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Magallanes Western Cavite Institute, Inc.

“The School that Trains for Service.”



Name: Kim Xyriel Aniban

Date: September 28, 2022 40
True or False. Write T on blank provided before each number if the statement is true and F if it Score
is false.

________ 1 . Rapid gains in height and weight are seen among boys and girls during adolescence.
________ 2 . Changing the way you dress, look, and act are some of the changes during adolescence stage.
________ 3 . Parents can help the teenagers develop moral standards by setting good examples to them.
________ 4 . Sperm production occurs in girls during adolescence.
________ 5 . When menstruation starts, uterus and ovaries enlarge.
________ 6 . Feeling of crushes are sometimes very intense during puberty stage.
________ 7 . Girls experience growth spurt two years earlier than boys.
________ 8 . Increase in height is the result from developing muscles among boys and body fats among girls
________ 9 . Boys and girls experience the same and exact physical changes during adolescence.
________ 10 . Social health, tells about the condition of your relationships with family members and with
Other people.

I. Multiple Choice. Write A if the changes occur in Boys, B if in Girls and C if the changes occur both in boys
and girls.

________ 1 . Hips widen and breast develops.

________ 2 . Appearance of acne and pimples occur and there is increase in perspiration.
________ 3 . There is the presence of sperm production.
________ 4 . Appearance of pubic hair on armpit and private parts.
________ 5 . Menstruation.
________ 6 . Voice deepens
________ 7 . waistline narrows
________ 8 . ejaculation
________ 9 . external genital organ enlargement
________ 10 . ovulation

II. Identification. Write the correct answer on the blank provided before each number.

____________________ 1. Another term for adolescence stage.

____________________ 2. A gland in the brain that increase the secretion of FSH as you approached puberty.
____________________ 3. The state of good health achieved by making conscious effort to look after yourself.
____________________ 4. Harmony and balance in all aspect of health; physical, mental, emotional, social and
moral or spiritual.
____________________ 5. The ability to build and maintain harmonious and satisfying relationships.
I. Enumeration
1-5 Dimensions of Holistic Health 6-7 Adolescence is also known for
_____________________________ ______________________________
_____________________________ ______________________________

8- 10 Ways to ensure good physical health 11-13 Ways to attain emotional

______________________________________ _____________________________________
______________________________________ _____________________________________

14-15 Ways to attain spiritual or moral health


“ Trust in the Lord will all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge
Him and He will direct your path”. – Proverbs 3:5,6

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