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The DM Lair

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The Treaty of Clans

A raised disc sits amidst a circle of

collapsed walls surrounding an
ancient temple. The disc rests a foot
off of the floor and is 20 feet in
diameter. Straight in from the
entrance, a path lined by 4 statues, 2
on each side, leads to the base of a
ramp, up to a small arched bridge. A
worn and sun-bleached plaque hangs
to the right of the ramp. The bridge
spans from the edge of the disk to a
raised five-foot-wide column, 4 ft tall,
in the center. The bridge leads clearly Hint Checks
over the four one-foot-wide rings that
make up the outside of the disc. Each
ring has 26 letters in a different
language: Common, Dwarven, Elven,
and Giant.

Puzzle Features
Customizing the Puzzle


Dates and Times

As you climb down the ladder into the

temple mound, you find a round room
with holes in the walls at four different
heights. Facing you are 4 statues, one
of a human, dwarf, elf, and giant-kin
with a weapon each lodged in a holder Hint Checks
in front of them. On the floor there is a
plaque that reads. “On the proper
year, month, day and, hour that our
clans became one, you will find the
entrance to our Sanctum”.

Puzzle Features
Customizing the Puzzle


The Key to the Senses

At the bottom of a narrow dark

stairwell, you find a solid wall of iron.
There is a profile of a face that is a
blending of human, dwarf, elf, and
giant-kin worked into the iron. This
image has a hand up by its chin, an
open mouth, a wide ear, a bulbous
nose, and single eyeless socket, each
with a keyhole in it. A keyring with five
keys hangs from an exposed tooth of
the open metal mouth. There is text
written across the forehead of the
face in Common, Dwarven, Elven, and
Giant that reads: “Unlock my senses,
and you may enter the safety of The

Puzzle Features
Mirror Image

Hint Checks

Face Your Fear

Customizing the Puzzle

Root of the Problem

Jurassic Princess
Fish n’ Sips (Pints and Pisces)
A Late Night (Hag) Snack

Paths of Evil

Reflect on It
Bridge in a Box

A Faerie Fallacy

Grave Consequences
- -
Cackling Conch
Door no saurus

Gno Gnomes Gnicked

Hammer Time

Feline Falling
It’s Jest a Scale

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