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07 Social Problems and Solutions Chart

Research three social problems to discover what organizations, resources, or laws
are in place now to address these social problems.

Part 1 – Complete the following chart using information from the lesson.

Problems and Solutions Chart

Was the Social Problem addressed

Social Problem of Why was there a need for reform for
How was the problem addressed during the successfully? Be sure to support
the Industrial Age this social problem?
Industrial Age? your opinion with evidence from

the lesson or your research.

In the Industrial Age

The educational reformers of the mid- Over time, the reforms and
children were sent to
work in the factories
Between 1902-1915, child
nineteen century convinced many movements became successful
with little or no pay. labor committees
among the native-born population that to stop child labor, but during
They worked in poor emphasized reform through state
primary school education was a the Industrial Revolution, it
environments. They
were introduced to
legislatures and, as a result, many
necessity for both personal fulfillment still occurred.
cigarettes and laws restricting child labor were
and the advancement of the nation.
alcohol while passed. This led to a push for a
This led several states to establish a
working as well. In
1900 18% of federal child labor law, which
minimum wage for labor and minimal
American workers Congress passed in 1916 and 1918,
requirements for school attendance.
were under the age but the Supreme Court declared
of 16
them unconstitutional

The Tenement Reform Law of

During the revolution, the
1879 enacted minimum
poor conditions of the
Tenement requirements for light and air. As a
People rioted because of the horrible tenements were not addressed
Housing result of this law
conditions of the tenements. The successfully. New tenements

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“dumbbell” tenements were
tenement house of acts of 1867 was were being built because of
constructed, so-called because of
passed which set regulations for the growth of population, but
the shape of their perimeter.
tenement housing. the conditions were still very

poor. They were very crowded

and unsanitary.

Ministers such as Washington Gladden These movements helped

Gap between Widening income inequality is the
and other reformers started the Social some of the poor population,
the Rich and defining challenge of our time. In
Gospel Movement. This was a social but it still was not enough to
the Poor advanced economies, the gap
movement where in Christians were completely close the gap
between the rich and poor is at its
urged to improve the social condition between the rich and the poor.
highest level in decades.
for the poor.

Part 2 –Answer the question in a complete paragraph. Use information from the
lesson to phrase the answer in your own

Evaluate the effectiveness of the Social Gospel movement in addressing the

important social issues of the Industrial Age. In your
answer, reflect on the immediate solutions as well as long-term effects.

I believe the Social Gospel movement effectiveness in addressing the important

social issue of the Industrial age is high. The Social Gospel
movement addressed problems from labor laws to housing and in many cases changed
the way life is. It was the Social gospel’s movement that
decreased work hours and led to the eventual illegalization of child labor. The
social gospel movement caused the formation of the U.S. department
of labor which to this day makes sure all companies are working safely and in line
with the law. Without the social gospel movement our lives today

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may not be the same, instead of being in school
right now I might be out in factory working for very little as child labor has yet
to be eradicated and
my parents may be working 10-12 hours a day.

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