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 The teaser trailer should be between 30 seconds and 2 minutes
 Can contain a mixture of footage you have shot yourself and
footage you have got from other sources (up to maximum of 30%
archive footage that is not your own).
 Tell the story of your programme
 This is a marketing tool
 Entice your target audience
 What are the stand out qualities of your programme
 Leave people wanting more…
 Don’t give away too much
 Leave questions un-answered (they have to wait for your TV show
to find out all the answers)
 Pick out the main strongest characters from your programme
 Your trailer will rely heavily on MUSIC
 Create a ‘Feeling’ for your programme
 Cut in lots of ACTION, not just talking
 Use editing techniques such as Dissolves, fade to black, rapid cuts,
white flashes etc.
 Work on the FINAL MOMENT… make it intense or comedic? Or

ACT 1 The actors that will be involved with

Establish your programme our programme is myself, Dan and
Jasper and they will be introduced in
act 1 and we will be building up the
suspense and drama into act 1 to
keep the viewers intrigued and
would want to watch the program.
This starts showing the costumes on
racks as the music builds suspense
for the audience.
ACT 2 The chaos and the music build into
Present the obstacles in your act two and it reveals a twist that the
programme contestants are playing characters.
Act 2 will show them struggling to
develop new skills. This creates
drama between the contestants as
frustrations grow.
ACT 3 The tensions rise as the ball is
Crank up the tension revealed as it creates a quick shot of
Fast pace suspense to the audience. They is
Build, build, build … and lots more drama between the
STOP contestants as well as the judges. We
here the last quote of a voiceover
and it will go on to say when the
premiere is starting on Friday at 6pm
on channel 4.

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