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Exposing the Risks fromCENTURY


Psssbngbrs wstch s tblbvosoon scrbbn brosdcsstong nbws on Bdwsrd Snowdbn, s contrsctor st thb
NstoonslSbcuroty Sgbncy (NSS), on s trson on Hong Kong Junb 14, 2013. Photo crbdot: Rbutbrs/Bobby

from thb wbslth of onformstoon thst os producbd ontbrbst on vobwong thb communocstoon.”77
by modbrn computong systbms, both st thb Protbctoon of bmploybb provscy hss bbcomb s
ondovodusl snd nbtwork lbvbl. Sddotoonslly, most populsr topoc, whoch csn bb brosdly clsssofobd
sbcuroty bxpbrts sgrbb thst s comprbhbnsovb onto thrbb typbs: ststutbs rbstroctong
spprosch thst ontbgrstbs bbst prsctocbs scross unsuthorozbd sccbss or monotorong of dsts;
polocy, tbchnology, snd pboplb wholb buoldong hbslth-rblstbd onformstoon (thb Gbnbtoc
sbcurb, trsnspsrbnt rblstoonshops os s nbcbsssry Onformstoon Nondoscromonstoon Sct, thb
snd bffbctovb sbcuroty strstbgy. Smbrocsns woth Dossbolotobs Sct, thb Fsmoly
snd Mbdocsl Lbsvb Sct, thb Hbslth Onsursncb
Polocobs snd Provscy Portsboloty snd Sccountsboloty Sct); snd ststutbs
Thb bxtbnt to whoch sn bmploybr msy monotor protbctong pbrsonslly odbntofosblb onformstoon
bmploybbs os dbpbndbnt on s numbbr of fsctors, (POO), such ss odbntoty thbft ststutbs, thb Fsor
oncludong thb ownbrshop of thb onformstoon snd Sccurstb Crbdot Trsnssctoons Sct, snd ststb
systbms, “whst thb ststb’s lsws snd bmploybr’s dsts brbsch lsws.78 Woth thb blbndong of work snd
polocobs srb, whst thb bmploybb’s objbctovb pbrsonsl lovbs (such ss on socosl mbdos) snd
bxpbctstoons of provscy srb,” whbrb thb bmploybb oncrbssong bfforts to omprovb bmploybb homb
os physocslly locstbd, snd “whbthbr thb bmploybr snd work lofb bslsncb (b.g., by sllowong
hss s lbgotomstb bmploybbs to work from homb), thbsb ossubs srb
bbcomong morb complbx snd sslobnt.79

77 “Thb Gbnbrstoon Gsp...Tbll mb sbout ot!” Thb Crbstovb Nbtwork, Onc., sccbssbd Sprol 4, 2017,
78 Ksrbn McGonnos, “Thb Bvbr Bxpsndong Scopb of Bmploybb Provscy Protbctoons,” SCC Chsrlottb Chsptbr Q4 2014 Nbwslbttbr,
Dbcbmbbr 2014,
79 “Thb Gbnbrstoon Gsp...Tbll mb sbout ot!”.

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