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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



Pretest. Read and answer the following statements and be able to answer it correctly by
encircling the letter of the correct answer.
1.This is a triple media literature
a. graphic novel b. doodle fiction c. text-talk novel d. digi-fiction
2. This is a Japanese word for comics.
a. graphic novel b. doodle fiction c. talk-text novels d. manga
3. A story through text and illustrated novels
a. graphic novel b. doodle fiction c. talk-text novels d. illustrated novels
4. A narrative in comic book formats.
a. graphic novels b. doodle fiction c. talk-text novels d. illustrated novels
5. An example of this is a Diary of a Whimpy Kid.
a. graphic novel b. doodle fiction c. talk-text novels d. illustrated novel
6. These are narratives written in blogs, email, IM, messaging formats
a. graphic novels b. doodle fiction c. talk-text novels d. illustrated novel

Modern Literary Genres presently used by 21st century writers

Genres may be determined by literary technique, tone, content, or even (as in the case of fiction) length. They are
defined by the general cultural movement of the historical period in which they were composed. Genres should not
be confused with age categories, by which literature may be classified as either adult, young-adult, or children's.
They also must not be confused with format, such as graphic novels or picture books.

What is 21st century literature?

All literary works written and published in the latter part of the 21st century (from 2001 onwards). These works are
often characterized as gender sensitive, technologically alluding, culturally pluralistic, operates on the extreme reality
or extreme fiction, and questions conventions and supposedly absolute norms.

What is referred to as the earlier period?

This period is referred to as the pre-colonial period or the period long before the Spaniards set foot on the Philippine
islands. Most of ancient Philippine literature was really oral, consisting of folk narratives, riddles, proverbs,
sayings, songs, ritual chants, and epics and was definitely community-bound. The expressions sprang from the
experience of the community and served its needs from the transmission of beliefs, values, ideals, customs, to
entertainment. Many of these expressions still survive in our time, having been handed down orally through

Modern Literary Genres presently used by 21st century writers

Today is another exciting task wherein you will learn to appreciate literary genres in the past and how
it is similar or different from today's genre.
What is a literary genre?
It is a category of literary composition.
Genres may be determined by literary technique, tone, content, or even (as in the case of fiction) length. They are
defined by the general cultural movement of the historical period in which they were composed. Genres should not
be confused with age categories, by which literature may be classified as either adult, young-adult, or children's. They also
must not be confused with format, such as graphic novels or picture books.

What is 21st century literature?

All literary works written and published in the latter part of the 21st century (from 2001 onwards). These works are
often characterized as gender sensitive, technologically alluding, culturally pluralistic, operates on the extreme reality
or extreme fiction, and questions conventions and supposedly absolute norms.

What is referred to as the earlier period?

This period is referred to as the pre-colonial period or the period long before the Spaniards set foot on the Philippine islands.
Most of ancient Philippine literature was really oral, consisting of folk narratives, riddles, proverbs, sayings, songs,
ritual chants, and epics and was definitely community-bound. The expressions sprang from the experience of the
community and served its needs from the transmission of beliefs, values, ideals, customs, to entertainment. Many of
these expressions still survive in our time, having been handed down orally through generations.

The matrix below shows the common literary genres in the pre-colonial period and the 21 st century.
Literary Characteristics Literary Characteristics
Genres Genres
Blog It is an online journal or informational Epics These are narratives of sustained
website displaying information in the length based on oral tradition, revolving
reverse chronological order, with latest around supernatural events or heroic deeds,
posts appearing first. It is a platform the form of verse which is either
where a writer or even a group of or sung with a certain seriousness of purpose,
writers share their views on an and embodying or validating the beliefs,
individual subject customs,ideals, or life values of the people.
Chik lit It is a fiction which addresses issues of Folk These literatures were created to explain why
modern womanhood, often humorously narrative certain things existed in their physical
or lightheartedly, It typically features a s environment. These come in the form of
female protagonist whose womanhood origin myths, legends, fables, t ales of the
is heavily thematized in the plot. supernatural, and humorous accounts about
some trickster
Flash It is a style of fictional literature of Proverbs These are terse statements of practical
fiction extreme brevity. There is no widely wisdom based on long
accepted definition of the length of the experience and observations about life.
category. It could range from a word to
a thousand.
Illustrat Generally, 50% of the narrative is Riddles These attest to the wit and ingenuity and the
ed presented without words. The reader richness of the imagination of ancient
novel must interpret the images in order to Filipinos.
comprehend the complete story.
Scifi It is a genre of speculative fiction Songs These are of great variety, expressive of a
dealing with imaginative concepts such gamut of human experiences and feelings.
as futuristic science and technology, They are used at almost every occasion
space travel, faster than light travel, at work, at worship, and at play accompanied
parallel universe and extraterrestrial musical instrument, mostly of the percussive
life. and stringed varieties.

Practice Task 1
Determine the literary genre referred to in each statement. Choose the letter of the correct answer
1. Your interest is more on expressing your story through colorful images. Which literary genre should you use?
a. Scifi b. Flash fiction c. Illustrated novel d. Chick lit
2. Your teacher asked you to read and critique a story about the journey in the space of a 21st century kid. What is
the literary genre of the story?
a. Blog b. Flash Fiction c. Chick Lit d. Scifi
3. Your grandmother always shares her wise sayings about life. What is her favorite genre?
a. Riddles b. Proverb c. Epic d. Folk Narrative
4. You would like to present a role play on the heroism of female teachers during the pandemic. What genre is most
a. Epic b. Folk Narrative c. Illustrated Novel d. Chick lit
5. You simply enjoy expressing yourself by vocalizing and playing the guitar. Which genre are you most fond of?
a. Songs b. Epic c. Proverbs d. Riddles
Practice Task 2
Identify the Literary genres by underling the correct answer.

1. Doodle-fiction, talk-text novel, 2. Doodle-fiction, talk-text novel,

graphic novel graphic novel

3. Talk-text novel, graphic 4. Chick lit, Science fiction, Flash

novel, illustrated novel fiction

6. Chick Lit, Manga, Flash

5. Chick lit, Science Fiction, fiction
Flash Fiction

7. Blog, Creative Non-

fiction, Six-word Flash Fiction 8. Blog, Creative Non-
fiction, Six word Flash fiction
9. Blog, Digi-fiction, Flash

Practice Task 3

Choose 3 contemporary literary genres. Give its similarities and differences through a Graphic Organizer
As a 21st century learner how will you use the literary genres that you have now?

What is contemporary literature? Give at least 6 types. Choose one genre YOU LIKE BEST and explain your


Directions: Read the following situations and follow the instructions given. Choose one only.
1. You have learned that technology is essential in producing 21st century literatures, choose 1 literary genre
in the said period and search the internet for a sample. Print the sample genre and write a short description
about it.
2. Choose one literary genre in the pre-colonial literature that you like the most. Then, create your own literary
piece. Be guided by the rubric below.

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