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any children start their
a C o m p le te th e te x t a b o u t th e U S w ith w o rd s fro m
t h e li s t .

college elementary grades graduate high

M education between the
ages of two and four in
1preschool. Once a child turns five,
he or she enters the US school
kindergarten preschool private public religious
system, which is divided into three
semesters twelfth
levels,2________ school, middle
school (sometimes called junior
b 4 3))) L is te n a n d c h e c k .
high school), and 3________ school. In almost all schools at these
c C o m p le te th e te x t a b o u t th e U K w ith th e w o rd s
levels, children are divided by age groups into 4________ . The
youngest children begin in 5________ (followed by first grade) and
f r o m t h e lis t.
continue until6________ grade, the final year of high school. The
boarding head nursery primary pupils school year is divided into two 7________ .
secondary terms university Most US schools (about 75% ) are 8________ schools, which means
they are supported by US tax dollars and education is free. The
d 4 4))) L is te n a n d c h e c k . other 25% are 9________ schools, where parents have to pay. Many
of these schools are 10________ schools, where the teachers may
e C o v e r b o th te x ts . W ith a p a rtn e r, tr y to
be priests or nuns.
r e m e m b e r th e d iffe r e n t ty p e s o f s c h o o l (s ta r tin g
f r o m t h e l o w e s t le v e l) i n b o t h c o u n t r i e s .
If you want to go to 11________ , you have to apply. Admission
depends on high school grades, college aptitude test scores, and
extracurricular activities. A person who has completed college and
has earned a degree is called a college 12________ .

In the UK
hildren start 1________ school when they are five. Before that, many

C children go to 2________ school. From 11- 18, children go to 3_________

school. Some children go to 4________ schools, where they study, eat,

and sleep. School children are usually called 5________ (not “students” which
only refers to people who are at university), and the person who is in charge of
a school is called the 6________ teacher. The school year is divided into three
7________ . Higher education is often called 8________ .

2 VERBS ^ 3 educate or bring up?

educate = to teach somebody at a school
a C o m p le te th e te x ts w ith a v e rb fr o m th e lis t.
Luke was educated at Cherry Creek High
School and the University of Denver.
behove b i'h eiv / be punished /h i 'pAniJ’l/ be suspended hi so'spencfed/
bring up = to take care of a child and teach
cheat /tj'it/ fail /fell/ pass/paes/ study /lstAdi/ take /tcik / (or do)
him / her how to behave. This is usually done
by parents or a family member at home.
1 Discipline is very strict in our school. If
Lily was brought up by her mother in a
students behave badly, for example small city.
if they______ on an exam, they will
probably______ , and might even______ . learn or study?
learn = to get knowledge or a skill (from
2 Marc has to ______ an important English somebody)
exam next week. He hopes he’ll______ , I'm learning to drive right now. How long have
you been learning Russian?
but he hasn’t had much time t o ______ , so
he’s worried that he might______ . study = to spend time learning about
Russell is studying economics in college.
b 4 5 ))) L is te n a n d c h e c k . C o v e r th e t e x t s a n d lo o k a t th e p ic tu r e s .
R e m e m b e r th e te x ts.
< p .6 4 Online Practice 161

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