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Universidad del Istmo

Alexandra Rodriguez


Andres Avelino Sanchez Montero

Conceptual map about the advantages of working abroad

17 / 09 / 2022

In today's competitive job market, working abroad can provide you with valuable experience that

will definitely help you stand out from the crowd. In today's job market, companies prefer to hire

candidates who possess a wide range of skills and extensive work experience. The experience of

working abroad attracts employers even more, as it shows your ability to adapt in different

workplaces and work well under pressure. The world in which we live is characterized by mobility

and exchange, especially in the productive sectors. Working outside our country is easier now than

a few years ago, when legal and legal barriers, but also cultural ones, prevented the fluidity that we

appreciate today.

To this we must add that the offers have increased. Until a couple of decades ago, aspiring to a job

in Taiwan or South America was quite an experience and had an element of adventure associated

with it.

Concept map
Concept map created in canvas


Working abroad is an experience that will enrich your life. And not only in the work aspect, on a

personal level it will also bring you great rewards such as learning about new cultures, living with

different people and even strengthening your ability to write and speak in another language such

as English. It is a window to the world; to learn a new language; getting to know new cultures and

people will enrich you personally and professionally. Make new friends, discover amazing places;

improve as a person. And above all, become a much more competent professional. It is the door to

the professional status you dream of. The possibility of working abroad could be just part of a

dream and something very difficult to achieve, fortunately it is not like that, since today it is possible

thanks to the constant communication that exists through new technologies, which It allows you to

be connected with any part of the world and take opportunities that might seem impossible.






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