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I. Objectives: At the end of 60 minute discussion, the pupils

shoul be able to:
a. compares two sets using the expressions “less than,” “more
than,” and “as many as” and orders sets from least to greatest and
vice versa
b. Participate in the activities actively
c. Observe in working with others

II. Subject Matter:Topic: “Compare Me”

Reference: teachers guide, Internet
Materials: Printed Pictures, visual aids

III. Learning Activities:

Teacher’s Activities
Student’s Activities

A. Preparation

1. Prayer
Before we start our class, Kyla please go herein
Our Father, who art in heaven,hallowed be
thy name; front and lead a prayer.
thykingdom come; thy will be doneon
earth as it is in heaven. Giveus
this day our daily
bread; andforgive us our trespasses as
we forgive
those who trespassagainst us; and lead us not

into temptation, but deliver us fromevil. Amen.

2. Greeting
Good morning class
Good morning, Teacher!

3. Checking of attendanceLet me check first your attendance.

Who is absent today.
None, teacher.
Before you take your seats.Arrange your chairs in their
proper alignment.
You may nowtake your seats.
(The students fix their chairs and pick up pieces of paper
around them.)

B. Motivation

So I will show you pictures and observe it.

Yes, teacher
(Teacher Lyka show the pictures)

Which is less?
Bananas, teacher!
Very Good!

How about this one?

Pencil, teacher!

Set A Set B

Which is more?Very Good!

For the last picture

Set A Set B

Now compare the 2 sets

Very Good!

C. Presentation

I asked you those questions because it has a

connection to our topic for today. “Compare Me”

(I will present the guide questions to the students)

they are the same teacher!

Okay class everybody read.

When do we use “more than”?
When do we use “less then”?
How do we know if the set of an objectas many as the other set?

D. Discussion

So let’s back to the picture that I present I while ago.

My question here a while ago is “which is less?”
(students read the questions)
and then you answered is “pencil” Am I right?
Anyone who can answer me why the set of pencils is less than
the set of bags?

Very Good! When we say less than

Yes, teacher.
Teacher because the the set of pencils are only two and the
set ofbags are six
Did you understand class?
Now let’s move to the next sets

ask you which is more, then you answered “bananas” why? Anyone who
wants to answer?Very Good! When we say more thanDid you get it
class?And lastlyWhat did you observed in this sets?Very Good!If
the 2 sets have the same quantity or numbers we will use the word
“as many as”Yes, teacher!Teacher because the set bananas are more
that the set of applesYes, teacher.

Okay I will show you some examples and let’stry to answer it.E.
Generalization Okay, so let us try to answer the guide questions
that I have presented to you a while back.Let us proceed to the
first question.When do we use “more than”?Very Good!When do we use
“less then”?Good Job!How do we know if the set of an
object asmany as the other set?Wow! Amazing!F. Application Okay
class, we will have a game but first I will group you into 4
groups. After that I will give you three papers and each paper you
will write less than, more than and as many as.Is it clear?This is
the direction, so please listen carefully.I will show tWo sets of
pictures and then you They have the same quantity teacherWhen a
quantity or number is bigger or larger.When a set of object is
fewer or lesser than the other set

will compare it, Then you will raise the paper of the correct
answer. Who ever get the correct answer will be given 2 points and
whoever wins the game will have plus points in your quiz.Is that
clear class?Okay class this is the end of our game, who got the
highest points? Good Job Grade 3! Give them a clap class! So group
3 will have plus 5 in your upcoming quiz. Very good mga anak!If
they have the same numbers or quantityYes, teacher.Yes,
TeacherGroup 3 teacher!Thankyou Teacher Lyka

Use less than, more than or as many as in each sets. Are there any
questions?None ma’amKyla, kindly lead the closing prayer.Let us
pray, In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit
Amen.Goodbye class!Goodbye Teacher Lyka!Prepared by

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