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Complete Name: DELA CRUZ, EDVIE E.


Date of Submission: 9/27/22

Chapter 1


1. Are changes in the life of a nation inevitable? Why?

Changes are inevitable, yes. Individuals, organizations, and nations

alike must deal with it simply because it is a fact of life. Those who can
acknowledge this reality and adapt to change will endure. People who can
actively seek out change and accept it will succeed.

2. Why is nationalism a desirable national goal?

One concept of nationalism is having love, support, and interest for

one's country. A nation feels more pride when it is nationalistic. An individual
will indeed prioritize the interests of his or her own nation over those of other

3. According to the Preamble of the Philippines Constitution, the Filipinos must

enjoy the blessings of democracy. What is being done to give substance to
this goal?

Our public forests, mangroves, wildlife, and other natural resources are
considered to be part of our "patrimony" and should be preserved, protected,
and renewed, according to the preamble of the Constitution, which states
that we should establish a government that will "conserve and develop our

4. Why is industrialism a continuing concern of society?

Seeing as industrialism will instantly modify and speed up tasks while

also assisting in increasing productivity, tasks are going to become
increasingly simple and quick.

5. Do you agree with Rizal’s view that the pursuit of science is an ideal of man?
Regarding Rizal's supposition that a man should strive to advance
science, I do fully agree. The only way to advance the nation to the pinnacle
of glory and transform the mindset of the populace is through education. In
addition, education is the cornerstone of society and a requirement for social
advancement; Rizal believed that education was the only way to free the
nation from foreign rule. The nation that is freed from colonial rule is the
ideal man in this scenario. You must pursue science if you want to be an ideal
man or save the Philippines from invasion.

6. What is your stand on imperialism?

The movement known as imperialism was fueled by avarice and a

desire for power. the exploitation of a population whose nation was invaded
and destroyed by strangers. enemies from a remote location they've never
even heard of. And despite the benefits that came along with it, the harm that
the colonizers caused to the native population far outweighs the benefits.

7. Do you agree with Rizal’s prophetic view that the advancement and moral
progress of the Philippines was inevitable? Why?

Yes, because the Philippines' development and moral progress are

predetermined by fate and are inevitable. and once more, free. It will regain
its original qualities and will once more develop an addiction to peace, being
cherry, joyful, hospitable, and daring.

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