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The most interesting thing I found about this course was what the course was divided

into. For example, this course is divided into module 1: active reading strategies, module

2: reading for topic… For me, just seeing what I can take from this course and use it

efficiently be better at whatever I do in life.

2. The most challenging part of this course was the critical assignments we had to do. I feel

this way because of online school. It is very demotivating and when you have to break

down an article and analyze it, you aren’t effectively trying to do a good job but rather

just get the assignment done.

3. I think more time spent on critical reading and real-life examples would’ve been ideal.

For example, breaking down articles, videos, books and having different perspective on

analysing the themes and arguments within those examples.

4. A: The portion of the critical analysis assignments I enjoyed the most was the

editing/revising. This is where I can learn how to say something more efficiently. With

the teacher’s comments, you realize stuff like repeating your point. I can take that

information and apply it in the real-world B: The portion I enjoyed the least was breaking

down the articles we had to read. Life was busy like a lot of people and the article

personally weren’t that exciting, so it was hard to focus and give it your best shot.

5. I work as barback in a bar downtown. Basically, help other team members the entire shift.

I paraphrase all the time when having to do a certain task. For example, if I’m helping a

newer employee cut lime wedges for cocktails, I remember how I was taught to quickly

and safely do so. I will relay what I have learned to the new guy to further keep business

fast and safe.

6. An example is when a time I’m on the subway and have a conversation with a person

about crypto. The way they talk about the topic and the words they use is the way I

evaluate their ethos or credibility on the topic. The same qhwn judging their logical

approach when talking about the subject. Do they know what they are saying? IF they

start talking about how they 300% their money on a project to get me emotional and

pumped about it, why are they appealing to my emotions? Are they trying to sell me on

something? It could be real or a scam, I must be smart when thinking about anything.

7. I did not put my best efforts win this semester. I have two jobs, two different online

courses, and I take fitness seriously as it is my therapy for life. When it comes to the

Humber course, I honestly just wanted to get an ok mark or pass. Get my diploma so I

have something under my belt.

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