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Answer the following:

1. What do you know about communication?

Communication is a two-way process that involves the exchange of ideas, emotions, thoughts, or
points of view between two or more people in order to reach a common understanding.
Communication is simply the flow of information and understanding from one person to another.

2. Why do you think communication is important?

One of the primary reasons for the importance of communication is that it helps individuals build
deeper ties and trust. 
It is vital to recognize that communication is a two-way street. That is, although speaking is a
vital aspect of communication, so is listening. So, instead of just talking to people, listen to what
they have to say if you want to build greater relationships with them.

3. What makes communication effective?

Effective communication is less about talking and more about listening.

4. What would our life and world be without communication?

People would suffer greatly if we lost our ability to communicate. Life and the earth would be
very different if humans did not communicate. We live in a world that is strongly reliant on
communication as it is.

Choose an object to which you can compare communication. Be creative in your answer.


People can learn about events taking place hundreds of kilometers away thanks to this one-way
communication technology.
Write an essay about communication and its importance. (100 to 150 words)

One of the most effective ways to engage with others is through communication. Strong
communication skills will lead you far in life, whether you are a student or a working
professional. Proper communication may assist you in resolving a variety of issues and
problems. This is why good communication skills are so important. Effective communication
must be formed in order to communicate with others. and capable of communicating with them
All of this needs good mentoring and self-analysis. We cannot survive without assistance at
some point in our lives. We require certain things, as well as a means of expressing ourselves,
which is communication. Communication is the process of sharing our thoughts with others.
Consider how an idiot would communicate if words were their only means of communication. It
involves activities such as speaking, reading, and writing. Messages, audio, and video are all
ways to communicate. They are all important and useful in their own right. Communication may
help us study, have fun, learn new things, and so on.

a.) Label the elements of communication.
b.) Explain the process of communication as shown in the chart


1. Speaker
2. Message
3. Encoding
4. Channel
5. Decoding
6. Receiver
7. Feedback
8. Context
9. Barrier


The conversation process is a set of acts or procedures taken in order to achieve successful
communication. It includes a variety of components, including the sender of the communication,
the actual message being transmitted, message encoding, the receiver, and message decoding.

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