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Front Office (Receptionist)



OBJECTIVE : To Ensure all front office craft level know the proper way of handling Check In, FIT, Walk in, and without
1. Greeting/ Offering help
 (Good Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening, Madam, Mrs/Mr,”Welcome to Enhaii Hotel Bandung, May I help you?”(Wait for guest’s

2. Ask the guest name and guest request

 (May I know your Name Mr/Mrs?)
 (What kinds of room do you want and for how many pax Mr/Mrs?)
 (May I know for how many room?)
 (Could I have the arrival and departure dates please?)

3. Check the availability

 (Mr/Mrs (Mentioned Guest Name). We have 3 types of rooms available (tell the type of room and included/ not included tax and

4. Fill in registration card.

 (Mr/Mrs, please wait one moment while I obtain your registration card?)
 (Mr/Mrs, please check the pre-completed registration card to end sure that your details are correct, or make changes where
necessary . Once finished please sign here at the bottom)
5. Ask Guest Passport/ Identification
 (Mr/Mrs, May I borrow your passports/ ID card for a copy of your passports for the police report?)

6. Ask for Method of Payment

 (Mr/Mrs, how about for your payment by Cash, Credit Card, City Ledger, Voucher, Travel Agent)

7. Checking in guest the system

8. Prepare Room Keys/ Encode Keys

 (Mr/Mrs, this is your key and your room is located on XXX floor and is a SUP/DLX/SUITE Room. Your day departure is the
XXX of XXX and departure time is 12.00 noon. Breakfast is included/ not included and in located in the XXX restaurant)

9. Escorting Guest by concierge

 (Mr/Mrs, My colleague XXX from the concierge will escort you to your room. I trust that you will enjoy your stay with us, have a
great day and Food Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening)

10.Updating the registration card

OBJECTIVE : To Ensure all front office craft level know the proper way of handling Check In, FIT, Walk in, and with
1. Greeting/ Offering help
 (Good Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening, Madam, Mrs/Mr,”Welcome to Enhaii Hotel Bandung, May I help you?”(Wait for guest’s

2. Ask the guest reservation name

 (May I know your Name Mr/Mrs? And your reservation under name is?)

3. Ask the Guest Booked

 (May I please your Confirmation Letter (Voucher, Compliment, Travel Agent, Hotel Confirmation Letter, Guaranteed Letter and
City Ledger, etc)

4. Fill in registration card.

 (Mr/Mrs, please wait one moment while I obtain your registration card?)
 (Mr/Mrs, please check the pre-completed registration card to end sure that your details are correct, or make changes where
necessary . Once finished please sign here at the bottom)

5. Ask Guest Passport/ Identification

 (Mr/Mrs, May I borrow your passports/ ID card for a copy of your passports for the police report?)
6. Ask for Method of Payment
 (Mr/Mrs, how about for your payment by Cash, Credit Card, City Ledger, Voucher, Travel Agent)
7. Checking in guest the system

8. Prepare Room Keys/ Encode Keys

 (Mr/Mrs, this is your key and your room is located on XXX floor and is a SUP/DLX/SUITE Room. Your day departure is the
XXX of XXX and departure time is 12.00 noon. Breakfast is included/ not included and in located in the XXX restaurant)

9. Esourting Guest by concierge

 (Mr/Mrs, My colleague XXX from the concierge will escort you to your room. I trust that you will enjoy your stay with us, have a
great day and Food Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening)

10.Updating the registration card

OBJECTIVE : To Ensure all front office craft level know the proper way of Handling Reservation, FIT, Walk in, and without
1. Greeting/ Offering help
 (Good Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening, Madam, Mrs/Mr,”Welcome to Enhaii Hotel Bandung, May I help you?”(Wait for guest’s

2. Ask the guest name and guest request

 (May I know your Name Mr/Mrs?)
 (What kinds of room do you want and for how many pax Mr/Mrs?)
 (May I know for how many room?)
 (Could I have the arrival and departure dates please?)

3. Check the availability

 ((Excuse me, Mr/Mrs (mentioned name) would you like to wait for a moment, I will check the reservation first). Thanks you for
waiting, we have 3 types of rooms available (explaining the type of room and included/ not included tax and service)
 ((“If a room available”). I’m sorry for keep waiting, Mr/Mrs, the room that you want is available. Shall I book it for you)
 ((“If a room fullbook”). ’Im sorry for keep waiting, Mr/Mrs. The room that you want is full booked, I’m sorry about this but the
room will be available on (mention the dates)
4. Make a new Reservation
 (Excuse me, Mr/Mrs (mentioned named) This reservation for you or another person?)

5. Complete the Reservation Data

 (Could I have your phone number and your email Mr/Mrs?)
 (Do you have special request or arrangement?)

6. Ask for Method of Payment

 (Could I have the Guarantee (CC Number or Bill to Company) Mr/Mrs. I would need the CC details/ City Ledger/ Travel
Voucher(Copied if needed) in order for me to confirm the booking or I would need a letter from the company in order to confirm
the booking (But if the guest refused it, tell to the guest the room will be released at 3.00 p.m on the day of arrival date or
without any confirmation))

7. Repeat the Reservation

 (May I repeat your reservation Mr/Mrs, just mentioned : Reservation for whom, types of Room, Length of Stay, Guarantee or
Payment, Phone number of Guest and Special request or arrangement (if any))

8. Last Greeting
 (Thank you for your reservation, we look forward to seeing (guest name who will be check in) come to our hotel. Have a great
day and Good Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening)

9. Block the reservation chart and input the reservation data manual or by system
OBJECTIVE : To Ensure all front office craft level know the proper way of handling Check In, FIT, Walk in, and without
1. Greeting/ Offering help
 (Good Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening, Madam, Mrs/Mr, May I help you in checking out).

2. Ask the guest name or room number

 (May I know your surname and room number please Sir/ Madam?)
 (Room number XXX, Mr/Mrs XXX, It that correct?

3. Enquire about the guest Satisfaction

 (Mr/Mrs how was you stay with us at Hotel XXX Bandung?)

4. Confirming any Minibar Charges

 (Excuse me, Mr/Mrs (mentioned name) May I ask if you consumed anything from the minibar last night?)
 (Mr/Mrs, Please excuse me while I inform Housekeeping that you are departing)

5. Ask the guest to wait a moment while they print a copy of the guest folio
 (Excuse me, Mr/Mrs (mentioned named) here is a copy of your account, could you please check that anything is in order and if
so, could I also ask for you signature on the bottom of the page. If you have any question concerning the charges, please do not
hesitated to let me know so that I may clarify for you)

6. Ask for Method of Payment

 (Mr/Mrs, how about for your payment by Cash, Credit Card (for Foreign Currency, City Ledger and Voucher “be adapter to the
hotel police”)

7. Providing the bill Offering Luggage Assistance, & Bidding Farewell

 (Mr/Mrs, here is a copy of your account)
 (Mr/Mrs, do you require any assistance with your luggage being brought down from you room or can I organize you a transport
to the airport)
 (Mr/Mrs, My colleague XXX will assist you with your luggage)

8. Last Greeting
 (Thank you for staying at hotel XXX, we hoped that you enjoyed stay here and looking forward to welcoming you back to our
hotel in the near future. Have a great day and Good Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening)
OBJECTIVE : To Ensure all front office craft level know the proper way of Handling Massage
1. Greeting/ Offering help
 (Good Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening, Madam, Mrs/Mr,”Welcome to Enhaii Hotel Bandung, May I help you?”)

2. Ask the guest name

 ((In house guest) May I know your name and your room number Mr/Mrs?)
 ((Visitor or outside guest) May I know your name Mr/Mrs?)

3. Offering massage information (write massage complete and correctly)

 (Can I have this massage for?Mr/Mrs XXX?. Mr/Mrs XXX, May I please fill it for you or by yourself?)

4. Repeat the massage

5. Last Greeting
 (Thanks you for a leaving massage to Mr/Mrs XXX… Have a great day)
OBJECTIVE : To Ensure all front office craft level know the proper way of Handling Complaint
1. Greeting/ Offering help
 (Good Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening, Madam, Mrs/Mr,”May I help you?)
2. Listen
 (Listen and don’t interrupt the guest complain and problem off their chest. Show empathy and give the guest your full attention)

3. Take Notes
 (Let the guest know this is not just a speech on their part)

4. Apologize and Show Empathy

 (Apologies, it lets the guest know we are sorry! Showing empathy lets them know we know how they feel)

5. Offer Solution
 (Try and offer the guest several solution to the problem and let them choose the one that suites them)

6. Action and Follow Up

 (Ensure you actual do what you promise and monitor the progress until the problem in solved)

7. Check back with the guest

 (Call the guest and check that the problem has been solved to their satisfaction)
OBJECTIVE : To Ensure all front office craft level know the proper way of Handling Group Reservation
1. Greeting/ Offering help
 (Good Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening, Madam, Mrs/Mr,”Welcome to Enhaii Hotel Bandung, May I help you?”(Wait for guest’s

2. Ask the guest name and guest request

 (May I know your Name Mr/Mrs?/ Company/ PIC/ Contact Name/ Travel Agent/ Anddres and telephone number)
 (What kinds of room do you want and for how many pax Mr/Mrs?)
 (May I know for how many room?)
 (Could I have the arrival and departure dates please?)
 (Desired room rate and plan)

3. Determining the room availability (Checking forecast board, reservation chart or through computerize
 ((Excuse me, Mr/Mrs (mentioned name) would you like to wait for a moment, I will check the reservation first (while checking
the availability allow the guest to explain the meeting room capacity of the hotel)

4. Make a new Reservation/ Confirming the reservation

 (Excuse me, Mr/Mrs (mentioned named) I will make your new reservation)

5. Asking for function/ meeting venue

 (May I know what kinds of meeting room do you will choose Mr/Mrs and any order for MICE Arrangement (If Any))
6. Ask for Method of Payment
 (Could I have the Guarantee (CC Number or Bill to Company) Mr/Mrs. I would need the CC details/ City Ledger/ Travel
Voucher(Copied if needed) in order for me to confirm the booking or I would need a letter from the company in order to confirm
the booking)
7. Dealing the Reservation and Repeat the Reservation
 ((May I repeat your reservation Mr/Mrs, just mentioned : Reservation types of Room, MICE Arrangement (if any), Length of
Stay, Guarantee or Payment, Phone number of Guest or PIC and Special request or arrangement (if any))

8. Last Greeting
 (Thank you for your reservation, we look forward to seeing (guest name who will be check in) come to our hotel. Have a great
day and Good Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening)

9. Block the reservation chart and input the reservation data manual or by system
No Uraian Selalu Kadang-kadang Tidak

1 Membaca Logbook

2 Akurasi Rak Status Kamar

3 Menghitung
: To Ensure all cashier craft level know the proper way of Handling Cashier Nusantara Transaction
4 Memblok Kamar
1. Checking form order from Waiter/ Waitress
 (Table Number, Bill Number and No of ax)
5  Laporan
Kamar(Appetizer, Soup, Main Course, and Dessert))

2. Stamp the form order

6 Memeriksa Daftar Tamu
3. Prepare guest bill
7  Catatan
(Posting itemskunjungan
riwayat based on the form order)
4. Settled payment from guest
8  Tamu yang akan
(Summary tibaand Preparing sales history)
of sale
 dengan permintaan
(Short khusus
by table number)
9  Mengecek
(Input nodaftar
pax and menu transaction)
 penting
(Calculate price menu, tax and service)
5. Make sales history
10  Persiapan lainand
(Calculate untuk
make total number of items sold)
kedatangan tamu
6. Last Checking
 (Make sure all transaction in summary of sales and summary of history (Report balance at the end of closing operational)
 (Collected and remark to each other)
Checklist persiapan penerimaan
Proses penerimaan Tamu tamu

No Uraian Selalu Kadang-Kadang Tidak

1 Pemeriksanaan data
pemesanan kamar tamu
(Check Reservation Status)

2 Melengkapi data pada

I. Penanganan Barang-barang Tamu Perorangan Yang Check-in

1. Menyambut kedatangan tamu dan membukakan pintu mobil.(tidak ada mobil)

2. Memberi salam dan menanyakan barang-barang tamu.
3. Menurunkan barang-barang tamu dari mobil (menurunkan barang dari cidomo), angkat dan simpan di Bellboy
4. Mengisi Bellboy Errand Card, membawa barang tamu ke depan FO Counter dan berdiri di bagian samping belakang
tamu pada saat tamu mengisi Registration Card
5. Menerima kunci kamar dari Guest Service Agent dan persilahkan tamu untuk berjalan lebih dahulu.
6. Mengetuk pintu kamar terlebih dahulu sebelum membukanya.
7. Mempersilahkan tamu masuk ke dalam kamar setelah lampu dinyalakan.
8. Meletakkan barang-barang tamu di atas Luggagee Rack.
9. Menjelaskan fasilitas kamar dan hotel secara umum.
10. Control Sheet.
11. Mengucapkan salam perpisahan dan letakkan kunci kamar di atas meja rias sebelum meninggalkan kamar.
12. Kembali ke tempat kerja dan melengkapi Bellboy Errand Card. Menyalin data yang ada di Bellboy Errand Card ke dalam

II. Penanganan Barang-barang Tamu Group yang Check-in

1. Menurunkan barang-barang tamu group dari mobil/bis
2. Membawa barang-barang tersebut ke lobby dengan menggunakan Bellboy Trolley Cart.
3. Mengumpulkan barang-barang pada satu tempat yang mudah untuk diawasi dan tidak mengganggu tamu hotel yang
4. Menggantungkan luggage tag pada semua barang tamu dengan menggunakan warna yang sama.
5. Mengambil Rooming List dan tulis nomor kamar pada luggage tag.
6. Mencatat jumlah barang pada Rooming List di kolom Remark sesuai dengan nomor kamar.
7. Menghitung dan menjumlahkan barang-barang grup yang ada di Lobby dan tulis jumlah seluruhnya pada Rooming List.
8. Mengantarkan barang-barang ke dalam kamar sesuai dengan nomor kamar.
9. Menyalin data dari Rooming List kedalam Bellboy Errand Card.

III. Penanganan Barang Tamu (perorangan) yang Check-out

1. Menerima instruksi dari Guest Service Agent untuk mengambil barang tamu yang check-out dari kamar
2. Mengetuk pintu kamar tamu 3 (tiga) kali sebelum masuk.
3. Mengangkat barang-barang tamu dari kamar.
4. Meletakkan barang-barang tamu di Lobby pada tempat yang mudah diawasi.
5. Mengisi Bellboy Errand Card
6. Membawa dan menyimpan barang dalam bagasi mobil.
7. Menyalin data dari Bellboy Errand Card ke dalam Bellboy Control Sheet

IV. Penanganan Barang Tamu Grup yang Check-out

1. Menerima Rooming List dari Guest Service Agent untuk mengambil barang-barang tamu grup.
2. Mengangkat barang-barang tamu grup dari kamar dan tulis jumlah barang dari setiap kamar pada kolom Remark pada
Rooming List.
3. Mengumpulkan barang-barang di Lobby di tempat yang bisa diawasi Guest Service Agent.
4. Menghitung jumlah barang bersama-sama dengan Guest Service Agent dan Tour Leader.
5. Memasukkan barang-barang ke dalam bis.
6. Memberikan Rooming List kembali kepada Guest Service Agent.


1. Segera mengangkat telepon dan mengucapkan “Operator, Selamat pagi/siang/sore/malam, apa yang bisa kami bantu ?
2. Memberi informasi segera, bila tamu meminta informasi dan bila tidak tahu, sarankan untuk menghubungi
orang/pihak yang mengetahui.
3. Segera hubungkan keluar bila tamu meminta dihubungkan dengan pihak luar.
4. Menyalin data yang tercetak pada Computer Printer di Operator kedalam Telephone Control Sheet.
5. Bila tamu mau meninggalkan pesan, catat pesanannya pada Message Form, dibaca ulang, dan sampaikan secepatnya
kepada yang bersangkutan.


1. Segera mengangkat telepon dan mengucapkan Queen Villa, selamat pagi/siang/sore/malam, apa yang bisa kami
bantu ?
2. Memberi informasi segera, bila tamu meminta informasi dan bila tidak tahu, menyarankan untuk menghubungi
orang/pihak yang mengetahui.
3. Bila tamu meminta dihubungkan dengan tamu hotel, segera dihubungkan.
4. Bila tamu tersebut tidak di tempat, tawarkan bantuan untuk memanggilkan tamu tersebut melalui paging, bila tidak
menjawab, tawarkan bantuan mencatatkan pesan untuk tamu tersebut pada Message Form.
5. Bila tamu akan meninggalkan pesan, catat pada Message Form, ulangi pesanan tersebut, ucapkan terima kasih.
Tempatkan message tersebut pada Key Rack sesuai dengan nomor kamar tamu yang dicari


1. Segera mengangkat telepon dan mengucapkan “Operator, selamat pagi/siang/sore/malam, apa yang bisa kami bantu ?”
2. Mencatat nomor telepon dan menanyakan siapa yang ingin dihubungi.
3. Menghubungi segera nomor telepon yang diinginkan.
4. Menghubungi tamu/pihak yang menginginkan sambungan telepon tersebut, menyampaikan salam dan
menyambungkan segera dengan nomor yang telah dihubungi.

1. Segera mengangkat telepon dan mengucapkan “Operator, selamat pagi/siang/sore/malam, apa yang bisa kami bantu ?”
2. Mencatat nomor kamar tamu dan pukul berapa tamu tersebut ingin dibangunkan/ entry data tersebut ke dalam
3. Menyampaikan salam dengan mengucapkan selamat malam/selamat beristirahat.


1. Membaca log book, memeriksa dan mengerjakan pesan-pesan yang ada.

2. Memeriksa kelengkapan format yang akan digunakan, buat Store Requisition apabila tidak mencukupi.
3. Memindahkan Reservation Slip tanggal hari ini ke Today’s Expected Arrival Rack(registration card will be prepared
by afternoon shift day before).
4. Memeriksa situasi kamar pada Room Status Report/ Rack(use system).
5. Memeriksa Today’s Expected Arrival List dan Group.
6. Lakukan Blocking untuk kamar-kamar yang akan diisi tamu, baik perorangan, VIP ataupun Group, dan catat nomor-nomor
kamar sementara pada Expected Arrival List.
7. Mendistribusikan Expected Arrival List ke departemen Housekeeping.
8. Menyiapkan VIP Treatment Order rangkap 3, kalau ada tamu VIP, distribusikan ke :
 F&B Department dan Housekeeping (asli)
 Cost Control
 Arsip
9. Menyiapkan Rooming List dan kunci kamar, apabila ada Group yang akan tiba, lengkapi Guest Card serta masukkan ke
dalam amplop.
10. Memeriksa Housekeeping Report yang diterima dan bandingkan dengan Room Report/ Rack, serta buat Discrepancy Report
apabila ada status kamar yang berbeda.

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