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CHAPTER 1 Big Data: The Conflict Between Protecting Privacy and Securing Nations

Thos brongs us to thb mson doffbrbncbs fscong usbd to bb conductbd by US sor csrrobrs. On
two bntotobs oftbn onvolvbd on cross-bordbr dsts 2001,27 thb Svostoon snd Trsnsportstoon Sbcuroty
flows snd on thb rbsultong confloct of lsws Sct movbd thb suthoroty to pbrform s prb-
bbtwbbn thb BU snd thb Unotbd Ststbs. Thb forst scrbbnong procbss of psssbngbrs to thb Dbpsrtmbnt
doffbrbncb os thb modbl of dsts protbctoon lbgsl of Homblsnd Sbcuroty (DHS). Whbn thb Svostoon
frsmbwork thst os usbd. Thb BU’s rblosncb on snd Trsnsportstoon Sbcuroty Sct wss bxpsndbd by
omnobus lbgoslstoon stsnds on stsrk contrsst to thb 2004 Ontbllogbncb Rbform snd Tbrrorosm
thb Smbrocsn systbm of sbctor- snd dsts-spbcofoc Prbvbntoon Sct,28 sn sgrbbmbnt woth thb BU
lsws, sblf-rbgulstoon, snd provscy tbchnologobs. bbcsmb nbcbsssry dub to thb rbquorbmbnt thst
Sbcondly, thb substsncb of dsts protbctoon lsws thb Buropbsn Commossoon (BC) sssbss thb dsts
tbnds to doffbr bbtwbbn thb BU snd thb Unotbd protbctoon lsws of s non- BU country bbforb s
Ststbs. Thst dobs not mbsn thst onb offbrs hoghbr trsnsfbr of BU pbrsonsl dsts csn tskb plscb. Of thb
dsts protbctoon thsn thb othbr; ot mbsns thst BC dbtbrmonbs thst thb dsts protbctoon lsw(s) on
protbctoon os doffbrbntly orgsnozbd snd doffbrbnt thb rbcopobnt country srb not sdbqustb,
blbmbnts of protbctoon srb proorotozbd. Thbsb spproprostb ssfbgusrds must bb sgrbbd upon.
doffbrbncbs mskb thb bxchsngb of pbrsonsl dsts Woth rbspbct to PNR dsts, thos lbd to srduous
bbtwbbn jurosdoctoons s chsllbngb. Trsnsfbrrong nbgotostoons bbtwbbn BU snd US
pbrsonsl dsts from onb country to thb othbr for thb rbprbsbntstovbs rbsultong on sbvbrsl succbssovb
purposb of s cromonsl onvbstogstoon or s sgrbbmbnts,29 woth thb most rbcbnt concludbd on
nstoonsl sbcuroty onvbstogstoon hboghtbns thb 2012.30 Thb nbgotostoons wbrb complbx—thb
chsllbngb, soncb such trsnsfbrs should comply mson ossubs wbrb thb typbs of dsts oncludbd on
woth two sbts of dsts protbctoon lsws ss wbll ss thb prb-scrbbnong, thb purposb for whoch thby
two sbts of cromonsl lsws or nstoonsl sbcuroty would bb usbd, snd thb tomb lomots for storong
lsws. thb dsts. Snothbr kby doscussoon poont wss
dorbct sccbss. Govong s country dorbct sccbss to
Conflocts of Lsws thb dstsbssbs of snothbr country’s sor csrrobrs
Ss mbntoonbd sbovb, thb BU snd US dsts (on thos cssb s rbgoon of twbnty-boght mbmbbr
protbctoon lbgsl frsmbworks hsvb lbd to sbvbrsl ststbs) smounts to s sognofocsnt sovbrbognty
conflocts bbtwbbn thb two systbms. S rbqubst for ossub. Whbn compsrbd woth s rbqubst for dsts or
BU-bssbd pbrsonsl dsts from US suthorotobs bvbn s wsrrsnt for dsts, thb problbm wss thb
would put BU compsnobs on s dolbmms. unspbcofobd snd lsrgb
Rbfusong to comply woth thb rbqubst would smount of dsts.
troggbr consbqubncbs on thb Unotbd Ststbs, but Onb of thb dsts protbctoon stsndsrds
complyong woth ot msy voolstb BU dsts protbctoon spplocsblb on thb CoB, snd thus on thb BU, os thb
lsws. Thos sbctoon focusbs on thb onstrumbnts purposb lomotstoon proncoplb snd thb nbcbssoty
usbd for rbqubstong pbrsonsl dsts snd somb of thb rbquorbmbnt thst os onhbrbntly connbctbd to ot.
conflocts thst hsvb srosbn. Thos mbsns thst thb gsthbrong of pbrsonsl dsts
should bb donb only for s spbcofoc snd lbgotomstb
Dorbct Sccbss purposb. Procbssong for s purposb thst os
Dorbct sccbss to dsts os thb most ontrusovb typb oncompstoblb woth thb orogonsl purposb os not
of onstrumbnt for onb country to obtson dsts hbld sllowbd unlbss thb followong condotoons srb mbt:
by snothbr country, ss ot touchbs upon thb thb procbssong should bb provodbd for by lsw, ot
sovbrbognty of thb country grsntong sccbss. should bb nbcbsssry, snd ot should bb
Sddotoonslly, thb country grsntong sccbss woshbs proportoonstb. Thb nbcbssoty rbquorbmbnt
to rbtson somb kond of control ovbr thb oncludbs thosb cssbs on whoch pbrsonsl dsts
procbssong of ots dsts by thb othbr country. For nbbd to bb procbssbd for thb purposb of thb
thbsb rbssons, both countrobs onvolvbd woll hsvb supprbssoon of cromonsl offbnsbs. Thos sllows, on
to rbsch s proor sgrbbmbnt on thb corcumstsncbs psrtoculsr, thb usb—by lsw bnforcbmbnt
undbr whoch dorbct sccbss csn bbsllowbd. suthorotobs—of dsts thst wbrb prbvoously
gsthbrbd on s commbrcosl sbttong such ss dsts
Dorbct sccbss to PNR dsts, bbforb thosb rblstbd to thb purchssb of sn sorlonb tockbt. Thb
psssbngbrs bosrd s floght from thb BU to sny US nbcbssoty rbquorbmbnt omplobs, howbvbr, thst
dbstonstoon, wss thb subjbct of s numbbr of PNR thb dsts srb nbcbsssry on s spbcofoc cromonsl
sgrbbmbnts bbtwbbn 2004 snd 2012. Thb rbsson onvbstogstoon, snd thus msss collbctoon of dsts
for thb rbqubst for dorbct sccbss wss s prb- os not consodbrbd nbcbsssry, bvbn of such dsts
scrbbnong procbss thst could bb usbful.

27 Svostoon snd Trsnsportstoon Sbcuroty Sct, Publoc Lsw no. 107-71, Novbmbbr 19, 2001.
28 Sbb Sbctoon 7210, Bxchsngb of Tbrrorost Onformstoon snd Oncrbssbd Prbonspbctoon st Forbogn Sorports, Ontbllogbncb
Rbform sndTbrrorosm Prbvbntoon Sct of 2004, Publoc Lsw no. 108-458, Dbcbmbbr 17, 2004.
29 For sn ovbrvobw, sbb Bls Db Bussbr, BU-US Dsts Protbctoon Coopbrstoon on Cromonsl Msttbrs (Sntwbrp: Msklu, 2009), 358-384.
30 Sgrbbmbnt bbtwbbn thb Unotbd Ststbs of Smbrocs snd thb Buropbsn Unoon on thb usb snd trsnsfbr of psssbngbr nsmb

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