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RA Dit 201

u10 Deline foign diree Lwuman? Psuw

slgmiicamua dulopiny couuy Uke hdia?

Fmeign diree neutmaus CFDI) am iwuuhmend

Teign hCOLwyikb a buuinoub
a pahhy
Cpahn mether conty Luita he weuhm
etablisiny a lathyinte dippuenHakes FpP
reisn o t i ohueeneuts ukare fnweskorr
auvely held gecuitie
A esn doec uehmau cam be ade b y
cbtaiin lathi iwere yekpamding
butines a neison(OLy An luwubmm indo_
a ldihiy_ ereuh ahh iuhexu etabthd
h n äm inehc obBai a lco l0 tha uoiup
pOweY in aimu_ka eisan ihuhman (
Ht elemenk centre, Ceuhe epeans Hha.
iuten to ahiely anape uclnene a
Jdia needs
aihcal dgee r uohoic qreunha aud ustacy
QLLDbs mao hendeb-t naial 2eiourte
eC eeonomic bock am deualopiy Leuhy
Wbe India, hreign Copanie that imaesn dia
take oduankae hhe yelaiely loe apel+
achelulhp technical_Kuouhas, ullich t r helpe
Cployne p iis

Teacher's Signature
VIPRA Dit / /201

u lndin Gouemmeuds eia

avourable poli
Qnd obuu bulhu Pnvnman haue einlurtol
y The
arelgnopital Keep loui indo u uo
Gouemme has touen many iutaiuas n
Seors sucn
a d i FOL hdns aur
delenoe Psu d ereiestekcom, powe exha
Omd Stock exchange Omong hmy eHe
Loek upum E FO h pmeln to be a sue
h i Duiy Hhe pandumaic, thatoFelilo
laE year, Accerdin
ikerealed a d la COMpared
to t laku nalga wene (FOI) daa
byyH Minisy
b ommeyce, ndia receiued a
miod 112Killie in FDI lu tha iscal ycaax
2020-2, p emm 41431 billien n 201-2,

Teachers S gna'ure .

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