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कलांजली की छात्रा अस्मि रघुवंशी को मिली टैलेंट सर्च स्कॉलरशिप

प्रयाग संगीत समिति से सम्बद्ध कलांजली संस्था विगत कई वर्षों से नृत्य एवम् संगीत के क्षेत्र में लगातार सराहनीय कार्य कर रही है।गुरु श्री प्रदीप कृ षनन
जो श्री पी. एस. मनु के शिष्य है अपनी संस्था के शिष्यों के भविष्य को उज्जवल बनाने के लिए दिन रात मेहनत करते हैं।।वर्ष २०१९ की राष्ट्रीय टैलेंट
सर्च स्कॉलरशिप भरतनाट्यम विद्या में कार्मल कॉन्वेंट की कक्षा आठ में अध्यनरत कलांजली की पंचम वर्षीय छात्रा अस्मि रघुवंशी को प्रदान की गई है।

यह स्कॉलरशिप १० से १४ वर्ष के छात्र- छात्राओं को विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में अपनी कला में विशेष योगदान के लिए प्रदान की जाती है। अस्मि मध्य प्रदेश से
भरतनाट्यम विद्या से चयनित एकमात्र प्रतिभागी हैं। बचपन से ही नृत्य में अपनी विशेष रुचि के कारण इतनी कम उम्र में प्रदेश एवम् राष्ट्रीय स्तर के कई
पुरस्कार प्राप्त कर चुकी हैं।यही नहीं यह नन्हीं कलाकार अमर रोलर स्के टिंग के बैनर तले विगत चार वर्षों से राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर अपनी खेल प्रतिभा का हुनर
भी दिखा रही है।

अस्मि के पिता श्री रणवीर सिंह रघुवंशी एवम् मां श्रीमती चंद्रकिरण रघुवंशी ने बिटिया की इस उपलब्धि पर कलांजली संस्था के डायरेक्टर गुरु श्री प्रदीप
कृ ष्णन का आभार व्यक्त करते हुए बताया कि इस उलब्धि का पूरा श्रेय गुरु जी के आशीर्वाद एवम् अस्मि की अथक मेहनत को जाता है। पचमढ़ी महोत्सव
सहित प्रदेश के कई प्रसिद्ध मंचों पर अस्मि की नृत्य कला का प्रदर्शन अनवरत जारी है। अपनी कला के माध्यम से परिवार एवम् देश का नाम रोशन करने
का जज्बा इस नन्हीं कलाकार की आंखों में साफ़ दिखाई देता है।हम सभी अस्मि के उज्ज्वल भविष्य के लिए शुभकामनाएं देते हैं।


Kalanjali student Asmi wins national cultural scholarship

Bhopal, 29th January 2020 :

Asmi Raghuwanshi , a student of class 8th of Carmel Convent School (BHEL) here has
been selected under Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Scheme 2019 for training in
the field of Bharatanatyam. The scholarship is provided by Ministry of Culture ,
Government of India for budding talents in the age group of 10 to 14 years.

Asmi is the only student from Madhya Pradesh to have bagged the scholarship in
Bharatnatyam category. Daughter of Mr.Ranveer Singh Raghuwanshi and Mrs.Chandra
kiran Raghuwanshi. She is learning Bharatnatyam from noted Bharatnatyamexponent
Guru Pradeep Krishnan (Kalanjali) since 2014. She has completed her fifth year
diploma PrayagSangeetSamiti.

The Centre for Cultural Resources and Training (CCRT) is implementing Cultural
Talent Search Scholarship Scheme (CTSSS) since 1982 at National level. The Scheme
is aimed at providing facilities to outstanding talented children selected in the
age group of 10 to 14 years studying either in recognized schools or belonging to
families practicing traditional performing arts for getting specialized training in
various cultural fields such as traditional forms of music, dance, drama as well as
painting, sculpture, crafts and literary activities


Rockfeller Habits

The 4 Foundations: People, Strategy, Execution, Cash

I. One sentence summary of Scaling Up

The keys to scale up your business are attracting and retaining the right people,
creating a truly differentiated strategy, directing flawless execution, and keeping
cash reserves to weather the storms.

Note: Outsourcing can be a key enabler of scaling up for businesses. Why not see
how it can help your business?

II. Scaling Up review

While people continuously create ventures, most of these companies stay as small
organizations or “mice”. A few, however, grow into “gazelles”, breaching the $1
million barrier and scaling up to $10 million, $100 million, and even $1 billion.

For these gazelles to continue to survive and scale up further, they rely on solid
processes and form and follow good habits in order to avoid the pitfalls and usual
mistakes of every rapidly growing company. For them, they focus on four critical
areas of the business namely People, Strategy, Execution, and Cash.

From these 4 areas of the business, they keys to achieve scale can be summarized as
follows: 1) attract and retain the right people, 2) create a truly differentiated
strategy, 3) drive flawless execution, and 4) have plenty of cash to weather the
storms. Underlying these keys are the Rockefeller Habits which are ten fundamental
habits that support successful execution of a strategy.

IV. Author Biography – About Verne Harnish

Verne Harnish is a founding participant of the esteemed Entrepreneurs’ Organization
(EO) and chaired for fifteen years EO’s premiere CEO program, the “Birthing of
Giants” and WEO’s “Advanced Business” executive program both held at MIT. He is
also the founder and CEO of Gazelles. Verne has spent the last three decades
helping companies scale-up.


A regular columnist for Fortune magazine. He’s also the author of Scaling Up,
Mastering the Rockefeller Habits and, along with the editors of Fortune, authored
The Greatest Business Decisions of All Time.

Verne is an investor in several scale-ups, Verne lives in Barcelona, Spain, with

his wife and four children and enjoys piano, tennis, and magic as a card-carrying
member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians.

A. Attract and retain the right people

Lesson 1: recruitment strategy and finding “A players”
“You need a minimum of 20 applicants per position (frontline to senior) if you want
to dramatically increase your odds of hiring A players.”

Remember that you’re not going to find great employees on job websites. Create a
recruitment strategy and find a wide range of candidates (around 20 per opening) to
improve your odds of getting a top class hire.

From there, screen out half of the candidates with prescreening strategies such as
online prescreening methods and exams and then interview the rest to screen out
more than half of the remaining candidates. Utilize a “scorecard” which contains
the competencies your firm needs and remember that your candidates must fit your
culture and demonstrate the competencies listed in your scorecard.

Lesson 2: people matter

“People join companies. They leave managers. Therefore, to keep your team happy and
engaged, you need one thing above all else: great managers – not free lunches or
yoga classes!”
Put people in the right places, especially in leadership positions. These leaders
have the job of making sure that the right people do the right things. Once you
have the right people, invest in their development and training and provide stretch
assignments. The only way to grow a company is people first. Spend 2-3% of your
payroll on development.

Your managers must be chosen for their ability to coach, not their technical
skills. As they coach, they should be able to inspire people by reminding them of
the greater purpose of their work. Make sure that they recognize their team’s good
work as people excel when they feel appreciated. At the same time, managers should
delegate in order for them to focus on coaching, clearing employee obstacles, and
think about the future.

Lesson 3: pay people well

“‘Fairness’ does not mean ‘sameness.’ You need to be creative and flexible in order
to keep your top talent happy, from a compensation-package perspective.”

Paying people less than what their worth or in line with some compensation strategy
ensures mediocrity. Pay top managers and staff members well, even if it means
hiring fewer of them. Not only will it help you immensely in retaining your top
talents, you will also be saved from expensive hiring and retraining costs.

B. Create a truly differentiated strategy

Lesson 4: the value of having values
“Finding employees’ strengths and focusing workers on those assets is the most
important people-management tool we can suggest.”

Core Values are the rules and boundaries that define the company’s culture and
personality, and provide a final “should/shouldn’t” test for all the behaviors and
decisions by everyone in the firm. Your culture and values should act like an
immune system that spits people out who don’t align.

Core values, moreover, are the starting point of your strategy. It identities your
organization’s core purpose, why it exists, and what problems does it solve and
condenses the answers to these questions into a concise statement(s). From there,
all the firm’s activities will be aligned, especially recruitment and hiring and
rewarding employees.

Lesson 5: The 7 Strata of Strategy

“A good plan now is better than a great plan too late.”

As a strategy is a work in progress, a small strategy team should be designated to

meet an hour weekly. Moreover, a 7 level approach is recommended to be undertaken
by this strategy team:

“Words you own (mindshare)” – It is important to position your firm with words and
phrases that will define it in the marketplace. An example would be Volvo’s
“safety”. Find these words which you will own and use, especially in creating
content – utilizing Google Adwords and Keywords
“Sandbox and brand promises” – know your most valuable customers, that group which
contributes to an outsize percentage of your profits. Appeal to their emotional
wants as much as their reasonable needs. Also, promote your brand promises which
guarantees to retain your clients and make them want to do more business with you.
“Brand promise guarantee (catalytic mechanism)” – state the most important thing
that you will deliver no matter what happens. It may be a full refund or a
guaranteed free replacement, stand by this promise and make it painful for your
organization to fail to deliver.
“One-PHRASE Strategy (key to making money)” – Focus on one main user benefit. For
example, Apple has its “closed architecture”. Out of all the things that your
customers want you to do may it be best price, best quality, etc., you can only
focus on one main benefit.
“Differentiating activities (3 to 5 hows)” – Your strategy on service delivery and
how it differs from your competitors can either make your business thrive or kill
it. Make sure that your differentiators can’t be done cheaply or quickly or else
they would be easy to copy.
X Factor (or the 10x Advantage) – Find your X-factor or that thing you do which
outpaces your competitors by at least 10 times.
Profit per X and BHAG – Choose a “big hairy audacious goal” that connects your
purpose and strategy. Based on that, create one critical profit metric.

C. Drive flawless execution

Lesson 6: execution is everything: the “Rockefeller Habits”
“Handling a company’s growth successfully requires three things: an increasing
number of capable leaders, a scalable infrastructure and the ability to navigate
certain market dynamics.”

The Rockefeller habits are ten fundamental habits that support successful execution
of a strategy. These habits would serve as a framework to guide and monitor the
execution of activities and make sure that they are aligned not only with the
strategy but with the people doing the execution as well.

At the core of the execution, make sure that your BHAG or Big Hairy Audacious Goal
is broken down into a 90 day focus along with a quarterly theme to rally everyone
around what’s important at that time.

In monitoring and checking execution, remember that everything needs a number – a

determined outcome that is tracker by a KPI. If you’re not measuring it, it’s not
going to get done. Also, put your metrics, goals and plans up big and visible in a
place where meetings happen.

Lesson 7: cash is king

“What is more important, profit or cash? If you’re a growing business, it’s cash.”

Stop saying, “Well, this is just the way it is in our industry.” Make sure that you
have enough reserves of cash as excellent leaders and teams or a brilliant strategy
can’t save a company with cash troubles. Also, companies need cash in order to grow
but nothing depletes cash faster than growth.

With this in mind, you need to make sure that your cashflow is as tight and
monitored as possible. Tighten up your accounting, collect receivables as quickly
and accurately as possible and send error-free bills to clients on time.

VI. other learnings to look out for

Out of the four critical areas discussed, the most pressing of the four is cash.
Without cash and cash flow, there can be no growth.
Accountability is crucial in scaling up. Every goal needs to be attached to a
The “gazelles” that was discussed in the book accounts for almost all of the
nation’s job growth and innovation, making them high impact firms.
Leaders in gazelles recognizes their team’s good works, delegate tasks, and focus
on the future by using data to make better predictions and decisions.
Gazelles are rare even among the firms who manages to break through the $1 million
revenue barrier. They either “stall out” or “screw up”.
VII. personal takeaways
Great leaders and managers play a crucial role in the goal to scale up as it is up
to them to steer the everyday activities and routine of their teams and make sure
that they are aligned with the BHAG. This is why rather than technical skills,
coaching skills are more important for leaders because they must inspire their
teams and keep them reminded to the greater purpose of their work. Their judgment
and talent management skills also plays a critical role as one of the necessities
in scaling up is to make sure that the right people do the right things. It is up
to them to make sure that there are actions that happen but at the same, these
actions must be aligned with the goals defined by the firm’s strategy.
Cash is definitely king. Without cash, growth can never be achieved even if a
company has the best leaders, most competent and dedicated employees, and the best
strategy. Cash enables growth to happen in reality but nothing depletes more cash
than growth. This is why the first area of focus that a company must start with is
The first half of the Rockefeller habits are focused on people being aligned,
accountable for ensuring a goal is met, and engaged in open and rigorous
VIII. final words
While the book gives out the tools and ideas that would help every firm to scale up
and grow further, it must be noted that scaling up is not easy. If it were, then
every company would be able to do it. The book’s title also serves as a reminder
that some companies will make it while the rest will not.

To see how outsourcing can help you scale your business, explore more and get a
free quote here.

IX. what other people are saying about Scaling Up

“Verne Harnish has once again proven he’s the Growth Guy. Scaling Up is packed with
the tools to help you bust through the barriers to growth and climb learning curves
faster. But don’t let your leadership team carry the load alone — multiply your
impact by sharing the book with every employee on your team.”
— Liz Wiseman, best-selling author of Multipliers and Rookie Smarts

“The idea of guiding a company from the small tide pools to the big seas of
business can be exhilarating, but also daunting without a detailed set of
directions. Scaling Up provides those directions, along with a remarkably detailed
map for how to get there safe and happy.”
— Robert B. Cialdini, best-selling author of Influence

“Verne Harnish is more committed to helping companies grow than any other person on
the planet. Really. He’s also radically practical in his approach and that is
reflected throughout this terrific book.”
— Patrick Lencioni, president, The Table Group; best-selling author of The Five
Dysfunctions of a Team and The Advantage

“Scaling Up is a blueprint for building a growth company. With this book, Verne has
pulled back the curtain on how the fastest-growing companies in the world fuel
their growth. Scaling Up gives you an insider’s view into the inner workings of the
most successful companies on earth. A must-read for an ambitious entrepreneur.”
— John Warrillow, founder of The Sellability Score and author of The Automatic
Customer: Creating a Subscription Business in Any Industry & Built to Sell:
Creating a Business That Can Thrive Without You

“We’ve scaled up our company from a single office near Calgary to 2,000 employees
in 165 locations across Western Canada. Verne’s tools and techniques have been
critical to helping us drive and manage this growth during my 20 years as CEO — and
ultimately to freeing me up as the founder to pursue other interests.”
— Scott Tannas, founder and Vice Chairman, Western Financial Group; senator,
Canadian Parliament

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