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WX: Pepejal / solid

WX: pepejal + cecair / solid + liquid

YZ: cecair / liquid
Tenaga digunakan untuk putus ikatan
antara molekul pepejal. Tenaga
kinetik tidak bertambah.
Energy is used to break up the bond
between molecules. Kinetic energy
does not increases

Tenaga kinetic bertambah. Tenaga

kinetic berkadar terus dengan suhu.
Kinetic energy increases. Kinetic energy
is directly proportional to temperature.
0 ⁰C

Pt = mL
(200)(7 x 60) = 0.1L
L = 840,000 J/kg
Proses penukaran cecair pada gas
pada takat didih.
Process of changing liquid to gas at
boiling point.
• Peluh menyerap haba pendam tentu
pengewapan dari badan
• untuk memutuskan ikatan antara • Sweat absorbs specific latent heat
molekul cecair kepada gas. of vaporisation from the body
• Peluh di kulit akan menyejat menjadi • To break up the bonds between
gas. liquid molecules
• Suhu badan turun dan sejukkan • Sweat on the skin will evaporate
badan. to become gas.
• The temperature of the body
lowered and cooled down the
Angin dan suhu sekeliling
Wind and surrounding temperature
Memutuska ikatan antara molekul
break up the bonds between molecules

Q = mcϴ
= 1.0 x 4 200 x 100
Haba pendam tentu pelakuran = 420 000 J
specific Latent heat of fusion
Tenaga elektrik → haba
electric energy → heat

Masa paling pendek

the shortest time taken.
Haba yang diperlukan untuk menukarkan 1
kg pepejal kepada cecair tanpa perubahan
The amount of heat required to melt 1 kg of
solid without any change of temperature

1st : tenaga digunakan untuk mengatasi 1st : Energy is used to overcome the
daya ikatan antara molekul. binding force between molecules
2nd : tenaga kinetic tidak berubah 2nd : The kinetic energy does not change
E = Pt = 600 x 60
= 36000 J

Pt = mL
m = 36000/3.3 x 105 = 1.09 x 10-1 kg

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