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2 Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800


Saturday 12:00 nn-3:00pm
Prepared by: Reymart N. Barro Submitted to: Dr. Helen C. Parcon
Activity: Basic Concepts on Discourse Date Submitted: February

Basic Concepts on Discourse

What is Discourse Analysis? Give examples.

o Based on discourse analysis has its two sides. It has its advantages and
▪ Advantages if discourse analysis
1. Discourse analysis helps researchers uncover the motivation behind the text by
allowing them to view a problem from a higher stance.
2. It is useful for studying the underlying meaning of a spoken or written text as it
considers the social and historical contexts.
3. It helps to understand the function of language and how discourse can be used to
foster positive social change.
▪ Disadvantages of discourse analysis
1. There are different approaches to discourse analysis, so choosing the most suitable
method for a setting can be changing
2. It can be highly time-consuming
3. Some have argued that it is nothing more than a deconstructive reading of a text to
understand its underlying meaning – it does not provide answers to questions based
on scientific research.
o Since discourse analysis is a study of language beyond the sentence, the best example for this is
what we called “communication process” which involved between the two – the speaker and the
listener that has the turn-taking process.

What is the relationship between the speaker and the language?

o The relationship between the speaker and the language is simple, everyone knows that for you to
have a successful communication you must have at least use the appropriate language
depending on the person you are talking with. Furthermore, you will not use the highfalutin
words if the person that you are talking with has a limited vocabulary with the language that you
are using in communication.

What are the goals of the communication in discourse?

o The goals of the communication in discourse are to have a meaningful sharing of ideas wherein
speakers are not overlapping with each other. In addition, speakers and listeners must always
follow the turn – taking process for them to successfully have a meaningful conversation.

How do speakers managed topics and signals to one another their perceptions of the way
the interaction developing?
o The speakers managed the topics and signals to one another their perceptions of the way the
interaction developing is through the “turn – taking process” in communication. Although I
already emphasized above how effective turn – taking process is to have a successful
communication, it is very evident that because of that technique we could avoid clashing of ideas
instead we could grow more intellectually by just simple listening to the topics or ideas of our

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