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Activity: The Self with a Dream

I. Bandura’s Self-Efficacy Theory. Research on the Self-Efficacy Theory of Albert

Bandura. Then, explain this theory and its application in self-assessment.

The Psychologist Albert Bandura (1977) a Canadian-American psychologist

and a professor at Stanford University was the first coined of the term of "Self-
efficacy". His theory is a theory defined as people's belief in their capabilities to
exercise control over their own functioning and over events that affects their
lives. Many People's were believes in their efficacy that are developed by four
main sources of influence, including mastery experiences, vicarious experiences,
social persuasion, and emotional states.

II. Dweck’s Theory. Differentiate growth and fixed mindset by Dweck.

Dwecks theory - dwecks coined the terms fixed mindset and growth mindset to
describe The underlying beliefs people have about learning and intelligence. when
a students has a fixed mindset , they believe that their basic abilities are fixed
traits. However on growth mindset , students believe their abilities and
intelligence can be developed with effort, learning and persistence.

III. Locke’s Theory. Research on John Locke’s Goal Setting theory. Design your
personal goals adapting Locke’s theory.

John Locke's theory is a theory of the divine right of king and argued
that all persons are endowed with natural rights to life, liberty and
property .

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