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Audie C.

Face to Face

Our class in MICE organized a very important event for our face to face class, it was
really important since it involves informing the parents of students like us about the upcoming
face to face class in the new normal. There are a lot of things that were tackled and the highlight
is the things needed to be able to come back to school like insurance.
As part of the organizing team I and my classmates come up with a webinar together with
our dean who led most of the talking and the participating parents. It was a pressure to organize
this event especially because of the fact that our own parents are part of the audience. The
webinar went flawlessly, everything we planned turns out to our favour and we were able to
execute the program flow properly.


The events class organized our annual Chefs of Parade event as part of our requirement in
the MICE class. This webinar was very exciting to manage since it involves a very fun
interactions with our fellow students and professors. The HM and TM community join forces to
come up with an online contest that features and train our skills as an aspiring professionals in
the Hospitality Industry. This was a fun event because there are a lot of prizes and raffles for our
fellow students.
There are challenges we faced along the way like technical difficulties and internet
problems that became a burden when executing the process flow of the program, it took some
time to get to use to it but eventually we were able to get the hang of it and get a better
management of our resources. I may say that the program was not perfect there are a few flaws
but as a student I can safely say we did our best and it was all worth it. We have learned a lot
from the experience and that is what is important to me.


This was the last event in our class and was the most memorable because we were able to
learn from the experience of our speaker who works as well in the same field as we are, the
hospitality industry. This is a big help for us for we can use the knowledge we learned and apply
it in our selves when we work as a professionals in the Hospitality industry. The speakers gave
us tips and information about the current situations in the Hospitality industry, there were a lot of
changes that happened because of the Covid-19 pandemic, yet the Hospitality’s resilience bring
it up again on the rise from its fall.

As part of the organizing team of the convention it was such an honor to work with the
speakers, they were so kind and knowledgeable in their expertise. There are times that it was so
tiring for us organizers to make this event a success, sleepless nights and careful preparations are
in line but at the end of the day it was all worth it. The experience we had in this class is
undeniable an unforgettable experience that we are going to bring to the future with us.

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