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Mary Ann S.

Ogoy BSN-2A

1. Deontology

- It is an ethical theory that puts strong emphasis on the duties, rules, and
obligations to act morally as well as the morality of human deeds rather than on the
effects of the action.

2. Teleology
- It is an ethical principle that places lot of focus on the outcomes of an action
because that is how one can tell if the action was good or bad. Because the ultimate
purpose of this is to maximize goodness and benefits while achieving greater good for the
greater number.

3. Intuitionism
According to this theory, fundamental truths can be known intuitively or immediately and
without the use of conscious thought.

4. Caring
It is an ultimate focus of nursing careers. Caring for patients fosters growth because
a loving atmosphere embraces a person for who they are and looks forward to what they
could become. 

5. Principlism
This theory aims to incorporate the strongest components of different ethical

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