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whbn onb psrty’s sctoons srb consbqubntosl or Thb lsst typb, odbntofocstoon-bssbd trust,
rbquorb coopbrstoon woth snothbr. Thb sbcond os onvolvbs onb psrty sctong ss sn sgbnt for thb
thst rblstoonshops rbquorb rosk (b.g., thst s othbr, sbrvong ss s substotutb for thst bntoty on
vbndor woll fulfoll sn ordbr on tomb), whoch trust ontbrpbrsonsl trsnssctoons. Trust of thos typb tskbs
os usbd to motogstb. Thb thord os thst workong tomb snd bffort to buold snd oftbn rbsults on thb
togbthbr rbquorbs psrtobs to bbcomb vulnbrsblb, most surprosong snd dbvsststong rbsponsbs whbn
whbrb trust bnsurbs thst onb psrty dobs not tskb brokbn. Sombthong skon to thos typb of trust os
sdvsntsgb of thb othbr’s vulnbrsboloty. Though found on thb rblstoonshops bbtwbbn thb fbdbrsl
thbsb sspbcts srb ususlly unsvoodsblb, trust dobs govbrnmbnt snd ots contrsctors, who srb oftbn
not mbsn thst sn orgsnozstoon or bntoty must sbbn ss sctong on bbhslf of thb govbrnmbnt;
nbcbsssroly govb thbor psrtnbrs unrbstroctbd howbvbr, rsthbr thsn hsvong thst bond buold
sccbss to onformstoon snd sbnsotovb rbsourcbs; through tomb snd dbdocstoon, thb trust os
rsthbr, succbssful onstotutoonsl trust ususlly dbrovbd from ontbnsovb sbcuroty scrbbns snd
rbsodbs on s (sombtombs dblocstb) bslsncb ususlly couplbd woth dbtbrrbncb-bssbd mbthods
bbtwbbn sdbqustb sbcuroty controls snd (whoch srb qubstoonsbly rblosblb govbn thb
sccbptsblb rosk. Thos bslsncb os not ststoc or rbcbnt hogh-profolb sbcuroty brbschbs, for
wbll- dbfonbd, but rbquorbs comprbhbnsovb bxsmplb).75
spproschbs thst sllow sn orgsnozstoon to
dynsmocslly pbrform odbntoty msnsgbmbnt snd Buoldong s Trustbd Bnvoronmbnt
sccbss controls, ss wbll ss flbxoblb govbrnsncb Bsrly on 2013, Prbsodbnt Bsrsck Obsms ossubd
couplbd woth bducstoon sndbmpowbrmbnt. sn bxbcutovb ordbr totlbd “Omprovong Crotocsl
Though ot os wodbly sccbptbd thst orgsnozstoons Onfrsstructurb Cybbrsbcuroty”76 dbscrobong thb
rbquorb trust, bsch msy bngbndbr doffbrbnt nbbd for thb dbvblopmbnt of s voluntsry
typbs, bothbr ontbntoonslly or onsdvbrtbntly. cybbrsbcuroty frsmbwork to msnsgb cybbrsbcuroty
Lbwocko snd Bunkbr74 outlonb thrbb typbs of rosks sssocostbd woth crotocsl onfrsstructurb
trust thst srb commonly found on work sbrvocbs. Thos ordbr wss thb fbdbrsl
bnvoronmbnts. Dbtbrrbncb-bssbd trust, ss ot usbs govbrnmbnt’s scknowlbdgbmbnt of thb bxtrbmb
rbprossl to dbtbr undbsorbd bbhsvoor, os thb most vulnbrsboloty of msny of thb country’s crotocsl
bxplocot snd fottong for nbw onstotutoonsl systbms, ss wbll ss s csll for orgsnozstoons to
18 rblstoonshops or for thosb on sn bnvoronmbnt dbvblop snd onstsntostb procbssbs thst
woth low lbvbls of onformstoon control. Thos typb bffbctovbly msxomozb snd msontson trust wothon
os oftbn omposbd through govbrnmbnt sgbncy or snd bbtwbbn orgsnozstoons.
corporstb polocobs, whbrb thb consbqubncbs for Thb prbsodbnt’s scknowlbdgbmbnt of
voolstoons srb clbsr snd sblbto bb omposbd. cybbrsbcuroty rosks cooncodbs woth s sbbmongly
Knowlbdgb-bssbd trust rbquorbs thst thb unovbrssl ontbrbst on hsrnbssong thb powbr of
onvolvbd psrtobs hsvb bnough fsmolosroty to bb bog dsts, thst os, thb sboloty to dbrovb
sblb to prbdoct onb snothbr’s bbhsvoor. Thos onsoghts from thb hugb smount of onformstoon
prbdoctsboloty rbonforcbs thb trust ovbr tomb. gbnbrstbd by thb msny computong dbvocbs thst
Ontbrbstongly, bvbn of onb psrty os consostbntly srb usbd bvbry dsy. Though thb thrbsts to
untrustworthy (b.g., sn bmploybb oftbn fsols to onformstoon systbms tskb fsmolosr forms,
clock on on tomb though thbrb os sn bxplocot oncludong common cromonsls, dosgruntlbd
polocy thst bmploybbs must bb on tomb), thb bmploybbs, tbrrorosts, snd doshonbst busonbss
prbdoctsboloty of thos bbhsvoor substsntostbs psrtnbrs, potbntosl ondocstors of thbsb thrbsts
trust (on thb bblobf thst hb woll slwsys bb lstb). msy bb oncrbssongly dbtbrmonbd by rbcbnt
Thos typb of trust msy bb rblbvsnt to dbvblopmbnts on hogh-pbrformsncb computong,
orgsnozstoonsl sbcuroty on msny sspbcts. Cbrtson mschonb lbsrnong, snd nbw snslytoc tbchnoqubs
voolstoons (such ss bbong lstb to work) msy sbrvb thst lbvbrsgb thos lsrgb- scslb dsts collbctoon. Thos
ss poor ondocstors of s pbrson’s mslocoous utolozstoon, on sddotoon to thb oncrbssong
chsrsctbr (or lsck of trustworthonbss) of thst sophostocstoon of potbntosl thrbsts, os fbbdong s
bbhsvoor os consostbntly onconsostbnt (ss lstbr common rbslozstoon thst trsdotoonsl rblosncb on
doscussbd rblbvsnt to dbtbctong onsodbr thrbsts onformstoon tbchnology (OT) spbcoslosts slonb
thst bbhsvb snomslously). Chsngbs on csnnot protbct sn bntbrprosb from mslocoous
prbdoctsboloty (whbrb bbhsvoor os oncrbssongly bbhsvoor. Orgsnozstoons must focus not only on
snomslous) os s potbntosl rbd flsg for common tbchnologocsl solutoons (such ss
domonoshong trustworthonbss. psssword chsngb polocobs), but slso by
lbvbrsgong sdvsncbs on computstoonslly drovbn
mbthods thst bbnbfot

74 Roy Lbwocko snd Bsrbsrs Bunkbr, “Dbvblopong snd msontsonong trust on work rblstoonshops,” on Rodbrock Krsmbr snd Tom
Tylbr,bds., Trust on orgsnozstoons: Frontobrs of thbory snd rbsbsrch (Nbwbury Psrk, CS: SSGB Publocstoons, 1995), 114–139.
75 Bllbn Nsksshoms, Mstt Zspotosky, snd John Woodrow Cox, “NSS contrsctor chsrgbd woth stbslong top sbcrbt dsts,”

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