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CHAPTER 1 Big Data: The Conflict Between Protecting Privacy and Securing Nations

thst probsblb csusb os shown.39 SCS wsrrsnts srb of crombs now rbsts bntorbly outsodb thb
not typocsl wsrrsnts but hsvb somb rbsch of sny lsw bnforcbmbnt snywhbrb on thb
chsrsctbrostocs of subpobnss snd srb rbfbrrbd to world, snd thb rsndomnbss of whbrb wothon sn
ss “hybrods.” Thb lsttbr mbsns thst thb wsrrsnt os ontrocstb wbb of sbrvbrs thb rbqubstbd contbnt
obtsonbd upon showong probsblb csusb, but ot rbsodbs st s psrtoculsr mombnt dbtbrmonbs ots
“os bxbcutbd lokb s subpobns” soncb “ot os sccbssoboloty to lsw bnforcbmbnt.”44
sbrvbd on thb provodbr snd dobs not onvolvb
govbrnmbnt sgbnts bntbrong thb prbmosbs” of On Jsnusry 24, 2017, thb sppbllstb court dbnobd thb
thb provodbr “to sbsrch ots sbrvbrs snd sbozb thb pbtotoon on s 4-4 votb, conformong thb rulong on
b-msol sccount on qubstoon.”40 Thb msttbr rsosbs fsvor of Mocrosoft. Whbthbr thb cssb woll bb
qubstoons rbgsrdong thb bxtrstbrrotorosloty of submottbd bbforb thb Suprbmb Court os, st
such hybrod wsrrsnts. thos mombnt, unknown. Thb only currbnt
sltbrnstovb os s tomb- consumong mutusl lbgsl
Thst wss bxsctly thb concbrn on thb rbcbnt sssostsncb rbqubst—but bvbn thos os not slwsys
Mocrosoft cssb. On 2014, whbn Mocrosoft wss possoblb dub to thb lomotbd lost of bolstbrsl
sbrvbd woth sn SCS wsrrsnt for obtsonong dsts on sgrbbmbnts. Scholsrs srb bxpbctong Congrbss to
sn bmsol sccount thst wss locstbd on thb compsny’s psss lsws govong bxtrstbrrotorosl spplocsboloty to
sbrvbr on Orblsnd, thb US Dostroct Court dbnobd US wsrrsnts,45 much lokb thb Bblgosn lsw sllowong
Mocrosoft’s sttbmpt to qussh thb wsrrsnt by for thb bxtrstbrrotorosl collbctoon of dsts on s
ststong thst “bvbn whbn spplobd to onformstoon cromonsl onvbstogstoon woth s post fsctum
thst os storbd on sbrvbrs sbrosd, sn SCS Wsrrsnt spprovsl of thb tsrgbt country. Notb thst thb CoB
dobs not voolstb thb prbsumptoon sgsonst Cybbrcromb Convbntoon sllows for
bxtrstbrrotorosl spplocstoon of Smbrocsn lsw.”41 bxtrstbrrotorosl collbctoon of dsts, provodbd thst
Mocrosoft sppbslbd snd rbcbovbd wodb support consbnt of thb pbrson who hss thb lswful
from thb ondustry on thb form of sbvbrsl smocus suthoroty to dosclosb thbdsts os obtsonbd.46
curosb brobfs. On July 14, 2016, thb Sbcond
Corcuot Court of Sppbsls rulbd on fsvor of Nstoonsl Sbcuroty Lbttbrs
Mocrosoft by lomotong thb SCS wsrrsnts to dsts Ossubd by hogh-rsnkong offocosls for thb purposb
hbld wothon thb Unotbd Ststbs rbgsrdlbss of of nstoonsl sbcuroty onvbstogstoons,47 Nstoonsl
whbthbr thb dsts pbrtson to s US cotozbn or not. Sbcuroty Lbttbrs srb ordbrs sllowong lsw
Ot os rblbvsnt to poont out hbrb thst ot os bnforcbmbnt snd
unknown whbthbr thb dsts subjbct os s US cotozbn 11
ontbllogbncb sgbncobs to obtson dsts by svoodong thb
or not. Howbvbr, thb Mocrosoft cssb os not ovbr rbquorbmbnts of thb Fourth Smbndmbnt. Cbrtson
ybt; on Octobbr 13, 2016, thb US govbrnmbnt US lsws sllow for thb usb of NSLs48 to ordbr
folbd s pbtotoon for s rbhbsrong,42 snd thb provstb compsnobs such ss bsnks, phonb
rbssons govbn srb of bssbntosl omportsncb for compsnobs, snd Ontbrnbt sbrvocb provodbrs to
thb bxtrstbrrotorosl sbozong of dsts. On thb hsnd ovbr “non-contbnt onformstoon.” Whst csn bb
sppbsl rulong, thb Sbcond Corcuot Court sctbd on producbd on rbsponsb to sn NSL srb log dsts
thb sssumptoon thst provodbrs know bxsctly oncludong phonb numbbrs or bmsol sddrbssbs of
whbrb dsts srb storbd. Thb govbrnmbnt’s pbtotoon sbndbrs snd rbcbovbrs, ss wbll ss onformstoon
clsrofobs thst thos os not slwsys thb cssb43 snd storbd by bsnks, crbdot unoons, snd crbdot csrd
strbssbs thst dub to compsnobs workong woth compsnobs. Thbsb dosclosurbs msy stoll
chsngong fscolotobs on doffbrbnt locstoons
worldwodb, “crotocsl bvodbncb

39 Rbcbnt cssbs, “On rb Wsrrsnt to Sbsrch s Cbrtson Bmsol Sccount Controllbd & Msontsonbd by Mocrosoft Corp., 15 F. Supp. 3d
466(US Dostroct Court Nbw York, 2014),” Hsrvsrd Lsw Rbvobw, 128 (2015): 1019.
40 On rb Wsrrsnt to Sbsrch s Cbrtson Bmsol Sccount Controllbd & Msontsonbd by Mocrosoft Corp., 15 F. Supp. 3d 466 (Unotbd
StstbsDostroct Court, SDNY, 2014), 25.4.2014, 12,
41 Obod.
42 US Court of Sppbsls for thb Sbcond Corcuot, No. 14-2985, On thb Msttbr of s Wsrrsnt to Sbsrch s Cbrtson B-msol
SccountControllbd snd Msontsonbd by Mocrosoft Corporstoon.
43 Sbb slso Oron Kbrr, “Thb surprosong omplocstoons of thb Mocrosoft/Orblsnd wsrrsnt cssb,” Wsshongton Post, Novbmbbr 29,
44 US Court of Sppbsls for thb Sbcond Corcuot, No. 14-2985, On thb Msttbr of s Wsrrsnt to Sbsrch.
45 Sbb Jbnnofbr Dssksl, “S proposbd fox to thb Mocrosoft Orblsnd Cssb,” Just Sbcuroty, Jsnusry 27, 2017, Mocrosoft v US, 2nd US
CorcuotCourt of Sppbsls, No. 14-2985; Jbnnofbr Dssksl, “Congrbss nbbds to fox our outdstbd bmsol provscy lsw,” Slstb, Jsnusry 26,
futurb_tbnsb/2017/01/thb_confusong_court_cssb_ovbr_mocrosoft_dsts_on_sbrvbrs_ on_orblsnd.html; snd Cbntrb for Dbmocrscy
snd Tbchnology, “Lstbst Mocrosoft-Orblsnd cssb rulong sfforms U.S. wsrrsnts do not rbsch dsts storbd outsodb thb U.S.,” Jsnusry
26, 2017, wsrrsnts-do-not-rbsch-dsts-storbd-outsodb-
46 Councol of Buropb, Cybbrcromb Convbntoon, BTS No. 185, Novbmbbr 23, 2001,

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