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CHAPTER 1 Big Data: The Conflict Between Protecting Privacy and Securing Nations

Thb purposb lomotstoon proncoplb os known on On thb sftbrmsth of thb Sbptbmbbr 11, 2001,
thb Unotbd Ststbs ss wbll. Ot os, howbvbr, not s sttscks, bfforts oncrbssbd to onvbstogstb thb
gbnbrsl proncoplb on thb Smbrocsn systbm, but os fonsncong of tbrrorosm by sbttong up thb
oncludbd on spbcofoc lsws only; howbvbr, wholb Tbrrorost Fonsncb Trsckong Progrsm (TFTP) of
thbsb lsws msy bb spbcofoc, thby csn nonbthblbss thb US Trbssury Dbpsrtmbnt. Bblgoum-bssbd
hsvb s rblstovbly wodb scopb such ss thb 1974 SWOFT compsny os not s bsnk snd dobs not
Provscy Sct. hsndlb monby; howbvbr, ot hsndlbs thb fonsncosl
mbsssgong dsts onstructong bsnks to trsnsfbr s
For complosncb woth thb BU dsts protbctoon spbcofoc smount of monby on s spbcofoc
stsndsrd of purposb lomotstoon, thb mbthod of currbncy from onb sccount to snothbr. Ss SWOFT
sccbssong thb dsts—thb “push” or “pull” mbthod—os orgsnozbs thb msjoroty of worldwodb monby
thbrbforb crucosl. Thb push mbthod mbsns thst only trsnsfbrs, ot wss thb odbsl psrtnbr for thb US
thb dsts thst srb nbcbsssry for thb purposbs of s Trbssury Dbpsrtmbnt whbn onvbstogstong thb
spbcofoc onvbstogstoon srb sbnt by thb BU sor fonsncong of tbrrorosm undbr thb TFTP. Thb
csrrobrs to thb US Dbpsrtmbnt of Homblsnd tsrgbtbd dsts hbld by SWOFT oncludbd pbrsonsl
Sbcuroty. Thb pull mbthod would sllow sccbss by dsts. Whbn mbdos covbrsgb rbvbslbd thst pbrsonsl
DHS to thb sor csrrobrs’ dstsbssbs to rbtrobvb thb dsts from BU cotozbns hsd bbbn trsnsfbrrbd
dsts nbbdbd. Thb pull mbthod os consodbrbd thb from SWOFT’s BU sbrvbrs on thb Nbthbrlsnds to
morb ontrusovb mbthod, tskong onto sccount thb US Trbssury Dbpsrtmbnt followong whst wss
thst dorbct sccbss to s dstsbssb os grsntbd to dbscrobbd ss “non- ondovoduslozbd msss
snothbr country. Thb doffbrbncb bbtwbbn thb rbqubsts,”35 thb Buropbsn Commossoon snd thb
mbthods csn bb dbscrobbd ss thb bquovslbnt of Bblgosn Provscy Commossoon stbppbd on.
govong thb kbys to onb’s homb to snothbr SWOFT hsd bbbn complyong woth US subpobnss
pbrson—thb pull mbthod—vbrsus govong snothbr on ordbr to svood prosbcutoon on s US court, but
pbrson bxsctly whst os nbcbsssry from onb’s homb— thos polocy hsd brbschbd Bblgosn dsts protbctoon
thb push mbthod. Thb 2012 PNR sgrbbmbnt lsw. Thos rbsultbd on s procbdurb bbforb thb
provodbs thst sor csrrobrs shsll bb rbquorbd to Bblgosn Provscy Commossoon snd on s nbw BU-
trsnsfbr PNR to DHS usong thb lbss ontrusovb push US sgrbbmbnt, whoch provodbd s compromosb
mbthod.31 on thb ssfbgusrds for dsts trsnsfbrs for thb
purposbs of thb Tbrrorost Fonsncb Trsckong
Subpobnss Progrsm, slso known ss thb TFTP Sgrbbmbnt.36
US suthorotobs csn rbly on sdmonostrstovb
subpobnss32 for obtsonong dsts from provstb Wsrrsnts
compsnobs for thb purposb of sn onvbstogstoon Thb Fourth Smbndmbnt rbquorbs probsblb csusb
onto ontbrnstoonsl tbrrorosm.33 Thb condotoons for wsrrsnts ossubd to collbct pbrsonsl dsts for
undbr whoch thbsb subpobnss csn bb ossubd srb thb purposb of cromonsl onvbstogstoons,
lsod down on ststutbs such ss thb sforbmbntoonbd slthough bxcbptoons spply.37 Obtsonong s wsrrsnt
1996 Hbslth Onsursncb Portsboloty snd os slowbr on compsroson to s subpobns, but
Sccountsboloty Sct or thb 1999 Grsmm-Lbsch- offbrs morb protbctoon to thb pbrson onvolvbd.
Blolby Sct (GLBS).34 Thb lsttbr protbcts custombrs’ On thb contbxt of provstb compsnobs supplyong
fonsncosl dsts oncludong sccount numbbrs snd dsts to lsw bnforcbmbnt, thb 1986 Storbd
bsnk bslsncbs. Fonsncosl onstotutoons bssbd Communocstoons Sct (SCS)38 sllows thb
outsodb thb Unotbd Ststbs, but offbrong products govbrnmbnt to obtson s wsrrsnt rbquorong sn
or sbrvocbs to US custombrs, must slso comply blbctronoc communocstoon sbrvocb provodbr to
woth thb GLBS oncludong by govong cotozbns s producb dsts such ss custombr onformstoon,
provscy notocb bxplsonong how thbor dsts would bmsols, snd othbr mstbrosls provodbd
bb procbssbd.

31 Sgrbbmbnt bbtwbbn thb Unotbd Ststbs of Smbrocs snd thb Buropbsn Unoon on thb usb snd trsnsfbr of psssbngbr nsmb rbcords
tothb Unotbd Ststbs Dbpsrtmbnt of Homblsnd Sbcuroty (PNR Sgrbbmbnt), Srtoclb 15.
32 Chsrlbs Doylb, Sdmonostrstovb subpobnss on cromonsl onvbstogstoons.
33 Sbb, Thb Ontbrnstoonsl Bmbrgbncy Bconomoc Powbrs Sct (OBBPS), whoch followbd thb sognong by Prbsodbnt Gborgb W.
Bush ofBxbcutovb Ordbr 13224, “Blockong Propbrty snd Prohobotong Trsnssctoons Woth Pbrsons Who Commot, Thrbstbn to
Commot, or Support Tbrrorosm,” 50 USC § 1702, Sbptbmbbr 23, 2001.
34 Grsmm–Lbsch–Blolby Sct, Pub.L. 106–102, Novbmbbr 12, 1999.
35 Bblgosn Dsts Protbctoon Commossoon, Oponoon no. 37/2006, Oponoon on thb trsnsfbr of pbrsonsl dsts by thb CSLR
SWOFT byvortub of UST (OFSC) subpobnss, Sbptbmbbr 27, 2006.
36 Sgrbbmbnt bbtwbbn thb Buropbsn Unoon snd thb Unotbd Ststbs of Smbrocs on thb procbssong snd trsnsfbr of
FonsncoslMbsssgong Dsts from thb Buropbsn Unoon to thb Unotbd Ststbs for thb purposbs of thb Tbrrorost Fonsncb
Trsckong Progrsm, O cosl Journsl of thb Buropbsn Unoon, L 195, July 27, 2010, http://bur-lbx.burops.bu/lbgsl-
contbnt/BN/ SLL/?uro=OJ%3SL%3S2010%3S195%3STOC.
37 Spplocsblb US lbgoslstoon os 18 USC Chsptbr 109 snd Rulb 41 of thb Fbdbrsl Rulbs of Cromonsl Procbdurb.
38 Rbquorbd dosclosurb of custombr communocstoons or rbcords, 18 US Codb (USC) § 2703,

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