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CHỨ KHÔNG PHẢI 19.45-21.15
NAME:……………………………………………………… MARK:……………/100
Combine a word on the left with its relevant particle on the right
bring - come – fall - get x 2 – run x3 – take x2 – turn aback - about – across - around - by – down x2 - for – into – off –
x2 through - up
1. I thought the party CAME OFF: DIỄN RA THÀNH CÔNG really well yesterday.
2. We can GET BY: XOAY SỞ with four computers at the moment, but we'll need a couple more when the new staff
3. I still haven't GOT AROUND to: MÃI MỚI THU XẾP DC THỜI GIAN ĐỂ LÀM J fixing that tap.
4. He BROUGHT ABOUT: MANG LẠI his company's collapse by his reckless spending.
5. She always FALLS FOR: CÓ CẢM TÌNH older men but she still hasn’t got married yet.
6. Our holiday TURNED INTO: TRỞ THÀNH a nightmare when all of us became Covid19 positive during that time.
7. The company has recently RUN UP: GÁNH CHỊU (TĂNG) massive debts and now owes a staggering €850 million.
8. I RAN ACROSS: VÔ TÌNH GẶP several old friends when I went back to my hometown.
9. The police TOOK DOWN: GHI LẠI our addresses and phone numbers last week.
10. When I told him my answer, he seemed TAKEN ABACK: NGẠC NHIÊN
11. How could you TURN DOWN: TỪ CHỐI such a fantastic job?
12. I’ll just RUN THROUGH: SOÁT LẠI the names and make sure everyone’s here.
bring – come – get – run x4 – set - stand - take x3 about – into – on - off x3 – over - out x2 – round – up x2
13. Christmas always COMES ROUND: ĐẾN, DIỄN RA so quickly!
14. Samsung keep BRINGING OUT: SẢN XUẤT a wide variety of phones.
15. Somehow it GOT ABOUT: LAN TRUYỀN TIN that Jenny was having a baby.
16. Would you mind RUNNING OFF: SX HÀNG LOẠT some more copies of the agenda?
17. Graham RAN INTO: VÔ TÌNH GẶP someone he used to know at school the other day.
18. Her parents are worried because she's TAKEN UP with: GIAO DU VỚI a strange crowd of people lately.
19. Can you TAKE OVER: LÀM THAY the cooking while I walk the dog?
20. Due to successful IPO, her business has really TAKEN OFF: THÀNH CÔNG
21. You’ve got to STAND UP for: BẢO VỆ what you believe in.
22. They returned home from South Africa when their money RAN OUT: CẠN KIỆT
23. I hope this meeting doesn’t RUN ON: KÉO DÀI LÊ THÊ too long.
24. We decide to SET OFF: KHỞI HÀNH early the next morning.
Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition
25. Can I run a few ideas BY you: KỂ CÁI J CHO AI ĐỂ NGHE HỌ PHẢN HỒI?
26. That was a bitter industrial dispute that had set worker AGAINST worker: KHIẾN .. .ĐỐI ĐẦU…
27. I put him OFF the idea of going shopping with me: NGĂN AI, KHIẾN AI NẢN KHỎI.
28. There was a plan to set him UP: GÂY DỰNG VỊ THẾ, BỔ NHIỆM as party leader.
29. Here’s my report. I’ll take you THROUGH: GIẢI THÍCH SƠ QUA it if you like.
30. Jim’s new car must have set him BACK £30,000: TIÊU TỐN CỦA AI.
31. I’ve decided to take you UP on: CHẤP NHẬN … CỦA … that job offer.
32. She set all these events DOWN: VIẾT RA in her diary.
33. I didn’t mean what I said – I take it BACK: RÚT LẠI LỜI
34. Let’s get inside – the rain’s set IN: KÉO ĐẾN, CHUYỂN SANG 1 GIAI ĐOẠN for the day.
35. I can’t take ON: ĐẢM NHẬN any more work at the moment.
36. I know you've had a bad day, but you don't have to take it OUT on: TRÚT LÊN AI me!
37. The workshops are geared TOWARDS: NHẮM TỚI helping people to become more employable.
38. As time goes BY: TRÔI QUA, it becomes easier to forgive and forget.
39. We rounded the meal OFF: KẾT THÚC with a chocolate and rum cake.
40. They didn’t let any customers IN/INTO: (KO) CHO AI VÀO the shop until 10 o’clock sharp.
41. The two dogs took TO: THÍCH each other immediately and started to play.
42. She tries to set ASIDE: ĐỂ DÀNH some money every month.
II. IDIOMS: Fill in each blank with ONE appropriate word to make an appropriate idiom
1. She set him STRAIGHT/RIGHT: GIẢI THÍCH RÕ about what happened.
2. If we win, that will put the cat among the PIGEONS: GÂY RẮC RỐI
3. The kids screaming in the next room really set my teeth on EDGE: GÂY BỨC BỐI
4. I decided to set the ball ROLLING: BẮT ĐẦU and got up to dance.
5. And you say she's opening your letters now? Oh, that really takes the BISCUIT: QUÁ THỂ ĐÁNG, KO CÒN J TỒI TỆ
6. We should set our own house in ORDER: XỬ LÝ XONG before we criticize them.
7. Everyone laughed, but nobody laughed harder than Luna. … "Are you taking the MICKEY? : CHỌC QUÊ, TRÊU ĐÙA
AI said Ron, frowning at her.
8. You have to take everything she says with a GRAIN/PINCH of salt: CÂN NHẮC, ĐỪNG TIN VỘI, because she tends
to exaggerate.
9. That's relationships for you - you have to take the rough with the SMOOTH: CHẤP NHẬN 2 MẶT KHÓ & DỄ
10. They got taken to the CLEANERS: BỊ LỪA MẤT NHIỀU $ by a dishonest contractor.
11. They live in some village in the back of BEYOND: Ở NƠI RẤT XA XÔI CÁCH TRỞ
12. Mind if I take a rain CHECK on: CÂN NHẮC (THƯỜNG LÀ KO ĐỒNG Ý) that drink? I have to work late tonight.
13. It wouldn't be my idea of fun to go jump out of an airplane, but it takes all SORTS: CÓ MUÔN HÌNH VẠN TRẠNG I
14. Reading between the LINES: HIỂU ẨN Ý BÊN TRONG I think Clare needs money
15. The plenitude of our natural resources has resulted in most people taking them for GRANTED: COI LÀ ĐƯƠNG
NHIÊN for most of human history.
16. It was a RACE against time: CUỘC CHẠY ĐUA VỚI THỜI GIAN to put out the fire before it spread to the neighboring
17. Living out of a SUITCASE: SỐNG LANG BẠT, NAY ĐÂY MAI ĐÓ away from home has become one of the main causes
of stress among businessmen.
18. The peace talks seem to have run out of STEAM: HẾT HIỆU LỰC
19. He'd run a MILE: CHẠY XA if I asked him to marry me.
20. I'm ready to PAINT the town red: ĂN MỪNG, ĐI QUẨY with a few of my closest friends.
21. You can't forget the basics, which is get the set piece right, apply pressure with field position, don't RUN before
22. The robbers tried to CUT and run: CHUỒN THẬT NHANH when they heard the approaching sirens.
23. Our girls' hockey team have run RINGS round: VƯỢT TRỘI HƠN HẲN all their opponents this year.
24. As people get older, they often become set in their WAYS: TƯ DUY CỨNG NHẮC
25. She found the greatest restaurants that are off the beaten TRACK/PATH: Ở NƠI ÍT NG BIẾT TỚI
26. The apartment is just a stone's THROW from: RẤT GẦN NƠI NÀO the sea.
27. Our favorite restaurant has gone to the DOGS: TRỞ NÊN TỒI TỆ lately.
28. Luke Bouverie missed the last bus out of Woodborough to Loxford, so he THUMBED a lift: VẪY TAY XIN QUÁ
29. After three years in the job without going anywhere, she began to get ITCHY feet: CUỒNG CHÂN.
30. It's really not too difficult to pick HOLES in: BẮT BẺ LỖI SAI the plan.
31. Mrs. Mott went out of her WAY: CỐ GẮNG to be courteous to Sara.
32. Earnings fell SHORT of : KO DC NHƯ, KO XỨNG VỚI expectations.
33. What a restaurant - the food was out of THIS world = AMAZING!
34. We got lost in the middle of NOWHERE: KO BIẾT Ở ĐÂU
35. Doc, please stop going around the HOUSES: NÓI LÒNG VÒNG and just tell me—how serious are Johnny's injuries?
36. Please run your EYE/EYES over: NHÌN QUA this and let me know what you think.
37. She’s got her HEART set on: QUYẾT TÂM ballet lessons.
38. Will this agreement merely set the STAGE for: LÀ TIỀN ĐỀ CHO another war?
39. The mayor was DEAD set against: CỰC KÌ CHỐNG ĐỐI the plan.
40. Mum, will you stop trying to run my LIFE: CHỈ ĐẠO CUỘC SỐNG NGƯỜI KHÁC
41. It only costs $2. That's not going to BREAK the bank: TỐN KÉM.
III. WORD FORMS. Fill in each blank with an appropriate word form.
1. The movie received generally FAVO(U)RABLE: TÍCH CỰC reviews. (FAVOR)
2. Borrowers are becoming INCREASINGLY aware of their options, and tend to shop around. (INCREASE)
3. As chair of the committee, she insisted on PUNCTUALITY: SỰ ĐÚNG GIỜ (PUNCTUAL)
4. She's a dreamer and a romantic by TEMPERAMENT: VỀ TÍNH KHÍ (TEMPER)
5. She paid me the DOUBLE-EDGED: NƯỚC ĐÔI compliment of saying my work was "excellent for a beginner."
6. Several players face DISCIPLINARY: MANG TÍNH KỈ LUẬT action after a fight broke out during a football match.
7. They were taught not to question their leaders, and DISOBEDIENCE: SỰ KO NGHE LỜI was harshly punished.
8. Many claim to have been MIRACULOUSLY: 1 CÁCH THẦN KÌ cured by the spring waters. (MIRACLE)
9. Company bosses feel they have OUTGROWN: TẦM VÓC VƯỢT KHỎI their original market. (GROW)
10. Diarrhea and vomiting lead to DEHYDRATION: SỰ MẤT NƯỚC unless fluids are taken to replace the loss. (HYDRO)
11. The sun was almost UNBEARABLY: KO CHỊU NỔI hot today. (BEAR)
12. Japan last month, New York next month - you've become a regular GLOBETROTTER/GLOBE-TROTTER: NG ĐI
13. In twenty-four hours she has been on a WHISTLE-STOP: ĐI NHIỀU NƠI TRONG THỜI GIAN NGẮN tour of three
countries. (WHISTLE)
14. The job involved getting up at some UNEARTHLY: KO TIỆN hour to catch the first train. (EARTH)
15. We had a bit of a SET-TO: CUỘC TRANH CÃI, ĐÁNH NHAU DỮ DỘI with the neighbours. (SET)
16. The fiery player has had numerous RUN-INS: TRANH LUẬN with referees. (RUN)
17. Evie had been working too hard and was feeling RUN-DOWN: KIỆT SỨC, HẾT HƠI (RUN)


I. Decide which particle or particles (around, back, on, etc) can be used to complete them.
1. (a) To tell the police about someone or take them to the police because they have committed a crime ("His own
brother turned him IN: BÁO TIN ĐỂ BẮT
(b) Informal – to go to bed at night ("It's getting late. I think I'll turn IN: ĐI NGỦ
2. (a) To develop in a particular way or have a particular result ("I was disappointed with the way things turned OUT:
(b) To produce something in large quantities ("The company plans to turn OUT: SX HÀNG LOẠT 2000 cars a month").
(c) To force someone to leave a place, especially their home ("Our landlord turned us OUT: BẮT FAI ĐI without any
3. (a) To ask someone for help when you are having a problem dealing with a situation ( "He turned TO: TÌM TỚI E
XIN LỜI KHUYÊN his father for some money to pay his rent").
(b) To start thinking about or discussing something ("All right, let's turn TO: CHUYỂN SANG BÀN LUẬN more
important matters now")
4. (a) To start using a piece of equipment by pressing a button or moving a switch ("Is your computer turned ON: BẬT
(b) To make a sudden and unexpected attack on someone using violence or angry words ("I was shocked when he
suddenly turned ON: KHIẾN AI PHÁT BỰC LỒNG LỘN me")
5. (a) To give someone or something to someone who has a position of authority ("I turned OVER: GIAO NỘP LẠI the
money I had found to the police").
(b) To stop watching one television channel and start watching another ("This programme is boring. Let's turn OVER:
(c) To think carefully about all the details of something ("He began to turn OVER: SUY XÉT LẠI the plan in his mind")
6. (a) To stop being unsuccessful and start being successful, or make something do this ("The loan will help us to turn
(b) To complete a piece of work, process or activity within a particular time("We can produce quality work and turn it
7. (a) To increase the amount of sound, light, etc, produced by a piece of equipment ("I can't hear the radio. Can you
turn it UP: VẶN TO
(b) To come somewhere unexpectedly or without making a firm arrangement ("You don't need to reserve a table: just
(c) To be found, especially by accident, after being lost ("My car keys turned UP: BẤT CHỢT HIỆN RA in the kitchen
8. To refuse to let someone come into a place ( "The restaurant was full, and a lot of customers had to be turned
9. To stop liking or supporting someone or something and start opposing them ("The workers turned AGAINST: PHẢN
LẠI, DỪNG ỦNG HỘ the management when their wages were reduced")
10. (a) To stop using a piece of equipment by pressing a button or moving a switch ("Will you turn the television OFF:
TẮT please?").
(b) To leave the road you are travelling along in order to go along another one that leads away from it ("If you're
coming from London, you'll need to turn OFF: ĐI/RẼ ĐƯỜNG KHÁC the motorway before you get to Oxford").
(c) To make someone feel bored or no longer interested in something ("His policies could turn OFF: LÀM MẤT HỨNG a
lot of voters")
11. (a) To return the same way that you came instead of continuing on your journey, or make someone do this ("Bad
weather forced them to turn BACK: QUAY ĐẦU
(b) To return to a previous situation or condition ("I've come too far to turn BACK: ĐI QUÁ XA ĐỂ QUAY VỀ NHƯ BAN
ĐẦU now")
12. (a) To refuse to accept an offer or request ("I don't believe he turned DOWN: TỪ CHỐI my offer of help!").
(b) To reduce the amount of sound, heat or light produced by a piece of equipment by pressing a button or moving a
switch ("Can you turn the music DOWN: GIẢM ÂM LƯỢNG a bit, please?")


II. Match the sentences on the left with a suitable response on the right

(1) "If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours." N (a) "That's good. Perhaps your luck is on the turn."
(2) "Your work hasn't been very good recently." H (b) "Well, it's not really allowed, but just this once I'll
(3) "I have to leave early today." B turn a blind eye."
(4) "You're very good looking." P (c) "Done to a turn, but not burnt to a crisp."
(5) "Don't worry about your children, Mrs Jackson. (d) "Don't do that! You gave me a right turn!"
They'll probably come home soon enough." J (e) "I know. I've been turning the place upside down
(6) "Mrs Ranscombe hasn't got any idea how to looking for my car keys."
run this company."M (f) "Well done. It must feel good to turn the tables on
(7) "Your living room is a real mess!" E someone like that."
(8) "I've done everything I can to help you, but (g) "Good lord! He must be turning in his grave!"
feel I've done enough." I (h) "I know. I promise to turn over a new leaf from
(9) "I've been unemployed for six months, but I've now on."
got two job interviews next week." A (i) "But you can't just turn your back on me like
(10) "For almost two years we didn't get a pay this!"
rise, and then our salaries were almost doubled!" L (j) "But I'm at my wits' end, constable. I don't know
(11) "How do you like your steak cooked?" C which way to turn."
(12) "For years he always made more sales than me, (k) "Don't be silly. It's healthy and filling, and you
but last year I exceeded his sales by almost 50%." F shouldn't turn your nose up at it."
(13) "I'm really sorry to hear that your boyfriend (l) "Well, that's a turn-up for the books, isn't it?"
left you for someone else." O (m) "I don't think you should talk out of turn like that."
(14) "Boo! Surprise! It's me!" D (n) "Sure. One good turn deserves another."
(15) "I don't like this. It tastes horrible." K (o) "Yes, the rat! I feel like my whole world has been
(16) "I've heard that a rock group have recorded a turned upside down."
heavy metal version of Mozart's Marriage of Figaro." G (p) "Oh, I'm not so sure. I certainly wouldn't turn any
(17) "I'm really fed up with my job. It's so heads."
boring." R (q) "I should have been, but I didn't turn a hair."
(18) "Were you frightened when the man pulled (r) "Well, why don't you try turning your hand
out the knife?" Q to something a bit more challenging?"
III. Complete the first part of each idiom or expression in bold with its second part from the box.
…as rain …but it pours …cloud nine …disposition …for a rainy day …in a fog
…in a storm …in a teacup …my thunder …of criticism …or shine …parade
…rain check …reception …red mist …..snowed …the driven snow … like the wind
…the wind blows …thunder …wind of …wind out of my sails …wind up …your judgement
1. The Education Minister's speech to the teachers got a frosty reception.
2. I can't think properly. I'm tired, and my mind is in a fog.
3. I usually spend most of my salary, but I always try to save something for a rainy day.
4. I'm sorry you don't feel very well. Why don't you go to bed, and I'm sure you'll be right as rain in the morning.
5. She's always happy, friendly and smiling: she has a really sunny disposition.
6. I can't join you for lunch today. I'm absolutely snowed under with work.
7. I would avoid the boss if I were you: he's got a face like my thunder.
8. Your train leaves in one minute. You'll have to run like the win if you want to catch it.
9. I know that you're angry and upset, but don't let your emotions cloud your judgement.
10. I told Bill about my ideas for improving the company, then he told them to the boss and said they were his ideas. I
can't believe he stole my thunder like that!
11. I'm usually fairly calm and relaxed, but when someone intentionally scratched my car with their keys, I got the red
12. I thought my idea to improve sales was fantastic until my manager told me it would never work. As
you can imagine, that took the wind out of my sails.
13. Elaine has been on cloud nine ever since she got the promotion that she wanted.
14. What a morning! I got a parking ticket, then someone drove into my car in the supermarket car
park, and to top it all I ran out of petrol. I guess it never rains but it pours.
15. I would love to go for a drink, but I'm a bit busy. Can I take a rain check?
16. She thinks she's as pure as the driven snow, but she's no better than the rest of us.
17. "We haven't got any tea. Would you like coffee instead?" "I suppose so. Any port in a storm".
18. "Do you think we should employ more staff?" "I'm not sure. Let's see which way the wind blows in the next few
19. "Are you coming to the match with us on Saturday?" "Oh yes, we wouldn't miss it for anything. We'll be there come
rain or shine.
20. The shop refused to refund my money, so I told them that I would take them to court. That put the wind up them!
21. Everybody was getting angry and upset about nothing. It was just a storm in a teacup.
22. He tried to keep his plans secret, but we soon got wind of them.
23. Her suggestions were met with a hail of criticism.
24. Her suggestions were excellent, and it was wrong of you to rain on her parade.
III. Choose the best definition, (a) or (b), to explain the idiom or other expression in these sentences.
1. Sue has always been a high-flier.
(a) Someone who has achieved a lot and is determined to continue being successful.
(b) Someone in a company who thinks they are more important than other people.
2. I hate carrying the can for people in my department.
(a) Taking instructions from people and doing what they tell you to do.
(b) Being the person who is considered responsible for something that has gone wrong.
3. My boss is such a slave driver!
(a) Someone who never has his / her own ideas, and so steals other people's.
(b) Someone who makes his / her employees work very hard for long hours.
4. This job can be difficult at times, but just go with the flow.
(a) Work as hard as you can for as long as you can.
(b) Do what seems like the easiest thing in a particular situation.
5. You want 2000 items delivered by Monday? That's a tall order.
(a) Something very difficult that someone expects you to do.
(b) Something which happens very suddenly, especially when you don't expect it.
6. This company has a long history of employing movers and shakers.
(a) People who are powerful or have a lot of influence.
(b) People who work for a company for a very short time, then leave.
7. You've got a choice: you can shape up or ship out!
(a) Do a simple job and receive low pay, or do a more difficult job and get more pay.
(b) Improve your work and behaviour, or leave the company.
8. Friday is dress down day in our department.
(a) A day when employees wear what they like to work.
(b) A day when each employee's work and performance during the week is assessed by his / her boss.
9. Our boss always gives us a lot of ear candy, although we would rather have a pay rise instead.
(a) Kind words that praise and encourage an employee.
(b) Small gifts, such as chocolate, cinema tickets, bottles of wine, etc.
10. It's time we cut out the dead wood in this company.
(a) Dismiss the employees who do not work very well or efficiently.
(b) Reduce the number of unnecessary meetings and discussions.
11. He's an industrious member of staff, but his work really isn't up to the mark.
(a) Good enough.
(b) Fast enough.
12. Our line manager is always picking holes in my work.
(a) Giving someone more work than they can do in the time allowed.
(b) Finding faults or mistakes with someone's work.
13. This newspaper survey says that most people who call in sick on Monday are pulling a fast one.
(a) Working too hard the rest of the week, and not relaxing enough during their free time.
(b) Pretending something that is not true in order to trick someone.
14. My boss is always laying down the law.
(a) Breaking the rules in order to get what you want.
(b) Telling people what to do or how to behave.
15. Your request for a pay rise is out of the question.
(a) Not possible.
(b) Being considered by the people responsible for giving pay rises.
IV. Choose the correct idiomatic word or expression for each of these sentences.
1. A job that offers no prospect of promotion is sometimes known as a / an…
(a) hatchet job (b) dead-end job (c) inside job (d) nose job
2. Boring and detailed work, such as examining documents for mistakes, can be described as…
(a) hammer and chisel work (b) nut and bolt work (c) bucket and spade work (d) pick and shovel work
3. We sometimes say that people who compete for success in business or in a career are working for the…
(a) horse race (b) dog race (c) rat race (d) camel race
4. We might refer to a bad employer with a reputation for losing talented staff as a…
(a) people churner (b) people mixer (c) people stirrer (d) people beater
5. If you do a lot of different types of work in an office for very low pay, you could be referred to as a…
(a) catsbody (b) pigsbody (c) ratsbody (d) dogsbody
6. When an employee telephones to say that s/he is not coming to work because s/he is ill, but in fact is only
pretending to be ill, we say that s/he is throwing…
(a) a sickie (b) the book at someone (c) a wobbly (d) a punch
7. If an employee gets very angry at work because of something bad or unpleasant that happens, we can say that they
are experiencing…
(a) office anger (b) work rage (c) shopfloor strops (d) workplace wobblies
8. Work that offers the same money for less effort than another similar job is often known as…
(a) a cushy number (b) a doddle (c) a pushover (d) child's play
9. When somebody is dismissed from their job, we can say that they have…
(a) got the shoe (b) got the sandal (c) got the boot (d) got the slipper
10. Someone who receives very little money for their job can be said to make, earn or receive…
(a) water (b) stones (c) sweets (d) peanuts
11. Someone who works extremely hard for a long time might complain that they are working their…
(a) nose to the grindstone (b) fingers to the bone (c) ear to the ground (d) back to the wall
12. An employee who works very hard in a determined way can be said to….
(a) chisel away (b) cut away (c) beaver away (d) hammer away
13. Some people have a second job in addition to their main job, which they might want to keep secret from their
employer. This is called…
(a) sunlighting (b) starlighting (c) lamplighting (d) moonlighting
14. A lazy employee who only pretends to work is said to be…
(a) swinging a cat (b) swinging both ways (c) swinging the lead (d) swinging the balance
15. Someone who is out of work and claiming money from the government can be said to be…
(a) on the dole (b) on the pull (c) on the razzle (d) on the level
V. Decide what the idioms and other expressions in sentences 11 – 20 mean
1. He cooked us a fantastic breakfast. We had the whole works!
2. Everything was going really well, and then the boss threw a spanner in the works.
3. We'll have our work cut out for us if we want to continue making money from this project.
4. I was hot, tired and in a really bad mood, but a cold shower worked wonders!
5. You will pass your exams, but only if you work your socks off.
6. He was very hungry, and made short work of the meal I had cooked.
7. We're only a little bit late, and we have got a good excuse, so don't get so worked up!
8. It is very difficult to obtain a visa to visit the country, but if you know how to work the system it can be very easy.
9. I've worked my fingers to the bone for this company for twenty years, and now they tell me that they don't need me
10. I work in the customer complaints department for a major airline, so being shouted at by angry customers is all in
a day's work for me.

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