please follow the rule and
regulations, we have the right to refuse the item to be placed.
4. Please fill in the baggage placement form and keep well, you have to
show it while collecting your baggage.
5. You can’t pick up your stuff during closed hours. The area will be closed
and locked in the offering time. During the period, it will not be open to
take anything. Once the offering time is up, it will no longer be locked.
Please consider whether to place it.
6. Note that the dorm WILL NOT take responsibility for custody, loss, and
7. Please complete all your retrieval by 9/15. After that, all the items will
be considered as lost items.
南大校區 Nan-Da Campus
齋舍 掬月齋
Dorm Dormitory Chu Yeah
地點 樹德一樓齋 K、樹德樓男二樓交誼廳
時間 放入時間:即日起至 6/25 12:00 止會將門上鎖。
Time 取回時間:9/1 即開門開放領回至 9/15(期間將不上鎖)。

說明 1. 暑期置物時間即日起至9月15日;掬月齋置物地點統一在掬月一樓交誼
Description 廳。
2. 每位住宿生只可寄放至多三件行李(2 件封裝完整之箱子+1 床組)。
3. 單一箱子之大小(長*寬*高)不得超過 180 公分,須完整封箱避免破
損, 並在箱子四邊側 面務必寫上清晰易識別的個人資訊(學號、姓
名、下學期 所居住齋舍)。若不符合規格者,齋幹部有權拒絕該寄放
4. 需填寫行李放置證明,並妥善保管,在領取行李時出示。
5. 除公告時間外,其餘時間不開放行李寄放與領取。放入時間結束將關
閉交誼廳並上鎖,期間內不開放拿取任何東西。開放取 回時間一到將
6. 宿舍僅提供空間讓齋民方便暑期寄放物品,不負任何保管責任,遺失
或 損壞亦不負任何賠償責任,請欲置放之齋民謹慎考慮。
7. 請同學在最後領取時間:9 月 15 日前一定要完成領取,且若仍有未
8. 若有疑問齋民可洽齋長——鄭挹汎
1. The officially offering time will be 5/19 until 9/15 and the places for
luggage placement will be Lounges of 2 nd floor & 1 st fioor for Shu
The residents.
2. Each person can store maximum three pieces of belongings ( 2 full-
packed boxes + 1 bed set ) .
3. The size of a single box (length*width*height) must not exceed 180 cm,
and the box must be completely sealed to avoid damage, write down
personal information clearly (student number, name, and name of the
dorm) on the four sides of the box. Please follow the rule and
regulations,we have the right to refuse the item to be placed.
4. Please fill in the baggage placement form and keep well,you have to
show it while collecting your baggage.
5. You can’t pick up your stuff during closed hours. The area will be closed
and locked in the offering time. During the period, it will not be open to
take anything. Once the offering time is up, it will no longer be locked.
Please consider whether to place it.
6. Note that the dorm WILL NOT take responsibility for custody, loss, and
7. Please complete all your retrieval by 9/15. After that, all the items will
be considered as lost items.
不開放暑期行李放置:鳴鳳樓 Ming Feng building

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