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Video Wawancara Ustaz Amri

Okay baik, bisa dimulai kak?, okay okay baik.
Bismillahirrahmaanirraahiim Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Wa’alaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Okay thank you very much sir Amri ehmm for your time this evening, first of all let me
introduce my self as a researcher from UNM pascasarjana, the goal this interview is a complete
the data of my research so please, whatever the answer for my question later suggest make sure
it is a real condition on your teaching practice in your school, kalau bisa nanti apa namanya
dalam interviewnya u may use english u may also mix bahasa and english, terus apa lagi yah?
okay I have some questions here Mr. Amri and first one is what do you think using formal
language in the classroom?, because the title of my the topic of my research is about speech
styles, so the question is related to speech styles, the first one is, what do you think using
formal language in the classroom? By formal language do you mean even in bahasa? In bahasa
in english, okay actually in my class it’s a challenge to use english so in my class I combine
between using indonesian language and english. I don’t know why butmost of the students now
don’t even have a very basic knowledge of english even the alphabet members so I think it’s
yeah it’s itgood, if we can do that but it’s a challenge. Okay very good so u support to use very
formal language in the classroom?. Yup I support the the I because the informal language they
can’t find that anyway. Okay very good. Yeah I think it’s it’s good to a formal style in
teaching. Okay what about your student for example whenyou explain the material, do you
allow your student to give comments in the classroom? Actually I encourage them to talk more
in myclass even without using english actually, because you know as I say at first that they
even have the very basic knowledge of this subject most of them not all of them but most of
them. Okay very good, what about grammatical pattern in your explanation, do you use a good
grammatical pattern? I don’t really care about that actually so when I talk to my students I just
say what the word that cross in my mind oaky soI don’t really care about the grammar. Oaky
okay why you don’t really care about the grammar? Uh how to say that, when I try to think to
much about the grammatical order in my speaking it the word do not come out you know that
the feeling of being verycarefully paying attention on the grammar sometimes we we have the
meaning what we mwan is exist in our brain in ourmind but it it won’t come out because we
think all about the grammatical order. Okay very good so so you just directly say what what is
in your mind yeah? Yeah even though I when it comes out sometimes I regret it because I
relized that is not a grammatically correct, okay okay what about the vocabularyin your words
do youuse a selective vocabulary ir certain vocabulary in in your explanation? Yeah this also is
a challenge for me because in my class I really think about the vocabulary that I will use yeah
why why you really think about the vocabulary?, because sometimes when I have the sentence
in my mind I know when I pay that sentence the students will hardly understand what I am
saying so the thinking process of my speaking will the first I I habe the sentence in my mind
and I I have to find the synonym of the sentence that I have first and you know it’s a challenge
so I really think about the vocabulary, yeah their vocabulary is very pure, okay very good.
Okay related to the language you use in managing the classroom do you prepare a certain
language to manage your classroom? What do you mean by? certain language for example do
you have jargon or what gituh you may use in the classroom, vocabulary template? Maybe, or
what vocab list? For example u want to explain the material u set in the first time I will say this,
in the second time I will say this and in the and of my explanation I will say this, I mean you
you prepare, you prepare the explanationor notwhen you explain the material, the sript?, yeah
the script, no no no I didn’t have a script for my class I have the instruction, I will do this first
and do that next but I don’t have the script for my word. So you just prepare the main material.
If that what you mean? I prepare the lesson plan the script yeah. Okay okay very good. In
expalin? I mean the sentence that ehh?, why don’t prepare the script in explaining the material?
Hello? Hello? Yeah yup? Some teacher when they want to explain the material they prepare a
script to make more structure explanation but u don’t prepare why you don’t prepare the script
do you have any certain reason? Hello? Test? Hello? Ya? Endak kedengaran suaraku kak yah?
putus putus? Oh putus putus yah? tes tes, kalau sekarang bagaimana? Hallo? Yah putus putus,
sekarang bagaimana kak? Okay okay, kalau di sini kedengaran baik ji suara ta,

Do you have certain reason why you don’t prepare a script for your teaching processwhile other
teachers prepare the script for the teaching process? I don’t know it just don’t feel like natural
okay? I think so because in my class most of the class is unpredictable so yeah it’s very
challenging to have a script actually, okay very good, do you know one method speaking, I
mean one method I mean in explaining the material only the teacher in a certain time only the
teacher that have a time to explain the material, do you apply this kind of method in in your
calssroom? One way method speaking in speaking. Do you mean I I use sometimes for
teaching, for expalining only, for just explaining and studentsjust listen? According to you what
is the benefit of this one way method? Hallo? Yah hallo? Hallo? Bagus ji di sini kak
kedengaran baik ji. Tes? Tes? Kedengaran baik ji di sini, tunggu tunggu ganti jaringan dulu.
Hallo? Tes tes hallo? Yah kedengaran bagus, bisa lanjut? Ini ji putus putus yah, kita ulang
pertanyaan ini kak di? What about one way method in explaining the material I mean
sometimes a teacher apply one method speaking, only the teacher that speaking in the class
room. Do you think it is good or not? I actually do in my class but not most of the time so I I
belive that I have to give foundation theretical funding fo my students before they can do that
hello? Putus putus i kak, putus putus kayak bergelombang sekali endak jelas apa kita
bilang,hello? Tes tes, iye iye jelas mi kak, hallo? Hallo? Kita dengar suaraku kak? Hallo? Hallo
hallo? Kedengaran baikji kalau di sini putus putus juga kalau di sini, putus putus di? Kalau saya
sih kudengar baik, bukan ji mic handphonenya? Kalau sekarang bagaimana? Oke baik, faktor
jaringan ji ini? Kita ulangi lagi pertanyaan soal one way method. What do you think about one
way method in speaking, sometimes the teacher in explaining the material the use they on way
method they speak in a classroom and later maybe they give a chance to speak but in a certain
moment they use one way method in speaking what do you think about it, it is benefition with
you? Tunggu dulu Mansyur di menangis ki, iyah iyah. Okay do you understans my last
question?, do you understans my last question? Okay, actually I that method because I think
it’s crucial that teachers have to explain the theoretical fondation for the material before they
tell students to do task or study in group, so they they have, so the students have thir direction
the the they will go, okay , with the subject, okay okay very good, okay so to explain the
theoretical foundation of the material yeah, iye, okay what about the lang language in your
explanation or in your interactionin the calssroom, do you use slang language or do you avoid
slang language? By slang language do you mean if if it’s not a curse word I will use it actually,
if the students familiar with that word I will use it, consider it is a positive slang language, why
do you use positive slang language? Yup ehh because I think the native use it why why we
have to avoid that, okay but if it is a bad language you try to avoid it, yeah I will try my best to
avoid cursed yah, do you explain that this is a bad language or this is the positive slang
language do you explain that?, yeah when they use it I will explai that it’s not good to use that
word, because you know my students or my school is islamic schools so even if it’s not in
english I will consider it not a good word, okay very good, if if you if just now you say that you
use one way method in explaining the material what about two way method of communication?
Do you use also in the classroom I mean the dialogue between a teacher and a stundent, a
teacher and student do you use also this kind of method? I try my best tobuild conversation
with my students but yeah it still hard to do that now, except for some student that exhausting
in speaking but most of my students still lack in speaking ability, okay okay, so when you use
two way method in communication, do you think it is beneficial? At least I make them try to
use english I think it’s beneficial for them. Okay okay very good.

Okay um what about in your daily speaking whit your students I mean in your conversation
with the students, do you preapre the certain expression to speak with your student, or you
speak spontaneosly as u say before? Certain expression actually I try to use a lot of
encouragement sentence like all to say do you prepare the encouragement sentences or just
spontaneosly? Uhm I don’t know because it’s it’s hard to answer because i just speak of two
one of two students that can answer when I speak in english, so most of it, most of my sentence
is actually spontaneosly okay very good. It’s same also when you give them motivation yeah it
just spontaneously, yup okay, what about there is a studentwould like to do a consultation
directly to you in the learning process do you allow them to do consultation directly? Yah of
course I always told them you can meet me in a school even though it’s not in the class. Okay,
do you think it’s the directly consultation face to face or like a dialgue is beneficial? Yeah I
think it’s beneficial because they don’t have speaking partners, so if they try to find me it
means they have a motivation in learning english, so directly consultation it’s also one way to
improve their motivation in learning english? Yeah I think. Okay what about enjoyable or
funny speaking setting do you sometimes make a setting in your classroom? What do you mean
by funny setting? Enjoyable speaking setting I mean it’s ot really formal uh jst like give them
some jokes like that, of course I try my best to fins actually jokes the related them so I try to
find a new jokes for everymeeting actually, do you find any benefit from this kind of enjoyable
speaking setting I mean the jokes? At least I make them think that english is not a scary subject
okay okay, what about in the classroom, do you call directly the nickname of your students?
For example ahmad, baso like that to greet them do you call their nickname? Sometimes I do
that, sometimes I call them with their fullname because in my school a lot of students have the
same nickname so it’s important to call their fullname, but but that’s okay to call their
nickname? Yeah I think that that make me at least make them think that I’m their friend
actually at least what do I want. Okay, what about in your speaking do you use the shorter form
of a language or sentence in your conversation for example I will not do that, I won’t do that,
do you use the shoter form of the sentence? Sometimes I do that but I don’t really like that kind
of a shorter sentence. Why why? I don’t know it it maybe just my perverence okay okay
verygood. Apalagi ini eeh, if I give u a choice in explaining the material or in making
interaction with with with your studentswhich one do you choose you you choose standart
language or non standart language? In teach thing?or you use both of this language standard
and non standard language? I will try my best to use standart language, okay do you have a
reason why you use standart language? I think that what english teacher have to do at least in
class because we as a teacherwe give them a lot of source of learning but at least the language
that they get form us is the standard one, they will the other by by the video that we sent to
them or the book or anything, yeah also because we are in educational setting yeah so you
prefere to use a standartd language, what about a privat language? I mean the private, do you
understand if I say private language? No, fo example sometimes there a teacher call their
students with hello darling, hello sweety, what about you do you use this kind of
languageprivate language? I don’t really like, no I don’t really like it yeah I don’t really use that
kind of endarment, for example anan-ananku tersayang, anak-anakku tercinta, you you don’t
use this kind of language in the classroom? No no I will use another privat, I don’t know if we
can call it private uh excellent students or the kind of or, maybe it’s just a motivational sentence
yah even in bahasa actually I don’t really use that kind of word so it’s really weird and I say in
in english. Okay okay, so you don’t feel comfortable to use this kind of privat language, yeah
for the students in their age, I don’t really find it’s comfortable it’s really weird if if I teach in
kindergarten maybe I will use it, it's kind of weird do you have a certain reason why you think
it’s weird? Because I think thay will feel the same, okay oaky it just weird yeah so you don’t
use it? My image in school is not kind of teacher okay very good, what about in the learning
process do you have a apa yah namanya itu? Personal language for example only you and the
students understand the language while other people do not understand for example yel-yel or
jargon or what is it at least it is a personal language only you and your student understand the
language? No actually I never really think about that okay, maybe when you did it I think it’s
maybe I need to do that in my class. Okay but so far u don’t really use this personal language?
Yeah okay. I think that is the last question about personal language, so you don’t use yah
personal language in the classroom, yeah I don’t that have a kind of language, okay very good,
okay thank you Mr. Amri I think that’s the last question from for my interview thank you very
much for your time I do apologize if any mistakes in my conversation. Okay thank you for
having me, okay okay okay thank you very much, Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi
Wabarakatuh, wa’alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, okay.

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