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四 川 大 学 期 末 考 试 试 题

(2021~ 2022 学年 第 1 学期)A 卷

课程号: 课序号: 课程名称:Medical Chinese

适用专业年级: 学生人数:2019521625069 印题份数: 学号:2019521625069


考 试 须 知
Part I. Translation the following English to pinying (拼音), please write the name of these words in
pinying (拼音) (1’×20)
1. Pharmacology
2. Antagonist
3. Penicllin
4. Propranolol
5. Bioavailability
6. Aspirin
7. Atropine
8. Morphine
9. Nefedipine
10. Captopril
11. Median effective dose,ED50
12. Biotransformation
13. Diuretics
14. Antihypertensive Drugs
15. Chlorpromazine
16. Anti-inflammatory effect
17. Streptomycin
18. Sedative-hypnotics
19. Half life
20. Furosemide

Part II. Each question below contains five suggested answers. Choose the one best response to each
question. (1’×20)
21. Which of the following drug is ephedrine
A. 肾上腺素 shèn shàng xiàn sù B. 麻黄碱 má huáng jiǎn
C. 去甲肾上腺素 qǜ jiǎ shèn shàng xiàn sùn D. 毛果芸香碱 máo guǒ yún xiāng jiǎn
E. 酚妥拉明 fēn tuǒ lā míng

22. What’s mean of side reaction

A. 兴奋作用 xin fèn zuò yòng B. 不良反应 bù liáng fǎn yìng
C. 抑制作用 Yì zhì zuò yòng D. 副反应 fù fàn yìng
E. 变态反应 biàn tài fǎn yìng

23. Which of the following antibiotics is cephalosporins

A. 阿莫西林 ā mò xī lín B. 链霉素 liàn méi sù
C. 头孢菌素 tóu bāo jùn sù D. 氯霉素 lǜ méi sù
E. 分支菌酸 fēn zhī jūn suān
24. Which of the following is residual effect
A. 特异质反应 tè yì zhì fǎn yìng B. 毒性反应 dú xìng fǎn yìng
C . 后遗效应 hòu yí xiào yìng D. 停药反应 tíng yào fǎn yìng
E . 变态反应 biàn tài fǎn yìng

25. Which of the flowwing is intramuscular injection,im

A . 静脉注射 jìng mài zhù shè B. 肌内注射 jī nèi zhù shè
C. 皮下注射 pí xià zhù shè D . 动脉注射 dòng mài zhù shè
E .舌下给药 shé xià gěi yào

26. Which of the following drug is hydrocortisone

A . 氢化可的松 qīng huà kě dí sōng B . 地塞米松 dì sāi mǐ sōng
C . 醛固酮 quán gù tong D . 可的松 kě dí sōng
E . 泼尼松龙 pō ní sōng long

27. Which of the following drug is aldosterone

A . 氯丙嗪(冬眠灵) lǜ bǐng qín(dōng mián líng)
B . 阿司匹林(乙酰水杨酸) ā sī pǐ lín (yǐ xiān shuǐ yáng suān)
C . 对乙酰氨基酚(扑热息痛) duì yǐ xiān ān jī fēn (pū rè xī tòng)
D. 醛固酮 quán gù tong E. 地塞米松 dì sāi mǐ song

28. What’s mean is antibiotics

A 化疗指数 huà liáo zhǐ shù B 化学治疗 huà xué zhì liáo
C 抗菌药物 kàng jūn yào wù D 抗生素 kàng shēng sù
E 抗菌谱 kàng jūn pǔ

29. Which of the following drug is Amoxicillin

A 氨苄西林 ān biàn xī lín B 阿莫西林 ā mò xī lín
C 羧苄西林 suō biàn xī lín D 哌拉西林 pài lā xī lín
E 氯霉素 lǜ méi sù

30. What’s mean is adverse reaction

A 感染 gǎn rǎn B 作用机制 zuò yòng jī zhì
C 临床应用 lín chuáng yìng yòng D 不良反应 bù liáng fǎn yìng
E 药物作用 yào wù zuò yòng

31. What’s mean is bioavailability

A 生物利用度 shěng wǔ lì yóng dǜ B 曲线下面积 qǖ xiàn xià miàn jí
C 有效期 yǒu xiào qī D 半衰期 bàn shuāi qī
E 血浆清除率 xué jiāng qīng chú lǜ
32. Which of the following is half life?
A 表观分布容积 biǎo guān fēn bù róng jí B 曲线下面积 qǖ xiàn xià miàn ji
C 半衰期 bàn shuāi qī D 峰值浓度 fēng zhí nóng dù
E 生物转化 shēng wù zhuǎn huà

33.Which of the following is anti-inflammatory effect ?

A 解热作用 jiě rè zuò yòng B 镇痛作用 zhèn tòng zuò yòng
C 抗炎作用 kàng yán zuò yòng D 抗休克作用 kàng xiū kè zuò yòng
E 正性肌力作用 zhèng xìng jī lì zuǒ yòng

34. Which of the following drug is Neostigmine?

A 毛果芸香碱 máo guǒ yún xiāng jiǎn B 麻黄碱 má huáng jiǎn
C 东莨菪碱 dōng làng dàng jiǎn D 异丙肾上腺素 yì bǐng shèn shàng xiàn sù
E 新斯的明 xīn sī dī míng

35. Which of the following drug is diazepam?

A 苯巴比妥 bĕn bā bí tuŏ B 地西泮 dì xī pàn
C 苯妥英钠 bén tuŏ yīng nà D 阿片 ā piàn
E 吗啡 mă fēi

36. Which of the following is addiction?

A 精神分裂症 jīng shén fēn liè zhèng B 欣快症 xīn kuài zhèng
C 药物依赖性 yào wù yī lài xìng D 成瘾性 chéng yĭn xìng
E 耐受性 nài shòu xìng

37. Which of the following drug is chlorpromazine?

A 可待因 kě dài yīn B 阿片 ā piàn
C 吗啡 mă fēi D 氯丙嗪 lǜ bǐng qín
E 哌替啶 pài tì ding

38. Which of the following drug is Hydrochlorothiazide?

A 氢氯噻嗪 qīng lǜ sài qín B 呋塞米(速尿) fū sāi mǐ
C 可乐定 kě lè dìng D 螺内酯 luó nèi zhī
E 氨苯碟啶 ān běn dié ding

39. Which of the following drug is Verapamil

A 卡托普利 kǎ tuō pǔ lì B 硝苯地平 xiāo běn dì ping
C 硝普钠 xiāo pǔ nà D 普奈洛尔 pǔ nài luò ěr
E 维拉帕米 wéi lā pà mǐ

40. Which of the following drug is belong to Cardiac glycosides

A 强心苷类 qiâng xín gān lèi B 硝苯地平 xiāo běn dì ping
C 利尿药 lì niǎo yào D 氯沙坦 lǜ shā tǎn
E 扩血管药 kuòxué guǎn yào
Part three: Please write the name of these words in English (1’×10)
41. 化疗指数 zhì liáo zhǐ shǔ
42. 药物效应动力学 yào wù xiào yìng dòng lì xué
43. 剂量效应关系 jì liàng xiào yìng guān xì
44. 首关效应 shǒu guān xiào yìng
45. 可的松 kě dí song
46. 环丙沙星 huǎn bǐng shā xīng
47. 苯二氮卓类 bĕn èr dàn zhuō lèi
48. 阿片 ā piàn
49. 抗抑郁症药 kàng yì yù zhèng yào
50. 解热作用 jiě rè zuò yòng

Forensic Medicine

Part I. Translate the following Chinese sentence into English (24’)

1. 法医精神病学是医学的一个亚专业,它是法学与精神病学之间的交叉学科(8’)。
Pinyin: fǎ yī jīng shén bìng xué shì yī xué de yī gè yà zhuān yè, tā shì fǎ xué yǔ jīng shén bìng xué zhī
jiān de jiāo chā xué kē

2. 法医毒物分析的主要内容是定性分析和定量分析(8’)。
Pinyin: fǎ yī dú wù fèn xī de zhǔ yào nèi róng shì dìng xìng fèn xī hé dìng liàng fèn xī

3. 法医病理学是研究与法律有关的伤、残、病、死及死后变化发生发展规律的一门学科(8’)。
Pinyin: fǎ yī bìng lǐ xué shì yán jiū yǔ fǎ lǜ yǒu guān de shāng 、cán 、bìng 、sǐ jí sǐ hòu biàn huà fā
shēng fā zhǎn guī lǜ de yī mén xué kē
Part II. Translate the following English vocabulary into Chinese(10’)

1. Not guilty by reason of insanity(2’) - 因精神错乱而无罪

2. Forensic psychiatry (2’)- 法医精神病学
3. Cyanide (2’)- 氰化物
4. Manual Strangulation (2’)- 手动绞杀
5. Paternity testing (2’)- 亲子鉴定

Part ⅡI. Translate the following English sentence into Chinese (16’)

Asphyxia is a condition that happens when the body is deprived of oxygen, Harold Bell, PhD, an
associate professor of physiology at Central Michigan University who researches the regulation of
breathing rhythm, tells Health. “Lack of oxygen to any tissue is bad, but the brain has almost zero
capacity to function outside of an oxygen-based metabolism,” he says. “If it’s deprived of oxygen for any
period of time, it starts to experience dysfunction.”
Mechanical asphyxia—sometimes referred to as traumatic asphyxia—generally means there was some
kind of mechanical obstruction of the airflow to the lungs, Bell says. “The most common cause of
mechanical asphyxia is choking, that is, something gets stuck in the airway and blocks it,” he says. “But it
also includes when someone is choked.”
Mechanical asphyxia is also used to describe “strangulation such as suicide by hanging or homicide by
compressing the neck to choke the person as in the unfortunate case of Mr. Floyd,” Avadhani says. A
person's airways can even be broken from too much pressure, Bell says, leading to mechanical asphyxia.

窒息是身体缺氧时发生的一种情况,Harold bell PhD , 中密歇根大学研究呼吸节律调节的生理学

副教授告诉健康。” 任何组织缺氧都是不好的,但大脑在以氧为基础的新陈代谢之外的功能几乎

机械性窒 息——有时被 称为 创伤 性窒息——通常意味着 进入肺部 的气流受 到某种机 械阻

塞,Bell 说 . “机械性窒息的最常见原因是窒息,也就是说,有东西卡在气道中并阻塞了它,”他
说。 “但它也包括有人窒息时。”

情况下一样 , Mr.Floyd ,” Avadhani 说。 贝尔说,一个人的气道甚至会因压力过大而破裂,从而导
致机械性窒息。 .

注:1 试题字迹务必清晰,书写工整 本题 2 页,本页为第 2页

2 题间不留空,一般应题卷分开 教务处试题编号:
3 务必用 A4 纸打印

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