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論(CLEAR),卷。 12(12月,1990年),第69- 81出版單位:中國文學散文,文章,評論(

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在這裡,將嘗試通過引入新的實踐為紅學方法論性別anal- ysis.2希望,這種相對較新的文學工具將避免回歸表現寫實
2.4“安德魯·H·普拉克斯,原型和寓言的紅樓之夢(普林斯頓:1976),頁43-53。 2The需要引入新的分析方法是通過胡曉指
”;:相比往年,部分原因是缺乏新的方法(i)。 “紅樓夢厭舊
棕樹”我,我E“;!IL,Zhongguo文學年鑑”。IL V $點亮,1985年(北京,1986年),第308
3Catherine Belsey已經呈現表現現實主義的徹底解釋的關鍵法,她將其描述為“常識”的態度來批評,其中文學仍被看作
沿著單一連續陰陽的兩個假設兩極之間範圍的相對分佈”。 Plaks,原型頁。 43.性別分析希望通過呈現二元恆定活力的辯
在明顯的差異,在生育功能相關的差異。 “性別”不過是文化的問題:它是指社會分類為“男性”和“女性”.5
伊利格瑞和Julia Kristeva.7的方法編制通過後Sassaurean的複雜的複合語言學,心理分析,後結構主義文學理論和哲學,這
在這樣的文化決定的對立為理性和emo-族體,活動和被動,有無之間的二進制二分法的結構, 。總之,“男性”和“女性”“8
5Anne奧克利,性別,社會性別與社會(墨爾本,1972年),第。 16.
6Christiane睿Makward,將“La批判Feministe,元素D'UNE人問題,”科學雜誌Humaines 168(1977):624中米亨·莫里斯引,
“的女性的法國理論,刻寫女人味”。製作一個差異:女性主義文學批評(倫敦,1986),頁。 90.
8Domna C.斯坦頓,“語言與革命:在法國和美國的派息-連接”,在海絲特Eisentein和Alice怡和編。差異的未來(波士頓,
1980),頁。 73.
9G.WF黑格爾,哲學上,卷的歷史講座。 1,跨。 ES霍爾丹(倫敦,1955年),第215-1 16.
71抓住我們,作用於一切美這一切都是圍繞著回來的男人/女人反對分層對立面位數排序。 ... 10
與陰柔的,可以直接連接到什麼皮爾·馬雷也被稱為”文字的無意識“ -什麼是在沉默沒有體現口語和空白,其ideology.12
女性。因此,分析的方法開發出對付女性的赤貧規格- ificity;即是,女人的“負面”,從男性人員的標準差
,以便確定自己在mas- culine。”14
體中本次搜索的差如何性別差異是dialecticization的過程。 “所有的口語科目有內自己一定雙性戀這恰恰是探索意義的所
20.3(1978): 65-69或AP福克斯,文學與宣傳(倫敦,1983),頁
瑞本書的書名。盧斯伊麗加萊,CE sexe魁n'en EST PAS UN(巴黎,1977年
)。14Makward,“香格里拉批判Feministe”,第624 15Cixous,“閹割或斬首? “第,。”
54-55'6Julia克里斯蒂娃振盪功率和拒絕之間,“反式瑪麗蓮A. 8月,伊萊恩商標和伊莎貝爾德庫爾蒂夫龍,編新法國女性
主義:。文選(阿默斯特,1980),頁。 165.
方二進制可以追溯到古代的陰/陽的理念,從而男性和女性的對應於正/負,主動/被動,強/弱,建設性/ destructive.21遠不是
界。 “內丹”的技術被用來使genitals.23的萎縮。然而,在建立individ-的靈活性
20K.K.魯斯溫,女性主義文學研究(劍橋,1983),頁。 42. 21'Wing-捷燦,源圖書在中國哲學(普林斯頓,1963),頁。 244.
UAL的肉體性慾的陰/陽相互關聯的觀念暗示沒有nec- essarily意味著性別結構的靈活性。相反,“儒CON組structed性別各
會衝突。剛性性別處方儒家prin- ciples之間的衝突,有形性和道家收養女性魅力的排斥激情的陰陽哲學的靈活性,在寶玉
描述。 “當他們慶祝的前十二個月,先生
24Furth,”雌雄同體的男性和女性虧,“p 1
25Han匯強已為走得更遠,說寶玉是一個中性或性冷淡性格韓匯強; T'\“紅樓夢中的興濟guannian文華依依我〜P)我.IJ?
一世。 Q,“京大雪山yanjiusheng xuekan
1(1988):。。82.26Cao學勤,四通第1卷的故事,第2章,反式霍克斯,(哈蒙茲沃斯,1973),第76 HLM第1卷,第2章第,第
正確的社會行為和eatin的做法摹化妝寶玉mas- culinity的接口上的性別界限的符號爆炸與女性有形的水平。
27Cao,石卷的故事。 3,第三章。 66,第294. HLM卷。 3,第三章。 66,第850-51。霍克斯翻譯了尼爾齊為K(“女性化”和
”。28Fan楊Y'f?Yanggang德慧忱FLI J''我(北京,1988年),第72-73頁。29Cao,的故事石,第2卷,第一章44,第376-77。
HLM第2卷,第一章44,第539-40。30Cao,四通的故事,第2卷,第一章43,第359頁。HLM第2卷,第一章43,第530 3'Cao,
四通的故事,第3卷,第一章78,第556 HLM第3卷,第一章78頁。1010 32Cao ,四通的第2卷的故事,CHAP。47,第439
schola RS觀察如何收縮和溫柔秦鐘是,紅著臉你對他說話和膽怯和害羞的女孩之前差不多;他們在寶玉一個人看到自然和
,其影響力在法國女性主義理論家的undis- puted,已經發展了他的精神分析理論,圍繞著自我的性desires.35觀念的
望是性感化“。由男性的fem- inine的這一願望性愛整個紅樓夢是顯而易見的,並揭示哪個性愛慾望思;之間的任何相互作
33Cao,石,卷的故事。 1,第一章9,第206-7。 HLM卷。 1,第一章9,P。 109. 34Ping良陳,“神話和琪紅-紅樓夢,”在
Winston LY羊和Curtis P.阿德金斯編對中國小說的批判文章(香港,1980),頁。 169.從人民共和國最近的文章都帶來了寶
馬秦'1%>“同興聯賈包虞tuifei星閣德明正,”裡噸- I'我KR],T J VXinjiang石帆大雪山學寶RR樓;〜(?她磕禁止BTV)2(
1984) :56-57。
對法國女性主義影響,可以在朱麗葉·米切爾和杰奎琳·羅斯,EDS被發現。女性性慾:拉康和ccole freudienne(倫敦,1982
36Elissa D.蓋爾芬德和弗吉尼亞桑代克Hules,法國女性主義批評:婦女,語言和文化;一個附帶說明的書目(紐約,1985),
情人強大的王子發出其通過後者的藏暨暗示寶玉的探寶- merbund寶玉然後由賈政為他承擔著與江同性戀關係毆打這是
不是同性戀關係,他的父親會反對而是江“屬於”以喜別人的事實。 gher社會地位。同性戀關係預期的,因為藝術家和演員
這被外界寶玉的經驗東西完全。他的心臟開始怦怦直跳似地,他的臉一下子滿臉通紅,他的整個身體開始顫抖。 It would
have been hard to say what feeling was at that moment uppermost in his mind: embarrassment, shame, fear, or annoyance.
The aggressor's reaction to his rejection was one of total disbelief. "Get away with you! From what I've been told, you've had
plenty of practice with other girls."38 She expected Baoyu's reaction to reflect the phallic monosexuality projected on to males by
the dominant mode of gender construction. In actuality, Baoyu was placed in the reverse role by her aggression-that of sexualised
Other rather than the desiring Self.
It is rather unclear from the novel exactly how much "practise" Baoyu has had. His early experience with Aroma is the one
explicitly mentioned case although the text
hints at several other opportunities. It is far from accidental that an otherwise sexually/ morally explicit book should not dwell on
Baoyu's sexual encounters with his maids. Instead emphasis has been placed on Baoyu's kind and respectful treatment of women.
It is they who desire him, albeit less aggressively than a male character would-like the young maid Fivey (Wu'er) who eagerly
seeks a much coveted place in his apart- ments. The text clearly challenges orthodox notions of sexual morality by playing on
homophones for the yu V in Baoyu's name-(jade, desire, lust)-by creating a character
37Cao, The Story of the Stone, Vol. 1, Chap. 2, p. 76. HLM Vol. 1, Chap. 2, p. 19. 38Cao, The Story of the Stone, Vol. 3, Chap.
77, p. 546. HLM Vol. 3, Chap. 77, p. 1003.
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EDWARDS Gender Imperatives in Honglou meng 77
whose desire is portrayed so differently from the majority of other men in the text.39 Unlike Xue Pan, Jia Baoyu subsumes both
the masculine and feminine-he is at once an active and desiring male and a passive object of desire. Importantly he is not the
object of masculine desire. Unlike other "effeminate" characters, Baoyu is not sought out by Xue Pan and his lecherous friends.
His social position as a young gentleman ensures that the sexual power he loses through the adoption of feminine traits is
balanced by a general political power.
In their work on Honglou meng L. and V. Sychov have revealed the importance of descriptions of clothing to the novel.40
While their data, as they have accurately doc- umented, does help reveal Cao's superior literary talent when compared to that of
Gao E, it can also help deconstruct Honglou meng's gender ideology and describe Baoyu's ambiguous place on the gender
register. It is not insignificant that among all the lengthy descriptions of costume in the novel the only men who are "objectified"
in this way are these aforementioned effeminate male characters-Baoyu, Qin Zhong, Jiang Yuhan and Liu Xianglian. Part of being
feminine is being appreciated aesthetically.41 In the text's descriptions of these particular men's clothing it clearly allocates to
them the status of feminine-Object. These men, like the women (particularly the young un- married girls) then become the
passive objects of Self's active desire through the intricate detailing of their costumes. In Chapter fifty a description of costumes
leads Grand- mother Jia to participate in the textual intertwining of the gender/sex registers. Here Grandmother Jia looks at a
figure dressed in a red-felt snow cape and asks "Which one of the girls is that?" Those around her laughingly reply, "There aren't
any more girls; we're all here. That's Baoyu."42
Cao's portrayal of Baoyu's intellectual preferences reveal again the problem Baoyu had in adjusting to the masculine roles it
was assumed he should have. His paradox can be represented in the binary creative-feminine-Other/career-masculine-Self. As the
eldest surviving son Baoyu is expected to maintain the family's position in the Imperial bureaucracy, taking the career path
through years of study of the Confucian classics and culminating in the national exam for the selection of public servants. Instead,
however, Baoyu prefers the more creative, poetic mode to the masculine career path. While every man must also have creative
skills, particularly the ability to compose poetry, to function at a high level in the world of man, they are secondary in importance
to the literary aptitude needed to write the eight-legged essay required in the Imperial exam. Baoyu, then, fails "to put aside" the
feminine when required.
Jia Zheng's relationship with Baoyu has been one of strained tolerance as he tries to encourage Baoyu to have an interest in
the scholarly Confucian world of bureaucratic success. This conflict is exposed in both Chapter nine and Chapter seventeen. On
Baoyu's first day at the clan school Jia Zheng warns his pages,
"If he read thirty books of the Poetry Classic," said Jia Zheng, "it would still be tomfool-
ery".... Give my compliments to the Headmaster and tell him from me that I want
39For a discussion of textual complexities in the use of lust and desire in the novel see Hsien-hao Liao, "Tai-yi or Pao-ch'ai: The
Paradox of Existence as Mainfested in Pao-yii's Existential Struggle," Tamkang Review 15. 1,2,3,4 (Autumn 1984-Summer
1985): 485-94.
40L. and V. Sychov, "The Role of Costume in Cao Xue-qin's novel The Dream of the Red Chamber," trans. Cecelia Shickman,
Tamkang Review 11.3 (Spring, 1981) : 287-305.
41Rosalind Coward, Female Desire: Women's Sexuality Today (London, 1984), p. 229. 42Cao, The Story of the Stone, Vol. 2,
Chap. 50, p. 505. HLM Vol. 2, Chap. 50, p. 622.
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78 Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 12 (1990)
none of this trifling with the Poetry Classic or any other ancient literature. It is of the utmost importance that he should thoroughly
understand and learn by heart the whole Four Books before he attempts anything else.43
Later on, prompted by "a favourable report on Baoyu from his teacher Jia Dairu in which mention had been made of his skill
in composing couplets" Jia Zheng asks Baoyu to name the various locations in the newly completed Grand View Garden.
"Although the boy had shown no aptitude for serious study, Dairu had said, he nevertheless possessed a certain meretricious
talent for versification not undeserving of commend- ation."44 In the ensuing inquisition Baoyu is shown to be quite superior in
this non- serious skill to both his father and the literary gentlemen who accompany them. How- ever, Baoyu's poetic talent is of
little consolation to Jia Zheng who primarily demands masculine scholarly skills from his heir.
III。 Phallogocentricism Reinforced
In this section it will become clear how despite Baoyu's bisexual tendencies and the text's questioning of gender imperatives,
the overall tenor of the work reinforces the traditional phallogocentric binary where the masculine-Self projects "otherness" onto
the feminine.45 The most important way that the rigid gender-sex typing is re- confirmed is in the fact that the dialecticisation of
sexual difference occurs in males-
Baoyu, and his "effeminate" acquaintances Qin Zhong, and Liu Xianglian.46
This phallocentric view valorizes the male character as the active One. The impli- cation is that men are capable of
experiencing the struggle with the feminine inside themselves while women, who have a monosexual femininity projected upon
them, exist merely as passive objects that reflect a "male" struggle, and a "male" experience of life. Such univocal bisexuality
merely presents man's fears of the Other by denying difference in a search for sameness: this classic bisexuality is nothing more
than a phallic monosexuality.
The concentration on male bisexuality implicitly denies the existence of females' potential for bisexuality, or any form of
active-and not simply responsive-sexuality by its silence on the issue. This effectively annuls sexual difference rather than ex-
panding it. The manner in which both the Confucian and Daoist systems of gender signification are invoked within the character
of Baoyu render the feminine subordinate and passive. Within the Daoist frame Baoyu's femininity is part of his path to a sin-
gularly male religious enlightenment. The feminine is adopted to balance the masculine. Thus it is within the masculine that the
experience of "balancing" occurs. Alternatively, Jia Zheng's Confucian ideology regarded men who take on feminine traits as
capable of extremes in an active sexuality. Charlotte Furth discusses the case of a young man who dressed himself as a woman
and became a teacher of needlework to young
43Cao, The Story of the Stone, Vol. 1, Chap. 9, p. 204. HLM Vol. 1, Chap. 9, p. 107. 4Cao, The Story of the Stone, Vol. 1, Chap.
17, p. 326. HLM Vol. 1, Chap. 17, p. 186. 45The term "phallogocentrism" is a Derridean neologism which describes "the double
philosophical and Freudian paradigm that posits the male and his sexuality as the norm and the female and her sexuality as a
variation." Gelfand and Hules, French Feminist Criticism, p. xxi. For a more detailed discussion of the place of women in
Honglou meng see my article "Women in Honglou meng-Prescriptions of Purity in the Femininity of Qing Dynasty China,"
Modern China (October, 1990).
46Apart from the hint at a nonsexual lesbian relationship between the male impersonator and her opposite in the troop of
actresses, the novel only portrays male bisexuality.
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EDWARDS Gender Imperatives in Honglou meng 79
girls.47 When his disguise was discovered it was claimed that he adopted the feminine mode so as to debauch the girls he had
lived so intimately with. Scholarly debate on the issue credited the impersonator with "a life of undreamed of amorous exploits"
just as is assumed with Baoyu. In both the Daoist and Confucian world view portrayed in Honglou meng males who adopt the
feminine are thereby achieving male ends-one the rejection of passion and the other seeking extremes of passion. Both confirm
the position of active-Self as masculine and relegate the feminine to the desired/rejected Other.
The role given to women in the novel is, then, subsidiary. Even though Angela Jung Palandri declares that Honglou meng is
"fundamentally a novel about women," she more accurately relates the position of women to an analogy of a necklace where
Baoyu is the string and the individual female characters are the pearls.48 The audience reads mostly of the life in the "World of
Girls""'49 but in actual fact the novel is "fun- damentally" about Baoyu's struggle and the women exist only in so far as they help
further project this singularly male struggle.
Thus, Daiyu and Baochai are valorized primarily for their potential to reflect Baoyu's problems with, among other issues, the
signification of gender in Chinese society. In their tumultuous relationships with Baoyu, Daiyu invokes the feminine values and
Baochai the masculine. So, while the text creates a male protagonist that holds the dilemma of the choice forced upon him
between masculine and feminine social con- structs, his two female protagonists are relegated to the margins as mirrors of his
male choice. Josette F&ral has described this phenonmenon as,
... .a woman does not become the Other but his other, his Unconscious, his repressed,
and she gets caught in the endless and enduring circle of his representation. Enmeshed in man's self-representation, woman exists
only insofar as she endlessly reflects back to him the image of his manly reality.5o
So while Yu Pingbo ~ii f and Li Xifan can disagree about exactly what Daiyu and Baochai represent, for the former the two types
of beauty and for the latter the two
forces of a historical struggle,51 their "otherness" is the base of the novel in its portrayal of Baoyu's existential struggle.
As is revealed by his visit to the Land of Illusion, Baoyu admires and indeed desires both women. In this dream fantasy
Baoyu is given the fairy Combined Beauty f - for his lover, and it is revealed that "Her rose-fresh beauty reminded him strongly
of Baochai, but there was also something about her of Daiyu's delicate charm."52 Com-
47Furth, "Androgynous Males and Deficient Females," pp. 22-23. 48Angela Jung Palandri, "Women in Dream of the Red
Chamber," Literature East and West 12. 2,3,4 (1968): 227.
49Grand View Garden is often referred to as a "Kingdom of Girls" or a "World of Girls". See for example Jiang Wenqin VE, "
'Niier shijie' de liang ge cengci-lun Daguanyuan yu Taihuanjing ik aa fl- 11 J a - )R r~ I t ," Wenzhou shizhuan xuebao iAi T l 9 1
(1985): 15-24.
In Jiang's article the concept of a Girl's World is extended to the mythic level by incorporating the Land of Illusion.
50Josette F&ral,"The Powers of Difference," in Eisentein and Jardine, eds. The Future of Difference, p. 89.
51Lan Ling -1 and Li Xifan @ ~ ," Honglou meng zhong liang ge duili de dianxing-Lin Daiyu he Xue Baochai" Ig1 ~p N as I ~
ffl A - [ ~, in "Honglou meng" pinglun ji IM + (Beijing, 1957), pp.184-193.
5Cao, The Story of the Stone, Vol. 1, Chap. 5, p. 145. HLM Vol. 1, Chap. 5, p. 64.
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80 Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 12 (1990)
bined Beauty initiates Baoyu in the art of sex, gratifying his subconcious desires for both women53 while simultaneously
reinforcing each women's role as representing one half of Baoyu's personality crisis.
Baoyu's dilemma between the masculine career aspirations and his own creative preferences are reflected in the personalities
of the two women. Daiyu, it appears, never encouraged the career path, remaining firmly with the feminine world of creativity as
shown by her "deep love for poetry, drama, music"54 and her singular support of his rejection of the career path.
The exception was Daiyu, who, ever since they were little children together, had never once spoken to him about the need to "get
on in the world" or "make a name for oneself." This was one of the reasons why he so much respected her.55
This difference in the two girls' attitudes is well recognized by most Hongxue schol- ars. In 1986 the Chinese critic Zhou
Yibin concluded that unlike Daiyu, "Baochai did not regard poetry as a serious matter." Instead Baochai reflected the view of the
Ming official Yang Shiqi 4 t: A who held the opinion that poetry writing was a minor skill and more time should be spent on the
Character descriptions will elucidate further the idea that each woman holds the essential elements of Baoyu's choice. Where
Baochai is renowned for her commonsense and rationality, Daiyu is emotional and sentimental. Daiyu's overly sensitive nature
has given her a reputation for being "petty"57 while Baochai's coolness often invites critics to call her "feelingless."58 Baochai
maintains a pragmatic attitude to the world while Daiyu shows no ability to turn her hand to practical affairs. Baochai enjoys
good health while Daiyu's sickly constitution has become one of her most well known traits. Clearly we see the binaries
appearing: strength/weakness, practical/frivolous, rational/ emotional, career/creative, masculine/feminine.
When the Other is no longer required to represent Baoyu's dilemma, it ceases to exist. Once he is tricked into marrying
Baochai, the link with the feminine that was the essence of his relationship with Daiyu is destroyed, and so Daiyu dies a tragic,
lonely death-no longer a relevant choice for the Self. Daiyu withers just as Samuel Richardson's Clarissa Harlowe fades away
after her rape-neither woman committing suicide for that would be "far too robust an action"59 for a mere "reflection." Once
again, when Baoyu chooses to deny the world of masculine Confucian convention altogether by becoming a monk, Baochai is left
behind as a virtual widow. Thus the central female characters are present only insofar as they are useful to reflect Baoyu's
dilemma. In the last instance the abjection of the feminine-Other by the masculine- Self is confirmed by the novel's unspoken
sexual ideology. Baoyu's ultimate decision
53Xu Decheng,' i: ' k, Tian Yuheng LB t ilj, "Qin Keqing yu Qin Zhong f 4 ~ ," Honglou meng xuekan 1 (1985): 154.
54Anthony C. Yu, "Self and the Family in the Hung-lou Meng: A New Look at Lin Tai-yii as Tragic Heroine," Chinese
Literature, Essays, Articles and Reviews 2.2 (July, 1980): 208.
55Cao, The Story of the Stone, Vol. 2, Chap. 36, p. 195. HLM Vol. 2, Chap. 36, p. 428. S6Zhou Yibin W,1d iF , "Lun Daiyu
Baochai de shixue guandian yu Ming Qing shige liupai de guanxi",
SN- J rf ,iEU,_ i H , , ;ii, ivX t)ji, Honglou meng xuekan 11 - HJ: 1 (1986):58-59.
57Qu Mu fit t4, "Lin Daiyu de xuefeng fK I { ,j J," Guizhou ribao SIi 1 i (26.10.1983). 58Hsien-hao Liao, "Tai-yii or Pao-ch'ai,"
p. 490.
59Anne Foreman, Femininity as Alienation : Women and the Family in Marxism and Psychoanalysis (London, 1978), p. 97.
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EDWARDS Gender Imperatives in Honglou meng 81
to become a wandering monk, undergoing a metaphoric castration, is the embracing of a Daoist masculine role which confirms
the phallocentric vision of the feminine, the sexualized Other, as an obstacle to male spiritual freedom.
IV。 Conclusion
In this article we have seen how the development of Jia Baoyu's character in Honglou meng has presented the opportunity for
a critical analysis based on notions of gender. In the examination of Baoyu's "metaphoric" bisexuality the complex and often am-
biguous interplay between the masculine and feminine symbolic systems becomes evident. Baoyu is portrayed as a complicated
and eccentric individual who rejects the established patriarchal norms of psycho-sexual development. Manifested in his effem-
inate personality Cao Xueqin's character has refused to conform to monosexual gender imperatives-that is, those signifying
practices that reject a bisexuality within, rather than between sexes. Jacques Derrida has described his own utopian image of a
society where individuals like Jia Baoyu are no longer considered eccentric or immoral. This would be the area where the
relationship between Self and Other is no longer dictated by a discriminating code of sexual marks.
The relationship [with the Other] would not be asexual, far from it, but would be sexual
otherwise: beyond the binary difference that governs the decorum of all codes, beyond the opposition feminine/masculine, beyond
bisexuality as well, beyond homosexuality and heterosexuality which come to the same thing... I would like to believe in the
multiplicity of sexually marked voices.60
The deconstruction of the ubiquitous phallocentric binary is a prerequisite for such unfettered, unrestricted transposition of
sexual signifiers. Cao Xueqin's text has a plen- itude of binaries and most significantly for this study the binary
masculine/feminine has been intertwined in such a manner as to encourage the dismantling of the rigid gendering of the sexes
within and between characters. The task for the critic then remains to reinscribe these now dismantled metaphysical and
rhetorical structures in a manner such that avoids privileging one side of the binary over the other/Other.
Lucien Miller asserts that in Honglou meng the reader is encouraged to "realize a new orientation" that "human suffering
results from the willful division of life into distinct categories."61 This statement is indeed most apt when one considers that
much of the conflict and internal anxiety suffered by Baoyu was caused by the attempt of his family and friends to distinctly
categorize him as male-masculine. These "distinct categories" are necessarily imbued with a rigid set of sexually marked voices
and not one of these was suitable for Jia Baoyu.
60Jacques Derrida and Christie V. McDonald, "Choreographies-An Interview," Diacritics 12 (Sum- mer,1982):76.
61Lucien Miller, Masks of Fiction in the Dream of the Red Chamber: Myth, Mimesis, and Persona (Tucson, 1975), p. 36.
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