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Heavy Metal and Health Risk Assessment of Paragis

(Eleusine indica) Grass Concoction from Different Parts of

Laguna Near the Laguna Lake Shore Line
Mariero H. Gawat a *, Danielle Theo L. Martinez a
College of Food Nutrition and Dietetics, Laguna State Polytechnic University

* Corresponding author: Mariero H. Gawat

Paragis (Eleusine indica) grass is in the Philippines has become popular as herbal medicine, claimed
to cure several medical conditions when processed and consumed as a concoction. In this study,
concentration of three heavy metals namely, Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), and Chromium (Cr) in Par-
agis grass concoction from the three towns (Los Baños, Bay, and Calamba) along Laguna Lake
were determined. The health-risk effects, specifically non-carcinogenic, due to the exposure of the
three heavy metal studied for adult consumers were estimated. Heavy metal analysis were carried
out through Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS). Results show that the highest con-
centrations of Pb, Cd, and Cr were found to be from the samples gathered in Bay, Laguna. Also, for
the Estimated Daily Intake of Pb, Cd, and Cr, Paragis grass concoction from Bay, Laguna exceeds
the maximum permissible limit set by Food and Agriculture Organizations (FAO). For the non-car-
cinogenic risks associated with the consumption of the samples, estimated Target Hazard Quotient
(THQ) for the three samples, for Pb, Cd and Cr did not exceed the limit (THQ>1). In the estimation of
the the potential health risk posed by more than one metal, the computed Hazard Index (HI) is less
than one, thus no adverse health effects are expected because of exposure for Pb. Cd and Cr, and
the risk of the person getting a disease from exposure to the sample is low.

Keywords: herbal drink, hazard index, THQ


Paragis (Eleusine indica) grass is also known Heavy metals are found naturally on earth and
as goose grass, is ubiquitously distributed plays vital role for several life processes; how-
throughout the archipelago, and native in the ever, they can be toxic if taken in excess and
tropics (Haber and Semaan, 2007). This plant can bind to and affect vital functions of cellular
has become popular in the Philippines because components. Among the common heavy met-
of its medicinal claims. The plant is used as a als, Chromium, Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury,
remedy for kidney problems and is used for the and Lead are potentially very harmful when
treatment for hypertension; influenza etc (Coo- taken extensively (Baird and Cann 2012; Singh
per, 2004; Lans, 2006; Leach et al. 1995). All et al. 2010). For this study, the heavy metals
parts of the plant are required to be boiled to determined were Pb, Ch and Cd, considering
get its medicinal effect. However, there are no their high potential in imparting harmful effects
studies conducted for the safety of drinking Par- to human. Furthermore, non-carcinogenic risks
agis concoction, specifically for its heavy metal associated with the exposure of these heavy

22 January - December 2019

metals and estimation of its potential health risk transferred to a clean bottle.
when consuming paragis concoction were de-
termined. Emphasis on choosing Laguna lake Heavy Metal Analysis
as the site of the study is stressed accordingly
because Laguna lake is the largest Lake in the The total heavy metal contents were determined
Philippines, known to be heavily contaminat- by digesting one mL of paragis concoction fil-
ed due to its strategic location of being at the trate in a 12 mL mixture of concentrated Nitric
center of industrial hub in the country (Molina, acid and Perchloric acid (3:1 v/v). All the diges-
2011). Moreover, the area is considered as the tion procedure was adopted from the methods
“industrial contamination hotspot” by Green- of Garba et al. (2015). Heavy metal analysis
peace (2011). Thus, determining the heavy met- was done Using AAS (SPECTR AA 55B), using
al content of paragis concoction along the areas standards for Cd, Ch and Pb.
of Laguna lake will shed some light to the
impact of the lake’s environmental condition to Health Risk Assessment (Non-Carcinogenic
health. Furthermore, this study provides useful Health Effects)
information about the possible risks in taking in
paragis grass as a medical remedy. The estimated daily intake was calculated using
the formula: EDI= (MC x IR/BW). The IR is the
ingestion rate, based on the ingestion rate of tea
METHODOLOGY in the Philippines is 0.027 kg or 27 g (Statista,
2016); the MC is the Metal Concentration of the
Sample Gathering heavy metals (Pb, Cd, and Cr) and BW is the
Body Weight of an average human; 60.5 kg for
Paragis grass samples were gathered in three males and 52.2 kg for females (Philippine Di-
towns namely; Calamba, Bay and Los Baños, etary Reference Intake, 2015).
located on the south bay area in Laguna Lake.
In each town, three representative Barangays Target Hazard Quotient (THQ) of the Paragis
were chosen as the sampling site. For Bay, concoction was determined using the formula
Barangay Santo Domingo, San Antonio, and by (Zhuang et al, 2013).
Tagumpay. For Calamba, Barangay Lingga,
Pansol, and Masiit and lastly, for Los Baños, [THQ= [(EFr x ED x IR x MC) / (RfDo x BW x
Barangay Baybayin, Malinta, and Bayog. Grass AT)] x 10-3],
samples were collected 10 meters away from
the shoreline. Exposure Frequency (EFr) is the number of
days in a year for an average consumer, which
Sample preparation is set to be 365 days/year; Exposure Duration
(ED) is the life span of an average Filipino (68
The collected grass samples were thoroughly years). Ingestion Rate (IR) of tea in the Philip-
washed using distilled water and were air dried pines is 27 g (The Statistics Portal); Metal Con-
for 20 min to remove excess water. In homog- centration (MC) of Pb, Cd, and Cr in samples
enizing the samples, equal proportions of grass (mg/L); Oral reference dose (RfDo). For the
from the three barangays for one site were reference doses, the following were used: 0.2
mixed to represent one sampling site for Bay, mg/kg day for Pb, 0.005 mg/kg day for Cd and
Calamba and Los Baños respectively. In prepar- 0.009 mg/kg day for Cr (Sakar et al 2016). The
ing the concoction, 20 g of paragis grass was average Body Weight (BW) for females is 52.5
added with one L of water and was boiled for kg and 60.5 kg for 25 males (Philippine Dietary
15 min. After boiling, the concoction was cooled Reference Intake, 2015). The average time for
down and filtered and the resulting filtrate was Noncarcinogenic risk considered is 30 years or

Issue No. 8 23
10,590 days. lected from Bay got a significantly higher Cd
concentration of 0.309 mg/mL. Also, for the con-
Health Risk (HI) is the sum of every Target Haz- centration of Pb, samples from bay had a signifi-
ard Quotient for every heavy metal (USEPA, cantly higher value (1.605 mg/mL), compared to
2011). This was used to determine the potential the concentrations of Pb from Calamba and Los
health risk when considering the exposure to Baños. All concentrations of Pb from the three
more than one heavy metal. sampling areas exceeded the allowable limit set
by WHO which is 0.3 μg/g (FAO 2002), thus this
Statistical Analysis implies an issue of concern in the consumption
of the studied samples. When it comes to Cr,
All the values reported were the calculated aver- results show that samples from Calamba and
age value and standard error for triplicate anal- Bay exceeded the allowable limit which is 0.05
yses performed. All data were analyzed with (FAO,2002).
the SPSS software, version 17.0 (SPSS Inc.,
Chicago, USA). Statistical significance was de- Interestingly, based on the results discussed,
termined by variance analysis (ANOVA). Values samples from Bay exceeded the recommended
found to be significantly different were subject- limit for the three heavy metals studied com-
ed to post-hoc analysis using Tukey’s honestly pared to its neighboring towns. The results can
significant difference (HSD) test to compare and be attributed to the geographical location of Bay,
separate the means, and significance was ac- Laguna, where it is identified as an area with
cepted at the 5% level (P<0.05). high flood retention service (the capacity of the
lake to store water) along Laguna lake (Faraon
et al. 2016). Furthermore, bigger areas in Bay,
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Laguna are prone to flooding due to more flood
plains along the its lakeshore area (Ardales,
Heavy Metal Concentration 2015). Flooding in these areas causes high
depositions of minerals such as heavy metal
The concentrations of heavy metals from par- contaminants of anthropogenic nature from the
agis concoction samples collected from three contributing nearby industrial areas. Human
towns located in the South bay area of Laguna Health Risk Assessment
Lake are shown in Table 1.
The Estimated Dietary Intake (EDI) of metals,
Table 1. Levels of Heavy Metal a common index for the transfer of heavy metal
transfer from plant to humans were computed
Heavy metal Concentration (mg/L) based on rate of tea consumption in the Philip-
Source Pb Cd Cr pines are shown in Table 2, while Table 3 pre-
Bay 1.605±.01a 0.309±0.02a 0.065±0.00a
sented information on the total hazard quotient
(THQ) and hazard index (HI) of metals from
Calamba 0.340±0.02b 0.086±0.01b 0.062±0.01a
consumption of paragis concoction. Computed
Los Baños 0.313±0.02b 0.089±.001b 0.033±0.01b
concentration of heavy metals from the parag-
*values with the same letter across a column are not signifi- is concoction samples were used for the EDI,
cantly different from each other (p≤0.05)
THQ and HI computation. At present, there are
relatively no values for the ingestion rate of par-
Table 1 shows that for Cd, samples from Los agis concoction, thus ingestion rate used for the
Baños and Calamba show no significant dif- computations was for tea consumption in the
ference and did not exceed the recommended Philippines.
limit set by WHO which is 0.10 μg/g (Food and
Agriculture Org., 2001), However, samples col-

24 January - December 2019

Table 2. Estimated Daily Intake

(EDI mg/k glow)

Sample Source Lead Cadmium Chromium
Male Female Male Female Male Female
Bay 0.71 b 0.83 b 0.14 b 0.16 b 0.03 a 0.03 a
Calamba 0.08 a 0.09 a 0.04 a 0.04 a 0.01 a 0.02 a
Los Baños 0.19 a 0.22 a 0.04 a 0.05 a 0.02 a 0.02 a
Maximum Permissible Limit (MPL) 10mg/kgbw 0.3mg/kgbw 1.3mg/kgbw

*values with the same letter across a column are not significantly different from each other (p≤0.05)

Table 2 shows the computed EDI for each heavy pling areas. The computed EDI for the samples
metal. For Pb and Cd, EDI for samples collected shows that all paragis concoction from the three
from Bay were significantly higher for male and areas had an EDI value not exceeding the MPL
female, than in samples collected from Calam- for Pb, Cd and Cr set by WHO, this signifies that
ba and Los Baños. The result was expected for the studied paragis concoction, its consump-
due to the significantly higher concentration of tion does not indicate potential health risks to
Pb and Cd from the samples from Bay. On the consumers.
other hand, for the Cr, there were no significant
differences in EDI values from different sam-

Table 3. Total Hazard Quotient

Lead Cadmium Chromium HI
Sample M F Ave M F Ave M F Ave M F Ave

Los Baños 0.02 0.03 0.025 0.004 0.005 0.0045 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.105 0.037 0.071
Bay 0.08 0.09 0.085 0.015 0.018 0.0165 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.098 0.111 0.1045
Calamba 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.004 0.005 0.0045 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.016 0.017 0.0165

M-Male F-Female HI-Hazard Intake

Using the THQ guidelines set by USEPA (2011), different parts of Laguna lake showed no pos-
the computed THQ for the individual heavy met- sible health risk based on the computed THQ.
als in the paragis concoction studied were all Thus, there is no significant health implications
below the limit (<1). Correspondingly, the effect to the exposed population during a given life-
of the consumption of more than 1 heavy metal time (USEPA, 2011). Currently, the result adds
(Pb, Cd and Cr) expressed as HI value for the up to the health risk studies conducted for the
three metals were all less than one. consumption of tea and infusions, having the
same result of no potential health risk (Zhang
et al, 2018; Patrick-Iwuanyanwu and Udowelle,
CONCLUSION AND 2017). It is recommended that further study on
RECOMMENDATIONS concentrations of heavy metal based on the ma-
turity of paragis grass be conducted for bever-
The results of the study reveal that for the giv- age preparations
en heavy metal concentration from the different
sampling sites, paragis concoction from the

Issue No. 8 25

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