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'.1 '·•¥ffi - ------ MODS
__,,_~ ·- ZERTA
- -
NI --~ ETO
---- BEVEZ
- · . · -- . --· ~ -
s. mazas/k ozleked es 13.Med ia
• Gepjarmuvezetes/ ki:izleked~si ~zabalyok • Napilapo kjellege , rovataik
• Ki:izlekedes gyalogosan, kere~paron • Szenzaci6 es hirktizles
• Ki.ilfi:ildi utazasok celja/ forma1
14. Bobbi
6. Vasarlas/iizletek • Mukedvel6i teveken yseg
• vasarlasi szokasok / reklam, hirdetes • Egyeslile tek (sport, kulturalis, szakmai)
• Aruhazlancok/ csomagki.iid6 szolgalat • Hobbi es munka
• Kis boltok kontra bevasar16kozpontok • Modern/ killtinleges hob bi
7. Kommu nikaci6/ kapcsola ttartas 15. Tanula s/munk a
• A mobiltelefon terjedesenek okai • Nyelvtudas / szakkep zettseg/ karrier
• A nyelvtudas szerepe a kommunikaci6ban • Eselyegyen16seg a tanulasb an, elhelyez kedesne l
• Az angol nyelv er6sod6 dominanciaja
• A munkanelktiliseg kerdese
8. Szolgaltatasok • Csereprogramok/ klilfoldi tiszttindijak/ reszkepz esek
• Uj tanulasi formak
• Aut6berles/ utazasi irodak
• Javitasok/ garancia 16. Az Eur6pai Uni6
9.Kultu ra/sz6ra kozas • Munkavallalas az EU-ban
• Nyelvoktatas/ nyelvtud as/ elhelyez kedesi eselyek az EU-ban
• Konyv kontra internet
• Mozi, szinhaz kontra TV, video, DVD 17. Orszagi smeret (A forras- es a celnyelv i orszag)
• Az Internet es a kozossegi oldalak • Nepesse ge/nemz etisegei
10. Ido/idoj aras • Ttirtenelmi hagyom anyai/k ulturalis ertekei/ muemlekei
• Muvesze tijnepra jzi sajatoss agai
• Az e16rejelzesek szerepe, pontossa ga
• A klima es a noveny- / allatvilag osszefi.iggesei 18. Kozelet
11. Egeszse g/betegs egek • Ktizintezmenyek/ szemely es okmany ok
• Ktizbiztonsag
• Ambulancia/ k6rhaz/ szakorvosok • Nemzeti unnepek
• Terme:z~tgy6~aszat/ gy6gyszerek
• Megelozes/ szur6vizsgalatok 19. Kornye zetvede lem
• Egeszseges taplalkozas • Ktirnyezeti artalmak (leveg6, viz, talaj stb.)
12.Spor t • Szelektiv hulladek gyujtes
• Ujrahasz nositas
• Sportolas / egeszseges eletm , d/ , • Alternat iv energiaf orrasok
• Labdaspo rtok/ csapatja tekoi; • ,v~:zelye~/ extrem sportok
• Vi~i sportok/ teli sportok Jate -szabalyok 20. Aktuali s temak/ esemen yek
• Ol!mpiak • Ktizelet/ politika/ civil szerveze tek
• Gazdasa g
• Muvesze tek
• Sport
, d t rok tobbfele m6don hasznalhat6k:
.. nyvben taialhato_fela leh
Ako · ' Im egy-agyso tesztet' mintegy szimulalva a val6s _et egy
biok kban megcsm~ k . dee lehet a vizs ga egye s
resz e1t
. v1zs g· hogy ne toltson sok idot sz6tarozassal, inkabb tama
figyelve az id6korlato ra, gyak orlasi c 'l at, szkodjon a mar j61 begy-
e ta is akorolt es tobbszor hasznalt sz6fordulatokra.
, , . tafogalmazasok a fel keszu
, ..1, ,
est es gyakorla st A fogalmazas jellegu feladatoknal nagy on fonto
A megoldokulcs e~ a ~ 1~en ezek megtekintese
a feladato k meg olda s a logikus gondolatmenet. A vazlat (ha keszill s a forma, a szerkesztes es
egya. ilyen
rant segftik. Termesze e
a Utan badon megfogalmazott, de a vegs6 frasmunek ) lehet egyszeru es sza-
j61 megszerkesztettnek kell
javasolt. lennie es valamennyi iranyftasi szem pont ot tarta
. . n olvassa el a feladatok utasitasait! lmaznia kell. Gyakori hiba,
hogy mennyisegileg megvan a feladat, de nem
Mmdig figye1mese a
vagy nem mindr61 sz61. Ne feledkezzen el a szovmegadott temapontokr61,
zatos szovegkohezi6s eszkozok eg tagolasar61 es a valto-
hasz nalatar61
otvasaskeszseg nyelvtani szerkezeteket es sz6kincset kell hasz sem. Ne feledje, hogy olyan
•k leggyakoribb feladattipus a hianyos szoveg
kieg eszi val6ban B2-es szintu a nyelvtudasa. Az fraskeszs ia, mely bizonyftja, hogy
Az egyi kk tese meg ad lag helyes mondatok egymasutanisagatjelenti, eg nem csupan nyelvtani-
mondatokk al , mellekmondatokkal, szava al, .1·11etve k'" . ezes
11eJ ' ekkel.
A s Ott
.. hanem egyseges, j61 felepf-
veg gyors atolvasasa utan erdemes a nye1vtar,n szerkezeteket (pl. igeidokzo- tett, gordulekeny szoveg letre hoza sana k a kepe
vonzatokat stb.}, a sz6fajokat, 1lle~ k . ,
~ az uta1aso ~t 1s ~tgondolni, segitenek et, frasara kell torekedni es tart6zkodni kell a kozosseget is. Egesz mondatok
a megoldasban. Fontos hogy kiz~:JU~ a tartalm1 elterjedt roviditesek (pl. lo/, pis stb.) es szleng kifej i media.ban rendkfvul
1 lag. es nyelvtanilag bizto- ezesek hasznalatat61.
san nemj6 valaszokat. Erde ~.~s el~szo:. az~~l kez~ Mivel az fraskeszseg feladatoknal szempont a
sabbak vagyunk es utana k1toltern a tobb1 ures ern, ame~yb~n a legbiztoc helyesfras es a nyelvhelyes-
resz seg, ugy ossza be idejet, hogy
ellen6rizni kell, hogy a kivalasztott megoldas tarta t: A vegso dontes elott mar adjo n id6 az
valtoztatasokra. Nagyon fontos az olvashat6 fraskatnezesre es az esetleges
lm1lag es nyelvileg illik-e ep is.
a szovegkornyezetbe, szerves folytatasa-e az el6z
6 mondatnak, illetve kap-
csol6dik-e hozza a kovetkez6 szovegresz. Beszedertes
Ha a szoveghez kapcsol6d6 kerdesekre kell vala Mindket szoveg meghallgatasa elott van id6
szolni, torekedjen a rovid, a felad
par szavas valaszra. Erdemes el6sz6r csak atfu
tni a szovegen, hogy kepet ni, es fgy a szoveg tartalmaval kapcsolatban viszo atokkal megismerked-
kapjunk a temar61, majd ezt k6vet6en figyelm nyerhetoek. Figyelme nylag pontos informaci6k
esen elolvasni. A kerdesek el- sen hallgassa meg , illetv e olvassa el a feladat lefra-
olvasasa utan erdemes ujb61 elolvasni a szoveget sat, hiszen ebb61 megtudja, hogy mi a szoveg
es beazonositani azokat tema
a reszeket, ahol a valaszokat talalhatjuk. Nern koveti a szovegben torten6 elofordulasukat. Mind ja. Afeladatok sorrendje
a sz6 szerinti kimasolas a eel, ig arra kell koncentralni,
hanem a kerdesekre a sajat szavainkkal adott vala hogy mit ertettek meg a sz6vegb61, es nem arra
6k felhasznalasaval. Aszovegben szepen el6re
sz, a szovegbeli informaci- ronthatja a teljesftmenyt. Fontos, hogy ne blok , hogy mit nem, mert ez le-
haladva, sorrendben talalha- koljon le, ha valamit nem ert.
t6k a valaszok az adott kerdesekre, ezert ha mar A feleletvalaszt6s feladatoknal pr6balja szukfteni
egy-ket kerdesre megvan
a valasz, konnyebb beazonositani, hogy hol tala
lhat6 a tobbi. Fontos, hogy kat, azonosftsa be a temat es az informaci6t, eset a lehetseges megoldaso-
tenyleg a kerdesre valaszoljon, ezert figyeljen a
kerd6szavakra, hiszen azok a kulcsszavakat. Aszoveg hallgatasa kozben jegyleg huzza ala a feladatban
segitik a valasz megtalalasat. velt informaci6kat, jelolheti, hogy mire kell figye zetelhet, lefrhat fontosnak
lnie a masodik meghallga-
A mondatki.eges~iteses feladatok megoldasaho tas saran.
z igyekezzen beazonositani,
hogy hol es1k szo az adott temar61 a szovegben Amennyiben hianyos szoveget kell kiegeszftenie
illetve tamaszkodjon a meg- , figyelmesen olvassa el es
adott nyelvtani szerkezetekre. ' ertelmezze a mondatot es i.igyeljen arra, hogy vala
sza nyelvtanilag es tartal-
milag is megfelel6 legyen.
iraskeszseg Afeladatok vegen mindig van egy kis id6 valaszain
ak veglegesitesere.
:i:~~e~~~va tzs~are~z~en is ket feladatot kell meg olda nia, kezdje a kony-
a · Bar szotar a feladatok megoldasahoz hasz
nalhat6, fontos,
• Beszedkeszseg

.. . .

. -~ ,· .5 <,tlt!E R fi
, ha kivanja, ajelentkezeskor kiv

- - 11!:1

A vizsga parban zaJlik. ~ vi~s 20
. sgaz, o•t_a' at Av1zsgar~al -'nd
en esetben hangfelvetel keszu.L Fontos
ja a v1z r~ · . . eno ere tt ..
hogy a vi~sg_azo~ te!f:~1~a al egyik pontszamok nem fuggnek a vizsga-,
vizsgaz6 tul sokat, vagy tul kevese
z6ta rs t be-
telies~tm e~y ke, 0

szel, a v1zsgaztato er es el sem
, ekk t az egyensuly megteremteseben . Reading )

• , d t· vi·zsg
Els o11eaa .a 't6 az6k kozott kotetlen beszelgetes, ill. bemutatkozas.
Ez egy feladat melyet nem pontoznak, a 'h
·bemecelegi , ra angolo' d-'aso
- n van
a hangsu1y.
'lszen'.i egyszen 1 kerdesekkel k,eszu·· 1m,. melyeket a t, ,
arsanak fel
tud tenni, hogy val6di parbeszed alak . k. Part1
ulJon 1.
Masodik feladat: parbeszed ket vizs
gaz6 kozott egy ~dott temar6L A
gaz6nak beszelgetes t kell folytatn ia vizs-
temakoreinek egyiker61. Fontos, hog az_ ECL ny:lvv1zs_garendszer s~6beli You are going to read an art
ervelni, kerdezni, erdekl6dni, gondol tenyleg parbeszed legyen, tudJanak icle abo
some parts of the text are missin ut walking as a form of exercise bu t
atsort kifejteni es tovabb vinni, g.
jenek ellentmondani, ha val 6ba n nem ertenek egyet a beszelget6tarsukka
me r- space (1-10). There are more pos Find the right part to each blank
Torekedjen aktiv reszvetelre a beszel L sible parts given than you nee
your d. Giv
reagaljon az altala elmondottakra, leg esben es figyeljen a vizsgaz6tarsra,
ans we rs in the grid bel ow . There is an example already don e
yenek kerdesei. Szinten fontos, hog you. e for
ne csak igennel vagy nemmel feleljen y
a vizsgaz6tarsa kerdeseire .
Harmadik feladat: kor ulb elul 3 per Walk rather than run
egymas utan elmondjak a gondolatai monol6g egy temar6L A vizsgaz6k
csan. A temakorok szinten az ECL viz egy temar6l egy kepmontazs kap- If you want to stay healthy, you
know that you hav e to (0)
sgarendsz even if you do not want to join a ............
gym and if you struggle (1) ............. And
er tem ako rei kozul ker .......
ki. Fontos, hogy itt mar nem par ulnek
beszed zajlik, hanem annak bebizo you hav e alw ays though ....., and
hogy a vizsgaz6 a szintne nyi tasa t tha t wa
k me gfe lel6 sz6kinccsel es nyelvtani szerkezete , set those fears aside; wa
lkin g is not enough to improve your hea
kel kepes az adott temar6l logikusan k- lking app ear
letes leirasa a feladat, azok csak seg pitve beszelni. Nern a kepek resz- as running. There is a growing agr s to bestow all the same health benefits
ithetnek a temar6l onall6an beszeln
i. offered (3) .................. and gained by ent (2) ............. ..... the physical activities
Afeladat vegen a vizsgaztat6 tehet running are not the only ways to
meg fel kerdeseket. health, or even necess arily the better
bes t ways. In fact, the best thing you
according to the experts, may be can do,
to walk.
Just walk,(4) .................. , about
five to six kilometres per hou
approximately half an hour five
to six times a week. You may not r, for
benefits immediately, but the evi feel the
dence suggests that over the lon
regular walking rou g term ,
tine can do a wo rld of good. In a new study publish a
in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and ed
out to be healthier than those wh cular Biology, regular walkers turned
o run regularly. Risk for hyperte
high cholesterol, diabetes, and hea nsion,
rt disease all dropped more sig
(5) .................. , compared wit
h runners. Runners, for instan nificantly
their risk of heart disease by abo ce, red uced
ut 4.5 percent if they ran an hou
Walkers who used (6) ............. ..... per r a day.
day reduced their risk of hea rt dis
by more than 9 percent. Walking is
also said to lower your risk of stro ease
osteoporosis, and even be useful ke and
in treating depression.
Walking may be the best exercise for (7) .....:............. First. of all, it is one of the
safest things you can do with your body. It 1s m~ch easier on t~e kne~s than
running, and does not gen~rally (8) ·················:· Regul~r physical activity is
probably as close to a magic bullet as ~e will ~o~e m modern medicine,
"says Dr JoAnn Manson, chief of pre~ent1ve med1cme at Ha~vard's Brigham You are going to read an article about how to spend your holiday in
and Women's Hospital. "If everyone m the US (9) .................. bnskly 30 minute your hometown. After reading this article, finish the sentences on the
a day, we could cut the incidence of many diseases by 30% to 40%." In th s basis of the text. Use a maximum of seven words. There is an example
United States obesity might even take over from cigarette smoking as the done for you.
leading cause of preventable death. e
In order to exercise for good health and extended lifespan walking is What to do on a staycation
id.eal form of exercise. So you may want to consider an after-dinner str~~ More and more people are taking the increasingly popular and fun stay-at-
with your family (10) .................. as well as your own. home-vacation, or the "staycation". Staycation is really nothing more than a
Possible missing parts: fancy term for spending your holiday at home. Since people tend to dismiss
local sites or assume they will go there some day, there are bound to be
0 the same amount of energy places around us we have not explored or activities we have not tried.
6) among walkers Some of the benefits of a staycation include not having to spend money on
(I doing aerobics airline tickets, or hotels, and being able to enjoy holiday activities during
0 to find motivation to run the time you save by not travelling, as well as the certain knowledge that no
4) daily walks airline will cancel your holiday or lose your luggage.
t) trigger unpleasant side effects The trick to enjoying a staycation is to deviate from daily routines and
0 at a reasonably vigorous speed truly make it a vacation. You must not do any household chores, but eat
mvarious reasons out instead of cooking, forget your daily routine and relax. Some go about
this very seriously, even packing a suitcase for their fortnight off work to
G rlo m.ore exercise discover areas of their own city, while others go about it in a more relaxed
0 were to walk way. Whichever type of staycationer you belong to, you should plan ahead
0 to protect their health for things to do on your staycation. Here are some suggestions:
41 among researchers that Pretending to be a tourist, visit your local museums, botanical gardens, and
G by most health clubs zoos. Download an application on your mobile and go for a guided walk to
look at the historical buildings of your city. Like holidaymakers with time
tB 1. 2. I 3. I 4. I 5. I 6. I 7. I 8. I 9. 110. I
on their hands, walk the streets to experience and thoroughly enjoy the
architectural gems they offer.
There are numerous ways you can enjoy the water. For a swim, you can
go to the beach. If you do not live at the seaside or lakeside, visit the local
10 pant aquapark or the community swimming pool. For relaxing and sightseeing,
take a little cruise or rent a paddle boat. Most lakes and rivers offer dinner
or sightseeing cruises that run in the summer.
To stay in shape without too much effort, take a hike. You know that walkin g
is good exercise, so find a park or sce~1~ area ~n~ plan a long walk. To enjoy 7. I Long walks are both
the experience even more, pack a delicious p1crnc lunch and lemon
For family entertainment, play golf. If you are not _
a golfer, take your family
to the neares t miniature golf course and negot iate bould ers 8. I On a miniature golf course you can encou nter moving obstacles
and water
hazards, and even joust with windmills. When it's. too ~ot such as
outside, go
bowling together. You may also want to take up tenms agam,
or if it is too
hot outside, play squash.
Watching a local ballgame is always fun. Wheth er it is footba
9. I Experiencing the friendliness surrou nding you and
ll, baske tball or
water polo, there is bound to be a match worth watch ing at the add to the pleasu re of neighbourhood sports events .
weekend. Go
and cheer for your local team and enjoy the comm unity spirit.
10. I Staycationers should wear elegan t clothes
For indoor entert ainme nt, go to the cinem a or the theatr e instea d of
streaming or watching TV. You will be able to enjoy a 3D exper ience with
popcorn, or alternatively, you can enjoy dressi ng up for the theatr
e, opera
or ballet and dinne r afterw ards. 10 pont
0. I Example:
Staycation is a word used to describe:
spending your holiday at home. Writing
1. I Some people do not visit local sites becau se they think
2. I One of the advan tages of stayca tions is Partl
3. I Cleaning the house You got an email from your foreig n friend who is comin g to visit your
on stayca tion. town soon. Write him/h er an email (ca. 150 words) in
which you
discu ss your home town, menti oning the following:
4. I It is not neces sary
althou gh some stayca tioner s do it. • some basic information (e.g. location, size)
• how peopl e spend their free time (e.g. theatres, shopping centre
5. I Smart phone s are usefu l if you want to s, sports
• events that are popul ar with young peopl e
• places you would like to visit with your friend and the reason
s why
6. I To enjoy food and sights at the same time, you can
Thank you for your email. I was so happy to hear you are coming to visit us Listening )
soon. Let me tell you about
so pant
Partl ~ Track2-3
You are going to hear Antony Brice, consultant at Global Recruitment
Agency, giving you advice on what career expectations people should
The advantages and disadvantages of several generations living
set nowadays. Your task is to write the letter of the correct answer in
together are being discussed on an internet forum and you want to the grid below. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
share your views with the others. Write your comment (ca.150 words)
and include the following:
• what reasons there are for choosing a multigenerational household
• how the different generations share household chores ,Ci) If you don't set realistic job expectations, you ...
• when and where they spend time together A might not get a good job.
• issues that have to be discussed (e.g. who pays for what) @ you can easily become disillusioned.
C you will have to change jobs quite often.
More and more families choose to share their household between multiple
generations. In my opinion, having three generations living under one roof is
8 A person's job expectations
A depend on their personality.
B might have an effect on their body and mind.
50 pant
C can be determined by considering various aspects.
8 Job security is
A the most important element to consider when setting your job
B a thing of the past because nowadays companies often make
people redundant.
C having a job that provides steady employment.
& Your chances of being laid off are reduced if
A you are valuable to the company.
B you regularly approach your colleagues for advice.
C you improve skills in subjects that others are good at too.
20 21
·es in a field unknown to others,
e 1f you develop. your capa 1
b ade redundant no matter what the economic
A you will neve~ em f :
I 1· I - I '· I 4- I s. I •- I 7- I •- I - I · I
9 10
environment 1s. . .
B the company is less likely to d1sm1ss you.
c your va1ue to the company will double compared to that of 10 pant
8 Alot of people leave their jobs
Part2 ~ Track4-5
A if they don't get enough opportunities for development.
B because of hard economic circumstances.
c if their employers are not satisfied with their work.
Listen to the interview with Professor James Grant, a researcher, who
O Career growth opportunities should be discussed talks about some findings of a study on memory in a radio interview.
A only when you have got the job. Your task is to complete the statements below using not more than 4
B with all the colleagues. words. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
C during job interviews.
0. I Example:
8 Skills and knowledge improvement Professor Grant carries out research on memory.
A become important only after working for some years.
B are imperative if you want to succeed at work. 1. I According to studies, the main aim of memory is to keep
C are made possible with online training.
0 Work-life balance 2. I The brain functions better if it ignores
A is promoted by companies to maintain productivity at work.
B means trying to schedule enough time for work and personal
activities. 3. I Certain mechanisms in the brain contribute to memory loss while
C is important because it affects the well-being of every worker others are responsible for
and their colleagues.
G If you are too worried about your tasks at work, 4. I When new neurons integrate into the hippocampus, new
A your colleagues will suffer because the quality of your work connections will
B you won't have enough free time for your family and friends.
C you won't have time to relax and this may lead to your dismissal. 5. I Children often forget new information because their brains use lots
of energy
fl!) Workplace culture
A is usually rather difficult to understand.
B is not widespread at all companies. 6. I The interaction between remembering and forgetting lets us
C influences you and your work.
7. When we don't rememb er all the details, it is easier to Topic: Shoppi ng habits
Possible questions:
8. I Forgetti ng and rememb ering depend on • Do you prefer going shoppin g alone or with friends?
we live in. • Which is better, shoppin g in shops or shoppin g online?
• When's the best time to go shoppin g?
9. I When we live in an environ ment that
• Do you like markets ? Why? / Why not?
we might rememb er less.
• Do you like going shoppin g in other countrie s?
10. / It depend s on the environ ment you are in how long
a certain piece of informa tion.
· Part2
10 pant
Individ ual presen tation ofa topic based on visual stimuli (5-8 minutes)
a Oral exam )
In this part of the exam, the candid ates, one after the other, talk
about a topic with the help of some picture s. They are not expecte d
to describ e the picture s but to presen t their ideas related to the topic
sugges ted by the picture s.
Topic: Sport - Summe r Olympic Games
Introdu ction (3-5 minute s approx imately ) - is not to be assesse d. • '
·' \' "'
-!- ~ -
The main purpos e of this part of the test is to put the candid ates at
their ease and to familia rize them with the exam situatio n, that is, the
candid ates engage in conver sation, initiati ng and reactin g to differe nt
\I :• :
fJv~f ~ :--,9 )_.
f ' t, ~ ; -
. 1 - .- - -·
viewpo ints. In this part of the exam, one of the candid ates picks a .• ... ' ~- ._
i -";il:f . _"·_ ·~:t .
_,, • . ..,..,
. ..
numbe r that gives the topics for the other two parts. ··" -..~~'i "'··· ~-- •'" . ~;:~i~ ,I
. ....
•~ · i . - ~- ;• . . . .
..... -..
.... ,. . .
s.• ·. . ' . . . " -. .. .. '
,;.,,·.-~> .~ .." <{!;~~~ ':-J-,:.;,,· .
' ,
. . . It• .• , ;If ' '
· · .. ._,_\.;n ,t·.,· :·. · , . . .· . . '~ ~- : • .
- -,•rniH
} ' • - • ., '·
Guided conver sation (5-8 minute s) ; - . ,,~..l.
--=-··.,..., . . ·. ·., ... "'· '
~~ ..,,,.. ~· .·. . :• '•
~ tl.:,•..i
•.· - .. ~- , ~
, /, ·.
The intervi ewer initiate s a conver sation based on the topic determ ined . .. · ..... i 1J
by the numbe r the examin ee has picked and, by asking questio ns,
helps develo p the conver sation betwee n the two candid ates. The bsszese n: 25 pant
examin ees should be able to ask and answer questio ns, expres s and
argue for their opinion s. 25
2. FELADATSO R the 1990s, and as a result, the career path has become less about image and
more about providing important and necessary services. Men have also
joined, or rather re-joined, the ranks of the profession. Airlines hired "cabin
boys" or "stewards" in the earliest days of airline travel (7)
Reading ) However, there are still some quite strict standards for flight attendants.
Requirements vary by airline, but in many cases flight attendants can't have
(8) .................., bizarre hair styles (including colour) or excessive piercings.
Candidates must be tall enough to manage the overhead bins, and
(9) .................. to comfortably perform tasks on the aircraft. This means
I that they should be between 5 and 6 feet, or 1.5 and 1.8 metres in height.
Partl Attendants should also be able to handle a reasonable amount of physical
exertion, including walking, closing heavy doors and pushing a beverage
cart, and be physically able to be fastened into a jump seat, which features
You are going to read an article about flight attendants but some parts a shoulder harness and seat belt.
of the text are missing. Find the right part to each blank space (1-10).
There are more possible parts given than you need. Give your answers Even though a high school diploma is the requirement, the industry
in the grid below. There is an example already done for you. has become so competitive that a college education will often boost the
hiring odds, (10) ................... Of course, customer service skills are the most
For some, flight attendants are the unsung heroes (0) ................... They think important. If you can't resist the urge to throw a Diet Coke in a difficult
that though pilots may get you where you're going, attendants are the passenger's face, the job is certainly not for you.
serious force behind in-flight operations. Since more people are flying the Possible missing parts:
friendly skies than ever before, and the upward passenger trend is expected
to continue (1) .................., according to U.S. Federal Aviation Administration 0 in mystery and excitement
projections, the jobs of flight attendants seem to be secure. This apparent 0 for the foreseeable future
job stability is excellent news for current and prospective flight attendants. (9 still short enough
The image of flight attendants has changed dramatically (2) ................... In 0 for the cabin crew
the 1930s and '40s, most of them had nursing backgrounds as plane travel 8 miniskirts or
was more turbulent than now. In the 1960s and '70s, there was the "sexy
stewardess" image. Many uniforms even featured (3) .................. hot pants. In
0 of the airline indu9tf)'
both eras there were strict requirements: attendants could not be married, 0 in the 1920s
have children or even weigh over a certain amount. Even if one managed to fD over the years t?ose potential career-ending pitfalls, many airlines would still dump (t and women's rights advocates
their flight attendants on (4) .................. their 32nd birthday for having the 0 in-flight services
sheer nerve to age.
0 oraround
Th~ profession enjoy~~ its peak (5) .................. in those earlier days, when (I and so will speaking a second language
flymg was a rare, exc1tmg treat - few people got to do it at all. A 43-year
flight attendant. vete~an with a major airline remarks that people used to
a. visible tattoos
look at them as if the Job was special and they were special.
. h attendants
Flight (6) +- •

age mantal and
. . . . ··············.... ave 1 ought back
we1g t d1scnmmat10n· Th e weig .
· h t reqmrements '
were eventually lifted in
t ~- I '· I I I I s. I I I I 1,g
2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9.
"Rising levels of homelessness and rough sleeping in London are beyond
shameful in one of the richest cities in the world, and it's a sad fact that for
years some of London's most vulnerable people have been let down and
ignored," said Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London. Khan has set aside £50m to
10 pont invest in accommodation for people moving from hostels to longer-term
independent living. Part of the money will go towards securing two-year
tenancies for women running from abusive relationships to help them both
Part2 to prepare for independent living and to free up hostel beds.
Roger Harding said the new funding needs to work in tandem with the
mayor's longer-term goal to build 90,000 affordable homes. "It's only by
You are going to read an article about homelessness in Britain. On the building homes that people on lower incomes can actually afford to live in
basis of the text, answer the questions below. Use a maximum of seven that we will put an end to homelessness for good," he said, adding that far
words. There is an example done for you. more needs to be done to stop people ending up on the street in the first
Homelessness is getting ever worse. Around 3,500 people sleep rough every
night in the UK, double the number in 2010. Behind the headline figures, At the moment, homeless people in England and Wales can be turned away
many more people have lost their homes. Some sleep on friends' sofas and by councils if they are not considered a priority, even if they have nowhere
almost 170,000 are hidden away in emergency B&Bs and hostels. else to stay. A Homelessness Reduction Bill aims to change this by forcing
councils to talk to private landlords and helping people reorganise their
Homelessness is not solely a matter of poverty. Many homeless people are finances so they will not end up losing their homes.
dealing with complicated issues involving addiction, mental health and
the breakdown of relationships that leave them with nowhere to go. Even
0. I Example:
after years of measures to tackle the varied causes of homelessness in the
UK, slow but devastating cuts to private tenancy and housing benefits are How much bigger is the number of homeless in Britain now than in
pushing up the numbers of people forced out of their homes.
Loss of private tenancy is the biggest cause of homelessness in London,
accounting for 40 per cent of all cases. It is responsible for some of the 8,000 1. I Which groups of people are not included in the statistics about the
people who slept rough last year, an increase on the previous year of six homeless?
per cent. Rising homelessness did not happen overnight. One of the reasons
behind rising homelessness is the revival of Right to Buy in 2005, which
reduced the amount of council housing available. After that the housing 2. I What are common problems of the homeless?
benefit was frozen for four years, since it was incorrectly believed that this
~ould enco~r~ge landlords to cut rent. Instead, by the time this policy ends
m 2020, families on benefits in four-fifths of the country will be unable to 3. I What is the main cause of homelessness in London?
afford rent.
Gradually, government policy has made housing less affordable for those
~ho ~ee~ help most. "After 50 years of fighting homelessness we know that 4. I What has made council housing less accessible?
it pn!Ilaril~ comes down to a shortage of affordable homes " says Roger
Hardmg, director of communications, policy and campaigns at Shelter.
5. I Why was the housing benefit fro
• the most usual hobbies peo
6. I Which groups of peo • time they spend on pursuing take up
ple is Khan's £50m plan direct their hobbies
ed at? • connection between money
and hobbies
7. I What is Khan's other pro
ject to reduce homelessness? Thank you for your email. I was sorry to hear that people don't have
time for
i hobbies in your country. I think
having a hobby is
I 8. I Who does Roger Hardi
ng think should be protected
50 pant
9. I In which case do cou
ncils not ne ed to provide
homeless in London? homes for the Pa rt2
10 . I How does the Homeles It is oft en sai d tha t
sness Reduction Bill plan to sto no wa da ys ne ws pa pe rs are mo
becoming homeless? p people from sal es fig ur es tha n in inf orm re int ere ste d in
ing rea de rs. Pe op le are con
mu ch att en tio n is be ing cer ne d tha t too
pa id to the pri vat e liv es of fam ou s pe
the act ivi tie s of cel eb rit ies op le an d
. An int ern et for um is ask ing its
sen d the ir com me nts reg rea der s to
ard ing thi s top ic. Write yo ur op ini on
wo rd s) an d inc lud e the fol (ca .15 0
low ing :
10 pant
• the role of new spa pers in tod ay's society
• the reliability of the conten
• the balanc e bet we en provid ing fac ts and entertaining / sensation
articles al
Writing • when a person's private life
becomes news
As far as I'm concerned, the ma
in role of newspapers is to
50 pant
I Pa rtl
Your fri en d, wh o liv es in
a co un try wh ere mo st pe
ho ur s a we ek an d do no op le wo rk 60 -80
t ha ve tim e for ho bb ies ,
the sit ua tio n is wa nts to kn ow wh at
lik e in yo ur cou ntr y. Wr ite an em ail (ca .15 0 wo
wh ich yo u me nti on th e fol rd s) in
low ing :
• why having a hobby is impo
Listening 8 Small farms ...
make Camembert more quickly and at a lower price than big
B have to use pasteurised milk to produce genuine Camembert.
C produce authentic wheels of Camembert from raw milk
Partl ~ Track6-7 great care.
11 0 A Yesterday a mother gave birth to a boy on a Boeing 737.
I You are going to hear three intere sting piece s of news. Your task
to write the letter of the correct answ er in the grid below . There
B There should be a trained paramedic on each flight from Saudi
Arabia to India.
is an C Jet Airways is an Indian airline company.
example (0) at the begin ning.
8 The new-born baby got a lifetime of free flights ...
Example: A to mark this unique occasion for airline.
B from Penang to Kuching.
Ci) At the time of the first news the weather is ... C because this was the first time ever a baby had been born on
A typical for Britain. board.
@ scorching hot. 0 Babies that are born on board ...
1 C ideal for work.
A are always offered a generous package and get free flights
life. for
8 A There is less and less Camembert available in Europe. B can celebrate their 21st birthday with free flights on Virgin
B France is the biggest exporter of Camembert in the world. Atlantic planes .
C It is getting more and more difficult to buy genuine Camem C might get a free first-class ticket from British Airways.
I) The label stamped on genuine Camembert ... G Bubba is a pet tortoise that ...
A certifies its origin. A often plays with dogs.
B is issued by the Association of French Cheese Manufacturers. B is often filmed by its owner.
C describes its history. C has a purple ball.
8 The genuine wheels of Camembert are made ... €Ii) Tortoises ...
A from the milk of various French cows. A are good at ball games.
11 B are known for being able to run at around 0.2 mph.
B from the milk of cows that are raised in Normandy.
C with grass and hay from pastures in Normandy.
get really excited when they can play with a ball.
0 The milk used for making the original Camembert ...
A contains minimum 38% fat.
B is mixed with other ingredients by hand.
2. 3. 4.
5. I •. I I I •.
7. 8. 10.
C has to be left in the meadows for some time to becom
e cream y. 10 pant
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~ Track8-9


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What do people have to accept about a colleague if they become
friends (1 aspect) ?

s,,w-e a e6iet w
You are going to hear an interview with an occupation al psycholog i t
about whether work friends can become real friends. Your task is : 0 10. I Why is it worthwhile to work on forming friendships with colleagues?
answer the questions . below.
. Use maximum five words. There 1·s an
example (0) at the b egmnmg.
i' 10 pont
II o. Example:
With whom do people who work spend more time?
1. Why do workplaces encourage friendships (1 reason)?
2. What roles do people mix up when forming friendships at work?
3. What will a friend expect from a promoted friend?
4. Why do other colleagues dislike a friendship between two colleagues?
5. What is the most important considerati on when forming a friendship
with a colleague?
6. Why do good friendships increase productivity ?
I\ 7. How can people hurt their ex-friend at work?
8. I In what circumstances are work friendships most likely to turn into
real friendships?
34 ■
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Indiv idual prese ntatio n ofa topic based on visua l stimu li
Ora lexa m ) (5-8 minu tes)
In this part of the exam , the candi dates , one after the other , talk
abou t a topic with the help of some pictu res. They are not expec ted
to descr ibe the pictu res but to prese nt their ideas relate
d to the topic
Introd uction (3-5 minut es appro ximat ely) - is not to be asses sugge sted by the pictu res.
,, Topic : Envir onme ntal prote ction
The main purpo se of this part of the test is to put the candi
dates at
their ease and to famili arize them with the exam situat ion, that is the
I candid ates engag e in conve rsatio n, initia ting and react ing to diffe~ ent
viewpoints. In this part of the exam , one of the candi dates
picks a
numb er that gives the topics for the other two parts .
Guided conve rsatio n (5-8 minu tes)
The interv iewer initia tes a conve rsatio n based on the topic deter mine d
by the numb er the exam inee has picke d and, by askin g quest ions,
helps develo p the conve rsatio n betw een the two candi dates . The
exami nees shoul d be able to ask and answ er quest ions,
expre ss and
argue for their opinio ns.
Topic: Servic es - Trave l agenc ies bssze sen: 25 pant
Possible questions:
• How can travel agencies help holidaymake rs?
• What are some benefits and drawb acks of packa ge tours?
• Do you prefer package tours or making your own trip? Why?
• What are some advantages and disadv antag es of travel ling
group? alone / with a
• Tell your partne r about your experi ence with travel agenc ies.
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However, pupils who went online to play video games (7) .................., tended
3. FELADATSOR to perform better in school because the activity enabled them to "apply
and sharpen" problem-solving skills used in the classroom. According
e Reading]
to researchers, when you play online games, you are solving puzzles
(8) .................. and that involves using some of the general knowledge and
skills in maths, reading and science that you have been taught during the
That is the reason why teachers are advised to consider incorporating popular
video games into teaching -(9) ................... Schools are also encouraged to
exploit the overwhelming popularity of social media with teenagers by
'1 Partl finding ways to incorporate sites into their teaching. For instance, for a
class discussing a current event or topic such as career ideas, Twitter can
provide up-to-date information, (10) ................... By following the Twitter
You are going to read an article about the influence. of_ socia~ media feeds of experts in the field or even hashtags focused on a current world
on young people but some parts of the text are m1ssmg.. Fmd the issue, students can learn more about what is happening in the world around
right part to each blank space (1-10). T~ere are ~ore possible ~arts them. And this information can be used in a variety of class discussions,
given than you need. Give your answers m the grid below. There 1s an research, and writing projects.
example already done for you.
Possible missing parts:
The influence of social media on adolescents and teenagers is of 0 which are realistic threats
particular importance, not only because this particular group of children 41) to move to the next level
is developmentally vulnerable, but also because they are (0)
According to a survey, 75 percent of teenagers in America currently have (9 as their main social networking tool
profiles on social networking sites, of which 68 percent use Facebook G) the effect could be reversed by online gaming
(1) 4) include loss of privacy
vyru1e social networking undoubtedly plays a vital role (2) .................. , its G eliminating the need for extensive research
nsks cannot be overlooked. The lack or difficulty in self-regulation and 0 tend to perform less well in school
susceptibility to peer pressure makes adolescents vulnerable to such evils
as depression and cyberbullying, (3) ...................
-» so long as they are not violent ones
G accessed social networks on a daily basis
Other risks. of exten~ive social netwo~king a1!1ong youth (4) .................., sharing 0 among the heavie3t U3efs of social netwofking
too much !nfo.rmation, not to ment10n soC1al network-induced obesity, or 4) struggling to keep their younger users
sleep deprivation.
9 rather than to chat
In G~eat Britain new research has recently shown that children who regularly G in broadening social connections and learning technical skills
use acebook and other online social networks (5) .................. than those who
use them rarely A t d f
a significant differ:n~e~~:ore than 12,?0015-year-olds found there was
students who were heavy een te reading, maths and science results of
example, the maths perti users o social media and those who were not. .For
ormance of those who. (6) .................. was 20 points
l :- 1 l- I 2. I 3. I 4. I 5. I •- I ,. I 8. I •- 110. 1
1ower than that of students h
w o never went onhne to chat.
10 pant
>- 38
Part2 that provided for higher, but reasonable prices, reasonable excise duties
and licensed retailers under the supervision of magistrates.
- are gomg
You f the basis of
• to read an article about the history· of gin. On These changes led to more respectable firms starting to distil and retail gin:
the text, answer the questions below. Use a maximum o seven words. it became the drink of high quality, which it has since remained. By the mid-
There is an example done for you. 19th century London's Clerkenwell was a bustling hub of gin production as
Gordon's, Tanqueray's, Nicholson's, Booth's and Langdales's distilleries
clustered together to take advantage of its springs.
,, It is generally agreed that gin was produced as far back ~s the early 16th
century during the Dutch War of !ndepend~nce. There 1s some dispute The famous gin-based mixed drinks of today were also invented for medical
I about whether it was first produced m Italy or m H~lland, b~t also a general
agreement that it was originally produced and sold m chemist ~hops to treat
purposes, just like the spirit itself. Gin and tonic were originally intended to
ward off malaria because the quinine in the tonic acted as an anti-malarial
a variety of medical problems, such as gallstones and gout. ~mc_e t~e taste agent. Pink gin, or gin and bitters, started off as a cure for seasickness
appears to have been quite bad, the Dutch start~d to flavour 1t_ w1~h Juniper. because naval officers believed the bitters soothed their nausea. Gimlets,
This is where gin gets its name, the Dutch word;enever means Jumper. a drink made simply of gin and lime cordial, was also an attempt to stay
healthy at sea as its dose of Rose's Lime Juice was vital to ward off scurvy.
British troops fighting in the Low Countries during the Thirty Years' War
were given 'Dutch Courage' during the long battles in the damp weather. It The exception is the summertime cooler called Pimm's, which was created
was said to help keep them warm and give them the fortitude to continue by James Pimm in 1823. Pimm was a London oyster bar owner who created
fighting. Eventually the troops would return home and bring this new the mixture of gin, fruit and herbs to accompany seafood. Since this was
beverage with them. Distillation had already been taking place in small an early mixed drink it can be seen as the forerunner of the cocktail, one
volumes in England, but it now began on a greater scale, though the quality famous variety of which is the Dry Martini, originally consisting of gin,
was often very dubious. vermouth and an olive.
When King William III, better known as William of Orange, came to the
English throne in 1689, he actively encouraged the distillation of English O. I Example:
spirits. Anyone could now distil by simply posting a notice in public and Where was gin.first produced?
waiting ten days. Sometimes gin was distributed to workers as part of their in Italy or Holland
wages and soon the volume sold daily exceeded that of beer and ale.
1. I Why was gin originally made?
By the late 1720s, people in England were consuming close to 5 million
gallons of gin annually, with an estimated 25% of all homes in London
involved in the sale or production of gin. Its primary consumers were the 2. I What is the origin of the term 'Dutch Courage'?
poor. Gin was easily accessible, cheap and extremely effective for its sole
purpose to facilitate inebriation. Abuse of gin and rampant drunkenness
became a major problem, and gin's role in the situation led to the nickname
'Blue Ruin'. 3. I What happened as a result of the British troops' return from the
Thirty Years' War?
The ~r??lem was ta~kled by introducing The Gin Act in 1736, making gin
prohibit1v~ly expensive. However, this act was very difficult to enforce. The
law wa_s widely a_nd openly broken, and riots even broke out. Within six years 4. I Beside gin, which other alcoholic drinks were popular in late l'Jlh-
of the introduction of the Gin Act only two distillers took out licences even century England?
ou~h the production rose by almost fifty per cent. By 1742 the act was
considered unenforceable and was repealed and replaced by a new policy
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~ • the use of salt and other spices
With whom was gin particularly popular in early 18th_centu
• fruit and vegetab les
5. England? ry • chocolate and sweets
Dear ....................
What resulted from the new policy replacing the Gin Act?
6. Thank you for your email. I was surpris ed to hear that you are thinking
1h about becoming a vegetarian. I think
In which city was gin mostly produced in the early 19 century? 50 pant
What made sailors think that drinking gimlets would ward off scurvy?
9. I Besides containing gin, what do gin and tonic, pink gin, and gimlets
have in common? nt
In severa l countr ies homes chooli ng is gainin g popula rity. For differe
reason s, some parent s find it better to educa te their childr en at
rather than send them to school . An intern et site is asking for
10. I What makes Pimm's a forerunner of Dry Martini ? view on this topic. Write your opinio n (ca. 150 words ) and includ
e the
followi ng:
10 pant • learning in a one-to-one situation as opposed to learning in a group
• learning at one's own speed, being able to concentrate on difficult subjects
• keeping up motivation
• learning social skills
Homesc hooling has both advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion
50 pont
Your friend is wondering whether becoming a vegetarian is a good
idea in order to stay healthy, and also what foodstuffs to avoid to
remain in good condition. Write him/he r an email (ca. 150 words) in
which you mention the following:
• (not) eating meat
8 Care homes ...
Listening A are the main market for domestic robots.
B don't need so much medicine if they have Takanori's robot.
C are carrying out trials with robots.
0 Soft toys ...
~ Track 10-11 A are said to have more benefits than domestic robots.
B might prove less valuable than robots.
Partl C might have some positive effects on people in nursing homes.


You are going to bear a text about domestic service robots. Your task
is to write the letter of the
. correct
. answer in the grid below. There IS

8 The job of care workers .. .
A could be helped with soft toys and robots.
an example (0) at the b egmmng. B involves mainly lifting and moving people they are taking care
C can be made less challenging with robots.
0 A lot of old people choose independence and don't move to nursing
Cl) Takanori Shibata ... homes because ...
A wanted to design a domestic robot for himself.
@ started to design robots more than 20 years ago. A they want to stay with their families.
helped old people with housework. B they want to use the facilities they know.
-C ._.,_ C their communities don't let them go.
8 Parois ... 0 Elderly people who live alone ...
A the robot developed by Takanori Shibata. A find it difficult to go to the doctor's.
B Takanori Shibata's colleague. B cannot afford proper healthcare.
C a baby harp seal. C might easily become socially isolated.
8 Therobot ... €Ii) It can be difficult for the elderly to take their prescribed medication
A helps to cure sick people. because ...
B is about half a meter long. A they might have problems following the instructions.
C can follow people's discussions. B domestic robots are not yet available to them.
C prescriptions are too difficult to read for them.
8 The robot designed by Takanori Shibata ...
A likes being stroked.
B is good at moving around.
C can imitate human voice. I : 11. I z. I l. I •- I s. I •- I ?. I s. I •- I 10· I
D Takanori's robot ...
A likes sitting only in its owner's lap. 10 pont
B must be taught to do housework.
C costs $5,000.



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~ Track 12-13

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Listen to a text about Sean Conway, a well-known British d
adventurer. Your task is to complete the statements belowen :u,rance
more than 4 words. There is an example (0) at the beo-inni
c· ng.usmg not
Introduction (3-5 minutes approximately) - is not to be assessed.
o. Example: The main purpose of this part of the test is to put the candidates at
Sean Conway is a record-breaking British triathlonist.
1 their ease and to familiarize them with the exam situation, that is, the
11 1. It took Sean Conway ··········································· candidates engage in conversation, initiating and reacting to different
viewpoints. In this part of the exam, one of the candidates picks a
to complete the longest-ever triathlon.
number that gives the topics for the other two parts.
2. / There was no ······························
to help Sean Conway to complete the longest-ever triathlon.
3. I Sean Conway grew up I Partl
4. I His first job in England was
Guided conversation (5-8 minutes)
S. I Sean Conway sold his share to his business partner because The interviewer initiates a conversation based on the topic determined
by the number the examinee has picked and, by asking questions,
helps develop the conversation between the two candidates. The
6. I The record to cover the distance from Land's End to John o'Groats examinees should be able to ask and answer questions, express and
was 44 hours but it took Sean Conway argue for their opinions.
Topic: The European Union - Studying and working in the EU
7. The strange thing about Sean Conway's Kilimanjaro trip was that he Possible questions:
• Have you ever considered studying or working in another EU country?
Why? Why not?
8. Sean also • What are some benefits of studying or working in an EU country?
in England, Wales and Scotland. • What problems may students and employees face abroad?
• Why are EU scholarships popular?
9. Sean Conway grew his beard because he was disturbed by • What experience can you gain if you study or work abroad?
10. I Today he makes money ............................................................................................
about his adventures and through sponsorships.
46 10 pant
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Individual presentation ofa topic based on visual stimuli (5-8 minutes)

In this part of the exam, the candid~tes, one after the other, talk
about a topic with the help of some pictures. They are not expected
to describe the pictures but to present their ideas related to the topic

e Reading )
1 suggested by the pictures.
11 Topic: Weather ·~:. Part 1
You are going to read an article about whether taking a sauna is
healthy or not. Some parts of the text are missing. Find the right part
to each bla~ space (1-10). There are more possible parts given than
you need. Give your answers in the grid below. There is an example
already done for you.
Is sauna healthy?
Research done on men in Finland shows that regular saunas significantly
decrease the risk of heart disease. Yet Finnish saunas often warn
(0) .................. not to
use them.
Saunas customarily have signs warning against their use by pregnant
women, children and anyone with a heart problem. However, there are 1.6
million saunas (1) .................. in Finland and children often try them in infancy
and almost everyone has at least one a week.
Last week, a study of 2,315 middle-aged men who had been monitored
(2) .................. concluded that saunas reduced the risk of dying from heart
dsszesen: 25 pant disease by up to 50%, and the risk of sudden death, which is defined as
111 dying within an hour from an acute change in symptoms, by up to 63%.
The researchers allowed for factors such as existing heart disease, age,
(3) .................. blood pressure, smoking and anything else that might increase
the risk of heart disease.
One of the authors (4) .................. said that the benefits of saunas outweighed
any risks. He also remarked that the more frequently people had saunas
in the study (four to seven times a week), the m?re they seemed t~ be
protected (5) ................... He said he ~as ~l"'.'ays surprised by health warnings
in countries outside Finland, as in his opm1on saunas are safe for most people
.. 48 49
·:e; ~--
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Ii ---~

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- ..·~
. ' /4 ~ . ~~-~ .-<\
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j ,,~;,;,:/~ \!~~ ,.\) . . , ' t~:f'...J \.-- ~ \i;) ( R~ADIN
except those wit uns a
t ble anmna a recent heart attack or a narrowing of

their aortic valve - or when people feel unwe11.
· h t ble heart disease should be OK having saunas, according to
Peop Ie wit s a . I h .
the research. Deaths in saunas are rare (6) ................... peop e get yperth~rm1a
B 1 •· I
. I l. I
. I s. I
. I ,. I s. I •· I '"· I
because they are too drunk to realise how hot they are. So the quest10n is 10 pant
whether you should build a sauna on to your house.
Although there is evidence that saunas are good for you, this particular
i1 1 study was done only on men in Finland where saunas are dry (7) Part2
at the level of the bather's face. The results would not necessarily be the
1 same, for example, in women in Wales. But there is evidence that regular
11 exposure to saunas increases the output of the heart, lowers blood pressure, You are going to read an article about weather forecasting. After
(8) .................. and may also improve breathing by increasing, among other reading this article, finish the sentences on the basis of the text. Use
things, the vital capacity - the maximum amount of air a person can exhale. a maximum of seven words. There is an example done for you.
In Finland, pregnant women use saunas and there seems to be no
increase in birth abnormalities, and sauna is considered safe for all How do people who watch weather forecasts make use of the information?
(9) ................... Healthy Finnish children over the age offive cope with shorter Accurate weather predictions are important for planning our day-to-day
sessions (10) .................. sitting on the lower, cooler benches. Saunas may also activities, like whether we should take an umbrella or what clothes to wear.
alleviate pain in rheumatological conditions. Sensible use is likely to do But weather forecasts are important for many other reasons too. Farmers
more good than harm but sweating heavily can make you feel faint so you need information to help them plan for the planting and harvesting of their
should get up slowly when leaving a sauna. crops and airlines need to know about local weather conditions to schedule
flights. Not only does weather forecasting help us to make more informed
e of the research daily decisions, but it can also help keep us out of danger. When a hurricane
~ and usually associated with alcohol is approaching or a tornado is likely to occur, emergency teams get ready to
(9 for men and women rescue people.
G) for a population of five million Modern weather forecasting involves a combination of computer models
8 for more than 20 years that are built using statistics that compare prior weather conditions with
G from heart disease current weather to predict future weather. It also makes use of observation
and the knowledge of trends and patterns. With these methods, reasonably
0 those with a heart condition
m and kept at 80 to 100 °C
accurate forecasts can be made up to about five days in advance. Beyond
that, detailed forecasts are less useful, since atmospheric conditions, such
(t improves tolerance to heat as temperature and wind direction, are very complex.
0 (the average was 53) If you want to try forecasting yourself, the good news is that you don't need
0 (about five minutes) to have a supercomputer. The most basic weather forecasting consists of
-, (around nine months) simple observation. For example, you can look up at the clouds and try to
II but high-risk pregnancies recognize the patterns as people did in the past. High, w!spy cloud~ usually
indicate pleasant weather. An overcast sky means that ram or snow 1s on the
way. Certain weather features seem to be associated with certain types of
weather, at least most of the time.
Most of the early forecasting wa
s indeed based on observation
,II patterns. over the years, the obs of
ervation of weat~e~ ~atterns has weather
in folk wis dom abo ut the we ather. Agood deal of this 1s maccurat resulted 7. Thin clouds are a sign of
is supported by science. 'r'.ou ma e, bu t some
morning, sailor take warnmg; redy h~ve hea~d the ~xp~essio~, "~~d skies in
skies a~ n_1ght, sailor s dehght.
can mark rain, since it occurs wh A
en the air 1s full of dust and wa red sun 8. The sun can become red becaus
e of
Though the ter vapour.

rhy me itse
based on weather patterns.
You may als? have heard of_Gro

lf ma y no t be totally accurate, the observation

undhog Day,_which is ~eleb~ate

9. The Romans and Germans predic
ted weather according to
2 in the d on Fe
11 we
Um ted Sta tes . It 1s bas ed on ancient Celtic behefs about bruary
ather pat ter ns. Ce ltic peo ple thought tha t if winter's midpoin winter
and clear, there wo t was sunny 10. Punxsutawney Phil mu
uld be "tw o wi st come out in
would be long and cold. They pas nters in the year": in other words, winter ···················································•········
and Americans. Nowadays, in the their beliefs down to Romans, Germans to predict a mild and short winter.
Phil is the centre of the celebratio U.S., a groundhog named Punxsutawney
this forete n. If he sees his shadow, it is tho
lls a lon g win
accurate only about one-third
ter. Un fortun ately, Phil's "predictions" hav that 10 pant
of the time. e been
0. I Example:
Among oth er things,
we ath er forecasts are important for pla
our day-to-day activities. nning
1. I Farmers need
provided by Pa rt1
forecasts to plan planting and
2. I When a hurricane or a tornado is approa
ching, emergency teams
Your fri en d ha s be com e
interested in water sports
to work more intensely. yo u ab ou t wh eth er pe and is asking
op le in you r country share this interest.
3. I Computer models forecast we sh e is int ere ste d in wh He /
ather by eth er peo ple do the se sports and als
pr ofe ssi on al pla yer s an d the o about
ir success and pop ularity. Wr
an em ail (ca. 150 words) in ite him /he r
which you mention the follow
4. I The weather can be predicted ing.
I\ I comparatively well for
• pursuing different wa ter spo
ahead. • watching / supporting teamsrts as a hobby
5. I The complexity of tem
perature and wind direction ma • successful individual water-spo individual sportspeople
kes it rt athletes and their popularity
• successful water-sport teams
and their popularity
to make accurate long-term we
6. I Supercomputers are ather forecasts. Dear
Thank yo u for your email. I'm gla
for making weather forecasts at d you are taking interest in water
home. sports .
In my country, .....................................
50 pant
e ~ccording to Anne Collins, the benefits of learning a foreign language
mclude ...
111 A being better at writing your CV.
B having improved decision-making skills.
The role and significance of elections are being discussed on an C better grades at primary school.
internet forum and you want to share your views with the others
Write your comment (ca. 150 words) and include the following: · e The results of some physiological studies prove that ...
A the brains of people who speak foreign languages are more
• why you think it is important to have elections developed.
'' • the types of elections in your country B bilingual people have better cognitive abilities.
• why elections have to be held on a regular basis C the more languages you speak, the better for your brain.
11 • why voting is an important responsibility
Elections play an important role in a democracy. Without elections we would
e Learning a foreign language ...
A has more advantages than disadvantages.
not be able to participate in politics and B should be started as early as possible.
C boosts brainpower.
50 pant
O Students who learn foreign languages ...
A perform better at any test than monolingual students.
B are the best at communication skills among their peers.
411, Listening )
C can make better use of their problem-solving skills than
monolingual students.
People who speak foreign languages ...
A recognise all the hidden meanings in a foreign language.
B always make good decisions and are never biased.
Partl e> Track 14-15 C are less insecure when making decisions than monolingual
0 According to researchers, there is a close connection between ...
You will hear part of a radio interview with Anne Collins about the A memory and learning foreign languages.
importance of learning languages. Your task is to write the letter of B remembering any data and knowing a foreign language.
the correct answer in the grid below. There is an example (0) at the C physical exercise and memory.
& The brain ...
Example: A needs regular exercise to function well.
B is full of muscles that should be trained.
Ci) People learn languages because ... C operates differently in different languages.
@ they want to get better jobs. 0 Learning a foreign language is advantageous for ...
B they often get lost abroad.
C they want to train their memory.
A curing Alzheimer's disease.
B your general intelligence.
54 55
C focusing only on the most important tasks.
4_ 1 Nostalgia and curiosity are among the reasons why West
IIll I> The first signs of dementia appear ...
A at the age of 71.4 on average. the Trabant.
B to be too complex to recognise the illness
before s. I The Trabant's engine was placed like that of
c usually over 75 if you speak a foreign language. the age of 70·
fli) People who speak a foreign language ... 6. \ AVolkswagen Beetle ................................ .......... ...........
............................. ..
II Acan delay all forms of dementia.
Bregularly engage in some workout. luggage space than a Trabant.
1 are used to switching languages, which boosts their attention
span. 7. I Starting a Trabant is likely to produce
8- rn
2 3 5. 6. 7.
I : I '· I . I . I •· s. \ The position of the pedals in a Trabant makes it seem that
.......... .......................................... is supposed to use them .
10pont 9. I People used to think the body of the Trabant was made of
Part 2 10. I East-Germans invented Duroplast because there was a lack
~ Track 16-17 of
in the country.
You are going to hear a talk given by a Trabant enth usiast. Your task is 10pont
to complete the statements below using not more
than 4 words. There
is an example (0) at the beginning.
0. I Example:
Originally, Trabant was designed for the masses witho ut mone
people. y / poor
1. I Trabant enthusiasts can be found mostly in
2. Among Western countries, besides
Trabants were exported to Greece.
3. History and primitiveness are among the reasons for the
~ examJ -
p icture descript ion based on visual stimuli (5-8 minutes)
The pictures are selected and provided by the interview er. If necessar y,
- -
Introducti on (3-5 minutes approxim ately) - is not to be assessed. the interview er can help the candidat es with question s.
The main purpose of this part of the test is to put the candidat es t Topic: The Individu al
J' I theU- ease and to enable th• interview er to gather informat ion abo at
,,, the<andid ate• for the remainde r of the exam. u
Guided conversation (5-8 minutes)
The interviewer initiates a conversa tion based on a topic of his/her
choice and by asking questions encourag es a conversa tion between
the two candidates.
Topic: The Media - Online media (newspap ers and magazine s)
Possible questions:
• How often do you read newspape rs or magazine s online?
• What is your favourite news site?
• What news do you read online regularly? ~- ·' ·
• How important is it to keep up to date with the news?
• How_could you compare reading a newspape r or magazine in print to Osszesen : 25 pant
reading them online, for example, on your smartpho ne?

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