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Institute of Engineering Mechanics  Chair for Dynamics/Mechatronics

Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. Seemann

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Engineering Mechanics III, WS 2020/2021

Exercise Sheet 9
Topic: Planar motion of rigid bodies (I): Kinematics
I. Pure Translation:
vB = velocity of point B
vB = vA
e e
A = velocity of point A
= acceleration of point B
aB = aA
e e
eaA = acceleration of point A

II. Pure Rotation about xed Axis A:

ω = angular velocity of the body
v B = ω × rAB rAB
e = vector from A to B
e e e e α = angular acceleration of the body

aB = ω × (ω × rAB ) + α × rAB
e e e e e e
III. General Planar Motion:
Fundamental equation:
v B = v A + ω × rAB
e e e e
Translation Rotation
of A about A

aB = aA + ω × (ω × rAB ) + α × rAB
e e e e e e e
see Coversheet EMIII 2: Kinematics of Particles, while rrel = rAB = const. relative to a
body-xed coordinate system, due to rigid-body assumption. e e

IV. Instantaneous center of Rotation P :

The entire motion of the body can be described as a pure Rotation
∧ !
about a particular point P, i.e. v B = v P = 0
e e e
Position of P relative to A by rAP = 2 (ω × v A )
e ω e e

 The velocity of any point of the body is prependicular to the line from
this point to P.
 The representation of the path of the instantaneous center of motion in
the inertial system is referred to as herpolhode, in the body-xed system
it is called polhode.
Exercise EMIII-09/01  example 

Two geared racks are driving an unit of two gears with pitch circles radii r and R. The racks are
moving with the velocities −v1 ex and v2 ex respectively The center of mass of the whole unit is
denoted by S . e e

1. Determine the velocity v S of the center of mass and the angular velocity ω of the gear unit.
e e
2. Determine the velocities of point B and point D.

3. Using synthetic kinematics give the velocity of point A and calculate the position of the
instantaneous center of rotation.
Exercise EMIII-09/02  example 

A rod AB rotates around point O. The position of the rod is given by the angle ψ in the space-xed
system I given by the unit vectors i1 , i2 and i3 . Two discs (radius r) are connected to the rod by a
joint in A and B . The system is built
e ein a way
e that the discs are rolling on the outside and inside
o n o
of a xed circle (radius R). The system K k 1 , k 2 , k3 and the system E e1 , e2 , e3 are body-xed
systems. Eb and Fb denote arbitrary xed points on the two discs. E and F are the instantaneous
e e e e e e

contact points between the circle and the discs.

1. Determine the position vector rEb and derive the velocity of point E
b as a function of ψ̇ and φ̇.
2. Determine ϕ̇ = f (ψ̇) by analysing the system at the moment when the points E and E b
coincide, i.e. rE = rEb holds.
e e
3. Use a sketch to derive ϑ̇ as a function of ψ̇ synthetically.
Exercise EMIII-09/03  homework 

ω P = − bl ϕ̇ q sinb 2
e 1−( l ) cos2 ϕ e

The drawing shows the model of a slider crank mechanism, as it is used for example in piston
engines (right picture). The slider crank comprises a crank of radius b and a connecting rod of
length ` (` > b). The crank is turning with an angular speed ϕ̇.

1. Determine the relation between the angle α and the crank angle ϕ. Calculate the position
vector rOA of A and the vector rAB from A to B in the given (x-y)−frame in dependence of
the crank
e angle ϕ. e

2. Use the basic equation of planar kinematics to determine the angular velocities ω C of the
crank and ω R of the connecting rod as functions of ϕ and ϕ̇. e
3. Give the instantaneous center of rotation of the crank and determine the vector rAM from A
to the instantaneous center of rotation M of the motion of the connecting rod. e
4. Outline the speed distribution along the crank as well as along the rod in a general position
Hint: Use the orthogonality between the velocity of a point and the connection line to the

instantaneous center of rotation. Sketch separate drawings for crank and rod.
Exercise EMIII-09/05  homework 

ωS = 2(D+d)

The inner raceway I with diameter D of a cylindrical roller bearing is turning with the angular
speed ω . The outer ring A rotates in opposite direction to the inner ring with the angular speed
Ω. In between the two rings N rolls are running, each of diameter d. All motions are assumed as
pure rolling. Hint: Use polar coordinates.

1. The outer ring is not moving at rst (Ω = 0).

a. Determine the angular velocity ωS of the center of mass of a roller and the ratio of the
angular velocities of roller and center of mass of a roller .
b. Sketch the velocity distribution of the inner ring and one roller. Determine the herpolhode
of the rolling motion of a roller.

2. Now we have Ω 6= 0. Give ωS in dependence of ω , Ω, d and D.

Exercise EMIII-09/04  voluntarily 

ω2 = 4 ez
e e

A gearbox consists of a stationary gear wheel with internal teeth of radius R = 3r, a sun gear and
a planet gear. Both, sun gear and planet gear have the radius r. The sun gear is space xed at his
center point SSR and rotates with an angular velocity ω 1 = ω1 ez .
e e
1. Determine the velocity of the center of mass v SP R and the angular velocity ω 3 of the planet
gear. e e

2. What is the angular velocity ω 2 of the planet gear's center of mass rotating about SSR .
3. Draw a sketch of the speed distribution along the diameter AB of the planet gear.
Exercise Application Example  voluntarily 

A fun ride (Break Dance ) consists of a disk and four cross-shaped racks, with a cabine on each
edge. The disk rotates around it's center point O. The coordinate ϕ(t) is used to describe the disk's
position referring to the space-xed System A. The racks are linked to the disk in a way that they
can rotate around their center A, while the position of one cabine is given by the point P . The
racks a modelled as rigid bodies. Another moving system B , xed to the disk, is used to describe an
arbitrary but certain point P . P 's position relative to B is a function of ψ . The distance between
O and A is given by R. The distance between A and P is given by r. Furthermore is relationship
due to a gear box between the angles is given by ψ = kϕ, wheras k is a constant.

1. Draw a sketch of the velocity distribution over the rack.

2. Determine the position of the instantaneous center of rotation of the rack.

3. The gear ratio k has to be specied in a way, that the herpolhode is a space xed point.
Solution of Exercise EMIII-09/01

P =instantaneous center of rotation

1. Determination of v s and ω = ω · ez :
e e e
v S = v C + ω × rCS = −v1 ex + ωez × (−R · ey ) = (−v1 + ωR) · ex (1)
e e e e e e e e
v S = v E + ω × rES = v2 ex + ωez × rey = (v2 − ωr) · ex (2)
e e e e e e e e
inserting (1) in (2): −v1 + ωR = v2 − ωr → ω(R + r) = v1 + v2
v1 + v2
,→ ω =
v1 + v2
ω in (1) : v S = −v1 + · R · ex
e R+r e
R v2 − rv1
vS = · ex
e R+r e
2. Velocity of B and D:

R · v2 − rv1
v B = v s + ω × rSB = v S + ωez × R · ex = · ex + ωR · ey
e e e e e e e R+r e e
R · v2 − rv1
v D = v S + ω × rSD = v S + ωez × (−R · ex ) = · ex − ωR · ey
e e e e e e e R+r e e
3. Velocity v A and position of the instantaneous center rotation P :
2R v2 + (R − r)v1
synthetic: vA = vs + ωR =

Instantaneous center of rotation:

rSP = 2 (ω × v S )
e ω e e
= 2 ωez × (v2 − ωr) · ex
ω e e
v2 − ωr
= ey
ω e
R v2 − rv1
rSP = ey
e v1 + v2 e
Solution of Exercise EMIII-09/02

1. rEb , ṙEb
e e

r b = rA + rAEb
eE e e
= (R + r)(− sin(ψ)i1 + cos(ψ)i2 ) + rk 2
e e e
I dr I dr K dr
v Eb = eE = e + eAE + I ω K × rAEb
b b
e dt dt dt e e
= (R + r)ψ̇[− cos(ψ)i1 − sin(ψ)i2 ] − rϕ̇k 1
e e e

2. While E = E b:
v b = 0 because instantaneous center of rotation, furthermore ϕ = π + ψ .

k 1 = cos(ϕ)i1 + sin(ϕ)i2
e e e
= cos(π + ψ)i1 + sin(π + ψ)i2
e e
using addition theoremes gives: k 1 = − cos(ψ)i1 − sin(ψ)i2
furthermore v E=E = (R + r)ψ̇[− cos(ψ)i1 − sin(ψ)i2 ] − rϕ̇[− cos(ψ)i1 − sin(ψ)i2 ] = 0
e e e
→ rϕ̇ = (R + r)ψ̇ bzw. ϕ̇ = (R+r)
e e e e e
r ψ̇

3. ϑ̇ = f (ψ̇)

vFb = vB − ϑ̇r
= (R − r)ψ̇ − rϑ̇ = 0
→ ϑ̇ = ψ̇

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