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The pandemic has held all of us in a state of shock and burden to everyday regimes, yet those
who were majorly affected were the society’s future. The students are one of the aspects
significantly impacted by the pandemic. As the department of education ceased to pursue
academic needs, online learning and modular modality were implemented to fulfill these wishes.
However, the modalities have been allocated with setbacks and flaws due to their sudden
application and heedlessness to other factors. Nevertheless, it has paved through determined
students and their rights to be educated. Fortunately, the pandemic has settled down and we have
received the good news of fewer COVID cases and the imminent instance of our normal lives.
Although, the question arises of “are we still obliged to follow online classes given that the
pandemic has been subsiding?” Personally, with my status being a student, I disagree on further
extension to this matter.
Firstly, the primary purpose of online classes were to proceed classes amid the pandemic, why
should it still be used given that COVID is slowly starting to be eradicated? To clarify my point,
it will be impractical if one would still maneuver this approach. An article given by Asia Society
reported that face-to-face classes were available in each country prior to the pandemic subduing.
On the other hand, our past president stated himself that the allowance of traditional learning will
only be applicable after the pandemic, which further supports my statement that online classes
and other modalities shall not be acknowledged if its purpose was already fulfilled.
Subsequently, online learning has been catered with negative impacts and perceptions the day it
was implemented. Evidence provided by Walmsley-Lockhart J. states that the experienced
adversity of these modalities were the following: Poor communication, isolation, financial
worries, ineffective learning, and higher pressure to students. In accordance to Business mirror,
physical impacts of online learning such as fatigue, eye strains, and mental exhaustion was
observed through this modality. On the contrast, traditional learning should always be
proclaimed as the standard, as it is held with effectivity and generation bounded learning
techniques. An article posted by Helpline PH distributed reasons for the effectiveness of face-to-
face learning were mentioned to effectively observe the communication between student and
teacher, elimination to time and household conflicts, social interactions, and the overall vibe
within a classroom.

Nonetheless, online learning were still favored by others with its opportunity to encourage
independency and creativity to all students. It has also been stated that this approach were
responsible for lesser gas emissions, convenience, and digital competencies. Regardless of its
convenience, its service is ought to be demolished without the condition of the pandemic.
Additionally, innovation has always been acknowledged throughout traditional learning and its
curriculum to teach discipline among each other and the environment would oust further
extension to any contemporary approaches.
In conclusion, online classes have been implemented respectively to adhere our educational
needs. It had its varying impacts to society whether it may be adverse or positive, its purpose to
exist in our condition of the pandemic subduing should be deemed irrelevant, yet ought to be
acknowledged in giving determined students and teachers their desire to learn. As the means of
traditional learning still is the standard for effectiveness and its capability to hone an atmosphere
different from those at home, an atmosphere of determined learners and passionate facilitators.
Finally, the means of education is not determined by place but the reach of interaction, proper
guidance, and effective development by teachers to students eager to be educated.

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